Food has the power to make us feel many things. The scent of fresh chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven might remind you of childhood, and the ooey gooey taste of warm cookies might transport you to your happy place. A delicious Thanksgiving meal surrounded by loved ones might be pure comfort for your soul and stomach. But along with all of the wonderful things food can do for us, it also has the power to upset us.

Below, we’ve gathered some of the most disgusting and disgraceful photos from the Bad Food [Pics] subreddit. We’ll warn you right now, pandas: don’t look at this list if you’re eating. But if you’re in the mood to lose your appetite, go right ahead. Keep reading to also find a conversation with the group's creator, and enjoy feasting your eyes on these amusing atrocities!


Made My Wife A Derpy Dragon With Her Bday Waffles, Derp!

Banana and greens crafted into a bird shape, resembling unappetizing food art, placed on a kitchen counter.

HauntingMouse Report


    I Wanted Seafood Pasta

    A hot dog shaped like an octopus on a plate of macaroni and cheese, one of many horrible food pics.

    Jazzy_Junebug Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this is cute. Totally appetizing and does not belong on this list

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    Personally, I love looking at gorgeous photos of food on social media. I actually have a separate Instagram account dedicated to only sharing vegan food and following food accounts, so I can always give that feed a nice scroll through when I’m feeling hungry and need some inspiration for what to make for dinner. Seeing some photos of gorgeous bowls of oatmeal, huge Buddha bowls filled with roasted vegetables and topped with fresh sauces and decadent, homemade desserts is often exactly what I need to get me out of a culinary slump. But for some reason, there’s another type of person in the world too: those who enjoy viewing disgusting and unappetizing photos of food for… Fun?

    The Bad Food [Pics] subreddit may be an enigma to you. It’s dedicated to sharing “horrible food photos from amateur photographers,” and clearly, it’s doing quite well. The group, which was created in May 2017, has already amassed over 36k members, and only has one simple rule: pictures only. The community focuses specifically on amateur food pictures from social media, but it’s also a breeding ground for some of the most unappetizing meals you have ever seen. Oreo scrambled eggs, rotten steaks and baked goods that resemble something my dog might leave for me to pick up in the grass, this group has no shortage of shocking and vile pics.


    My Friends Dad Decided To Marinate The Turkey In Red Wine... I’m Speechless

    Unappetizing purple food blob on a white platter.

    celestrialcelery Report

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    Mike Y
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Red is too overpowering for turkey. Perhaps, a Riesling...

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    Chocolate Bagel With Peanut Butter

    Unappetizing food resembling chocolate swirl on a wooden board with mint garnish.

    SaltedEg Report


    To learn more about how this subreddit came to be, we reached out to the moderators on Reddit, and lucky for us, one of the group’s creators was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. “Bad Food [Pics] originally began as a sort of joke between my wife (the other mod) and myself,” Rickjackwood shared. “We would constantly share pictures between each other of our friends’ posts on social media of their ‘delicious’ meals, and we would gasp at how bad the pictures looked.”


    “That’s also a kind of the lesser known thing about the sub: it was primarily focused on the horrible photography of food, and not necessarily on the food itself,” the creator explained. “Since then, it’s kind of taken on a mind of its own. We would go to sleep and wake up with another 100 subscribers. It was quite exciting! After some time, we were made aware of another similarly named and themed subreddit… I’m pretty sure we unintentionally hopped on their coattails and gained a bit of traction through their fans as well.”


    Found This Cool Bowl! But Why Is My Cereal So Spicy

    A bowl of cereal with milk served in a large stone mortar, looking unappetizing.

    zxepxv Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Since it’s originally designed to grind up spices, there’s bound to be traces/old residue of spices from before, so; when you’re pouring your milk & cereal in there, some of those spices will separate from the “bowl” & so you’ll of course taste it in your milk & cereal. It’s just one of those things. 🤷‍♀️😅

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    As for why we find these disgusting photos so captivating and we can’t seem to get enough of them, Rickjackwood supposes that, “It’s something deep down in all of us. Everything is disgusting to someone.”

    We were also curious if he is often disturbed by the photos in his sub or if he’s become immune to them. “Oh, I get grossed out over everything!” the creator revealed. “For us, the pictures that really hit the nail on the head check 4 boxes: Gross-looking food, out of focus, bad framing, and bad lighting. Worst for me hands down are the Ariake Dumpling posts. Every so often, they get posted, and every time they freak me out!”


    I Won't Be Attending The Potluck Next Year

    Unappetizing gelatin mold with hot dogs and pasta rings on a plate.

    KeishDaddy Report


    My School's Gourmet Sushi Cone

    Sushi with seaweed salad in a waffle cone, resembling an unappetizing food presentation.

