50 Times People Realized They Were Sharing Their Home With A ‘Monster’ (New Pics)
Living with another person isn't just pizza parties and game nights. Whether it's keeping the noise down, respecting each other's space, or taking turns with chores, you should also compromise so both can feel at home. But not everyone gets that.
To show how annoying we can be to one other, Bored Panda collected evidence of bad roommates, shared online by those who had the "pleasure" of knowing them. Some might be more lost than others, but hopefully, these pictures will remind you to pick up your socks and return the drying rack to the closet.
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Roommate Tossed Out My Childhood Stuffed Animal
I know I am kind of old to be having stuffed animals but it’s not like I take them everywhere, I have it next to the couch as decorations (or at least one of them, the rest are in my room in my closet).
The dude is a friend of a friend who desperately needed a place to stay and I offered it. It has been the worst month of my life. Glad I’m done with him.
I am over 40, and have some of my stuffed animals (albeit at my mother's) still. Memories, nostalgia.
I’m also well over 40 and I have stuffed animals in my room, on my bed as decorations. My husband and I still buy each other toys once in a while. His latest gift to me? A Rainbow Brite doll I keep on a shelf in my office. I gave my son my childhood teddy bear. He still keeps it on his bed and he just turned 14.
Load More Replies...The response was the logical one. That#s how you deal with someone like that
My birth bear and my Communion panda (I was given this panda stuffie when I took my First Holy Communion) are on the bedside table - and I'm 48. They aren't toys, they are cherished memories, given by relatives who are no longer with me. Touch them and die.
Dam right I’m 60 f lol n I have a good few stuffed animals ! As does my 23 yr old daughter and my 20 yr old son has a few ! ops roomie got issues get shot of him he really is vile
My kids stepdad was worried our kids would be made fun of for having stuffed animals still and wanted to get rid of them. Or at least pack them up. I said absolutely tf not. I have nothing left from my childhood. From like before I was 11. Thanks to Katrina. I would never intentionally take my kids stuff and get rid of it without their permission. Neither would he, even though I do understand his concerns. But not our choice to make
Load More Replies...I'm 44 and have a stuffed cat my grandparents gave me when I was 7. She is my most treasured possession. Woe betide anyone who touches her, let alone does something like this.
One is never to old for plushies. Especially plushies one got as an infant - heck I still have my babyblanket and my first plushie and I'm 38
Read this and immediately jumped to Reddit because I HAD TO KNOW: "This_Attitude_5190 OP Update: He left the house. He left a bit of a mess but I cleaned it in a few minutes Also, turns out he did not throw the stuffed animal out and his girlfriend took it. I asked my friend (the person who introduced me to the roommate) and got her contact info. She had no clue it was mine and apparently he told her it was his and he was gonna give it to her, she returned it the same day after meeting at a local park. I’m hoping they will break up, but as u/squibilly said, not my monkey, not my circus." As someone that kept many mementos into adulthood, only to lose most of them when the place got invaded/robbed/trashed, this hurt. Glad he found it.
I've got a pink teddy bear I was given by an aunt when I was born-he's 58 now and sits on a shelf. A few months ago, my husband's childhood teddy got chewed by the new pup-it was handed to me with "Can you fix him? Dad bought this for me before I was born." Ted is so old he's stuffed with sawdust, and it was single scariest bit of sewing I've ever done. Fortunately, surgery was successful and Ted's foot was saved, but he now sits on the shelf next to Pink Bear, well out of reach. Destroying someone else's soft toys is a disgusting thing to do, regardless how you feel about them personally.
I'll be 50 this weekend and I have 2 Squishmallow stuffed animals in my bed. :)
I bought a toy moose in Canada in the early 90s for my mom, and its presence cheered her up during her last couple of years. She died in 1993, and Mr. Moose lives up on top of my glass case next to my retired gargoyle.
I agree. I'm F80--I still have my childhood teddy bear. His name is Doug. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
My teddy is 57. I got him from a random supermarket when I was 1year old. Not plush but stuffed with straw...but I’m 58 going on 35 and am the romantic kind with a dash of nostalgia.
I was born the year after Care Bears came out, I'm currently F41. I have 3 or for originals that are currently packed away at my mom's. About 3years ago, I rekindled my love of Care Bears and now have so many (mostly plushies but some figurines and other miscellaneous and such). Even my co-workers have started to contribute LOL I regret nothing and look forward to continuing my collection for as long as I decide to, not because society is telling me I'm too old! warm regards from a 41 going on 8 LOL :)
Load More Replies...I don’t care what the object was, it was yours. It wasn’t a dirty paper plate or other obvious trash. It was your property. Asshat dies not have basic civility.
Absolutely. No-one has the right to throw away another's possessions because of some belief they hold.
