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I Captured Funny Scenes With Animals And Lego Figures
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I Captured Funny Scenes With Animals And Lego Figures


Have you ever seen LEGO photos with mantis or snail? Did you know that LEGO figures were existed thousands of years ago? No? Then this is your article!

I started this LEGO photography – or I would say “Legography” – in June 2016. I made some attempts earlier, but then I hadn’t enough technical knowledge and suitable equipment. For eg.: camera, lens, etc.

I am a big LEGO fan and I love creating stories with these little figures. In this photo series, I created some unusual pictures which includes something new. Yes, animals!

Important: I have worked with live animals and after the shooting I let them free of course. You can watch a werk video about the praying mantis shooting.

Furthermore you will see some historical capture about a hungarian revolution.

I try to take living and realistic photos with dynamism and real scenery. I would like to introduce a different world. A miniature universe of LEGO.

There is some photos which include a little PS effect because I couldn’t avoid it, but basically I didn’t use Photoshop manipulation (of course the lightsabers are not real). I built the scenes indoor or chose a suitable place, for example in a park. I squirted water or blew smoke if it was necessary. I have written these details to photos which include manipulation (because the credibility and fairness are so important to me!). Pictures, where it’s not stated, don’t have any PS effects. The natural effects (like mud or smoke) are very complicated to make because it can’t be calculated what will happen. I spent many hours with each picture and the whole series took me more than two months to complete. You can also see some „How it’s made” photos.


I hope you will like it!

More info: Facebook


    We Can’t Wait! The Work Must Go On!

    I didn’t paint the snail. I used an empty snailshell and put that line to this picture.

    An Interesting Find

    The cave drawings are self-made too!

    Seriously Guys? Star Trek? – werk photo below


    This picture is a new record. It tooks me 8 hours to complete. The film scene, texts and the pop-corn are Ps. But the lights and everything else are real!

    This Is Spartaaa!!! – werk video below

    You can watch a werk video about the shooting at the bottom of the article!


    Kylo’s March

    Guess who stands in the background. I help you a little! There wasn’t snow in the SW VII movie.

    Respect for Heroes!

    The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 or the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 (Hungarian: 1956-os forradalom or 1956-os felkelés) was a nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian People’s Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956.

    One Speeding Two Casualty


    We had a huge stink bug invasion Hungary in this year. I thought doesn’t matter let’s use them!
    The bugs were fast… They went out from the scenery everytime when I tried to take a picture. The siren lights are Ps.

    AngrEwok – werk photo below


    The rays on the left side of the walker are NOT a Ps effect!

    Freedom! – werk photo below

    I used contemporary street photos for the house texture and the flag. These elements creates the autentic atmosphere of the picture.

    “Which face would be the best today?”

    Hungarian Children’s Favourite Fishing Bait In Action – story below

    You can find this small statue in Budapest. The creation represents a classic hungarian cartoon character his name is Chief Worm (in hungarian: Főkukac).

    Werk video about the mantis shooting. He’s name is Mikey ;). (with english subtitle)


    Werk of “AngrEwok”. The dispersion was a difficult task. But after many attempt, fortunately I got some spectacular rays. Of course those aren’t Ps effects.

    Werk of TV room photo. Like in 1800’s.

    These sceneries were the most difficult tasks until now.

    I have worked with these photos around 15 hours.

    Also here is the whole series on BoredPanda:

    I have suffered a lot with this photo because of the “bowling snow”.



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    Benedek Lampert

    Benedek Lampert

    Author, Community member

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    Hi,I am hungarian action toy photographer. I'm creating miniature worlds from anything! I hope you will like my works :)!

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    Benedek Lampert

    Benedek Lampert

    Author, Community member

    Hi,I am hungarian action toy photographer. I'm creating miniature worlds from anything! I hope you will like my works :)!

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