It doesn't really matter whether you believe in God or evolution, or any other kind of theory about life on Earth, it's always interesting to imagine how the conception of animals has happened. If we would think that God created them, how did it all look? He must've had some reference points because conceptualizing millions of different animals is sure hard work.
Let us picture the scenario. You're God creating animals. You've just conceived the world, and now you want some animals. So you start adding legs to bodies and heads to necks and tails to butts, but everything looks so...normal. So you decide to get creative. You make a bird talk, and you call it a parrot. You stick spikes on a rat and call it a hedgehog (literally a boar with a fence, ever thought about it?). And you throw a bunch of random stuff together and call it a duck-billed platypus, to add some funny animals in the mix. And slowly but surely, the animal kingdom was born.
That's one hypothesis anyway, but take a look at these funny animal memes compiled by Bored Panda for more possible theories about the dawn of animal kind. Sorry, Darwin, your animal evolution theory is no good for cute animal memes...
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How Spiders Were Created
How Kittens Were Created
How Mosquitoes Were Created
How Bees Were Created
How Praying Mantises Were Created
How Dogs Were Created
How Pandas Were Created
How Turkeys Were Created
How Snakes Were Created
Maybe it wouldn't be angry if the dryer hadn't eaten it's other half
How Alligators Were Created
How Jellyfish Were Created
God: "Right, just run with me here... I'm thinking mop head shaped jelly that can shape shift somewhat. Ooh and make it swim! Ooh and make it super dangerous! You know, like, if it gets annoyed it can toxic tickle you. Ooh, that's a good'un!" Angels: *facepalm*
How Seahorses Were Created
How Parrots Were Created
How Octopuses Were Created
How Platypuses Were Created
How Bats Were Created
Bats are little puppies with wings who, due to evolution, have no need to know where up and down are
How Walruses Were Created
How Hippos Were Created
In Africa they say hippo's always stay in the water and are so dangerous because they are mad at god for making them so ugly
How Hyenas Were Created
How Hedgehogs Were Created
How Cats Were Created
How Racoons Were Created
How Snakes Were Created
How Spiders Were Created
How Horses Were Created
How Turtles Were Created
How Pigeons Were Created
How Chimpanzees Were Created
That's stupid because gorilla are at least as smart as chimps and they have the strength in bonus. In fact gorillas are the chimps 2.0.
How Chihuahuas Were Created
Chihuahuas aren't that bad. It's the Mexican Shorthairs that are the wall-eyed rat
How Moles Were Created
How Cats Were Created
How Emus Were Created
How Sharks Were Created
How Tigers Were Created
How Dogs Were Created
Jesus: Are you sure? God: Like if you gave a sausage a tail and legs.
How Ducks Were Created
How Whales Were Created
How Foxes Were Created
Angel: Can they also be pets? God: No, make them act like graceful hunter raccoons.
How Bugs Were Created
[God creating ticks] like a tiny winebag with a screw. throw the dop away..
How Kangaroos Were Created
[God creating the Guinea Pig] So like what if I took a giant pile of fluff, gave it a head, shoved a teeny donut at the bottom of its head and made it squeak like a pig!
How Zebras Were Created
Gods wife: It’s beautiful honey, I love you so much. God: I love you too.
How Jellyfish Were Created
How Dogs Were Created
How Penguins Were Created
How Animals Were Created
How Frogs Were Created
How Owls Were Created
[God creating a cow] God : It's black and white Angle: Ok cool something different God: And it has a pink noodle on it's stomche Angle: ... God: And it makes food out of them Angle: Wtf God : call it a cow
How Cats Were Created
How Pandas Were Created
How Turtles Were Created
Making humans. God: This one's gone a bit wrong. I didn t bargain for a sparsely haired ape who'd try to outdo me