Load More Replies...I'm 67 years old and still treasure the first stuffed animal I received as an infant. If anyone threw out Hee Haw, I'd have to deck them. Donkey-677...c39b1e.jpg
Having a stuffed animal at any age effects you as much as it effects men to wear pink: it doesn't.
This one made me laugh. Once upon a time, the primary color for young boys was pink, or shades of LOL Here's a clip from one of many articles regarding this: “The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and daintier, is prettier for the girl.” Red or shades thereof have often been considered masculine, blue (the sky, the sea) was often considered more feminine.
Load More Replies...I'm 60 and have my favorite Squishmallow sitting next to me. My Build-a-Bears (and my husband's) are put up so the dogs can't reach them, and both my grown sons still have some of their childhood stuffies. You are NEVER too old for stuffed animals. Good on you for kicking that a*****e out.
I still have my bear from childhood. I would unalive anyone who messed with him.
1:I have a few stuffed animals and dolls that I would murder someone if they tried to throw them out. All of them are from my parents and since they are both gone they mean even more to me now. I have a "Terry" doll that my Dad drove to 5 different stores and FINALLY found it at a toy store 50 miles away that was the last Christmas gift that I ever got from him. Dad was killed on May 21st, buried May 23rd and my birthday is May 24. Last year was the 40th anniversary of him being gone, so that's the last present I received from him when he was still alive. For my birthday, he bought me an Alvin stuffed animal, because I was OBSESSED with "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and Dad never got to give it to me. Mom bought me a mini stuffed bear holding a heart, so whenever I spent the night somewhere I could take it with me. Even when I was a teenager that bear would go into my overnight bag, especially since looking back I had insane attachment issues with my Mom, because of what happened to Dad.
2:: That's one of the reasons Mom trusted me so much as a teenager. Back before cell phones, it didn't matter where I was I would ALWAYS find a phone to call and check on her. I could make sure that she was okay and didn't need me to come home. So, she always knew where I was or how to get a hold of me, in case of an emergency. The other thing from my Mom was a Raggedy Ann Doll. I wanted one really badly growing up, but they were way too expensive to buy. When I turned 15 and came home from a friends house, sitting in the middle of my bed was Raggedy Ann. She was holding a little sign that said "It took me 15 years but I finally made it home. Love Always, Ann" I cried like a baby and gave Mom the biggest hug. Ann is sitting on the top of my bookcase and still holding her sign, because Mom said that no matter what she can always watch over me. Long winded, but there you go and now you can understand why I made the murder comment.
Load More Replies...I have a small collection of stuffed animals from childhood, including a set of 3 dolls my grandmother made (they aren't very good, but hey). I'm over 50 years old. My husband pays them no attention and wouldn't DARE do anything with them without asking me first.
I have a stuffed bear... Present for my 2nd birthday and a picture to proof it...lol. My little brother took his/her ears of. Still love both of them (bear and brother)
Am so happy that you still love the bear AND brother lol :)
Load More Replies...I'm 23 and still get Stuffies every year for holidays and own close to 100 total. Some things you just don't outgrow
I have plushies from when I was 0-3, from 3-10 and ones I got when I was "already too old for stuffed toys". Of all the "toys" from my childhood, I still have the many of them, ESPECIALLY anything stuffed/plush. I regret nothing and am now 41 :) P.S. love your handle/name :)
Load More Replies...im 35 and have a whole collection of plushies. 1 is my 35 year old teddy bear i got wen i was a year old. i still sleep with him cuz he helps my anxeity. he also is one of my fondest memories of my grandpa who was my hero. long story short he bought teddy for me wen my wouldnt after i was a little theif and grabbed teddy on the way out of bloomongdales. i wouldnt let go until my grandpa whisper to me "do u want that bear" he took teddy and bought it. i brought teddy everywhere with me wen i was little. hes in good condition aside from missing some fur lol. my grandma was basically teddys doctor and still is even at 95years old. my husband hated teddy at first but accepts him now. hes also accepted im a plushie addict
I'm 43 years old and I still have the precious little stuffed bumble bee I clutched as a child. It sits on the mantle in our bedroom and if someone did to my bee what was done to OP, well, I've been meaning to put a new deck in the backyard for months now.
Yea, keeping a childhood stuffed animal is super normal and the person who threw it out because his girlfriend said it was childish is a d******d and can go live with his girlfriend.
I'm 41 and sleep with a polar bear named Stinky that I've had since I was 10 years old. Stinky gets snuggled close every night, I even have to wrestle him back from the husband if he grabs him close first.
