Someone Asked Hotel Employees To Share The Wildest Things They’ve Seen, And 50 Delivered
When it comes to weird behavior, people who work in the service sector have probably seen it all. Especially hotel workers, as people often like to let loose when they're not living at home.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that around 1.7 million people work in the traveler accommodations industry. That's probably 1.7 million people who can each tell their fair share of ridiculous stories they came across their tenure.
Here we have a list of the worst and wildest stories hotel workers had about guests, as shared by people in these two Quora threads. So, buckle up, Pandas, and learn from these folks what never to do if you don't want to end up being a hotel worker's nightmare story.
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This woman, who was obviously very inebriated (drunk out of her mind) returned to the front desk one evening after having left the bar and had gone back to her room. She complained that housekeeping delivered way too many towels to her room! We didn't understand what she was complaining about, since there was no request made for additional towels. If they had been requested, housekeeping would have brought three bath towels and two hand towels. After escorting her back up to her room, she proceeded to turn the handle on the door next to her room, which was a spare linen storage room with a rack right inside to the left that was stocked with fresh towels, about 150 towels! That door should have been locked with a key, but somehow ,it didn't close securely, and this woman thought that the linen storage room was her room, now stocked with extra towels! A good laugh was had by all.
the hotel guest was jumping from their fifth-floor balcony into the pool. He had to be perfect to get the proper distance to clear the pool deck with chairs, but not too much as to overcompensate and land on the opposite side. He was immediately told to check out or the police would be called
A number of years ago I worked in a hotel that was quite remote, in the Yorkshire Dales ( a beautiful part of England). Most of the clients were the more affluent walkers, country lovers and livestock dealers. So one night when a couple of models tall, blond and slim in expensive clothes and their “manager” stayed it raised eyebrows.
I went to their rooms the next day, they had not used the en suite, had defecated in the waste bins, used wet towels to wash the “s*it and piss and left tons of wet wipes everywhere. They had also puked in the bed and torn the duvet cover then used it to wipe menstrual blood.
About 4 months later , to my surprise I saw a magazine with images of the models obviously taken near the hotel and they looked like beautiful, mysterious angels.
Bet they smelt though
We were on a trip to Machu Picchu and had stopped in Cuzco for the night. We went to a restaurant for lunch. After a while, two american women were seated a few tables away. Very soon, they started to complain about the menu (it was in Spanish)…then began to berate the waiter for not speaking English! Sometimes it is embarrassing to watch people from the United States act with amazing arrogance.. If you expect people in another country to communicate in English t maybe you should stay away for the good of the rest of us.
I knocked several times and said I was a housekeeper.
There was no response, so I unlocked the door, went and opened the curtains. When I turned around, I saw something I hadn't seen before or since.
The guest had been there many times before and I knew he was an attorney, who was far from being child-like.
I found him curled up, naked and sound asleep: nothing unusual there. What was unusual was the large pile of stuffed animals he was lying on top of, while holding a huge stuffed panda bear.
I haven't told this story for a while so hear goes.
A cleaner at a hotel was doing her rounds early in the morning and when she passed a room she heard a woman screaming for help. She let herself in and found a naked, middle aged lady handcuffed, spread eagle on the bed and a banging noise was coming from the wardrobe.
The cleaner, thinking a serious crime had been committed called for security and the duty manager. When they arrived and unlocked the wardrobe they found a rather embarrassed gentleman dressed as superman. See, this couple were playing a game where the wife is handcuffed naked to the bed and he husband, dressed as superman, would climb on top of the wardrobe and jump on top of her. The problem was that the wardrobe couldn't quite take his weight and the top broke, dropping superman into the wardrobe which was locked from inside.
I can only assume there was kryptonite inside the wardrobe as superman wasn't able to break out for about 10 hours till he was released and with her hands and feet cuffed without easy release cuffs, his wife wasn't able to free herself. So there they stayed for a good 10 hours.
Back in the day- I was a front desk supervisor for a major chain in Central NY State. I had a guest check in during a lull and he appeared to be very nice and calm. He informed me that his wife would be arriving shortly and asked I come to the pool area and let him know when she checked in at the desk. He then went to his room and passed by later to go to the pool.
We then got slammed with check-ins and I and the staff were busy. No one approached me about being with this guest in the pool.
Suddenly he looms in front of me, yelling and cursing : “I told you to let me know when my wife got here, a**hole! You made her wait! What are you, an idiot?”
I informed him that no one had approached me about him. He then pointed to a very quiet woman sitting on the far side of the lobby- who had not come anywhere near the desk.
I started to apologize and attempt to explain. As soon as I opened my mouth, the guest reached across the desk and grabbed my tie, in an attempt to pull me over the four-foot-high front desk. He was screaming profanities, the tie was now tightening around my neck, and the other staff could not break his grip. I was having problems breathing. I was feeling lightheaded - but I did have enough breath to croak out: “Sir, you have three seconds to take your hands off my tie and step backwards, or I will call the f**king cops and get you arrested for assault.” He let go and stood there - staring at me. I told him to get away from desk immediately and either go to his room or step outdoors. He ran to his wife, who had sat there doing nothing, and asked HER if she was okay! In retrospect- I think he was most likely an abuser - based on his behavior with me and her, and her odd affect. He later attempted to apologize and tip me at checkout. I declined the tip and simply told him to go to anger management classes.