    Swearinglikeasailor Report


    “Minnesota Sushi” - Ham, Mayonnaise And Pickle. Found On Facebook. Yuck

    Unappetizing food: Pickle slices wrapped in ham with cream cheese on a paper plate.

    Jameskeenan718 Report


    We also asked the group’s creator if he believes people are actually chowing down on these horrifying dishes or if many of them are simply shared for comedic effect. (I'd like to give these people the benefit of the doubt if possible!) “I’d say there is a LOT of shameful eating going on! A LOT!” he told Bored Panda.

    But running the sub has had some positive impacts on his life as well, as he said it has definitely changed the way he views food. “I honestly think it’s made me more adventurous about trying new things!” Rickjackwood shared.


    Spaguetti With Turd?! Yum!

    Colorful spaghetti with a dark brown sauce, resembling witches hair, looking unappetizing.

    bvibviana Report


    Peanut Butter And Jelly Deviled Eggs For Valentines Day

    Hard-boiled eggs topped with peanut butter and jelly on a paper plate, presenting a horrible food combination.

    BodaciousDani Report


    I Don’t Even Know What This Is Meant To Be So I Thought It Deserved A Place Here

    Unappetizing food picture featuring two pale chicken legs, mushy mac and cheese, and a yellow sauce on a plate.

    bumblebeej10 Report

    And as far as what the creator of Bad Food [Pics] would like to share with you all, he says, “Frame and focus your [dang] pictures people. And BRING ON THE GROSS!!!”


    If you’d like to join this community of weirdos who are fascinated by bizarre foods and love roasting horrible food photography, be sure to check out the subreddit right here

    No matter how disgusting these photos get, I can’t help but be captivated by them. They’re confusing and absurd, and they might make your stomach do a backflip, but I can’t help but be amused by them. Many of the pics do beg the question, “What was this person thinking?” about whoever sold or created these dishes, and it’s only natural to wonder how in the world these photos came about. If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you’re likely more cautious than many of these individuals are with your own meals. But if you haven’t, apparently, it’s pretty easy to be reckless with your eating!


    My Moms "Special" Veggie Infused Water

    Unappetizing food pic of a fridge pitcher with cloudy liquid and floating particles.

    Imamuffinz Report


    I’m Pregnant And Having An Awful Day, So Unwinding With A Cream Cheese And Wotsit Wrap

    Tortilla filled with cheese puffs and cream cheese, showcasing a horrible food combination. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're pregnant, so you have an excuse. Go enjoy it 😊

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    While not all of these pictures include actual health and safety risks, it’s important to know that we should actually all be very careful when preparing food. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately one in six Americans falls ill from food poisoning every year. 128,000 of these people will end up in the hospital, and tragically, 3,000 individuals die from foodborne diseases annually. The CDC also notes that certain individuals are at higher risk of being affected by food poisoning, including adults over the age of 65, children younger than 5, people with weakened immune systems and pregnant people. 


    Sunday Casserole

    A dish of unappetizing food with yellow pasta and chunks of meat in a thick, beige sauce.

    temari42 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    While there are many words to describe this 'dish', Casserole is not one of them

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    Ceviche? Cold Soupy Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Onions, Lettuce, Raw Fish. Tastes Like Lemon Juice. Paid Money For This

    Unappetizing food: a bowl of unappealing mixed ingredients with creamy texture and visible onions and vegetables.

    shamski82 Report

    As far as preventing food poisoning, the CDC says that there are a few steps we can take to keep our meals safer. Of course, these tips should be common knowledge, but clearly, some people out there need a reminder… It’s always important to clean our hands, work surfaces, and utensils before and after preparing food. Germs can be lurking anywhere in and around our kitchens, and it’s best to eliminate them wherever we can. It’s wise to also keep foods that are particularly risky, like raw meat and raw eggs, completely separate from ready-to-eat foods. When cooking, food thermometers can help ensure that your meals are heated to an appropriate temperature, and when it comes to keeping food cold, make sure that your fridge is always at or below 40°F or 4.4°C. 


    Pineapple Pizza

    Unappetizing food pic of a pizza base piled with pineapple chunks by a sink.

    loftusc Report


    Found This In The Wild On Facebook

    Bowl of chocolate fudge ice cream topped with mayonnaise; a truly horrible food combination.

    francaisetanglais Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love some sweet and savoury stuff together, I also have a thing for mayo. But this... no.

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    4 Am Drunken Dinner. Kraft Single Stuffed Hot Dog, Boxed Au Gratin Potatoes With Preshredded Cheese. I Actually Burnt My Hand Pretty Bad Making This

    Unappetizing food: a plate with a cheese-stuffed hot dog and pasta topped with melted cheese.

