35 Normal Things That Are Actually Pretty Horrific If You Think About It
Ready to feel a bit mad? The world throws away around 1.3 billion tons of perfectly edible food every single year. That's almost half a trillion worth of items destroyed, which, to add insult to injury, produces over 10% of global greenhouse gases.
Someone asked “What is something that is normalized in society when in reality it is horrific?” and people shared their best examples. So get comfortable as you scroll through, prepare to shake your head, upvote the worst ones and be sure to share your own examples in the comments below.
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Your pug cannot breathe properly. Your poodle has joint pain. You are promoting genetic mutations that cause unbearable suffering to animals because you think its cute.
You drag them around, keep them in tiny apartments and make yourself the center of their lives to the point that they have anxiety every time you leave for work, you do this to validate yourself and yet you are not treating them with the respect they deserve.
Find a healthy breed, give it a home with space, and companions, ideally outside of a cramped noisy city, raise it properly and respect it as sentient being, or don't have a dog.
Sneering at single mothers instead of the deadbeat dads.
I'm childfree myself, but this infuriates me.
Worshipping billionaires as some kind of genius self-made men when they are mostly the reflection of what's worst about modern society.
And they almost always aren't "self-made". For example Jeff Bezos' start capital came from his parents, not his own savings, if he didn't have parents who could afford helping him financially he probably wouldn't be where he is (not to mention not paying taxes and exploiting workers, that's really how the uber rich get rich).
Destruction of unsold or unused goods. I've watched some documentaries about it and talked to people who worked at such jobs.
A warehouse full of unsold TVs, computers and other such items - scheduled for destruction. An excavator comes and squishes it, throws everything into trucks and off to the landfill. Friend asked if he could take a TV but the other guy just pointed at guards and told him not to even try.
Unsold shoes, all perfectly fine and wearable. Saw a documentary of trucks full of branded shoes leaving them at landfills. I believe they cut them open in beforehand so no one could take any for themselves.
Food thrown away after the day.
I've read articles of bakeries giving stuff they'd usually throw, for free to homeless. They get hefty fines for that.
I know brands will do it to keep the price up. But how is it for the enviroment? I bet it's way more ridiculous than my plastic straw.
Denial of medical care because of inability to pay
The fact that we possess the medical technology for people to die painlessly (and at the time and manner of their choice) and yet there's some sort of taboo to try to legalize it. I understand why but it is what it is.
We all agree that it is the compassionate thing to do to euthanize our pets when they are suffering and there is no way to make them better. But when it comes to humans, most refuse to acknowledge the same thing, I think for two reasons. First, religion. I think it’s a power trip by the higher ups in all the major (mainly Christian/Catholic) religions. But mainly I think it’s the health insurance companies & hospitals that have lobbied Congress to not approve legislation for euthanasia in most states because of the amount of money they would lose if people were given the choice of euthanasia instead of being kept alive by machines and endless rounds of brutal “experimental”treatments. I’m not saying people should just give up when given a terminal diagnosis, but too many people are guilt-tripped into believing the quantity of days you have left is more important than the quality of days you have.
That everyone and anyone should procreate. It affects another person's life who can't consent to it. If you can't give a child a good life you shouldn't have children, as they have rights too.
My (very unpopular) opinion is that people who want children need to adopt. There are so many parentless children in need of loving families. And they are suffering. If you are truly motivated by love, and not by the desire to photocopy your DNA, there is someone out there right now in need of that love.
Watching or recording as people are being hurt or dying. Instead of someone acting to help you see everyone pulling out their cell phone or walking away. Obviously there are times where helping might [be dangerous] so I understand someone not jumping in at those points. Last year there was a IG post showing this exact scenario.
There was security footage of a man whose wife died in a car accident. While he was on his knees crying and holding her hand people were walking up behind him and taking pics and video. This man is having the worst day of his life and people are taking video to post online. Somewhere society stopped caring about others and it is horrific.
A few years ago I was at a high profile parade on a very hot day. A member of one of the marching bands was clearly struggling, vomited, and nearly collapsed. Several people helped him to a shaded area, gave him a folding chair, and numerous people walked over and started fanning him and giving him water bottles. One person went to get nearby medical personnel. I felt a little restoration in my faith in humanity since everyone’s first instinct was to help this individual, and even though there was a large crowd I didn’t see anyone filming what was No Doubt a very scary and somewhat embarrassing moment for this individual.