Should have got the law involved, he physically attacked you.
Guest: “HIYA we’re checking in!”
Me: “Great! Welcome! Can I have your last name, please?”
Guest: “Fletcher”
Little did they know their name would go down in our hotels history…
These lovely guests checked into our hotel after being kicked out from another hotel in the area.
I’ll bullet point the Fletcher family’s offenses for ease of understanding.
Daddy Fletcher told my coworker and me that we looked like porn stars when we wore glasses; asked us to kindly remove them.
Told us they were kicked out from the other hotel for being English; impossible considering it’s Orlando and 50% of tourists are from England.
Set up a makeshift wedding reception for their daughter and son-in-law in a hallway outside of guest rooms.
Had to move so called “wedding reception” due to them vomiting in the vicinity.
Security called to room multiple times for domestic violence.
Told Pizza Boy to: “Jizz on the pizza before you bring it to my wife, would ya?”
Police called to hotel for domestic violence between the newly-wedded husband and wife.
Called again just a few hours later for Mommy & Daddy F.
Daddy F. asked me to lend him some money for a drink at the bar.
Daddy F. asked my coworker and me to visit him back home in England so he could “show us a good time”.
Daddy F. stranded wife at the nearby outlet mall when he needed a beer and couldn’t find her.
On their final day before heading back to England, Daddy F. and Mommy F. got in the biggest fight yet, Mommy F deciding to leave Daddy F. at the hotel drunk while she went to the airport with Family F.
Daddy F. missed his flight; Mommy F. told him not to return to their marital home upon his return to England.
Daddy F. did the worst thing yet. Are you ready?
In a drunken rage, he smeared his own fecal matter all over his hotel room.
I’m really not sure what happened after this but I think I’ve already said enough.
*Name changed for privacy, maybe*
It's disturbing how many of these involve grown people playing with their own fecal matter.
After nine o’clock one night I answered the complaint that there was a middle-aged couple swimming in the nude in the indoor pool. This in and of itself probably wouldn’t make the top ten. However, the guests when asked to put on proper attire became very belligerent (I’m sure alcohol was involved).
While I informed the complaining guest (and her young child) that the transgressors had been provided towels and asked to change or leave the pool area I thought things would soon be under control. Pretty big misjudgment on my part.
The couple eventually got up and left the pool to return to their room. Very soon thereafter the mother and child returned to the front desk to let us know they had left a couple of gifts on their way out. I had to go see it to believe it as they had pooped twice while still in the pool.
Obviously the pool had to be shut down immediately and treated with chlorine. The mother and child were very upset. Fortunately, our company owned the other hotel on this corner and we were able to offer them the opportunity to utilize that facility. Not a perfect solution, but an appreciated attempt nonetheless.
This moved the incident into the top five probably as cleaning another adults waste out of a pool was behavior totally unexpected.
Late at night. Front desk gets a call about an overflowing toilet. My dad rushes upstairs with a plunger. Finds out the plunger won’t help; the toilet is gushing water because the ceramic bowl has cracked. He turns off the water at the valve and asks, “How in the hell did this happen?” Turns out that our lovely guests were lighting firecrackers and flushing them down the toilet to see what would happen.
I worked a short stint in a hotel once back in like 1986…and walked in behind a maid once who entered the wrong room. An orgy was taking place, with Ouija boards and other props that were over the top. A sex swing was setup in the middle of the room and being used. The guests, instead of getting mad, invited us to join in, but being the “professionals” we were, we politely declined and left.
I was the Manager on Duty when a gentleman approached me and told me his wife was missing and we needed to contact the police. I asked him to show me where was the last place he had seen her and he said the lobby. We went to his room…..no luck there. He insisted we call the police as she would never just leave without telling him where she was going. We continued to look throughout the hotel. She wasn’t in the restaurant or bar. Not at the pool, sauna or in the exercise room. Not in their car which was still on property. I was surprised he wanted me to call the police and had not already done so himself. Finally I had no choice but to call the police as he requested. Back through the same tour again. No where to be found. The police weren’t in a hurry to make it a missing person matter. Finally I asked him if they had been drinking earlier and he said yes they had drank “a couple.” I headed back towards the bar. Walking into the bar I decided to look throughout the lounge. Much to my surprise I saw two legs sticking out from underneath the cigarette machine (still had these in the mid nineties). Somehow she had wedged herself between the back of the machine and the wall and passed out sliding down to where her feet stuck out under the machine. Their definition of a couple and ours was obviously different. Bizarre crisis averted!
I used to work in a hotel.
I was shouted at because there wasn’t an ice machine, shouted at because someone booked a bed that was too small to save money, shouted at because the GPS was ineffective in locating us, etc.
Travelling can be stressful, and what better way to relieve your tension than by shouting at the poor college girl working the front desk by herself.
(a lot of them were actually quite nice, but there were many bad apples)
This is why we can't have nice things.
I used to work the front desk at a Quality Inn. We allowed pets and one day we had a couple check in with either one or two small dogs.