I have my teddy bear named Angel (from the TV series LOL) that I got from my mom in my early teens, and he is wrapped in my original baby blanket; I also have 2 rotating plushies on my bed. I'm also 41 and have NO intentions of changing this routine/ritual :)
Load More Replies...If you touch my stuffed animals or any of my plushies for that matter I'm gonna drop kick you
My sister keeps Dad's Steiff bear. It's been loved to the point the only value is sentimental, but keep it she will, with my blessing. ♥
50 and I still have stuffed toys to sleep with. As someone once told me a stuffed toy can be cheaper than therapy. Goodness knows how many times I’ve held those toys when I needed some comfort. Zero shame having toys when you’re no longer a child
I'm over 50 and still have a few stuffies from my childhood that have special meaning to me and anyone who touched them would seriously regret it...
My wife and I have stuffed animals and they have lives and conversations because it is a form of therapy for us and a way to communicate/bond with our youngest. We are both in our 50s. We also have stuffed animals from our infancy. Screw anyone's opinion on it. If you can't play and have fun as an adult and access the joy of being a child then I am very sad for your inability to find what makes you happy.
You are NEVER too old to have stuffed animals :) I have a bug stuffed poop emoji, so it doesn't even have to be an animal :D
THIS IS SICKENING!!! I still have my Ernie from when I was an infant. He has no legs and half his face is burned off but I still love him. I feel like stuffed animals carry the consciousness of our childhoods and should never be thrown away. It disturbs me so much how little respect for other people's belongings there is.
That would probably be a last straw for me as well, except that I would offer to help him find a place to live and convince him to go find the stuffed animal with me first. I hope the former roommate made amends, at the least!
I'm 41, I still have my original baby blanket and a teddy bear from my younger teens (from my mom) on my bed 24/7. Over the last few years, I have also SIGNIFICANTLY expanded my Care Bear collection (mostly plush, but some figurines and miscellaneous as well). I Regret Nothing!!! :)
I am 40 years old and if anyone threw out my Duckams there would be hell to pay.
Nah, screw all this 'I am 32 and I have a few stuffed animals on a shelf'. I am 43 and I have numerous stuffed animals and I SLEEP WITH THEM! I have Edward the gigantic abominable snowman who I bought at Aldi when high on painkillers from surgery and cuddles him the whole time my teen and I shopped. I have Sealio the grumpy seal, I have Ignatious the giant plague doctor I got to celebrate the first visit to see my parents in America after the 'Vid (him I don't sleep with because I don't want to drool on him). There's only one on a shelf; a beautiful cat my grandparents sent me when I was 20 and going through chemotherapy and my blood cell count dipped so low I was quarantined from everyone, even my cat, so thet sent me the cat. There have been studies on how comforting and relaxing it is to cuddle something when you sleep and if some dude makes fun do the creep thing and watch them when they sleep, I bet they either turn a pillow sideways and cuddle it or bunch up blankets to cuddle.
Angel the teddy bear (wrapped in my baby blanket) 2 rotating Care Bears and a Happy/Angry Octopus. They are on my bed 24/7 and I don't plan on changing that! I'm 41 :)
Load More Replies...My (f,50) giraffe plushy is my comfort animal and has seen more tears than necessary. Has also been to more countries than my halfbred sister.
I am almost 35 and buy new stuffed animals whenever I like. And if somebody hates or shames me for this or some such they can stuff it where the sun doesn't shine. They are cute decorations and as long as they don't take over more than a few spaces on the couch it's completely fine by me.
Someone I thought was my friend was hard up for money. I said I'd pay him if he helped tidy up my room. He wanted the money but didn't want to work so he threw a bunch of stuff away when I wasn't looking. A stuffed animal that was the only thing I had from my dead grandma. The bunny puppet ive had sonce i was a baby!
I am almost 45 and I still have some stuffed toys from my childhood in my bedroom and dressing room. They have sentimental value. 1 of them I've had since I was 2 that my great grandmother got for me. I also still own my childhood blanket, I use it on my sofa when it's chilly
I’m 64, and I still have the stuffed St Bernard my friends gave me for my 18th birthday.
I'm 48, and have plushies all over my room AND some on my desk at work. To Hell with "age appropriate" BS!
It isn't childish at all but even if it was it's nobody's business but your own. It's not up to some random roommate or even worse a random roommate whose girlfriend laughs and says it's childish so to prove he's the big man he throws out another person's property. A-hole doesn't even cover how awful he is!
I 'rescue' small teddies and bears from second hand shops. This is because as a kid nearly all my toys were taken away from me when I lived in a foster home. No-one touches my little orphans!
TOTALLY justifiable imo. idk if it's something special or a book...don't touch my $h!+ (but yeah, even worse when it's something like that)
I am 62 going on 63 I have a lot of stuffed toys that I even use as pillows. They are cute andfun. Moral of this story don't touch other peoples things. And that person needed to be kicked out due to their their selfish attitude.
My sister got a blanket the day she was born (1976). Slept with it until she got married, then kept it under her pillow. Passed it on to her daughter when she was born and kept it mended when it frayed. It is now half the size, but still in her daughter's possession (age 20). Nothing wrong with keeping childhood sentimental items, and certainly not the roommate's business!
