50 Of The Most Disturbing Facts About The World That Might Freak You Out, As Shared By This TikToker
The world is both fascinating and frightening. Physically or not, we all like to wander into the unknown and learn something new from it, but it's very easy to end up somewhere that creepy. And there's a TikTok video series that perfectly illustrates this.
Internet content creator Ebrahim Abbas is releasing uploads of what he finds to be some of the scariest and most unsettling facts he can find. From missing persons to animal trivia, continue scrolling and check out what he has dug up so far.
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41% of Americans go into medical debt every year. No other developed country even has that concept.
We managed to get in touch with Ebrahim and he was kind enough to tell us more about his online presence. "My TikTok content is a mix of many topics. I debunk rumors about Dubai, I react to strange videos, and, most importantly, I cover horror," he told Bored Panda.
"In these videos, I share 8 horror facts per episode, and I have a long series of True Horror Stories that are only based in the Middle East," Ebrahim said. "I leave out the Western horror stories for other creators. I only enjoy covering stories that are both unheard and have happened in the Middle East."
In the original little red riding hood, the wolf forced her to eat her grandma.
The little mermaid k!lled herself & changed into foam °•° Hänsel & Gretel k!lled the witch by burning her alive °•° at the wedding of snowwhite her stepmom was forced to dance, wearing red hot iron shoes, until she d!ed °•° sleeping beauty was r@ped by the prince (who fled) birthed twins, never waking up until one of her children sucked out the thorn °•°•°•° tbh little red riding hood is one of the less cruel ones
The focus of Ebrahim's videos has always been on the Middle East. "I published a few episodes talking about 'things to do in the UAE', and one of them was visiting the haunted Ghost Village in Ras Al Khaima."
"This location immediately grabbed the viewers' attention, and the comments quickly piled up. The viewers requested to talk more in-depth about haunted locations, and that's how the horror series started," the content creator recalled the beginning of his dive into the topic.
Horror movies use tracks that include infrasounds. They cannot be heard by human ears but they are known to induce anxiety and heart palpitations.
Ebrahim usually does his research for the series online. "A small portion of the stories I use are from Arabic or Islamic YouTube channels and, of course, I give them credits. However, the majority of them are personal stories from fans that they submit to my mailbox or Instagram account via direct messages."
His audience comes from all over the world. "I've traveled abroad a few times after my stories went viral, and I've met people from Germany, England, and the United States that were fans of my content, and it blew my mind! I never thought I would have fans across the whole globe."
An average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime.
There are thousands of old diseases frozen in the glaciers of the world. Global warming will eventually release them all.
"I personally believe the main reason why so many people are hooked on my content is that it's sympathetic, and [something new]. Hollywood never releases such stories. Horror enthusiasts are bored of American content, and now they've found [stuff] from [a completely different background]," Ebrahim added, highlighting that he loves everyone who clicks on his videos
"I have future plans for my true horror content, so stay tuned because it is going to be insane!"
If the sun exploded right now, you wouldn't know about it for another eight minutes.
Pine trees can grow in human lungs. A man once went into surgery to remove what doctors thought was a tumor. It was a pine tree growing in his lungs.
More than 7000 people die annually due to the doctor's bad handwriting.
When you die, your house cat is going to want to eat you.
Cruise ships have morgues just incase someone... you know, during the trip.
If I died on a boat I would have them throw me overboard - so I’m “buried at sea”
Tooth-in-the-Eye Surgery is when Surgeons put a tooth in a blind person's eye to restore their sight. It was pioneered in the 1960s, and it actually works and it's still being done today.
Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) (also known as "tooth in eye" surgery) is a medical procedure to restore vision in the most severe cases of corneal and ocular surface patients. It includes removal of a tooth from the patient or a donor. After removal, a lamina of tissue cut from the tooth is drilled and the hole is fitted with optics. The lamina is grown in the patients' cheek for a period of months and then is implanted upon the eye. The procedure was pioneered by the Italian ophthalmic surgeon Professor Benedetto Strampelli in the early 1960s. Strampelli was a founder-member of the International Intra-Ocular Implant Club (IIIC) in 1966. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis
After 10 minutes of watching yourself in a mirror, your brain gets bored and distorts your reflection causing imaginary monsters such as Bloody Mary.
Tried that. Turns out my brain can’t imagine anything worse than my ‘tired morning’ look.
There are about 40 supervolcanoes around the world capable of claiming up to a billion lives...and we're about 24,000 years overdue for an eruption.
Wellll in the timespan of earth and everything that’s like your library book overdue for half a day or so
The Pacu fish from South America has human-like teeth.
You are more likely to be bitten by someone in New York than to be bitten by a shark.
Dogs like squeaky toys because they mimic the screams of their prey.
This one is just badly worded. The sound of the squeak releases dopamine in the dogs brain, which is associated with their prey drive.
The Pirates of The Caribbean ride at Disneyland used to have real skeletons as props.
There's a 1-in-3 chance police will never identify your killer if you're murdered in the US.
A sunburn are your cells dying to avoid being cancerous.
There are over 200 dead bodies on top of Mount Everest. Because retrieving them is such a risk, they serve as markers for other hikers.
By the time you reach the age of 18, on average you have 3300 weekends left in your life.
If given access to it, butterflies will happily drink blood.
In 1976, a TV crew realized one of the hanging bodies in the Laff in the Dark ride was indeed a real body - by accidentally breaking it.
If you have red eyes after swimming, its not from chlorine. Its from the chlorine mixing with other people's urine.
Watching horror films can burn up to 200 calories.
"Wow, you lost so much weight! What's your secret?" "I watch one horror film a day." 😅
Some female spiders allow their young to eat them alive.
The average person wastes 5 months of their lives waiting for red lights to turn green.
I wouldn't call that a waste. Trying to beat that time means you'll be in that intersection the rest of your life.
When you die, your hearing is the last sense you lose.
Paris is romantic, right? What's more romantic than millions of human remains? The Catacombs under Paris hold rema!ns of roughly sixty million plague victims.
There's a haunted Russian Radio Station. "UVB-76". It's a low frequency station that's been broadcasting since 1982. And no one knows where the broadcast is originating.
In 2017, an astroid named AG13 passed by our home planet with less than the distance of the moon. Scientists saw that it was coming only 2 days before it could have hit Earth.
In the Middle Ages, people used to eat mummies for medicinal purposes. It's the main reason we do not have a lot of mummies left today.
Not only in the middle-ages where the it was a medical trend since ancient times people used to consume mummies, this really kicked in and became severe in Victorian Age. People loved morbid stuff back then and lots of graves where robbed
There are antidepressants that eliminate someone's ability to feel love and compassion
Tried looking this up and the only stuff I could find were non medical websites claiming that all antidepressants remove your emotions. So…source?
Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented "safety coffins."
I think it was the fear of being buried alive versus the reality of it happening a lot.
If a person d!es in their costume at Disney (like mickey mouse), they have to be sat down on a bench so it looks like they're resting.
So if I ever see a Disney character sitting on a bench I'll know why 😱
There are computers for the Amish. Which have no internet, videos, or music.
4 months ago, a deceased rapper by the name Goonew had his corpse on stage in a nightclub while his fans were partying around his body.
Horrifying Things Your Friend Heard Once and Now Believes Are Facts. Fixed it for you
Horrifying Things Your Friend Heard Once and Now Believes Are Facts. Fixed it for you