The next morning, the man comes to the front desk to check out. He seems like a really nice guy. He tells me that their dog got a little sick the night before but that they cleaned it up using the towels from the bathroom. He apologized for the state of the towels but assured me that it had been a small mess and wouldn’t be noticeable to someone who didn’t know about it.
The next time the head of housekeeping (Lorraine) stops by the desk I tell her about the dog and repeat the very nice man’s assertion that the towels will need to be taken care of but the room should be in good order. Well. Clearly, I was young and too trusting.
Lorraine returned to the desk pretty quickly after looking at the room and told me that we needed to get the manager. I followed her back to the room to walk in on a nightmare of a cleaning job.
The dog DID NOT get “just a little sick.” The dog had mass amounts of diarrhea on every open spot of carpeting. There was a small pile of towels that were obviously used to clean it up. The room smelled. Bad. There was no way that another guest wouldn’t notice what had happened in that room.
The real question is who behaved the worst: the dog or its owners?
When I worked as a line staffer on the graveyard shift. Delivering condoms to a large suite. They let me right in, into an orgy. I had no idea who ordered them but I guess it was for all of them. Out of nowhere this dude approaches me half naked and screams, “You charged it to the room?” As he throws me a tip, a $Benji. As I was standing there in a stupor with probably the biggest grin on my face. The gent slaps me on the back as he hurdles away, muttering, “Stay for a while.” Come to find out it was a swingers party
If I have to list a few worst behaved hotel guests, witnessed first hand by me, I think I will be able to write a novel. The list is never ending. To make it short, I will list one for now.
One of our 4 bedroom suits with an attached pool and jacuzzi was reserved. We were told upon booking the room that there would be 4 couples checking in and they were celebrating a birthday. 8 people checked in. All men. No problem. Valid identification given. Deposit taken. Trouble was after their check in, there were a lot of visitors who started trickling in. Visitors identification is required by law. But most of them were directly entering the suite rooms without registering themselves. (As the room was on ground level, they did not need an access card to enter the elevators) slowly, the sound of music started becoming louder and louder. Camera footage outside the guest room showed 47 people entering the room. Called the room to no avail. Called all the guests on their phones, no response. So banged on the door, could only hear the music thumping in the background and opened the room door with 3 security personal, Duty Manager and I.
What a sight! Men. Of all ages. In nothing but underwear’s and feather boas around their necks. Ok. But what was NOT OK, was the suite. It was a disaster!! They had destroyed the room. The glass panels and mirrors were painted with nail polish and lipstick, there was cigarette buds and ash filled every step on the carpets and marble floor (Fire hazzard) vomit on the carpets. The couch had stains of God knows what. Sink overflowing with puke and more cigarette buds. Bathtub filled with rubbish and pile of s**t. The pool was dirty. With broken bottles, broken glasses, empty beer cans thrown inside. Broken shower head. Bedsheets and pillows were destroyed completely. Hotel duvet covers used as a table cloth to keep food, which had oil stains. Broken hangers. Damaged tv as some idiot threw the romote after a fight. Oh my sweet lord. The cops were on standby and were called when they started fighting and arguing that they could do anything they wanted inside the suite as they have paid for it. Facepalm. It’s clearly stated that parties are not allowed inside hotel suites. Damages to the suite room was noted with photographs and an estimate of the damages were given to the 8 people who refused to pay a dime. Thankfully, we had the cops who informed them that they would be punished if they didn’t pay up the hotel and leave as soon as possible. So yes. They paid. But they cribbed, cried, wailed, b*****d and swore they would never step foot in our property ever again because we stopped them from having a good time and spoilt their evening. They had to pay a lot towards damages and the room took 4 days to fix including draining of the pool. My oh my. How I pity my housekeeping department and engineering teams who have to take care of such pathetic, disaster filled rooms.
They'll never use that hotel again? I bet the staff was relieved to hear that!
This was by far the worst. I worked at a pretty big hotel, as housekeeping temporarily. These 3 girls checked in for like 3 days and all was well. I noticed they had a lot of camera equipment but I didn’t think too much of it. All 3 of them were were insanely gorgeous as well. They were of some hispanic descent. The 3 days they were there; they only wanted housekeeping once.
Once they left I walked into their room to do a last clean and get in ready for our next guests. BUT as I walked in their whole bed had poop everywhere. Like everywhere. It was so odd. As if they did it on purpose. I called in my manager and refused to clean the room. He understood as I was only there for like a week or two by that point. He called a few people and they cleaned it. I later asked him what that was all about. He didn’t know. But we came to the conclusion they were filming some type of odd poop fetish video. Their bill showed that they ordered a lot of food the night before and with the fancy cameras, and girls that could pass as p**nstars that hadn’t left their room much their entire stay. It was pretty clear what had happened.
I worked in hotels as a director and manager on duty for 20 years and i thought i had seen it all until a BBW convention was booked by the sales department. We later learned the the so called lightest member was 600lbs. So, to prepare the maintenance dept had to purchase ply wood for the beds so they wouldnt collapse. Seclnd they were having a 2 am bikini show at the indoor pool so again maintenance had to drain 4 inches so it wouldnt flood the area when multiple members lounged in the water.
Dining was overwhelmed with having to prep and serve not 3 but 4 full buffets all 3 days.
