City Forces Guy To Build A Fence To Hide His Boat, He Complies Maliciously And Paints A Mural On It
Interview With ExpertIf God created people in his own image and likeness, then the devil definitely created neighbors in his own image and likeness too. Otherwise, where do we get such a countless variety of stories where neighbors are trying to ruin everything in every possible way? And sometimes they even succeed…
However, sometimes the neighbors’ plans also backfire – and in this case, the story becomes an absolute hit. Like, for example, about this Aussie, who took revenge on their neighbor for numerous complaints by painting their pool green. Well, the story we are going to tell you today has all the ingredients of success: a witty homeowner, entitled neighbors, a sassy revenge plan… and, of course, some paint.
More info: Reddit
This homeowner in California had been parking his sea-faring vessel in his driveway – and this irritated his neighbors so much
Image credits: Hanif Panni
The neighbors urged the city hall to demand the owner hide the boat, thus he had to build a fence
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: hanifwondir
Image credits: Hanif Panni
However, the resourceful guy asked another neighbor, an artist, to make a mural of the said boat on the fence
The whole thing happened somewhere in California, where the artist Hanif Wondir lives, who just happened to play a major role in this situation. The thing is that the original poster’s (OP) neighbor usually has his sea-faring vessel parked in his driveway, and the neighbors never ceased to be indignant at this ‘eyesore.’
They couldn’t force the owner to remove the boat – it was on his private territory, but they still forced the guy to hide the vessel. Finally, he received an order from the city authorities to hide the boat behind a fence. Well, an order is an order and must be obeyed. Does this mean the neighbors won? Not so fast!
The resourceful guy built a fence – and then went to the artist and commissioned a mural depicting the said boat. Hanif was delighted with this sassy idea, took his older boy to help – and soon the mural was ready. Now the picky gaze of any passer-by could fall upon the fence – and on it was depicted the driveway, and the vessel parked on it. Bingo!
We don’t know what the neighbors’ reaction was when they saw the artist’s creation – but we’re almost sure that it was powerless anger. Anger – because this is, after all, the ‘entitled neighbors,’ and powerless – because the form of the authorities’ order was followed strictly, and no one can actually forbid you to have a beautiful mural on your newly built fence, right?
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: Hanif Panni
Image credits: Hanif Panni
You can watch the time lapse of creating the mural here
“A great idea, and a great implementation,” says Alexei Shkurat, the founder and owner of Peach art studio, whom Bored Panda asked to comment on this story. “In fact, this is full-fledged street art, so no official can find fault with the artistic design of the fence. And all formalities are also observed. Bravo! Nothing could be added here.”
“The only thing that could be noticed was that my respected colleague painted during the day, so obviously there was no surprise effect. In my opinion, it would have been much more effective to make the mural at night – and then set up a camera to record the reaction of the livid neighbors. However, it also turned out more than good and stylish,” Alexei states.
Most of the commenters on the original post were also simply delighted with the witty solution found to the problem. “That looks cool as Hell. I dig it,” one of the persons in the comments wrote in awe. “Oh, this is the kind of petty I’m 100% here for,” another one completely agreed.
However, some people expressed well-founded doubt that the neighbors and, probably, the HOA (where would we be without it?..) wouldn’t leave the situation without retaliation. “I have a feeling that an HOA with the power to tell you to hide your boat has the power to tell you how to paint your fence,” one commenter pondered sadly, and most likely this will happen.
By the way, some commenters are also very surprised how anyone has the right to dictate to us what our fence should look like. “He was ‘told to’? Is this in the land of the free and the home of the brave?” someone remarked quite sarcastically. Well, let’s hope that even if HOA strikes back, our heroes will have a way to answer them. A way that’s both creative and petty – just how we like it!
People in the comments were in awe of this idea but suspected that the HOA won’t give up that easy
I don't understand why all the comments keep referencing HOAs when the post specifically said it was a letter from the city.
I would challenge the city's authority on this too.
Load More Replies...Please read this again. I saw no mention about an HOA. This was just s****y neighbors petitioning the city to annoy their neighbor. There are some communities with rules that vehicles in driveways need to be used a certain percent of the time. Boats might sit unused for weeks - even months. My neighbors had a boat that sat, unused, for three years. They're nice people. Good neighbors are worth overlooking a ratty old boat. They eventually got rid of it and we never said a peep. Maybe someone else complained? Maybe they found a buyer? Who knows? Good neighbors are pure gold!
I don't understand why all the comments keep referencing HOAs when the post specifically said it was a letter from the city.
I would challenge the city's authority on this too.
Load More Replies...Please read this again. I saw no mention about an HOA. This was just s****y neighbors petitioning the city to annoy their neighbor. There are some communities with rules that vehicles in driveways need to be used a certain percent of the time. Boats might sit unused for weeks - even months. My neighbors had a boat that sat, unused, for three years. They're nice people. Good neighbors are worth overlooking a ratty old boat. They eventually got rid of it and we never said a peep. Maybe someone else complained? Maybe they found a buyer? Who knows? Good neighbors are pure gold!