Not horrific, but I hate that drinking alcohol is so normalized that people think something bad happened or something is wrong with you if you don’t drink.
Male victims of domestic violence. A lot of people just think it’s funny.
Domestic Violence is a scourge on society. If you're a violent f****r, prone to jealousy, insecure and so entitled you can't cope with not getting you're own way, do everyone a favour and stay single and DON'T breed! Men or women. Penalties for domestic abusers need to be a helluva lot tougher and there needs to be a register like there is for sex offenders so people know who they are getting involved with.
Referring to humans as illegals and then treating them as if they aren't humans and as if you yourself haven't benefited from immigration even your existence is partly somewhere down your bloodline the result of immigration. The us and them mentality disgusts me.
The same people who b***h about the US being overrun by immigrants who don’t speak English are the same people who will 1) brag about what countries their grandparents came from to the US not speaking English and only having $50 in their pocket; 2) complain about immigrants taking all the good jobs from hardworking Americans but at the same time claiming they don’t work & are milking the system; 3) Are so proud to take those Ancestry tests to prove that they themselves have as much claim to the US as anyone else, with the exception of the Indigenous Peoples of North America.
People not caring about the poor. Thinking they got where they are because they're lazy, or d**g addicts. In reality, if we made some poor choices we could be in the exact same position.
You don't even have to make a poor choice. This is my biggest fear, I will have an accident or some sickness and lose my job and then my house.
Women getting iud’s without legit pain meds. F****n barbaric.
And uterine biopsies. Absolute agony and definitely not just a "pinch".
In the USA, tying health care to your work / ability to produce at a high level.
Health insurance is not even offered at lower-paying jobs.
Mixing health insurance and employment just seems like a bad idea to me. I had a hotel manager in the US who had to work with terminal cancer until her final 2 weeks because her treatment/insurance was tied to her employment. Similarly, a good friend is continuing to work past retirement due to the superior benefits his insurance provides for him and his wife. He is ready to retire but is worried a medical issue could bankrupt them. Crazy.
Child brides, are mortifying to me. I remember one time there was this three year old girl getting married off to a 36 year old man. I thought how horrible to myself and aloud. A guy at work thought I would be comforted by the fact that her husband shouldn't have [intercourse] with her until she was of age. I wasn't because it's not guaranteed he won't consummate the marriage with his toddler bride just because it's frowned upon.
Religion and the indoctrination of children and vulnerable populations (poor, sick, incarcerated, etc)
And in the most hypocritical way imaginable these are many of the people that accuse public schools of trying to indoctrinate children and demand books be banned and that things like critical race theory, gay pride, etc. never be taught
Forcing kids to show physical affection to anyone.
I used to embarass my parents a lot with this when I was very little, because I would protest loudly that I did not want to give a kiss to a bunch of relatives because "auntie is prickly!" (she had some remarkably strong hairs on her chin), "uncle smells!" (he was not averse to a little glass of any alcohol, anytime), etc. I was too little to understand that it's not nice to say things like that, and I saw these relatives maybe once a year, they did not feel like family to my little mind, just weird, unattractive strangers. Up to this day it makes me very uncomfortable when anyone (partner's family, overly friendly new acquaintance etc) comes up to me to greet me with a peck on the cheek and a hug. I have a huge personal space and hate any touching from anyone other than maybe 3 people in this world. I'm 100 percent sure that this would not be the case if I was allowed to choose who to hug/touch/kiss when I was a small child.
For-profit medicine. Doctors don't have to work for free, but selling stock shares based on people seeking medical help is absolutely unethical.
Well, normalized in the USA at least - Declawing your cats
Part of being owned by a cat is accepting that furniture is not a priority.
Load More Replies...That cat was deeply unhappy and didn't feel safe. They don't do that just for giggles.
The comment from keyboardtek is absolutely disgusting and infuriating! Anyone who values their furniture more than the wellbeing of their pet is not suited to own one!
Then you don’t get a cat! They’re notorious for scratching furniture and damaging many household items. A cat that’s attacking people aren’t a happy cat! A lot of people choose cats as a pet because they believe they’re easier to raise, no! As with any pet, you need to know about behaviours that are both good and bad (not that I believe pets are bad) look into the practice of declawing a cat, it’s shocking!!!