The icing on the cake, as i was making my mod rounds i noticed that some on the members had their doors propped open, tv on but no lights, I was putting a note in my report when the door opened and out came my front desk associate adjusting his clothes.
Turns out that the members who left doors open was basically a free invitation to any guy who wanted to have sex with a 600 to 800 pound female.
I didnt report the associate since he was off the clock but he was so worried i would tell everyone what he did i had him by the balls for the rest of our employment.
Public lewdness comes to mind, but if cruise ships count as hotel guests? (A floating hotel perhaps.) Then an entire huge, loud, rude family of Russian tourists crammed into one cabin, who arrived unbathed, and departed the same way. The elevator nearest their cabin smelled like human decomposition. I took parts of Eastern Europ off of my visit list after that.
Customers Opening their room doors naked for the housekeeper or room service.
Not really wild but disgusting.
I worked for a well known motel chain for while as a housekeeper. This type of motel was all serviced apartments, two housekeeps to one apartment at a time.
My buddy and I unlock the door to enter the room and we’re hit with an awful smell. We couldn’t place the smell but it wasn’t pleasant, this happens though as the rooms are practically closed up all the time and I thought perhaps it was the bin.
My buddy went into the bathroom to start cleaning the shower etc whilst I started stripping the bed. I removed the pillow cases first, as I went to pull off the top sheet I noticed this odd liquid splattered across the blanket. Gross I thought, thankfully I was wearing gloves. Pulled the blanket off the bed and it’s the same thing. It looked like coffee but the scent turned my stomach.
I opened the balcony doors to ventilate the room and went to the bathroom to tell my coworker about it. As I was telling her I absent mindedly picked up a soap wrapper and open the bin to dispose of it. Glancing down I saw what created the mess. I was absolutely disgusted to find a nearly empty colostomy bag.
Now I understand this would have been a sensitive topic for the guest, however staff are trained to be discreet and hotels have specific procedures to deal with incidents such as this and should have been notified instead of general housekeeping left to find the s**t-show.
I quit not long after.
Had to go anonymous because this happened in a well known hotel.
So, I guess you can call them guests too because they were couple having their wedding dinner at the hotel.
We should've seen the red flags when the couple came and decided the venue all within the span of 2 weeks. Usually couples take some time to consider before deciding. It's after all, a wedding.
As there's no way that the hotel could've sold the venue, they let the couple booked the ballroom without having putting down deposit — big red flag.
On wedding night, groom made up fuss about the whole thing. Demanding the hotel to give in to his every whim and requests. Turns out he baked a bun in the oven and probably just want the wedding done and over with.
Dinner came to an end with some dramas but so far all under control. Groom was too drunk to settle the bill so we decided to wait to tomorrow. After all, they are staying at the President Suite (comes with the package).
Morning came, groom went missing. Left with a franctic wife all alone and a big sum amount of hotel bills to settle. Her parents were involved, made a HUGE drama at the lobby. Worst still, groom ran away with all the wedding gifts (cash mostly).
Made Police report, standard procedure. Groom’s personal documents were still with the hotel. Didn't manage to track groom as he probably left the country by then.
Bride’s family settled the bill and never heard from them anymore.
I’m not sure about something we weren’t supposed to see….but it was certainly disturbing. In 2011 during a hurricane in the Mid-Atlantic, our hotel was completely sold out. Due to the high winds many of the surrounding neighborhoods had lost power resulting in our sold out status. It was a challenging few days as nobody could leave the hotel. The building survived (except for some minor leaks) and we kept power.
When the storm passed and power was being restored we began the clean up of the rooms that housed our guests for the previous 48–72 hours. In one room that was in our system as “checked out” the Housekeeper attempted to gain entry. When she did she found that the safety latch on the inside of the door was engaged. She announced herself and asked if anyone was in the room…nothing. The Executive Housekeeper made her way there and knocked louder and then opened the door (as much as possible with the safety latch) and yelled into the room. No response.
My presence was requested at the room, I did the same as they did. Knocked hard and in a loud voice asked if everyone was okay and if there was anyone in the room. I had an employee from our Maintenance department come with a tool that can be used to open the door when the security latch is engaged. I was able to work the latch off and we slowly opened the door. I looked inside and saw the television on, lights off and a body under the blankets on the bed. I announced myself again but no response.
I asked the staff that had assembled to stay outside, only the Executive Housekeeper and I would walk in. We went in, hairs standing up on the back of our necks and walked over to the bed. When we removed the covers we were relieved that it was not a body…instead it was pillows stacked to look like a body. In all of the commotion of trying to gain access, everyone forgot that this room had an adjoining door. What likely happened is the guests had both rooms, they staged this one with the pillows and the security latch then walked into the adjoining room to exit.
I’m sure they wished they had seen this as they would’ve been proud of the prank. Fortunately for the staff it was only a joke and they didn’t have to deal with something that does unfortunately happen on occasions in hotels.
I had a guest who was an alcoholic. He drank a fifth of vodka everyday. His room was destroyed. His mattress was soaked with blood from his blood blisters. I called his family to kick him out. He died 2 days later in the same room. I had to clean it up.
