I Experimented With Embroidery And Paint To Create Dreamy Artwork Of The Aurora Borealis (23 Pics)
After becoming a mom, I needed to find a creative outlet. Embroidery was my savior. It's something that can be done in between feedings, snuggles, walks, and naps. Over time, I experimented with mixed media, eventually finding my way to these embroidery art aurora borealis pieces!
I have always been a creative person, crafting something whenever possible. When I became a mom a year ago, I kind of lost myself. It took me quite some time to find my creativity again – and to remember how much I love to create.
I combined embroidery with painting and now I create these dreamy pieces that bring me so much joy, calm and inner peace! Come visit me and watch me create.
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Heaven On Fire
When I was a child we lived in a small town about 10 miles south of Erie, PA. Many nights we would go out to our front lawn and look north toward Lake Erie and see the Northern Lights. That was many years ago when there was not so much pollution in the air.
I do counted cross stich. The more complicated, the better. Your embroidery is beautiful!
Load More Replies...The auroras are painted, those are done first. In this one, only the trees are embroidered.
Load More Replies...As probably all mums can agree - becoming a mom changes you, in ways you wouldn't expect. My son is my everything, the love and joy he brings is unmatched. And still... being his mom kind of took away from being me. After some months of motherhood, I craved doing something else than cuddling, feeding, changing diapers, and going for walks. Luckily, I remembered how much I have always loved being creative, and I started to browse the internet for easy-to-start creative options.
Howling To The Lights
Embroidery quickly caught my eye. It combines many things I love - you can literally paint with thread, and do whatever you want! Also, materials are easy to get and in contrast to e.g. knitting, you can just throw it into a corner at any given moment.
I started doing some tutorials on stitches and quickly tried my first patterns. Creating something again felt wonderful. I started my Instagram account, which gave me even more joy and a feeling of accomplishment, as there is a wonderful community of embroiderers and art lovers there.
Watching The Skies
Reindeer Underneath The Stars
It didn't take long until I realized that just working off of patterns was not satisfying me, so I started to experiment. The aurora borealis has always fascinated me, and there are some embroidery artists who do magic with thread, creating stunning pieces of it - but again, following patterns is not my forte.
So I went on an inspiration journey, looked at painting tutorials, and started to try things myself.
On My Way
Painting was fairly new to me. In the beginning, I used regular painting canvases, adding embroidery after painting. It worked, but the canvas fabric didn't allow for fine embroidery details. Through trial and error, I soon discovered that tensioning the fabric in an embroidery hoop makes for a great canvas! With some good acrylic paints and a range of brushes (the aurora effect really changes depending on what kind of brush is used) and lots of experimenting and practice, I started seeing these gorgeous auroras taking shape!
That Spider Likes The View…
At one point I created kits for people to make their own auroras, and I remember distinctly doing a YouTube video and repeating over and over "Trust the process". And that has kind of been my mantra ever since. Don't make it perfect. Trust the creative process. Make it your own!
So I painted them at night when my son was asleep, and during the day I embroidered on top of them. It gave me the opportunity to do something for myself. To slow down, be mindful, and concentrate on what I was doing at the moment without thinking about groceries, diapers, or appointments. It helped ground me, it brought me back to being me, not just mummy.
Over time I realized that I experienced postpartum depression. Being creative is a big part of the healing process for me. I like to call it my self-therapy.
First Ever Hoop I Did In This Style
These are lovely! Thank you for sharing so that we can experience a bit of that joy, calm, and inner peace as well.
These are lovely! Thank you for sharing so that we can experience a bit of that joy, calm, and inner peace as well.