    BonzoMarx Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read that as "Am drunken dinner". Fight club.... I am Jack's drunken dinner...

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    If you’ve managed to make it this far, I commend you, pandas. You must have stomachs of steel. We hope you’re getting a kick out of these horrible photos, and please remember to keep upvoting the ones you think everyone deserves to feast their eyes on. Let us know in the comments what the worst food monstrosities you’ve ever witnessed, or even eaten, were, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring food photos that will send your appetite running as far away as possible, we recommend reading this piece next!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Made An Attempt

    Unappetizing sushi rolls with salmon and rice, falling apart on a plate, served with a small dish of soy sauce.

    wednesdaytuesdaythur Report


    Spent $50 On Cookie Decorating Tools And Ingredients After Watching A Lot Of Food Network Competitions. Lost Interest 5 Minutes Into Baking

    Unappetizing cookies with yellow icing, uneven smiley faces, and "MUM" message on paper plates.

    JaBeBr Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Since they’re going to be eaten anyway, who cares if they don’t look 100% perfect? As long as they’re edible & delish, that’s all that really matters! 😊

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    I Tried To Make A Smoothie, I Swear Its Not Meat

    Unappetizing thick reddish beverage in a tall glass on a wooden table.

    plipplop125 Report


    Ah Yes

    Noodles and sauce spilled on a laptop keyboard, creating a mess that looks anything but appetizing.

    Spermmaid Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looks like the Spaghetti Monster is blessing the computer. Ramen!

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    Strawberry Flavored Jello Mixed With Coffee That Resulted In It Looking Like Raw Meat

    Strawberry Flavored Jello Mixed With Coffee That Resulted In It Looking Like Raw Meat

    arcadia222222 Report


    Sausages And Roast Potatoes

    Sausages And Roast Potatoes

    Old-Blighty Report


    Why Aunt Susie? Why Would You Do This?

    Why Aunt Susie? Why Would You Do This?

    letsbeoutlaws Report


    Crab Boiled In Pepsi Max For 2 Hours Served In A Baguette (Sorry For Good Quality)

    Crab Boiled In Pepsi Max For 2 Hours Served In A Baguette (Sorry For Good Quality)



    I Ordered A Veggie Burrito Without Lettuce And Received A Burrito With Just Lettuce

    I Ordered A Veggie Burrito Without Lettuce And Received A Burrito With Just Lettuce Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't lie- we can clearly see they also sent you a potato, which you evidently used to take this photo with.




    bllygoat Report

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    Ken Beattie
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd give that a whirl. Have done the same just with beans instead of spaghetti.

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    Saw This Halloween Pizza And Had To Share

    Saw This Halloween Pizza And Had To Share

    bvibviana Report


    So I Ordered Orange Chicken In A Chinese Restaurant

    So I Ordered Orange Chicken In A Chinese Restaurant

    anjgaming Report


    White Bread With Baked Hot Chicken

    White Bread With Baked Hot Chicken

    ravenbutanonymous Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bread could have been toasted a little but other than that, there's nothing wrong with this.

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    More Like Pastas With Bacon Bits

    More Like Pastas With Bacon Bits

    Gothic_Nerd Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    What Do You Guys Think About My Deep Fried Baked Beans And Deep Fried Cole Slaw?

    What Do You Guys Think About My Deep Fried Baked Beans And Deep Fried Cole Slaw?

    necroslap666 Report


    The Lighting, The Sauce And Its Dispersion, The Disfigured Ham, The Overcooked Asparagus

    The Lighting, The Sauce And Its Dispersion, The Disfigured Ham, The Overcooked Asparagus

    ihaveabaguetteknife Report


    Snapchat Is A Gold Mine For This Sub

    Snapchat Is A Gold Mine For This Sub

    ItBeJoeDood Report


    Every Time I Put Spaghetti In A Tupperware It Always Ends Up Looking Like A Cursed Image

    Every Time I Put Spaghetti In A Tupperware It Always Ends Up Looking Like A Cursed Image

    ThompsonTom Report


    For Your Consideration, My Spinach & Feta Pies

    For Your Consideration, My Spinach & Feta Pies

    thatsonecookedgoose Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To qualify as being a 'pie' filling should be on the inside

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    Spaghetti Bread Sammich

    Spaghetti Bread Sammich

    kronicallyflipped Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This may look gross but it tastes pretty good. My mom used to pack me these for school lunch after pasta night. Loved them.

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    Payday Is Tomorrow And I Desperately Need To Go Shopping

    Payday Is Tomorrow And I Desperately Need To Go Shopping

    godofthewind Report


    Tried To Take A Pic Of My Deviled Eggs And Dropped My Phone On Them

    Tried To Take A Pic Of My Deviled Eggs And Dropped My Phone On Them

    CozmicBat Report

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