My 31 Relatable Comics That Show The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Side Of Coronavirus Home Shelter
I create semi-daily cartoons as a hobby and publish online. With the coronavirus outbreaks and the shelter at home orders, my focus has naturally shifted to the effects of that on daily life.
My family - including my wife, two kids, and several pets - lives in San Francisco, and the Bay Area was one of the first in the US to go on a widespread shelter at home order. It’s been a huge disruption and adjustment, but we’re figuring out how to live in this “new normal.”
Luckily it’s given me some more free time to devote to my cartooning, which has allowed me to post new cartoons every day (sometimes a couple a day!) It’s great to have the creative outlet and to share the emotions, fear, uncertainty, and humor with others.
Connecting with others and sharing the experience is a great way to make this all a little easier as we figure out how to get through it. I’ll keep creating and posting online via my social media channels and on my website.
More info: garthtoons.com | Facebook | Instagram | twitter.com
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Toilet Paper As Icon
We Miss Sports
Outward Face vs. Inner Voice
At Least Someone Is Enjoying Shelter At Home.
Everyone Is Poison
Spread The Virus
Shelter In Boredom
I moved from a 3 bedroom home with garage to a studio. All the trips to goodwill with every stinking hobby, book, exercise equipment, kitchen stuff...........
Conference Call Bingo
Emotional Rollercoaster
Fashion Regrets
It’s Official: Day Drinking Has Been Approved
Time For Something New
Step Away From The News
Stopped watching in January otherwise I wouldn't be able to to to work. (I'm a nurse)
Surviving Shelter At Home
She is the queen of the house, and she represents that with her toilet paper throne!
Can’t. Stop. Touching. Face!
I need this. I can't stop touching my face. I was actually itching my eyebrow when I saw this.
Advanced Technology Defeated By Tiny Post-It Notes
Homeschooling Is Hard, Again.
Apocalypse Beard
Tiger King
Beyond Wildest Fears
Dangerous Ideas Lurk Inside Our Heads
Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention
Homeschooling Is Hard
At Least We Know
So true. During this time, everyone throw social media away and crawl into your box forts and be antisocial
The Smell Of Shelter At Home
Thanks, Auto-Correct, Really
Workplace Culture
March Madness
Thank you! Really appreciate the kind words. You can follow along to daily new cartoons on Facebook (@garthtoons) Twitter (@garthgerman) or Instagram (@garthgerman)
In these dark, difficult times we need all the laughs we can get!
Thanks! Follow along on Facebook, Twitter our Instagram for more each day. Links are in my bio.
Thank you! Really appreciate the kind words. You can follow along to daily new cartoons on Facebook (@garthtoons) Twitter (@garthgerman) or Instagram (@garthgerman)
In these dark, difficult times we need all the laughs we can get!
Thanks! Follow along on Facebook, Twitter our Instagram for more each day. Links are in my bio.