I am 78 and my little stuffed dog is 77. I hope the OP was able to get her animal back.
I'll turn 80 in February; I still have a couple of stuffies that I received when I was first brought home by my parents...
I have slept with my bunny for 38 years and counting. My husband could give two sh*ts because whatever makes me happy & isnt hurting anyone right?! I even bring bun-bun on flights with me & shamelessly hold her during take-off. The praise outnumbers the looks, and I could give two sh*ts about the looks, just like my very loving husband.
My childhood doll is right here with me as I type. If someone threw her out I would f*****g kill them.
I'm in my mud 50s, I still have some stuffed animals...including the bear my grandma gave me when I was born. Pebbles is a bit worn in places, so am I...but we had many adventures together a few baths, and she never complained when I cried with her.
You touch my clown cloth doll and you best get your loins girded for payback sweetheart. I'm adopted and one of the things I came with was my clown cloth doll. He fell apart eventually, no rescuing him but? When I was in the physiotherapy hospital at first, like the first week? I found the exact same doll on eBay so I bought it/him. He took pride of place on the top pillow when I was eventually able to make my bed by myself and I sent the seller so many thanks! So this "person"? For throwing out a much beloved stuffed animal? How about I throw YOU out upside down into a dumpster? How's them apples? *GRAWLIX*
Love the onslaught of comments in defense of stuffed animals/plushies. :)
I'm 30 and i have small collection of plushies, AND i snuggle with them
I sleep with a stuffed animal. I am 37. I have Pooh for 27 years. Last year I bought Mr. Cow (namepun)
I have several stuffed animals that are good memories of my dad who passed in 2023. If someone threw them out I'd be livid.
our daughter is 30 years old and STILL has her "mommy bear" from when she was a baby.
Who Does That?
Last year, the National Student Accommodation Survey asked over 1,000 students in the United Kingdom about the most common annoying housemate habits, and the results might give us a better understanding of the broader picture. The list was:
- Leaving dirty dishes out (65%);
- Not helping with cleaning (55%);
- Leaving lights/appliances on (44%);
- Being too loud (44%);
- Leaving food to rot (41%);
- Not removing hair from plug holes (31%);
- Stealing food (26%);
- Not changing the toilet roll (26%);
- Leaving windows open (23%);
- Leaving the toilet seat up (23%);
- Taking long showers (22%);
- Moving a partner in (15%).
As we can see, the pictures reflect this pretty well.
Family Member Has Cancer And No Immune System, And Is Largely Bed-Ridden. We Sanitized Her Whole House A Few Days Ago. Came To Pick Her Up And Found This. Told Her Roommate To Move Out Immediately
I Have Asked Her Politely To Stop Several Times Now And My Patience Has Expired
I’ve communicated how much it bothers me, and asked politely several times that she stop draping her fallen hairs on my products. Her shelf is always hair-free and pristine. I’m done asking, just collected every hair she left on my stuff and put in on top of her products. Petty?
Kicked Out My Roommate. This Was His Room, So You Can Imagine How He Treated The Rest Of The House. Really Gross, And Just Really Sad
However, building and maintaining a good relationship with your roommate isn't so straightforward. "Spending lots of time with another person makes it easy to settle into casual irritability," said Diana Partington, a licensed professional counselor in private practice and author of 'DBT for Life: Skills to transform the way you live.'
"We become reactive to any sign of selfishness or callousness, making it hard to live together ... Your behavior changes my behavior, and then my behavior changes your behavior. Going back and forth like this can escalate quickly."
Roommate Crashed My Car While Borrowing It To Go To Work Then Refuses To Pay Anything Unless I Let Her Continue To Drive It In The Future
Left My Apartment For About A Month Because Of Covid. Came Back To Find This, The AC Set To 40 F, The Sink Running, The Back Door Wide Open And The Roommate Moved Out
On the plus side, given it was covid times, they left some loo rolls!
The Way My Roommates Makes Beef Jerky
My Mugs Weren’t In The Kitchen So I Checked My Roommate's Room
But we have to stand up for ourselves — if our roommate repeatedly behaves in a way that negatively impacts our life, we must bring it up.
The secret to talking through conflict with a bad roommate, according to Kat Cohen, CEO and Founder of college guidance company IvyWise, is calling them in, rather than calling them out.
This means inviting our roommate into a conversation about how we can get along better rather than making one-sided accusations.
Flatmate Had A Couple Friends Over, Fine, But He Destroyed My Isolation Made Cheese! These Have Already Been Aging For 2.5 Moths And Were Almost Ready
The Least Hygenic Person I've Ever Met Just Moved Out And Left This. It Is Exactly What You'd Hope It's Not
I will never not have this in my brain. Please help me carry this load. No pun intended.