You get a behaviourist and work out why the cat is so stressed and miserable that keeping it indoors is basically torture for it. What you don't do is cut off the toe bones to make it stressed, miserable, and now in pain and disabled.
No. There's been quite a change in the US about this. Most vets won't do it anymore. I had to sign an agreement that I would never declaw my kittens before I was allowed to adopt them. A shredded couch is a small price to pay.
The mutilation of any being without consent is abhorrent! Circumcision, baby ear piercing, tail and ear chopping of dogs. All disgusting.
In Australia, this is unheard of, thankfully. It's not illegal, just never done. I don't think vets here would know how to do this & they most certainly wouldn't if asked!
Can I just say I find it weird that the picture shows clear claws? Are those fake implanted claws, or does that cat actually have clear claws.
Those claws are normal, but they look a bit overgrown. Might need more frequent trimming, or better access to scratching posts and mats. IMG_2692-6...46-png.jpg
Hi Jessica, our cats have very clear claws too :) (because one of them has a chronic ear issue we sometimes need to clip his hind nails a bit and it really helps to be able to see what's safe to cut).
Illegal here in uk as it cropping dogs ears and docking tails and pin firing horses tendons !
I live in the US and most Vets will refuse to do that now and finding one that will has thankfully become a lot more difficult. I've seen Vets get extremely pissed off if you even bring up the subject, usually you'll get a really long rant on why it should be banned.
Most vets won’t do it these days. Also tail and ear docking. My vet says he’ll happily dock a dog’s tail and ears the day it comes in and asks for it.
Absolutely never declaw a cat! My furniture is tore up, a coffee table is a scratching post.. I know this so I only buy cheap stuff! But I love all 3 of my cats! Declawing a cat is like cutting off your fingertips at the last knuckle. It should be outlawed!
I have a small problem with blanket bans on it, though, because it’s sometimes medically necessary. We had a cat born with a slightly deformed paw. Didn’t slow him down in the least, but the claws on that paw had to be removed because they were completely ingrown. This would have been chronically painful and at high risk of infection. Any declawing ban that doesn’t explicitly grant exceptions for medical necessity does not have my support.
Nope. Only in a couple of states (California and Virginia iirc) and a few other areas.
I‘ve never heard of this and just read it up: it’s illegal here in the EU and some other countries. Obviously it’s allwoed in the US and yet again, the USA is the odd one out of the so called western countries. In a very bad way
Declawing is legal in the vast majority of the USA. Fact check before going off next time.
Load More Replies...Site your sources, John Boy. It's not illegal, just very much frowned upon by MOST vets in the USA.
In the us ?
criminalizing not only being homeless, but *helping* people who are homeless. feeding or housing or even just providing respite.
Not a very christian behavior coming from the country with the largest christian population in the world.
The abuse of animals in the horse and dog racing business. So many d***s and injuries causing death to innocent animals. Then an abundance of non productive animals to get rid of.
Abuse of animals, period. Especially using them to test products only meant for humans and the results from said testing being absolutely USELESS. Therefore, a lot of animals suffering needlessly for 80+ years.
The payday lending industry.
Giving out loans at completely unreasonable interest rates to the people least likely to be able to pay them back, leading them further down a path to misery is an evil business model, and that regulators seem so willing to look the other way is disappointing if not surprising.
Paying taxes to a government that doesn't keep you healthy, educated, and provide **guaranteed** security in retirement after spending a lifetime supporting said government.
Ah, but you get a military, bigger than the next 8 biggest militaries, to protect the 1% richest people’s interests around the globe.
Nudging females to have kids when they clearly don't want them.
Then abandoning any responsibility once the child is born. Important until birth, then mother and child can drop dead.
The way medication is advertised in the US directly to the consumer. "Ask your doctor about...."
Just saw one of these commercials. They didn't even give a hint what the d**g was supposed to treat, but "it could be right for you"
Treating addicts like they deserve to die
Addiction is a disease, yet there are so many people who still treat it as a matter of choice and strength of character.
IMO, TV series being made of a serial [criminal]/ evil person being glamorized, played by some hot actor, and dramatized so that people become sort of “fans” of the real life person. Bonus points if not much sympathy or perspective is shown for the direct families/friends impacted by the actions of said evil person.
Circumcision (when they're babies and not due to medical reasons).
