Guy Announces A Big Surprise For Wife’s 50th Jubilee, Turns Out It’s Just A Vacuum
Everyone deserves a nice and thoughtful gift for their birthday. Sometimes the folks who are doing the gifting might miss the mark, either because they don’t know the other person well or don’t care enough to put in the right amount of effort for them.
This is probably what happened when one husband decided to give his wife a vacuum cleaner for her 50th birthday. He really thought he’d given her a brilliant gift, but she was heartbroken by his actions and couldn’t believe he’d do something like that.
More info: Reddit
Giving people household cleaning products as gifts is not a good idea unless they’ve specifically asked for them or really love such presents
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The woman mentioned that her husband excitedly woke her up on her 50th birthday and gave her an unwrapped vacuum as a surprise
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The lady had never asked him for a cleaning product, so she was shocked that he did that and felt hurt he had made no other plans after being married for 17 years
Image credits: James Wheeler / Pexels (not the actual photo)
When her husband turned 50, the woman had taken him on a trip to Hawaii, so she felt that he should have planned something special for her
Image credits: Plastic_Cat9560
She also mentioned that turning 50 had been hard because it was the decade her parents and grandparents had passed
After 17 years of marriage, the OP couldn’t believe that her spouse would plan to gift her a vacuum cleaner for her milestone birthday. He didn’t seem to realize that his actions would be crass and instead was so excited that he hadn’t even wrapped the present. All of this left the woman in shock.
According to a survey of 3,000 women, the second worst present they could be given is cleaning supplies or a vacuum cleaner. This is because no woman wants to feel like a maid or that her worth is tied up to how clean she keeps the house. The first most hated type of gift is, surprisingly, personal hygiene products.
The man had tried to build the suspense leading up to his wife’s birthday by letting her know that he would be planning a special trip. He hinted about it several times, so she felt that he was seriously going to put the plan into action. When she was given the actual present, she was shocked that he hadn’t even thought of taking her out for a nice meal, even if he hadn’t set up the trip.
It’s not just the poster who’s been on the receiving end of a bad present. According to research, around 28% of people have returned or exchanged a gift in the last year. This can be due to many reasons, but the main sentiment behind it is that they’ve not received what they want and don’t want to use the item.
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Another reason why the woman was so hurt about her husband’s present was because she had gone all out on his 50th birthday. She took him on a trip to Hawaii, which requires a lot of time, planning, and effort on the gifter’s part. He, on the other hand, didn’t even pay a tiny amount of attention to what her present should be.
There’s a difference between just paying for something and actually putting thought into a gift. The second action involves a lot of love and consideration of the person’s likes, dislikes, and personality. Getting them something that shows you care is often what touches their heart.
In situations where someone keeps getting their loved one the wrong kind of presents, it often signals that there is some underlying issue. Sometimes, it could genuinely be wilful ignorance, whereas other times, it could be because they want to lower their partner’s expectations and get them used to this kind of thoughtless treatment.
Regardless of what the man’s motives were behind gifting his wife a vacuum cleaner for such an important birthday, hopefully, it brought the woman to her senses. Maybe it made her realize that she was worth more effort and that her husband really needed to step up his game in order to make her feel loved.
How would you have reacted if someone gave you a present like this? Let us know if you’ve ever given such a bad gift or been on the receiving end of one.