If we were to believe the Happiness U-Curve, one of the happiest periods of our lives universally is childhood. It's when we don't have any worries, responsibilities, debts, and life was just generally easier. Different generations have different things that remind them of their early years.
On the "[Heck], I'm Old" subreddit, folks regularly share the things that remind them how old they really are. Old appliances, gadgets, TV shows, actors – many things can tickle our nostalgia. So, why don't you scroll down these posts and see which ones are the most relatable to you? But we warn you: you might find out you're a little bit older than you actually thought.
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You Can Hear This Can't You?
Anyone Else Play With This Kind Of Early Tablet And Stylus?
Nuff Said
It's fun to look back at ourselves in old pictures and rewatch TV shows we loved as kids. Reminiscing about our "golden years" can bring us joy, but we should be careful not to lose ourselves in nostalgia too much. If we do, we might fall victim to nostalgic depression.
Although nostalgic depression isn't an official subtype of depression, mental health experts did use the term back in the 1600s. One doctor used it to describe the melancholy and homesickness that Swiss soldiers used to feel when fighting away from home.
How Many Of You Sat On The Living Room Floor With A Bowl Of Cereal Saturday Mornings Waiting For This To Come On?
It’s not the same, but just did this last Saturday w/grandson on a streaming channel
Not Bragging At All!
Too bad the photo doesn't have the 20 foot handset extension cord from RadioShack!
Strawberry Or Chocolate
In the 1900s, sociologist Fred Davis offered to make a distinction between nostalgia and homesickness. From then on, his peers continued to look into the consequences of nostalgia and to study its benefits. You see, a bit of nostalgia does give us a warm, fuzzy feeling, but that's mostly because it's selective.
Nostalgia is very biased; we tend to romanticize it and remember only the bits that felt good. Even as you scroll through this list, you'll see that people often share nostalgic things associated with happiness, community, their childhood friends, or funny and wholesome memories.
True Story!
If You Can Hear This You're Really Old
F**k I'm Old
Had this merry-go-round in the park near our house, and we played Jarts (lawn darts) like the game 10,000 - someone throws one up, and you catch it by the tail for points. (And I'm still alive and perfectly perambulatory!)
In 2021, a team of researchers found that our response to nostalgic memories depends on whether they're generated on request or just come to us in our daily lives. When you open your phone and go through old pictures on purpose, you'll rate these nostalgic recollections more positively. If some memories just catch you off guard throughout the day, you might dwell more on their negative side.
Any "Night Court" Fans Out There?
Happy 99th Good Sir!
One Of The Memories Of My Schwinn 10-Speed
We sometimes look back to the past to feel better about the present. When we're lonely, depressed, or just plain sad, we like to go back to the good ol' days and reminisce about how good they were. That prompted some researchers to suggest that nostalgia itself can make us feel more lonely, sad, and even depressed.
People Here Will Know Exactly What This Is
Does Anyone Remember This Movie?
70's Essential
Yet other researchers have found that our response to nostalgic memories depends on how we're feeling that day. If we're already feeling lonely, nostalgic memories may exacerbate those feelings. "Nostalgia did not attenuate, but rather exaggerated the negative effects of loneliness on affective well-being," the authors of one study concluded.
Who Could Forget This Finale? It Aired 41 Years Ago, And It Was Kind Of The End Of An Era
Attention. Captain Alvin Mercer leaves for a honeymoon in Tokyo at oh-nine hundred hours. Any nurse wishing to be the bride please contact the captain. No experience necessary. -- PA
Back In The Day When You Were A Kid. Would This Have Been You?
Always Funny
But enough about the bad side of nostalgia; it has a bright side, too! Research shows that nostalgia can boost our sense of social belonging and give us a sense of meaning. A 2023 study on nostalgia's effect on loneliness by Andrew Abeyta, PhD, a Rutgers University psychology professor, revealed that lonely people who go on trips down memory lane report feeling a greater sense of meaning.
If You Remember Seeing This Machine You're Pretty Old
I’m Pop’n Old
They still sell these! Bought one for my niece’s 2nd bday last month!
And That’s The Truth
Nostalgic memories can also help us build and maintain our mental fortitude. In one survey, 84% of the respondents said that nostalgic memories serve as reminders of what is precious and meaningful in their lives. For others, they're a source of comfort (77%) and even inspiration (72%).
It’s A Chair, It’s A Step-Stool. 2 Things Can Be True. Grandma Had One In 60’s And 70’s
Who Else?
Did Anyone Else Sleep In One Of These? I Think I Would Have To Be Helped Out Of It Today
I had a water bed for most of my 20s. It was nice to lie on, but miserable if the heater ever went out. Also couldn't let the pets on it, the cat poked a hole in it once...
