A lack of empathy, bureaucracy, no adequate resolution, inefficiency, or poor training – there are a lot of things in HR that employees might gripe about!

However, this Redditor has it bad. The thing is, u/Rhunt2021 suffered a heart attack, and despite doc’s orders of three months’ rest, HR expects them to be back on duty in one month maximum. 

More info: Reddit


    This employee had to be defibrillated back to life after suffering a serious heart attack

    Image credits: Alexander Grey (not the actual photo)

    Their doctor and cardiologist advise allocating three months for rest and recovery


    Image credits: National Cancer Institute (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Rhunt2021

    I had a horrible realization today” – this heart attack survivor took to one of Reddit’s communities dedicated to jobs and work-related struggles to vent to its members about HR, who insists they return to work in just one month. The post managed to garner nearly 20K upvotes as well as 1.1K comments discussing the situation.


    You know how it’s always said that although life is unpredictable, you should embrace the unknown? Well, the advice only works well until you find yourself on a surgical table, brought back to life after suffering a serious heart attack.

    It’s no big secret that such an unfortunate turn of events can take an immense toll on your life; you’ll be on a medication burden, with physical limitations and a heck of an emotional impact – which is why the recovery process is so important!

    Sadly, though, we live in a world full of greed, alongside a lack of concern and interest in others’ well-being; but what’s worse is that it mainly shows in a place where we spend most of our time – our jobs.

    The greater part of us are already somewhat adjusted to the so-called apathy we face at work – however, we’re still human and like to believe that people have our back in times of crisis.

    Don’t get me wrong; it’s not all that depressing, and some companies genuinely care for their employees and are willing to go to great lengths for them. Yet, it doesn’t change the fact that every single one of us has a story or two about workplaces doing us dirty.


    However, HR refuses to cover their sick leave and expects them to return within a month at most

    Image credits: Olga Guryanova (not the actual photo)


    This netizen has suffered big time and was advised by their cardiologist and doctor to have three months of rest. 

    HR was not on the medical professionals’ side, and apart from requesting super-detailed paperwork about their condition, have also demanded they be back in the game within one month at most. 

    The paperwork in question says that the OP can’t engage in physical activities, and since they do office work and their company’s nurse had a stent installed and was back to work in less than a week – they’ve decided that four weeks will be more than enough to recover. 

    The heart attack survivor then began looking into the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which allows people to take 12 weeks of unpaid time, and realized that the company could pay – it’s just that they are not obligated and, well, don’t want to.

    Naturally, the discovery and the whole HR malarkey had evoked some negative emotions, which prompted the Redditor to take it online and essentially vent. 


    The r/antiwork online community members supported the OP and also shared their own stories about their workplaces failing them. 

    What are your thoughts on this, Pandas?

    Fellow online community members shared their thoughts and opinions on the situation

    Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Headway (not the actual photo)