I Found Hilarious Online Artist And Have Since Then Been Reading All 2302 Comics
One (fateful) day, I went to the library (when they were still open). I found a book (obviously). I read it (even more obviously). I loved it. It was called “What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” by Randall Monroe. Monroe is a scientist and an online comic artist. After I read the book, I checked out his website, xkcd.com. He posts comics there every once in a while. Sometimes they’re relevant to ongoing events, other times they’re random. DISCLAIMER: NOT MY ART. I AM JUST SHARING THIS AWESOME ARTIST’S WORK. I OWN NONE OF THIS, BUT THE TITLES ARE MY OWN. Here are some examples. Enjoy! :D
More info: xkcd.com
Amelia Earhart Returns!
Car Stickers
Juggling Is Confusing
My Laptop! NO MINE
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Simplified Age Timeline
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Simplified Number Line
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