Starbucks Baristas Share Things They’re Just So Tired Of (35 New Posts)
Let’s have a big round of applause for all the baristas out there who smilingly greet us grumpy in the mornings and send us off with a great start to the day, aka the morning cup of coffee, on which everything that waits ahead relies. Meetings, dates, calls, you name it.
So let’s just all imagine the uncaffeinated bunch of clients Starbucks workers see every day. In fact, we don’t need to imagine that, thanks to the Reddit community which goes by the same name, r/Starbucks. Here, the employees of the popular coffeehouse chain spill it all, the good and the bad.
Below, you'll find the stories they shared about the most awful clients, craziest orders and everything they had to deal with at work and it’s just pure madness. After you're done reading this one, be sure to check out part 1 with more Starbucks horror stories.
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My Dog Passed And They Told Me To Come To Work Anyway So I Quit. Her Name Is Eva
Support The Workers
This Would Be A Great Stress Relief Practice
Go watch "Clerks" or "Fight Club".. You're not your job.. Your job doesn't dictate your behavior.. Just know there may be consequences for your actions.. You may get fired or you may gain the respect of people worldwide.. You never know.
According to Starbucks' careers website, baristas are the face of Starbucks. The popular coffeehouse chain states that “They are an important part of our customers’ days, and experts in handcrafting delicious, perfect beverages.” Moreover, “Baristas personally connect and create moments that make a difference and work together to create a welcoming store environment,” says the company’s website. Starbucks argues that baristas are the ones who bring their mission and values to life “while proudly wearing the green apron.”
Pouring One Out
You just need to be polite and reasonable. That works everywhere.
An Inspiration To Us All
If Only All Customers Were Like This
So what exactly is the company looking for in the people who greet customers every day? Well, Starbucks argues that you’d make a great barista if you are a “people person,” and enjoy meeting others, love working as a team and appreciate the chance to collaborate, understand how to create a great customer service experience, have a focus on quality and take pride in your work. So if you press apply for a barista position on their website, you’d be surprised how much importance they put on social and interpersonal skills. No wonder why, when you look at the clients they have to deal with on a daily basis.
“Please Don’t Verbally Assault The Baristas”
"Managers Favorite" Lmao
honestly calling it the "ghost refresher" is pretty cool. Also great that they're giving it for free
On the other hand, working as a barista at Starbucks is still viewed as a first job for college students since the company is flexible with working hours and has many locations to meet your needs. According to Indeed.com, average Starbucks barista hourly pay in the United States is approximately $12.55, which meets the national average.
However, like many companies, Starbucks faced labor shortage in 2021 and announced it was raising their average pay up to $17 an hour starting late January 2022. Around the same time, the company also announced that it was investing in training, as well as redesigning its "Barista Basics" guide and adding more training time.
When They Drive/Walk Past The Tip Jar
Working Thanksgiving Sucks, So I Made All My Baristas Gift Bags! Thank You For Everything You Do
these gift bags honestly look really nice, a card, a cup, and whatever else you put down in there. Definitely made thanksgiving better.
Somebody Backed Into Our Window On Friday, And This Was Presented To Us Today. Sometimes Work Is Okay
Also This
Starbucks: We Are Forced To Raise Prices Due To Inflation And Supply-Chain Issues. Also Starbucks: Our Profit Just Went Up 31% And We Gave Our CEO A 39% Raise To $20.4 Million
Some People Live In The Purge
Telling Customers We're Out Of Product
Again? What Is This?!
Somebody Literally Set Our Store On Fire Sunday And My Coworkers And I Didn’t Know What To Do So We Just Kept Making Drinks
Walked Into My Store And Burst Into Laughter. Gotta Love These Shortages
Me Watching Karen’s Card Get Declined
*sputters, red in the face* "I have MONEY in there!!!!! Try it again" *still declines* *unintelligible frustration noises* *fishes around in purse for other card to use* *finally clears* Whew.
It’s Happening
Some Whiteout Poetry Dedicated To Being A Partner
This Is Just… A Lot
Good costumer, actually. I would love all my clients having so clear ideas.
Find A Lizard?
These aren't actual orders the baristas just find a mantis and catch it with a cup and think"you know what would be funny"
It’s Starting To Get To Me
I'm more concerned about the fact that the little hovering dog has casts on both of it's front legs.
The Bucks Be Draining Yo
100% - i don't get how people workout, go out to eat, or do anything after work
the motivation and will to live parts really got me also they only have tears
The Life Of An Opener
They do that every where lol At my shop they’ll be knocking at the door *mystified* that they can’t get in at five-to. It’s ok, they’re cute.
I Am So Tired
Dead Inside
60 Frappuccinos With No Tip… $279
Water And Whip No
I blame Starbucks management for not setting limits on insane orders
Customers can be hard work, but most of this is an issue with Starbucks as a company. People order complicated drinks and 50 boxes for 5am because they are told by Starbucks that this is reasonable and ok.
I'm not a coffee drinker and I will never understand the assholes who put in such ridiculous orders. If you order coffee like this, you are an a*****e. If you bring your own sticker, you are an a*****e. If you berate people in the service industry, you are an a*****e. Starbucks shouldn't have to set limits, people should just stop being assholes.
So if you bring in a preprinted sticker to make an order easier and quicker to make, you're an ahole?? Foh with that ignorance. They could be hearing impaired, or have another disability, or, in that case, just be a more complex order. Stop being a fn d*ck for no reason.
Load More Replies...I blame Starbucks management for not setting limits on insane orders
Customers can be hard work, but most of this is an issue with Starbucks as a company. People order complicated drinks and 50 boxes for 5am because they are told by Starbucks that this is reasonable and ok.
I'm not a coffee drinker and I will never understand the assholes who put in such ridiculous orders. If you order coffee like this, you are an a*****e. If you bring your own sticker, you are an a*****e. If you berate people in the service industry, you are an a*****e. Starbucks shouldn't have to set limits, people should just stop being assholes.
So if you bring in a preprinted sticker to make an order easier and quicker to make, you're an ahole?? Foh with that ignorance. They could be hearing impaired, or have another disability, or, in that case, just be a more complex order. Stop being a fn d*ck for no reason.
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