My whole life I was a disaster when it came to drawing, I have aunts and uncles that are so gifted, my son is a brilliant anima artist and I couldn’t even draw a proper stick figure. Then, at the age of 51, I decided that I at least owe it to myself to try.

So I gathered all my courage and did a pastel pencil workshop on a Saturday. Ended the day with a not even half bad drawing of a butterfly…

So, could I draw after all?

I just kept at it, watch so many you tube video’s, tried, failed, tried again, failed better until I could finally draw something that actually amazed even me most of the times XD

So, if there are Panda’s out there that think they have no talent for drawing, I can only say try and challenge yourself, you might be amazed what it hidden in your DNA all along.

Here I share some of my drawings I’ve made in the last 4 years.

Hope you enjoy them and maybe even get inspired to tickle your own hidden artistic talent ;)


    This dragon I made for fun with the idea of selling it… It never moved further then 15 ft away, showed it to my SO and he said “Okay, this one is mine!” He couln’t have given me a bigger complement ;) Made with soft pastel pencils, soft and hard pastel crayons.


    I just really like to relax after some intensive drawings, so I draw fun things like this. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons. The original is made by Keith miller.

    This wolf was a real challenge, couldn’t get the fur how I wanted it, so back to you tube to watch tutorials and fixed it. This one is sold to a very dear friend. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.


    Made during a 4 week stay in Spain… I only had about a quarter on paper when I got a private message that it was sold. That made it even more fun to do. All those little spike have 3 different pencil colors in them by the way and there were a lot! Made with soft pastel pencils and pan pastels.


    This one I really enjoyed making, put together out of a few different pictures. This is the service-dog of a colleague of my SO, I really enjoyed making this one. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    I’ve got two leopard gecko’s of my own, so I figured, why not! Fun project to make for myself. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    This fox, it was a real challenge to make, even with a tutorial from Jason Morgan. But, I made it till the end and it’s sold, to someone who enjoyed foxes a lot. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.


    Ahh, this one, so sweet. Made with a tutorial from Kay Witt. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft and hard pastel crayons.


    Someone asked me if I could draw a horse. Uhm, nope, but I’ll learn how to. I love the rainbow-colors in it Still thinking if I should make a unicorn out of it. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels..

    Make something different, make something easy I thought. My goodness, this was anything but XD Turns out that drawing something that’s been photographed under water is harder to draw then the first glance appears. But, giving up was not an option ;)

    This is a practice piece, they eye of a dog. Get the eyes correctly and you’ve got the hardest part done. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons.


    Oh heavens, this Parrot gave me a ride for my money. Had to put it on hold when it was halfway done because I just didn’t get the feathers…. then months later I figured, what have I got to lose except time? Nothing, so I finished it.. It’s still not perfect but I’ve let go of that concept long ago, otherwise you can just as well stop drawing, some things just are the way they are. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.


    This was one of the first drawings I made from an online course after some practice runs. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    This was the second complete piece after practicing…. a lot! Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.


    These budgies…. had absolutely no idea what I was doing but they turned out nice enough. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    This was also a practice piece, i like the simplicity of it. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    This one was also a practice piece but I really loved it, I’m an absolute retriever fan. Made with soft pastel pencils, soft pastel crayons and pan pastels.

    This was a simple practice to get used to draw with panpastels only. A simple succulent. My neighbor liked it a lot, so she got it gifted as a present.


    This one is done in all pan pastels with only the minor small details done with soft pastel pencils. It’s not an original by my doing, but I can’t remember who made the original. In the Netherlands she can most probably by found when searching for Dikke Dames.

    This is my pride and joy! It’s a rather big piece for my doing (48x36cm) Made on velours, with soft pastel pencils and soft pastel crayons. With the help of a you tube tutorial from Kay Witt

    This one is also made on velours with soft pastel, I just loved how it all came together.

    My son got his own apartment and his walls were empty. I promised him to make him some art for his wall. This was my very first attempt with acrylic paint and with making a triptych , both worked out great and he loved it!


    This is one of the other pieces I made for my son, done with acrylic paint.

    Original is from Susan Ruiter, I adjusted the colors and some details. Made in acrylic.

    Just some practice pieces in watercolor…. got a lot to learn!

    I’ll paint on stones too if they fit my idea ;)

    This is one of my personal favorite paintings on a broken piece of roof tile. Where we live, people tend to throw things just far away from the house instead of just to the dumpster, my luck!


    Made this with posca pens. I did a number of different paintings of Marilyn Monroe in a style I personally like.

    Miss Monroe, she’s a joy to draw. This one was done with acrylic paint

    And again, Miss Monroe, done in acrylic paint