Like any other metropolis, Berlin combines a rich history with a diverse appearance that makes each neighborhood distinctive, even if processes such as gentrification have already taken much of this richness of facets.
Neighborhoods such as Lichtenberg are flagships for this characteristic and, to a certain extent, still resist developments that want to curb this diversity entirely.
So far, surprisingly few creative people have attempted to elaborate this idiosyncrasy artistically. That was the motivation for this photo series. To preserve the ephemeral and to show Lichtenberg as it is: an example of versatile urban living spaces.
So I jumped in the car and drove across the district.
Everywhere where it was bizarre, I stopped to take pictures. I had interesting conversations with the residents. Some didn't understand what I was doing there. Photographers are not often seen in this part of Berlin.
Because Lichtenberg is so big, it took me three attempts to get at least a rough overview. In the end, I was happy to have made this expedition. A Berlin without clichés is great!
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