Hey! My name is Anna. I’m a photographer from Poland. I study psychology.

When I first saw the blue door in London in July 2016, for the first time, I decided to create a collage from them. And this is how my first project was made. A few months later, in May 2017, I went to Venice – and saw Burano – a fabulous island, where there are colorful houses. It made a great impression on me, I even photographed them. Later was Malta in December 2017- which has remains of England – I also found a colorful door there. In may in 2018 i made a collage in Poland, in village called Zalipie.

Arranging houses and doors color creates harmony, it is easier to look, you can see all their beauty. We have a beautiful world.

In the future, I plan to photograph a door in Morocco, in the town of Chefchaouen.

More info: Facebook


    Malta & Gozo, doors



