Cheeky Guy Blocks In Tourists Who Use His Private Driveway, Pretends He’s On A “Business Trip”
When they say that the world is headed toward a dystopian future, I think it’s pretty reasonable because people can be very selfish. At times, they don’t even hesitate to consider whether thteir actions are causing inconvenience to anyone and even shamelessly keep repeating them.
Well, Reddit user Orjan91 taught a perfect lesson to the people who ignored the “private parking” signs in his driveway and parked their cars over there, nonetheless. He, in turn, blocked their cars by parking his right behind them so they had to wait while he took his sweet time to remove it!
More info: Reddit
There are a few selfish people out there and teaching them a lesson is the only way to deal with them
Image credits: Andrei Tanase / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster’s house is near the mountains where a lot of people go hiking in the summer
Image credits: Orjan91
Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Despite the “private parking” signs in his driveway, many travelers use it as a public space and park their cars there, so the poster decided to teach them a lesson
Image credits: Orjan91
Image credits: wirestock / FFreepik (not the actual photo)
He parked his car right behind the two cars that occasionally blocked his driveway and told one car owner that he was out on a business trip
Image credits: Orjan91
When the other fellow came, the poster took his sweet time, eating and watching Game of Thrones, before he moved his car
In today’s story, the original poster (OP) tells us about the cheeky stunt he pulled while taking revenge against the folks who kept blocking his private driveway. He explains that although he lives in the city, his house is closer to the mountains, and many people come there during summer as it’s a popular hiking route.
Now, the problem started when people kept using his driveway by parking their cars over there. He thought that the two “private parking” signs were not clearly visible, so he added two more, and guess what? Tourists still ignored the four blatant signs staring down at them and used his driveway as a public parking space.
Out of all the people who were parking there, he noticed two cars that were repeat offenders blocking his driveway and he was just sick of them. Well, our cheeky protagonist decided to give these people a taste of their own medicine and parked his car right behind theirs, completely blocking their path.
One of the owners called him and asked him to move his car so she could get out, but apparently, he was on a “business trip” and wouldn’t be back till the next morning. Bet, he was enjoying watching her fret while she had no option but to get a taxi that cost her a whopping $150!
The other guy also called the poster, but OP took his sweet time—having dinner and then finishing a Game of Thrones episode that he was watching—before moving the car. Well, if that’s not a “perfect lesson taught” we don’t know what is, and we are not the only ones, for netizens were also roaring with laughter at the wonderful revenge.
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Although people online found the revenge quite funny, many were creeped out by how the tourists who had parked their cars in his driveway got his number. The poster is from Norway, where you can find the owner of a vehicle by using their license plate, and this service is also pretty cheap. Many people were horrified by this and said that they wouldn’t feel safe if this was legal in their country.
Some folks suggested that he could have gotten their cars towed, and as per a Nordic travel guide, illegally parked cars in Norway may be towed away at the driver’s expense. The poster also confirmed that the towing fee could cost roughly $425 and he had tried it once but the towing company took hours to show up.
Quite a few netizens were shocked by how costly the taxi fare in Norway was and mentioned that it sounded like an expensive country. Travel blogger Danae mentioned that it was one of the most expensive destinations she has visited in recent years, even pricier than Japan, the United States, or Spain, for example.
Apart from being shocked at the pricey country, folks relished how the poster made these people realize what they were doing wrong. Some also came up with similar instances where they taught people a lesson the hard way, while others suggested humorous things he could do if there were other such ignorant people who blocked his driveway.
Well, that’s it from our end; now we want to hear from you. If you were in the poster’s shoes, what clever tactic would you have come up with to teach those people a lesson? Feel free to type away in the comments below!
Folks online found his revenge tactic quite cheeky while some also shared similar instances where they had outsmarted such law-breakers
wen i still lived with my parents we lived in a gated community and my parents would always park in the garage. i didnt drive so out driveway was always clear. the community had a rule that u couldnt park on the street past 6pm unless u had a resident sticker on ur car or its a major holiday. my neighbor would have dinner parties every weekend. their friends would arrive at 2 or 3 and leave around 10. there is 2 guest parking lots near our house that have 5 parking spots. some of the residents who have more then 3 cars park them there if its next to their house but its usually guest parking if ur going to be there past 6pm. the guard at the entrance to the community who lets guests in tells them this every time unless it some form of delivery. well my driveway could fit 4 cars in it and my neighbors guests constantly parked in our driveway instead of the guest parking lot. we complained but they usually said things like "its not a big deal" or "we dont want to walk all this way from guest parking". its not a long walk. the parking lot is 3 houses away. my parents not being able to get into the driveway or leave thr house was pissing me off so wenever one of his dinner parties were gonna happen id have my best friend who has a giant pick up truck come over to hang out around 1 and park diagonally in my driveway so only his truck could fit. he never pulled completely into my driveway tho. he stayed close to the end of it. if my.parents needed to leave or came home hed quickly move his truck then park it right back where it was. this pissed off my neighbor and his guests alot. they no longer had the close parking. some risked parking on the street and ended up getting towed or parking fines depending on which security guard was doing his rounds that night. the security guards who drive around look for the stickers which r in the back window on each side if ur a resident. it has a barcode and a very specific design. if they dont recognize a car but it has a sticker they will scan the sticker to see if its real or not since they have had ppl try and copy them in the past. the amount of complaints we got from our neighbors guests were ridiculous. one even came to our door to tell us some a$$hole parked in our driveway and had the nerve to add "so we cant park there". my parents were home for this guest so they said "oh thats our daughter's friend. we told him he could park like that." they flipped out saying hooligans only park like that and my dad straight up told them only hooligans park where they arent allowed to. the reason i chose this particular best friend for the driveway blocking job is bc he does driveway repair and seal coating for a living. we snapped after he had done our driveway put up a rope so no one drove on it until it was dry. my neighbors guest removed the rope that day and parked on the driveway ruining the job my friend did. thats wen we devised the plan to have him come over every party night. we waited until the day of the next party to fix the driveway and my friend parked infront of my driveway. we notified the guards of this and he was granted a temporary guest parking sticker since he was parked there to prevent damage to our property. thats how our anger became rage. after a year of complaints to us, ignored complaints to the hoa and a bunch of fines and tows they started behaving. it was around the same time i met my now husband. my parents told him to park dead center of the driveway every time he came over and not pull all the way up the driveway. wen he asked y and we told him all about it so he set up a new plan. one of his best friends lived nearby and had 2 cars. he lent his 2nd car to us every time i hung out at my husbands house. hed give my parents the keys so they can move and park it as they please. my husbands friend was trying to sell the car so he didnt mind. a the summer after i got married 2 interesting happened. my parents decided to move to florida AND the neighbors across the street had a grandson who was looking for his first car wanted my husbands friends. so both the house and car got sold in one go lol. we learned a year later my neighbors guests were back to their old antics but the new owner of the house i lived in wasnt as nice as we were. her grandson worked for a towing company and have him and friends tow every car out of the driveway after the guests refused to move. my old neighbors guests were paying so much money to get their cars back that they stayed away from the driveway completely. they tried doing it to other neighbors but the surrounding neighbors knew about the issue and would leave no room in their driveways.
