If there is one busy bee in a standard office, it is definitely the person responsible for Human Resources. This rather broad name for a department encompasses such a smorgasbord of different tasks, it is quite impressive they are all often handled by just a few people.
The obvious to-dos are, of course, hiring and firing. But then, there’s also everything in between. Handling vacations, medical leave, payments, bonuses, and all the employee records are usually on their plate. And let’s not forget about employee management, which is like being the social worker of the office.
All of this to say that the HR department has quite a lot of responsibilities. So, no wonder they have plenty of meme-worthy workplace jokes.
Kristina and Jazmine are two HR ladies that “don’t hold back.” They run an Instagram account called BakedHR with over 11,500 followers where they share the truths on HR while eating baked treats. The following list contains the top-notch HR-related memes that will make all the HR professionals feel seen. Scroll down and enjoy!
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While it might seem that HR is just another administrative department that doesn’t really contribute to the accomplishments of a business, that is certainly not the case. In fact, they play a major role in securing a company’s success. That is because they are the ones responsible for attracting and, most importantly, retaining the top talent.
Attracting suitable professionals is already quite a task. It gets especially complicated if the position is highly specialized and there’s a shortage of talent capable of filling the role. When gearing up for the recruiting process, one has to ensure the brand’s image is appealing and the salary and benefits offered are appropriate.
When the right professional has been found and hired, they need to then be onboarded on the team, which is another task for HR. The onboarding process usually involves personally meeting co-workers and managers and getting introduced to software or hardware a person will be using. There might be some training involved, you might get debriefed by IT, and there also might be some gifts, usually in the form of company merch.
And while all this might seem superfluous, it is actually very important. Studies show that an employee is more likely to stay in a company if they have gone through a thorough onboarding process. As rehiring is usually the more expensive option, doing everything to make talent want to stay should be a big priority for those who want to see their business flourish. Onboarding allows the new hire to get to know the company culture and feel like they are a part of the team and that is extremely valuable.
I took a job that had red flags pretty quickly. One day at lunch, a coworker was asking how I was liking it and I said things were good. They weren't, but didn't feel like getting into it. Then she tells me about all the other people they've hired who don't last, and the person in my position before me only made it a couple of weeks. She said, "please don't leave us" Sadly, I did. I made it two months, then noped out. That place was so toxic.
Anyone know her favourite brand of computer? It's got to be a dell.
Speaking about company culture, HR is usually the department that builds and maintains it. Unlike other teams that focus on the business itself, the HR is there to think of the company as a whole. That is why they are the ones responsible for exercising company values by creating a respectful, joyful, and productive atmosphere.
A positive working environment is what keeps people engaged in what a company is doing. Once again, engagement is crucial when it comes to retaining talent. If the employees feel valued, get along with their managers and co-workers, and have incentives to excel in what they are doing, they are very likely to stay in the position. This is where HR steps in by listening to the workers’ needs and being their liaison with the higher-ups.
I'm not in HR but I often say my job consists only of writing emails all day, every day. And then waiting for people to email me back.
sounds accurate. maybe that's why my dad always thinks he is stupid. this should stop.
Risk management is another task on HR’s plate. This is basically making sure that the company and its employees abide to all the rules and regulations out there. This can be anything from ensuring workers' health and safety to investigating harassment claims. They must take a lot of preventative measures, provide training, and eliminate any possible liability when necessary.
All in all, HR are literally the reason why big companies exist. Without them, there would be chaos all over the place. So let’s honor them in the best way possible—by laughing and sharing funny memes about their struggles. You guys rock!
... I didn’t even know we could swing from a forklift, now I want to swing for a forklift !
Whoever ever reads an employee handbook! It's HRs job to explain anyway.
Who is this actress? I know I've seen her... maybe as Vicki Valencourt in Waterboy?
Immediately after ordering a new BMW, because they personally got a bonus and a substantial raise.
Good old HR, taking it all in stride with mirthful memes. Just like those poor KGB goons, pulling people out of their beds in the middle of the night and having to deal with their bad breath as they interrogated them.
Good old HR, taking it all in stride with mirthful memes. Just like those poor KGB goons, pulling people out of their beds in the middle of the night and having to deal with their bad breath as they interrogated them.