None of these images are originally mine, all credit goes to their respective owners. Does anybody actually read this bit? Because I sure don’t.


    I’ve already tasted the meaningless void in my life, so why am I so afraid?

    I’m having a mental breakdown right now

    I’m probably gonna get kicked off BP for this thread…

    Why does nobody like me?

    Sometimes I pretend to be a mannequin because at least they don’t have to do exercise

    If you’re a “nice person” who’s nice to everyone but ONE PERSON, you are NOT a nice person

    When you tell someone you lost something and they say “where’d you leave it?” like WOAHH YOU DON’T SAY


    Bread Rolls are the ultimate litmus test. There is no good or bad consequences, but only the rubbish people turn it into a bread bowl

    Once I met someone who only likes the strawberry flavour in Neapolitan ice cream. That is EVIL

    Everything that humanity has ever done leading up to this point is sausage. Like, literally. Just think about it. I am eating a sausage and everything has lead to sausage


    Since when did smiling become creepy? Is frowning equally creepy?

    How curved can a pot be before it becomes a wok?

    How many times does Elton say ‘buh buh buh’ in Bennie and the Jets?

    Is a fence a wall? Or is it reverse?

    If food was sentient and could fight, who would win?


    How many holes does a donut have? What about a straw? And what about a shirt?

    Everyone says such hateful things about the human race and what we have done. But I think that the human race is beautifully complex and interesting

    I have no friends. How?

    Is the dress blue & black or white and gold?

    Think of how many colours we can’t see!! Isn’t that infuriating?