"Oh, I see you want to take advantage of our special parking fee reduction program. You pay me $50 for using my private parking lot or you have to hire a taxi at $150 because I'm not moving my car without you taking one of these options. I'll wait in the house while you decide."
Get over yourself. No one's forcing you to read it.
Load More Replies...wen i still lived with my parents we lived in a gated community and my parents would always park in the garage. i didnt drive so out driveway was always clear. the community had a rule that u couldnt park on the street past 6pm unless u had a resident sticker on ur car or its a major holiday. my neighbor would have dinner parties every weekend. their friends would arrive at 2 or 3 and leave around 10. there is 2 guest parking lots near our house that have 5 parking spots. some of the residents who have more then 3 cars park them there if its next to their house but its usually guest parking if ur going to be there past 6pm. the guard at the entrance to the community who lets guests in tells them this every time unless it some form of delivery. well my driveway could fit 4 cars in it and my neighbors guests constantly parked in our driveway instead of the guest parking lot. we complained but they usually said things like "its not a big deal" or "we dont want to walk all this way from guest parking". its not a long walk. the parking lot is 3 houses away. my parents not being able to get into the driveway or leave thr house was pissing me off so wenever one of his dinner parties were gonna happen id have my best friend who has a giant pick up truck come over to hang out around 1 and park diagonally in my driveway so only his truck could fit. he never pulled completely into my driveway tho. he stayed close to the end of it. if my.parents needed to leave or came home hed quickly move his truck then park it right back where it was. this pissed off my neighbor and his guests alot. they no longer had the close parking. some risked parking on the street and ended up getting towed or parking fines depending on which security guard was doing his rounds that night. the security guards who drive around look for the stickers which r in the back window on each side if ur a resident. it has a barcode and a very specific design. if they dont recognize a car but it has a sticker they will scan the sticker to see if its real or not since they have had ppl try and copy them in the past. the amount of complaints we got from our neighbors guests were ridiculous. one even came to our door to tell us some a$$hole parked in our driveway and had the nerve to add "so we cant park there". my parents were home for this guest so they said "oh thats our daughter's friend. we told him he could park like that." they flipped out saying hooligans only park like that and my dad straight up told them only hooligans park where they arent allowed to. the reason i chose this particular best friend for the driveway blocking job is bc he does driveway repair and seal coating for a living. we snapped after he had done our driveway put up a rope so no one drove on it until it was dry. my neighbors guest removed the rope that day and parked on the driveway ruining the job my friend did. thats wen we devised the plan to have him come over every party night. we waited until the day of the next party to fix the driveway and my friend parked infront of my driveway. we notified the guards of this and he was granted a temporary guest parking sticker since he was parked there to prevent damage to our property. thats how our anger became rage. after a year of complaints to us, ignored complaints to the hoa and a bunch of fines and tows they started behaving. it was around the same time i met my now husband. my parents told him to park dead center of the driveway every time he came over and not pull all the way up the driveway. wen he asked y and we told him all about it so he set up a new plan. one of his best friends lived nearby and had 2 cars. he lent his 2nd car to us every time i hung out at my husbands house. hed give my parents the keys so they can move and park it as they please. my husbands friend was trying to sell the car so he didnt mind. a the summer after i got married 2 interesting happened. my parents decided to move to florida AND the neighbors across the street had a grandson who was looking for his first car wanted my husbands friends. so both the house and car got sold in one go lol. we learned a year later my neighbors guests were back to their old antics but the new owner of the house i lived in wasnt as nice as we were. her grandson worked for a towing company and have him and friends tow every car out of the driveway after the guests refused to move. my old neighbors guests were paying so much money to get their cars back that they stayed away from the driveway completely. they tried doing it to other neighbors but the surrounding neighbors knew about the issue and would leave no room in their driveways.
"Oh, I see you want to take advantage of our special parking fee reduction program. You pay me $50 for using my private parking lot or you have to hire a taxi at $150 because I'm not moving my car without you taking one of these options. I'll wait in the house while you decide."
Get over yourself. No one's forcing you to read it.
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