I Made Dinner For Us And Then Saw This Note When I Went For A Midnight Snack ?
I literally make meals for us at least 9x a week despite us both working the same hours. She never makes food. I am legit the main one who does the dishes because I’m typically feeding the both of us. She gets fast food majority of the time and never does them. She doesn’t have to worry about them because she’s always eating out when I don’t cook for us, but due to the dishes technically being “my fault”, they have to be done within the hour according to her.
We have a rule in my house that if you cook, the other person washes! Although it's expected you don't leave the kitchen looking like a bomb site.
Roommate Let His Friend Use My Cast Iron Pan, She Ran It Through The Dishwasher, And Then He Left It In There For Days
"Frame this as a discussion of living policies and how to be a better roommate, and avoid criticizing your roommate's current behaviors," Cohen explained.
“Ask him or her if there is anything he or she would like to change about your living arrangement in order to make the conversation feel more like a discussion, as opposed to a personal attack or complaint."
I'm Tired Of "Communicating"
This girl has had guests over at the apartment for days now and I already told her I wasn’t comfortable with guests staying over for this long. The space is small and we share a shower.
I’m sick of “communicating” with her and nothing happening. She’s also done other stuff like leaving hair in the shower, almost never cleaning the apartment and having her audio at max volume all night.
3 Weeks Ago I Replaced The Vinyl Countertop Covering Because My Roommate Ruined It By Cutting Things Directly On The Counter. I Asked Them To Please Not Do That Anymore. This Is Today
It could just be me, but HOW does a person cut SO hard to make those marks? I'm genuinely curious about it.
I Gave My Roommate Money To Get A Very Specific Brand Of Toilet Paper When He Went To The Store. He Brought Back This. When I Asked Him About It He Said That They Had The Type I Asked For In Stock, But He Got This One Because It’s Cheaper. He Kept The Change
My Roommate Is The Worst Kind Of Person
Looking at these other roommate stories, this is something I could live with in comparison.
By calling our roommates in rather than calling them out, Cohen believes we can make sure they feel respected and invested in making the arrangement the best it can be. By using an approachable and non-threatening tone, we can have a conversation that makes both parties feel good.
What My Roommate Bought For Her Turn To Replace The Dishsoap
Ugh I dealt with this for a year. We decided before we moved in together we'd share household expenses equally. But I always bought the regular sized things and he'd buy the travel size/cheaper things and claim he did 'his part'. So when I told him we were going to need to split up our stuff because it wasn't fair to me, he was so mad. I eventually had to lock up my stuff to keep him from using it because he kept taking it anyway. Eventually found him using dollar store dish soap as laundry detergent and it almost broke the machine. So ridiculous. But I was the bad guy, of course. We were friends for a long time before we moved in together and it totally destroyed our friendship. And, btw, he made 3 times as much as I did. He wasn't broke. He was just cheap. People like this can never see past themselves to see why it's so wrong. There were other things he did, too. Like when we'd split the rent, he'd never include the change. So I always had to pay it. And he'd take my food. Crazy.
My Roommate Is Making Me Go Crazy
Roommate Uses An Air Purifier 24/7 Instead Of Cleaning Her Cat’s Litter Robot. Whole House Smells Like Cat Poop
How Is This Possible
wtf how long was it on there??? I am surprised the house didn't burn down.
However, to prevent the situation from escalating to the terrible outcomes that we see in the pictures, the late Fredric Neuman, M.D., who was the Director of the Anxiety and Phobia Center at White Plains Hospital, suggested people follow these rules.
Respect your roommate. It would be better if the two of you liked or even loved each other since living together puts a strain on even reasonable people. By respect, Neuman meant certain specific things, such as not eating the other person's food unless you ask first, not borrowing clothes whenever you want, and not taking the possessions of the other person without asking first.
The wish to study or go to sleep takes precedence over someone else’s wish to play loud music or party — roommates should try their best not to wake each other up.
Follow through on financial commitments so that one roommate does not have to ask the other for rent or payment for other bills.
Chores should be done without having to be reminded.
Do not keep tabs on everything you do for your roommate with the expectation that every favor will be returned.
I’ve Told Them Countless Times To Take Them To The Bin. They Expect Me To Do It When I Don’t Even Eat Pizza
I live with 5 other people in my flat, 3 boys (23, 20, 18) and 3 girls (19, 18, 18) including myself. 2 of them keep leaving their rubbish and pizza boxes on the side.
This is the build up from a month. I’ve asked countless times for them to deal with it, and they never do and never respond - not taking responsibility when I know exactly who it is. Last time this happened I took them out because we had an inspection. This time I want them to own up and do it themselves before we leave for Xmas and as they’re adults.
I do not eat pizza, especially takeaway pizza, I don’t know what to do, I’m sick of living in a filthy environment, but I don’t want to have to keep constantly tidying up after other people, since I'm also the only one who sweeps, hoovers, and wipes down counters and tables.