About a year ago, I received a call that one of out security cameras had been ripped down. I went to the property and reviewed the tape. We had a large group of contractors staying at the hotel. What I saw was a guest come into the guest laundry area, strip naked and walk into the hallway while playing with himself. When he head a noise, he would duck down, naked, behind a large trash can, wait for the person(s) to leave the area, and then jump out again and repeat the process. Needless to say, the police were called and they removed him from the hotel. He was also fired the next morning when I showed the tape to his boss.
In Washington D C I stayed at a very nice upscale property, close to the metro, and the mall, all a tourist could ask for while staying in our nations capital.
My first night I was awakened by loud laughing and talking out in the hall area. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Shortly I’m up again to loud voices and loud music. Okay, if this doesn’t stop I’ll call down.
And then the voices got really loud, f bombs flying, screaming and what sounded like a slamming full on brawl happening outside my room.
This I had to see, opened my hotel room door slowly and witnessed the funniest drunken tango taking place.
A couple guys wrestling on the floor, with three other guys trying to break it up, but only dragging each other off the floor guys and falling over and onto the hallway furnishings, carts of glassware went crashing along with vases of flowers, while women cursed and screamed and pulled on the guys.
They were all wearing crooked, and stained gowns and tuxedos, obviously a party package gone wrong.
Hotel security and management finally arrived, more fun as the WWF were lifted by the collars and plunked down against the walls one by one.
Ladies now sobbing still yelling, while the whole floor of guests now awake and standing either at the doors to their rooms or actually standing in the hallway.
Guests were grumbling, kids were running around, and some of us having adult beverages and enjoying the political atmosphere. Congress at its best.
One time I found a lady f passed out in my hallway. I was able to get her coherent enough to get a room number from her so I carried her up to said room. I knocked on the door and woke up the guy in the room. Being funny, I asked him “Is this yours?” Needless to say I was struck dumbfounded when he said no. Turns out the lady was a local who followed a guy back from the bar and when she was too drunk to make it to his room, he left her in the hallway. I was able to call her a taxi so she could get home to her husband
I was assigned a stay over clean that had complained about not getting service the day before. They had a DND tag so I questioned my boss. She told me to enter. So I did. It was a train wreck. I let out a deep sigh and started throwing trash in a bag. I realize I'm tossing high-end clothing tags and expensive wine bottles. I stood up to see massive amounts of cocaine lines set up and idk how. many 100-dollar bills rolled up. An ID badge was near and it was for the executive producer of a production team doing a shoot nearby. They had 75 rooms booked and I got stuck cleaning the top executive's room. I called my boss after seeing the sex toy set up In the bedroom. I told her I didn't think I was Supposed to be there and sent her pix. She yelled at me for being in a room with a DND tag. Come to find out later the executive had come up to his room and when he saw my cart in front of his room, he ran to the front desk raising hell. I f**king hated that job
A wild party once in a hotel room....the occupants completely re-wallpapered the room with labels peeled off beer bottles.
A similar party was thrown by a Platinum guest, but he didn't attend, it was for his kids and their friends (all underage), mass drinking, etc., they all got evicted. And the father had the nerve to dispute the charges (because they were evicted). FYI, we had his Platinum account shut down until he made amends.
2 situations of bad behavior, both now worth laughing at:
April 1981, Best Western Hotel, Anchorage, AK: it’s morning and we cabin crew have been walking across the Pacific all night (Hong Kong-Tokyo Narita-Anchorage). We’re tired, need our beauty sleep and our next flight is that same evening. Meanwhile, there’s a convention in the hotel—a regional meetup of female barbershop quartet singers whose organization shall remain nameless.
We reach our floor and the hallway is choked with happy altos, sopranos, et. al. in curlers, their voices lifted in intermittent song, arms filled with frilly things and beauty supplies. Once behind my own door I am tired enough to fall in the general direction of the bed. But a light-sleeper crew member puts a sign on her door requesting quiet. All that does is prompt laughter and a stream of knocks on her door until she removes it.
* * * * * * *
Autumn, 1984, Omni Hotel, Harbor Place, Baltimore (now the Radisson): it’s another convention and the place is packed. We get our room keys and sidle past the crowd into an empty elevator. One of my fellow crew members pushes the button for the 18th floor where we all would be staying. Three kids jump in, see the 18th floor light, then look at each other. As the door closes, one of them pushes every floor. Every damned floor. They are snickering. We are ready to strangle them with the straps of our uniform purses.
Not horrendous behavior in either circumstance. Just furiously maddening at the time and worth a broad, wry smile now.
Some of my worst hotel stays have involved young hockey teams. Could hear them even with a floor between us and on the other side of the hotel, sometimes.
There was a pool party going on in our courtyard pool for a bowling team, lots of children attending. I was working at the hotel as a maintenance man but sometimes they used me for security which I hated since It literally was not my job or my interest to do so. Also I was like 20 years old and skinny. Not in good shape for security detailAnyways I was told there was a strange man lurking around the pool trying (so they claimed) to snatch one of the children. They told me he was in the lobby bathroom hiding in one of the stalls. I was told to ask him his name and what room he was staying in. If he could not provide these he was to be kicked of the property.
So I enter the restroom. The people making the accusations are standing outside the bathroom door. I see that someone is in the one stall and proceed to knock on the door.
“Sir, are you a guest at this hotel?”
“What? Ummm…yes”
”What is your name and room number?”