Forcing autistic people to hide who they are, because how other people sees you is more important that your own mental health. This leads to anxiety, low self esteem, depression, and s*****e being much more common in the autistic community.
I grew up forced to mask all the time and people did not understand why I would get so exhausted and surly after doing it for hours on end (and would not tolerate it). It's only just a few months ago, after more than twenty years, that I've felt safe openly telling people I will be working or studying with that I'm autistic. Because now I know they won't judge me for it but will show consideration toward my needs. Last year I was asked to give a speech to an audience of children, and for the first time ever I stood up in front of an audience and said "I am an autistic person, so this is really hard for me to do, but I'm doing it anyway". I later learned that a lot of those kids were themselves autistic, and now here was this impressive grown-up telling them "I am like you". And that's not something I will ever fail to give the next generation again.
Housing as a commodity/investment rather than a basic need / shelter.
People need shelter to survive, and suitable shelter is a prerequisite to starting families or just not suffering without access to a basic human need in general.
Imagine if we started limiting access to drinking water and started hoarding to sell it for what the highest bidders are willing to take, even if it leaves behind a large chunk of our society. Imagine ensuring that a majority of people are unable to afford enough water if they were to have kids, just so investors can continue to make a bigger buck in the future. Imagine if we encouraged buying off any remaining available water, allowed corporations to hoard it, and encouraged people to hoard it as a means of storing their wealth, and as their retirement nest egg.
Application fees for apartments
Somebody once put forth the idea that, if you have a property for rent, all you have to do is keep accepting applications(+fees) and never approve anybody. Easy side income, no worries about tenants wrecking the place.
That 99% of processed foods have added sugar to help for profit companies to feed addictions
Even worse, corn syrup being used, there is a component in corn syrup which negates your ability to feel full.
The chicken industry is pretty horrific. I eat chicken. But yeah when you really read about it it is sick. Billions of chickens born every year only to be forced to lay eggs for their life or slaughtered after a few days or weeks.
Deaths by motor vehicle. +1 million people worldwide every year
Poll Question
Which societal change should be reversed to improve quality of life?
Work-life balance imbalance
Overconsumption culture
Loss of privacy
Decline of face-to-face communication
Why do women have to be beautiful or sexy to be accepted in society? And why are there still no rights for women to stay at home when they are having their period? Too much women suffer each month but it is still taboo in society.
This reminds me of a BP (i think) article titled "Pink Tax is mostly on items for women." It's because people do not connect the dots.
Load More Replies...Mari, what is stopping you from starting your own business that treats its female employees the way you'd like?
How come no-one mentioned that it shouldn't be normal that you have the right to expect that, just because you can get in touch with someone instantly, and it's convenient for you at this exact moment, they should drop whatever they are doing to respond, rather than making you wait until it's convenient for them.
The real problem underlying all of this is that too many people are just stupid, obedient consumers who don't care to learn anything. As far as I can tell this is the big problem in society affecting everything. Incurious people, comfortable in their willful ignorance.
awful article, everyone is victim, no solutions. It just serves gratuitous rage for clicks.
The Bored Panda comments section is dominated by people not from the US.
If you mean being transgender, transgender is not a sexual perversion.
Load More Replies...Even if true, that does not support your claim of sexual perversion.
Why do women have to be beautiful or sexy to be accepted in society? And why are there still no rights for women to stay at home when they are having their period? Too much women suffer each month but it is still taboo in society.
This reminds me of a BP (i think) article titled "Pink Tax is mostly on items for women." It's because people do not connect the dots.
Load More Replies...Mari, what is stopping you from starting your own business that treats its female employees the way you'd like?
How come no-one mentioned that it shouldn't be normal that you have the right to expect that, just because you can get in touch with someone instantly, and it's convenient for you at this exact moment, they should drop whatever they are doing to respond, rather than making you wait until it's convenient for them.
The real problem underlying all of this is that too many people are just stupid, obedient consumers who don't care to learn anything. As far as I can tell this is the big problem in society affecting everything. Incurious people, comfortable in their willful ignorance.
awful article, everyone is victim, no solutions. It just serves gratuitous rage for clicks.
The Bored Panda comments section is dominated by people not from the US.
If you mean being transgender, transgender is not a sexual perversion.
Load More Replies...Even if true, that does not support your claim of sexual perversion.