My Roommate Hasn’t Paid His Part Of The Rent In 3 Months, There’s A Weird Smell Coming From His Room That I Can’t Pinpoint, And I’m Pretty Sure He Up And Left So I Have To Clean It Now
My Brother In Law Is Living With Us, This Is His Room
I hadn’t been in his room since November of last year. But I noticed a foul smell coming from the hallway and finally went to investigate. I am beyond disgusted and I don’t even know how to approach him on this.
What Did I Do Wrong In Life To Have To Deal With This Guy
The rest of Neuman's rules were:
No sleep-over guests should be allowed unless both parties have already agreed to it in advance.
The inclination to be orderly or messy must be compromised with the other person’s wishes.
If bedrooms are separate, do not go into the other person's bedroom unless they are present.
If your roommate is of the opposite sex, assume or she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship.
And of course, don't be rude or insulting, and do not undermine your roommate’s friendships with other people.
My Roommates Put Hot Glue In The Lock On My Door
I'd report them to the landlord - esp if it was to prevent them locking the door.
Roommate Left Us A Present
We didn’t own the house where we were staying; it was a family member’s house. We informed roommate that we were moving out in a month but that roommate was welcome to stay longer after we left to make other living arrangements. Roommate moved out before we did and left a parting gift. Almost 30 times. When confronted about this, roommate just said “yeah I was mad”.
Roommates Keep Cranking The Heat To 32°c/90°f
Is this not absolutely insane? I always wake up soaked in sweat, and no matter how many times I turn it to like 21°C/71°F (which I'm pretty sure is like average temperature for an apartment in any season) they always crank it back up. It's winter, but 21°C/71°F is not cold at all. I don't understand.
It's so easy to fill garbage bags, tie the top and put them in the bin. There's NO excuse for this laziness.
My Roommate Uses My Towels To Wipe Her Makeup Off
I’m At My Wit’s End With This Idiot
Send a screen shot to the landlord of this and let the landlord deal with him. If you've asked nicely 3 times, OP, then it should no longer be your problem. Let the landlord kick him out for not paying on time.
Roommate Threw A Party Before Moving Out & Left His Mess For Us To Clean. Found His Cooler Full Of Alcohol Months Later
The smell was atrocious when I opened it, but worst of all is that that’s not water. It’s literally a moldy, stinky gelatinous clump. Tips on how to dispose / clean this appreciated.
I'm The Only One Who Cooks In This House And I Have No Room For Groceries
My Boyfriend’s Roommate Doesn’t Wash His Pan Between Uses
My Roommate Flushes Food Down The Toilet And Now It’s Perpetually Clogged
So I’ve had many issues with this lady. This is just one of them. Does anyone else’s roommate do this? Is this normal? Also we live in a historic house so the pipes are old as hell.
Is roommate bulimic? That's a good reason for food to be flushed. It's also how a lot of toilet and pipes get messed up too
My Roommate Defrosts Meat In The Cabinet
So, as straight forward as it sounds: my roommate puts the meat in the cabinet in the morning, leaves for work and in the evening he uses that meat to cook.
Roommate Opens New Bottles Of Water Rather Than Finishing The Ones He’s Already Drank From
Every Day I Clean My Apartment Before Work, By The Time I Get Back It Looks Like This Thanks To My Roommate
My Roommate Made Eggs In All These Pans Instead Of Just Washing One Pan Every Time They Make Eggs. Someone Save Me From This Nightmare
An Actual Text Conversation Between My Roommate And Me After She Woke Me Up At 4 AM
Because you aren't alone in the world and you share space with humans beings and maybe you need to control yourself. And maybe I didn't want to interrupt your screaming because it's batsh!t crazy and I'm afraid I might get shanked. So How about you be a normal human being your annoying, selfish waste of space?
This Is Why I Keep My Stuff In My Room
Either their parents never taught them how to care for cookware, or their parents never took care of their cookware.
My Boyfriend Has Told His Messy Roommate Multiple Times That His Overwhelming Messes In Their Public Spaces Give Him Anxiety And Worsen His Depression. He Still Never Cleans
This is all only his stuff in the dining room and living room.
Put it all in his room, throw it in a bag then open bag and dump in their room
My Roommate Used My Mouthwash And Replaced What He Used With Water
I think I would actually fill it up with neat vodka next time, or possibly even silver tequila.
My Roommate Admitted To Using My Mixing Bowl To Soak His Feet While He Had An Ingrown Toenail
"But he washed it after!"
I Hate My Roommate
My Roommate Doesn’t Close Things
Roommate Moved Out Without Warning With 12 Months Left In The Lease, Taking All The Furniture, Won't Pay His Half Of The Rent, And I Just Got Laid Off Due To Budget Cuts
He's coming back for the chair tomorrow and it's my dogs favorite.
