I Get A Lot Of Negative Posts On This Website, So I’m Showing Everyone My Cat Because He Shows Me Life Is Worth Living For
I get lots of negative comments from lots of people here and I disapprove of all of those people. because of this, i have attempted suicide multiple times. but guess what? im still here, because my cat has shown me i’m worth something. and I want you to meet him. all of you.
This is thistle. hes the greatest cat a human being could ask for
he does not approve of jerks though…
Share on FacebookYou've been ridiculing Australian firefighters and victims of the recent fires on here. Maybe that's why you attract negative comments. On one hand, you try and farm sympathy for yourself, and with the other, you take pot-shots at people who are suffering. Quit with the dumb little plays for attention and try and aim higher - mopey teen girls trying to be edgy are a dime a dozen.
DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR HER. This should be titled "I've been a total a*s and people called me on it. Now I'm butthurt and want sympathy". No one is being mean to her out of the blue!! They're reacting to AWFUL comments she's made. She said the Australian fires are "cool" and that someone's horse should be cooked and eaten. She's consistently making hateful, rude, or otherwise derogatory comments on posts and comes back with death threats - example, when people called her out on the Australian posts, she says, "I hope you all burn". She's seeking sympathy for circumstances SHE has created. You've deserved every single negative comment you've gotten. It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about how you can be a better person.
You've been ridiculing Australian firefighters and victims of the recent fires on here. Maybe that's why you attract negative comments. On one hand, you try and farm sympathy for yourself, and with the other, you take pot-shots at people who are suffering. Quit with the dumb little plays for attention and try and aim higher - mopey teen girls trying to be edgy are a dime a dozen.
DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR HER. This should be titled "I've been a total a*s and people called me on it. Now I'm butthurt and want sympathy". No one is being mean to her out of the blue!! They're reacting to AWFUL comments she's made. She said the Australian fires are "cool" and that someone's horse should be cooked and eaten. She's consistently making hateful, rude, or otherwise derogatory comments on posts and comes back with death threats - example, when people called her out on the Australian posts, she says, "I hope you all burn". She's seeking sympathy for circumstances SHE has created. You've deserved every single negative comment you've gotten. It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about how you can be a better person.