“….can i just finish first?”
This went on for a few minutes. Me banging on the stall door and this poor man just trying to take a peaceful poop. Turned out he was just with the bowling party and had zero clue to the drama in the courtyard pool. Someone eventually burst in and screamed me that he was in the parking lot and heading back to the front door. I followed them outside. They pointed him out and as he was walking towards the lobby doors. At this point I already felt humiliated due to me interrogating a man while he was taking a dump. Now I had to enter into a completely different confrontation with a person that could possibly be a p***phile predator or just another innocent person minding his own business.
I stopped him and asked him if he was staying at the hotel. He had a strange look in his eyes. He was sweaty. Looked like he lived in a basement and was extremely nervous. He did not respond. He just tried to out maneuver me. I blocked him and asked him what his business was at the hotel. He kept trying to pass me and I kept blocking. I had guest watching from the bowling party the whole time this was going on which made the situation more tense. Finally I told him I was going to contact the police and he just bolted through the parking lot…
Never got the full story of what actually took place by the pool but that was the weirdest 10 minutes I spent working at a hotel.
Somewhere out there there's a guy telling the story of the time he got interrogated while trying to take a dump. Edit: Thx for all the upvotes!
I travel a lot and I’ve seen more than a few inappropriate and interesting things on the part of hotel guests. Mostly though, people are friendly but aloof and typically eager to get their alcoholic beverage of choice and disappear into their rooms. However, it always seems that in New Orleans you are at another level.
My sister in law and I left the rest of our family at the bar and decided to try to get some sleep. Just as my door was beginning to close I heard her voice from down the hall rise dramatically as she said “you can’t be like that here in the hall!!” I turned around and grabbed the door handle just before it closed. I then looked down the hall and see her staring down at some legs jutting out from a guest room. Now I’m curious. I sort of shouted down the hall to ask if she’s ok and she just gave me this exasperated look like she didn’t know what to do.
As I approached her and the mysterious legs I realized they belong to a young “lady”. A young and completely naked lady. I couldn’t imagine how long she was lying there naked in the doorway but it was clear we couldn’t leave her like that. I stepped over her into the room so I could be closer to her face. She seemed pretty intoxicated but she would talk to me, though none of the things she was saying were very nice. I couldn’t get her to move out of the doorway and we were pretty reluctant to lay hands on her. It was incredibly awkward. Eventually, my sis-in-law and I sort of folded and pushed her back into the room and got the door closed with her nakedness safely on the inside of the room. As the door shut I could hear her flop against the door and I thought that her roommate would have a pretty hard time getting in there if they ever made it back to the room that night.
We were in a Florida beach area hotel during spring break several years ago. This was not an expensive hotel. We were there with our,at the time, young children. The rooms next to us were filled with high school seniors from a southern bordering state,on their senior trip. We checked in and during the afternoon everything was normal. That night the high school kids were loud, rude, vulgar and usually drunk. There was also screaming, banging on the walls and other noise at night. As we stood to open our door in the hallway,after a day of the beach,pool and sun, the next afternoon,we saw a young, very drunk woman. She had somehow lost her underwear or bikini bottom and she lifted her skirt. She started to urinate in the hallway. Her friend gave her a beach towel quickly and she urinated on it instead. Later that night we heard someone vomiting in the hall near our door. A few moments later we opened the door to a pile of vomit. We then immediately checked out of that hotel.
One of my female guests was pestering my head waiter wanting him to take her for a good night out.the waiter refused but she kept on at him. His wife came to collect him and found the woman trying to get fresh with her husband, a big row broke out and the wife left coming back with a kitchen knife. The woman went off to her room not seeing the wife with the knife. The wife told me that if she saw the woman near her husband again she would kill her.
So I quietly told the woman that she shouldn’t speak to my head waiter again.
She became incensed with me accusing her of wanting to go out with black African man.!! ( we were in Africa) Two days later head office rang the hotel and had me sacked.
She was a personal friend of the company’s owner, so I had no voice in the matter. I left and went for a walk about around Timbuktu.and never worked again in any hotel since.
Should have told the wife that her husband refused her advances.......
Not the guest. But a guy came with a female booked and went to room. Next morning an angry female with a hot cup of coffee banged on every door till she found her cheating boyfriend and threw the coffee in his face. Another Incident I was living at an extended stay and this girl on other end of the hotel at 6 am was chased by a man through the hallways with an assault rifle shooting bullets everywhere. Thankngod no one was hurt.