Who owned the furniture. If you, that's theft. If the landlord, that's theft.
This Is The Doing Of One Person: My Roommate
Roommate Using The Air Fryer To Dry Random Sticks And Gumballs
This Is A New Low From My 40-Year-Old Man-Child Roommate That I Can’t Even Comprehend
She does seem to lack empathy, doesn't she? Maybe she's protesting too much because these things are normal for her/him?
Load More Replies...I stopped reading. I always love the comments of other users, but now we have up to 3 trolls that also troll each other. So annoying.
I know - it's pathetic. People have been sending in comments right and left to complain. It seems that if we are expected to pay money for this site that there would be someone whose job it is to respond a little more quickly to trolls, or perhaps to start checking out IP addresses.
Load More Replies...This reminds me why I always hated living with others who don't have the same living standards as yourself. Can be so frustrating and disgusting!
Same. Had a roommate once, eons ago. Cost me a friendship. Decided then and there, I'd only live with someone if we were married. Now, if he goes first, even marriage is off the table. I'd rather be alone
Load More Replies...I don't have a roomate per se, but let my nephew live with me until he finishes uni, and after watching these... damn I have to appretiate his tidiness and forgive his little oops.
Then you fall in love with some fool and face the same problems all over again
Some of these are really cringe. And some of them are things I do...but more extreme. My partner and I have fairly equal levels of messiness which is a blessing.
In the US, lots of non-poor people will say if you can't afford rent "just get a roommate". This is why that is not an acceptable solution and maybe it would be better to take measures to reduce housing costs (as Harris was proposing). And can you imagine if you have a kid? You would be putting that kid in a bad (possibly life-threatening if there is mold) situation, not to mention setting a bad example.
My roommates accused me of being the roommate from hell because my room was a disaster but I was good in the rest of the apartment. I have cerebral palsy and wasn't really getting help from anyone. Meanwhile they pretty much took over the apartment yelling through the walls bullying me with their friends I think they may have even been part of a conspiracy to kill me. These roommates look culpable but just because someone is messy doesn't immediately make them the villain in the story
I'm so glad I never had a flat mate when I moved Cities for a job. I'd have lived in a bedsit if I'd had to, rather than sharing.
I live in a tiny space, but it's worth it not to have a roommate except my cat.
All of this is too depressing to read. Where do these people find these roommates? How about some uplifting subjects? This is not what BoredPanda should be about. At least it reminded me why I've lived alone for the past 25 years.
WTF is wrong with these people?? Not just the messy roommates, but the roommates who put up with it.
My roommates constantly try to steal my food, chew on my stuff for no reason, and pee on my bedsheets. All three of them are rats, so I'm used to it.
I have had a lot of horror housemates, before everyone had mobile phones. Essentially, if they don't do dishes - remove everything except 1 plate, 1 bowl, 1 set of cutlery, 1 saucepan. Any of their stuff that gets left out, gets tossed on their bed - dirty dishes, laundry, half eaten pizza? Sure that too. Toiletries/ laundry detergents/ toilet paper gets hidden. Lock off international, long distance calls, and anything pay -by -the -minute from the home phone. Non-payment of rent? Goodbye.
I am not that tidy a person but when my partner was alive, we could barely move because of rubbish, you know empty boxes, water bottles etc. Anyway when he died 3 years ago, the council came in and did a deep clean for me. Three years on I realise that it was him that left most of the rubbish behind him. I used to clean up but he wouldn't, always said that he was tried or that he would do it later. The place smells better too, it's not perfect but way better than it was when he was around
I am soooo glad I no longer have to have a room mate....and he'll will freeze over before I ever do again. Had some weird ones, lazy ones, downright disgusting ones, and the ones that never pay for anything. I'm not the tidiest person, but I'm not living in a garbage dump
Who the fück raised these people? I'm glad I don't need to have roommates. It is just my wife, our dog and myself and we own our house. Been together 24 years. After seeing this list I am genuinely concerned about my fellow humans. What is wrong with y'all? Lol.
I've never enjoyed a BP piece more! After 7 hours in my quiet peaceful store, serving wonderful, kind customers, I'm going to go home to my quiet, peaceful ALL MINE apartment, sit with my cat on my lap, and peacefully enjoy some Netflix. But hey, you all have fun with your roommates!
When you are getting a roommate, before signing a lease with them, stop by unannounced at where they are currently living or facetime and tell them to show you the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Understand this only works with roommates that are friends or family since sometimes you end up with roommates assigned to you.
I also had a roommate who told me cleanliness was next to Godliness she had her spoiled Indian American Prince of a boyfriend move in they never took the garbage out but were constantly over filling it. I got in a fight with them and when I tried to take the garbage out it broke open and this stuff that smelled like raw sewage came oozing out i'm pretty sure they did that on purpose
I've never had a roommate. I wonder if I'd be the good one or the bad one?
