Getting a beautiful greeting card from your loved ones always make you feel surprised and happy. But like other people, I enjoy more giving than receiving. I spend hours in the stationery with selecting, in order to find the perfect greeting cards for my friends and family members. Unfortunately, sometimes the variety of cards can be quite narrow and all the stores have same range of greeting cards.
So, as an illustrator, on this winter I decided to create my own unique greeting cards collection and surprise with them all my loved ones. With the coming of Christmas, my main inspiration was love, animals and a pinch of humor. Since they became so popular by friends and other people, I decided to publish them. Now, therefore, you can also surprise your family members and friends with one or more lovely greeting cards.
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Chilly Weather Is Better Together
Merry Christmas, My Little Friend
Happy Holidays Christmas Dachshund
Winter Love Birds
Let Me Be Your Christmas Tree
Merry Little Christmas
Warm Winter Wishes
Winter is Coming
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