Memes, memes, memes! If there’s one thing internet users can’t seem to get enough of, it’s memes. That’s likely the reason why the Meme.ig Instagram account, the titan of the meme world, has already amassed close to 12 million followers.
If you’ve been following Bored Panda for some time, you have probably seen some of their gems already, but we feel it’s time to share some more. So scroll down to find some of their funny and uplifting memes on the list below and enjoy the influx of good mood as you scroll through various versions of one of the best things that has ever happened to the internet - memes.
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With close to 12 million followers on Instagram, the Meme.Ig account is clearly one of the internet users’ most beloved sources of memes. As a matter of fact, according to their bio, they are the #1 meme community on earth.
Started back in 2013, the account boasts close to 8500 posts, most of which are funny or wholesome memes. In our previous edition on Meme.Ig, the CEO of the company that manages the account, Elias Bishop, noted that in a world where most of the news is negative, light-hearted, and unserious content, such as memes, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
The way it should be, we shouldn't have people going hungry or having to steal just to eat.
Grocery stores have to throw out excess/expired food that is still edible. Blame our litigious society.
Load More Replies...Not everywhere. The two big supermarkets in Australia donate their leftover stock to charities like OzHarvest and Second Bite. When my sister was in year 11 & 12, she was in the vocational stream (rather than academic) where they only had two days of school classes, one for TAFE (tech school) classes and two they had to do internships or jobs in a field where they earned a certificate/qualification as well. She did her job at Second Bite and got her certificate in warehousing while she sorted products from supermarkets like fruit and veggies, and pantry items that then went to people in need. Mind you, the supermarkets just do it as greenwashing, but the food gets to where it's needed so I think that's what matters.
But until we can fight through legislation, those kids still need food. Awesome guy.
"... to feed her kids"... I'm not crying... I won the lotery with the daughter i have... I was in a dark place when she was 5. Grocerie shoping, she saw an in-expensive little toy and asked me if she could have it... Told her dad's counting coins now just to buy some food but i could at a later date... She said "ok" and moved on, no problem. I almost cried.
Good Job officer. To see a real detective understanting the underlying problem
But how will the obscenely rich make slightly more money? Won't someone think of the suffering of the top 1%?
Good man . He is a hero for doing this. The policeman held the woman in grace, she was doing the right thing for her children, so he helped her and recognized her humanness,
If I see someone stealing food or things like diapers... no, I didn't.
I have a close law enforcement relative who buys groceries and hot lunches for a shut in on their beat.
That's why there are food banks and other volunteer organisations distributing food free of charge to needy folks.
It would be a much better country if more people acted like that rather than the way they do
Pretty sad state of affairs when something like this is considered exceptional for a thug in uniform to do.
Nowadays, memes can indeed feel like a breath of fresh air. That’s likely why many people share them with their loved ones or their followers online. According to Statista’s data (from 2019), memes that someone else has created is the second most likely type of content to be shared on social media by Gen Z and Millennial internet users in the US. More than a third of Gen Z and Millennial representatives say that they are very likely to share such memes, while nearly as many say they are somewhat likely to do so.
Hooray Little Buddy! May you and your new family live long happy lives!
Once she's doing it because she wants too and not "it's the wife's job" c**p, then go ahead! She clearly enjoys it.
As for memes people have created themselves, according to Statista, close to three-in-ten people say they’re very likely to share them and a quarter say they are somewhat likely to. It’s safe to assume that the rest of the Gen Z and Millennial internet users are too shy to share their creations, but I bet they still get a good giggle when looking at them at home.
During last year’s interview with Bored Panda, Elias Bishop also touched upon how the Meme.Ig page was started, sharing that it was founded in 2013 by Brent Rose, who was only 16 at the time. (Though back then, the account was originally titled "timed.perfection" and focused heavily on “satisfying and slow-motion videos.”)
However, seven years later, in 2020, the account encountered difficulties after facing copyright violations from various third-party licensing companies. “It was at this time that the meme mogul Jerry Media invested into our company, assisting us on the legal side in exchange for equity in our company,” Bishop told Bored Panda last year.
If you’re thinking that the name Jerry Media rings a bell, but you can’t put your finger on why or where from, chances are, you’ve even seen the name here. The content and advertising company is also responsible for such well-known internet phenomena as the ‘F*ckJerry’ Instagram account, boasting nearly 17 million followers, as well as Dude With Sign and Dudette With Sign, the silent protests of whom we’re big fans of here at Bored Panda.
This could be us but i can't hold a convo and barely leave my house.
If you’re done with this list, as well as our previous edition on Meme.Ig, but you still want more—continue to our category dedicated entirely to funny memes, and enjoy browsing some more lighthearted content to k**l your boredom.
I have the same cookie cutter, not everyone appreciated the shape though when I baked with it. :D
Poll Question
Do you have a favorite meme account on Instagram?
Yes, several
Yes, just one or two
No, I like random memes from everywhere
No, I don't use Instagram
I love how 61% of Bored Panda (including me) just ISN'T ON Instagram.
I love how 61% of Bored Panda (including me) just ISN'T ON Instagram.