My best friend and I worked at a hotel as front desk clerks in DeLand, Florida. The Orlando Magic used Stetson University for their summer camp practice sessions and would stay in our hotel. My friend was in the process of checking in Shaquille O'Neal who was eating crackers over the very tall part of the front desk where guests would sign paperwork and so on. He proceeded to brush all the crumbs over the ledge and onto her paperwork that my friend was completing to get him in his room. She let out a sigh and without even thinking twice pick the paperwork up that was covered in crumbs and pushed the paper over the edge of the counter and the crumbs went all over shacks shoes. Everyone gasped and was worried he was going to be mad but he laughed it off and said “You're a pretty Bad As! Bi@%h, I like you!” LoL Sidenote: every player used an alias that we had to learn and their wives were constantly calling us at the front desk to spy and report any extra curricular activity! Which we never did! If the players brought a guest to their room and we were both standing there and greeted him he'd push $100, to each of us, over the edge and thanked us! We made MAD money that 2 weeks. Her and I showered in vacant rooms and worked almost 20 hours a day!! They trusted us because we were a few years younger than them. We did a lot, arranged things, ordered services in and covered up a great deal of things and saved approx 9 marriages when their wife “Popped In" to surprise their husbands. We had about 15 pics of wives taped behind the desk that only we saw. If one of us thought it was a match, the other would confirm and we'd immediately call up and offer their “guest” a private suite! On the hotel of course. After those 2 weeks in 1990, I bought a brand new car! Paid with cash!!!! Man I miss those days! TY for reading.
One couple checked in without telling the hotel desk that one of their carry on bags contained their pet snake. The front desk found out after the woman called from her room and explained that the snake escaped as they were feeding it, and that they couldn't find it in the room and needed help. Needless to say, there were no female staff volunteers, only guys who went to room armed with waste baskets and towels as nets and brooms. After about fifteen minutes, the three-foot, non-poisonous snake was located, wrapped around the underside bed frame. Everyone’s worst thought was that the snake had made it through the central air vent in the wall, but it was caught before it could make it there.
"Needless to say, there were no female staff volunteers . . . " Yes, it is needless to say that. There are a lot of us "females" who adore snakes and would eagerly embrace the opportunity to look for a snek or a danger noodle.
Well of course I’ve had the pleasure at 3AM of a bunch of college kids whooping it up in the hallway right outside our room. Several times.
A couple of times I’ve seen jerks go into melt-down mode over the poor quality and/or poor selection in the little breakfast room. And we weren’t talking about The Carlyle or Sherry-Netherlands here, more like an $80 pensione in Rome, e.g.
One time my daughter and I got in from visiting my sister in Paris, around 11-ish, Friday or Saturday, and flipped through a few TV channels to see if anything was on in English (she was about 5 at the time). Didn’t find anything, so instead I read her a bed-time story, maybe a chapter from Timmy Failure, e.g. Suddenly there was a hammering on the door, and a young man in thong underwear started screaming about how he could hear us. I told him to back off, a man is allowed to read a story to his daughter, and there are a lot louder things that can happen (watching Die Hard, for example), and it really wasn’t that late for Saturday night in Paris. A few seconds later we heard the loud knocking again, and he was back, with his partner/boyfriend, another young man in skimpy underwear. They were belligerent, and trying to enter the room, my daughter started crying, so I grabbed a wine bottle and bull-rushed them, swinging it, threatening to crack both their skulls. I have a reasonably athletic build, so the threat was credible. My daughter came scampering out into the hallway as I chased them, them running and shrieking in terror in their little thong banana-hammocks. When I finally stopped and came back to her, she had stopped crying, and was actually cracking up. She said “this is going to make a good story when we meet Mommy tomorrow”.
Once, there was a chinese couple from mainland china renting a suite room, our biggest room. Sure, it was easily the most expensive room that was in our hotel. Our suite is big, and was having a discount for promo for about $200 a night. It has 2 bedrooms, and one common room with sofa. They didn’t order extra bed, so there was only 2 king sized bed there.
What was strange, is that our employee noticed different people came into that same room that night. We thought that they was having a meeting or something, and kinda let it go.
But the next morning, someone caught a glimpse inside the room, and filed a report. So we check the room, and there was easily around 20 plus people, packed inside that big suite room, sleeping on the floor, at the sofa, and some in sleeping bags or mattresses. About 5 families I think, judging from the male, along with their kids. Can you imagine people bringing their own sleeping bags inside a hotel? About 6 to 7 people inside the bedroom with 4 on the floor, 2 on each big sofa, another one sleeping by pulling 2 smaller couches together, and the rest were on the floor at common room, sleeping like sardines.
A lady who twice got employees fired. She stayed with her husband and two kids then the husband left and she continued staying at the resort for a few more weeks. She flirted with an employee, a bellman, invited him back to her room after hours and they had sex while the kids took a nap. The next day she called Security to report the incident that she is a married lady and one of our employees went to her room. The employee was fired. The next year she came back. Prior to her return we put out a memo to all employees that they are not allowed in guest rooms except for work business. Again she flirts with an employee, invites him to her room, the next day she calls and reports it to security. He gets fired.
So the original employee was an idiot and deserved firing (not taking away the immorality of the guest) and you didn't specify if the second employee did the same thing after being warned but assuming he did? Find better employees and 86 the guest.
A drunk a**hole at a hotel in Portland, Maine. He literally cut me off from entering the lobby door because he wasn’t aware I was in the room. I can’t imagine how he treated the staff.
He did the same thing once we got through the door and cut me off AGAIN in the elevator! Needless to say, my husband declined the elevator and let him take it alone. (Probably best for the drunk, as I wasn’t in a mood to bail my husband out of jail over something as asinine as drunken disrespect.)
Had a company have a Christmas party and the owner of that company invited some employees back to his room for drinks, his wife went to bed and then he left the room with his wife sleeping and two male employees still in the room drinking. The owner of the company went down to another lady’s room and then one of the two men r***d his wife. The wife wanted to press charges, the husband did not. The police believed it was a wife swap where he did not inform his wife.