I think you've been writing social media posts for too long.
Load More Replies...She does seem to lack empathy, doesn't she? Maybe she's protesting too much because these things are normal for her/him?
Load More Replies...I stopped reading. I always love the comments of other users, but now we have up to 3 trolls that also troll each other. So annoying.
I know - it's pathetic. People have been sending in comments right and left to complain. It seems that if we are expected to pay money for this site that there would be someone whose job it is to respond a little more quickly to trolls, or perhaps to start checking out IP addresses.
Load More Replies...This reminds me why I always hated living with others who don't have the same living standards as yourself. Can be so frustrating and disgusting!
Same. Had a roommate once, eons ago. Cost me a friendship. Decided then and there, I'd only live with someone if we were married. Now, if he goes first, even marriage is off the table. I'd rather be alone
Load More Replies...I don't have a roomate per se, but let my nephew live with me until he finishes uni, and after watching these... damn I have to appretiate his tidiness and forgive his little oops.
Then you fall in love with some fool and face the same problems all over again
Some of these are really cringe. And some of them are things I do...but more extreme. My partner and I have fairly equal levels of messiness which is a blessing.
In the US, lots of non-poor people will say if you can't afford rent "just get a roommate". This is why that is not an acceptable solution and maybe it would be better to take measures to reduce housing costs (as Harris was proposing). And can you imagine if you have a kid? You would be putting that kid in a bad (possibly life-threatening if there is mold) situation, not to mention setting a bad example.
My roommates accused me of being the roommate from hell because my room was a disaster but I was good in the rest of the apartment. I have cerebral palsy and wasn't really getting help from anyone. Meanwhile they pretty much took over the apartment yelling through the walls bullying me with their friends I think they may have even been part of a conspiracy to kill me. These roommates look culpable but just because someone is messy doesn't immediately make them the villain in the story
I'm so glad I never had a flat mate when I moved Cities for a job. I'd have lived in a bedsit if I'd had to, rather than sharing.
I live in a tiny space, but it's worth it not to have a roommate except my cat.
All of this is too depressing to read. Where do these people find these roommates? How about some uplifting subjects? This is not what BoredPanda should be about. At least it reminded me why I've lived alone for the past 25 years.
WTF is wrong with these people?? Not just the messy roommates, but the roommates who put up with it.
My roommates constantly try to steal my food, chew on my stuff for no reason, and pee on my bedsheets. All three of them are rats, so I'm used to it.
I have had a lot of horror housemates, before everyone had mobile phones. Essentially, if they don't do dishes - remove everything except 1 plate, 1 bowl, 1 set of cutlery, 1 saucepan. Any of their stuff that gets left out, gets tossed on their bed - dirty dishes, laundry, half eaten pizza? Sure that too. Toiletries/ laundry detergents/ toilet paper gets hidden. Lock off international, long distance calls, and anything pay -by -the -minute from the home phone. Non-payment of rent? Goodbye.
I am not that tidy a person but when my partner was alive, we could barely move because of rubbish, you know empty boxes, water bottles etc. Anyway when he died 3 years ago, the council came in and did a deep clean for me. Three years on I realise that it was him that left most of the rubbish behind him. I used to clean up but he wouldn't, always said that he was tried or that he would do it later. The place smells better too, it's not perfect but way better than it was when he was around
I am soooo glad I no longer have to have a room mate....and he'll will freeze over before I ever do again. Had some weird ones, lazy ones, downright disgusting ones, and the ones that never pay for anything. I'm not the tidiest person, but I'm not living in a garbage dump
Who the fück raised these people? I'm glad I don't need to have roommates. It is just my wife, our dog and myself and we own our house. Been together 24 years. After seeing this list I am genuinely concerned about my fellow humans. What is wrong with y'all? Lol.
I've never enjoyed a BP piece more! After 7 hours in my quiet peaceful store, serving wonderful, kind customers, I'm going to go home to my quiet, peaceful ALL MINE apartment, sit with my cat on my lap, and peacefully enjoy some Netflix. But hey, you all have fun with your roommates!
When you are getting a roommate, before signing a lease with them, stop by unannounced at where they are currently living or facetime and tell them to show you the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Understand this only works with roommates that are friends or family since sometimes you end up with roommates assigned to you.
I also had a roommate who told me cleanliness was next to Godliness she had her spoiled Indian American Prince of a boyfriend move in they never took the garbage out but were constantly over filling it. I got in a fight with them and when I tried to take the garbage out it broke open and this stuff that smelled like raw sewage came oozing out i'm pretty sure they did that on purpose
I've never had a roommate. I wonder if I'd be the good one or the bad one?
I think you've been writing social media posts for too long.
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