Social psychologist Clay Routledge, PhD, vice president of research and director of the Human Flourishing Lab, told the APA that nostalgia can help people move forward. "It makes people more optimistic about the future, it boosts well-being, it reduces anxiety, it increases positive mood and self-esteem and meaning in life. But more than that, it makes people thankful, and it energizes them."
I’ll See Your Paddle Ball And Raise You A Cheap Airplane
This Always Seemed To Appear On My Parents Coffee Table Between Thanksgiving & Christmas
Miss Days Like These
Nostalgia is also good for our future well-being. As a social psychologist from the University of Winchester, Verbon Cheung, explained to WaPo, it activates a sort of "mental highway" we can use to project into the future. When we remember past successes and friendships, it drives us to pursue new goals, meet new people, or even reconnect with old acquaintances.
Yes, It Is. Received This When I Turned 65
If You Immediately Recognize This, You’re Officially Old
I’m Positive You Will Not Know What This Ls. If You Really Know This Then You Must Be Old!!
How many of these pics brought nostalgia for you, Pandas? Share with us the things that made you realize you're getting older in the comments! And if you want to see more relatable pics from the "[Heck, I'm Old]" subreddit, check out our previous posts here, here, here, and here!
39 Years Ago Today, A Group Of Strangers Gathered In An Old House For Some Kind Of Party. Fio If You Know What The Occasion Was
Anyone Else Look Forward To These?
I Can Still Taste Em
40+ To Understand This
But Are You This F**kn Old?
Oh, yes. This is when Sears was king and they had set up one of these in the electronics section. There was like 60-70 of us crammed in that section watching two dudes playing it. I can't express how profound that moment was because until then it was all pinball machines and mechanical games. Then 4-5 years later came Star Wars. It was a mind expanding time to be alive.
Why Did These Go Away?
Who Was Around When These Two Became Famous And Then Infamous?
Who Remembers This?
Who Remembers Him?
If You Recognize This Man, Then You've Likely Enjoyed Some Great TV
BH: I'm not against half naked girls - not as often as I'd like to be.
Are You Old Enough To Be Freaked Out By This?
If You Grew Up Back In The Day You Have A Definite Opinion On This Gum
Filling Up Behind The Rear License Plate
Remember When Air Was Free?
Tears For Fears
If You Can Smell This Photo…
Were You One Of These Kids?
Tell Me I'm Not The Only One Who Thinks This
Poll Question
Do you enjoy reminiscing about childhood through memes and pics?
Yes, it's fun
Not really
I prefer other mediums
These were great! Most of these articles only go back to the 80s or 90s, but these were more inclusive. Thanks!
Mmm. Inclusive, if you were American. A lot of it's inapplicable to the UK.
Load More Replies...*sigh* Begin standard screed - "When I was born, the US had 48 states. The only thing orbiting the Earth was the Moon. On the entire planet, there was not one single integrated circuit - let alone a microprocessor. People were still saying 'I Like Ike'. Now I'm a server administrator." One of the nicest things about communications, and technology, and the in particular is that it makes it so easy for people to share knowledge, and viewpoints, and experiences across time and generations and continents. How meager life would be if we were restricted only to what we could personally experience between the time we're born and the time we die, within the range we can walk. If the universe hasn't gotten around to giving us teleporters and time machines yet, we can perhaps make shift with books, internets, and various media, and communities, physical and online. I luxuriate in being able to live in worlds that were gone long before I was born, and to look at possible worlds to come.
Apparently I'm so old I missed some of these entirely!
Load More Replies...These were great! Most of these articles only go back to the 80s or 90s, but these were more inclusive. Thanks!
Mmm. Inclusive, if you were American. A lot of it's inapplicable to the UK.
Load More Replies...*sigh* Begin standard screed - "When I was born, the US had 48 states. The only thing orbiting the Earth was the Moon. On the entire planet, there was not one single integrated circuit - let alone a microprocessor. People were still saying 'I Like Ike'. Now I'm a server administrator." One of the nicest things about communications, and technology, and the in particular is that it makes it so easy for people to share knowledge, and viewpoints, and experiences across time and generations and continents. How meager life would be if we were restricted only to what we could personally experience between the time we're born and the time we die, within the range we can walk. If the universe hasn't gotten around to giving us teleporters and time machines yet, we can perhaps make shift with books, internets, and various media, and communities, physical and online. I luxuriate in being able to live in worlds that were gone long before I was born, and to look at possible worlds to come.
Apparently I'm so old I missed some of these entirely!
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