We spent 11 weeks with an orphan from Ukraine. Up to 70% of orphans are human trafficked for sex or organs within two years of leaving orphanage at 16. 50% of the survivors commit suicide from loneliness and desperation. We need to raise $30,000.00 to bring our girl home forever.
More info: hopeforalina.org
Stock photo. When she knew no hope
Arrival day. Up for 48 hours before she arrived. She thought we lived in castles, and refused to wear a seat belt
Enamored with America, and overwhelmed with the ability to make a choice. Her first real smiles she hid. The light started to show through the walls that were coming down
She learned to swim, to ride a bike, to be a sister and a daughter
She started to learn to trust. She started to allow herself to feel loved
She joined a family
She came to America, when asked what she saw on her journey she replied “I saw hope for my future”
She spent 11 weeks being a sister, a daughter, being allowed to relax and be a child
And then departure day arrived, and she held back her tears
She had found out what it was like to love, to be loved, and to find hope. She hopes to come to live with her family in America soon. It is up to us to rally behind her and raise a community to bring her home.
Share on FacebookGood luck on your journey. We walked that path over a decade ago, in China rather than Ukraine, for a little autistic boy with two club feet and a cleft lip and palate. It took us two years to get him home, and there were times when I seriously doubted it would ever happen. But it did. Today my handsome son turns 15, is a straight A student with a dream of being a microbiologist, and a star athlete in both wrestling and weightlifting. Even though there have been many trials and heart aches (5 surgeries, massive battles with school systems for IEPs and early intervention services, and the sudden loss of my husband to a pulmonary embolism) I can't imagine life without him. He has been the bright star of my life. I hope this miracle happens for you and Alina very soon!
Good luck on your journey. We walked that path over a decade ago, in China rather than Ukraine, for a little autistic boy with two club feet and a cleft lip and palate. It took us two years to get him home, and there were times when I seriously doubted it would ever happen. But it did. Today my handsome son turns 15, is a straight A student with a dream of being a microbiologist, and a star athlete in both wrestling and weightlifting. Even though there have been many trials and heart aches (5 surgeries, massive battles with school systems for IEPs and early intervention services, and the sudden loss of my husband to a pulmonary embolism) I can't imagine life without him. He has been the bright star of my life. I hope this miracle happens for you and Alina very soon!