Agressive drunken behaviour, there were 3 of them, refused more alcohol and didnt appreciate being refused. One was removed by me and the other two escaped to the bedrooms…not a peep out of em.
I worked the front desk and did lot security at a motel. One night I was noting a car that was not registered to a guest.
The owner of the car came out and started swearing at me. He was using language that would give Andrew Dice Clay hives. I kept trying to explain that he needed to register the car at the desk.
Hahaha. That would be my own. I was in college, I think my senior year and we had a trip to Atlanta to see the High Museum. There were 27 girls and 3 of us guys so they put us 3 guys in 1 room and the girls were 3–4 up in the other rooms to save money. That was a HUGE mistake. First of all, none of us guys wanted to “sleep together” so we took it upon ourselves to rearrange the room. We moved the two queen beds and put them end to end against one wall creating a HUGE 13-foot long bed that was about 5.5 feet deep. We were all of the legal drinking age back then since the age was 18. We made a quick trip to the liquor store, borrowed all the ice bins from the other room and opened the hotel room for the party. There were about a dozen girls that joined us and we were drinking and carrying on and having fun the entire weekend. We would not let housekeeping in the room. When we were done, the room was trashed. We left the room like it was too thinking it was a pretty cool way to turn a downside into a HUGE upside and we had fun doing it. The only problem was that we didn’t give a lot of thought as to how the hell the poor hotel maids would reset the room given that there is no way the 5′-2″ 98 pound maid could ever have moved those beds since it took three of us guys to move them. It was a real d**k move and I still feel bad for them. It did however answer the critical question of how many people can you sleep in one hotel room with two queen sized beds… the answer is 8 you just have to move them end to end.
People wearing their pajamas to the public dining room.
This happens at pretty much every hotel I've ever stayed at. There is always someone grabbing the free breakfast in their pajamas. I've done it if I'm taking the food back to my room.
I caught two teenage kids banging each other in a fire escape when I was pulling a weekend MOD shift one time in the ‘90s. They were about 15–16 years old and were doing it standing up, sort of like Sonny Corleone in one of the opening scenes of The Godfather. They were part of a religious youth group staying in our hotel at the time and were so engrossed in their activity, they didn’t hear me coming (no pun intended). I stood and stared for a second thinking they would have heard me and stop, but they kept after it. So, I cleared my throat and scarred the hell out of both of them. As they tried to regain their composure and straighten their clothes, I told them I knew they were with the church group and if they didn’t want me to call their chaperone, to stay the hell out of the fire escapes.
Lucky for them, we didn’t have cell phones with video cameras back then and there was no Porn Hub.
For me, It was a wild and weird thing. That time, I was working as a intern at the hotel. It was just 2 more hours before I got off from work. Then, my manager told me that a guest who is my friend requests for me to be in her room. That’s why I find it weird. Because I never told anyone that I’m working as an intern at that hotel. Only my girlfriend knows. When I went to her room, the room was filled with 4 girls wearing bra and panties. That was when I saw my girlfriend who is 1 of them. She then told me the early birthday surprise. She arranged for her classmate who had a crush on me for this surprise. She allowed me to have sex with them as long as my heart belongs to her and only her.
Came back from breakfast and my cats were gone! I had been moving from one state to another, broken down, got lucky and found a place that allowed pets... but they were gone! These weren't just pets, they were gotten to be my wife's therapy cats! And my wife wasn't here! And I had to be in the next state to close on my house! I couldn't leave; there's no way these bumbling housecats could ever fend for themselves if they had escaped! I was totally losing it.... someone heard and alerted the hotel manager. "Did you check under the bed?" "OF COURSE I checked under the bed." Those two little fuzzymuckers had found a gap in the solid wooden base, and climbed up through a tear into the box spring! "Yeah, we've seen this before" as they slid down the sheer fabric, looking like the cutest little bank robbers you ever saw. (You know... like when bank robbers wear pantyhose over their faces?) They've been so damned affectionate ever since, as if they're sorry for putting my through hell and didn't know I cared so much.
This makes the one time I was on vacation and not necessarily on my best behavior seem so boring (thankfully). No bodily fluids, death, or violence occurred.
Came back from breakfast and my cats were gone! I had been moving from one state to another, broken down, got lucky and found a place that allowed pets... but they were gone! These weren't just pets, they were gotten to be my wife's therapy cats! And my wife wasn't here! And I had to be in the next state to close on my house! I couldn't leave; there's no way these bumbling housecats could ever fend for themselves if they had escaped! I was totally losing it.... someone heard and alerted the hotel manager. "Did you check under the bed?" "OF COURSE I checked under the bed." Those two little fuzzymuckers had found a gap in the solid wooden base, and climbed up through a tear into the box spring! "Yeah, we've seen this before" as they slid down the sheer fabric, looking like the cutest little bank robbers you ever saw. (You know... like when bank robbers wear pantyhose over their faces?) They've been so damned affectionate ever since, as if they're sorry for putting my through hell and didn't know I cared so much.
This makes the one time I was on vacation and not necessarily on my best behavior seem so boring (thankfully). No bodily fluids, death, or violence occurred.