The pandemic has turned us all into make-it-yourselfers, more or less. And while most of us have had our inspo put into practice either by trying a recipe that under normal circumstances we’d never dare to challenge, or making a nesting box, others set out on way more elaborate endeavors. As a result, there was an unprecedented boom in homeowners with days that have been ruined beyond repair.
The reasons for this curious phenomenon can be traced back to the seemingly innocent urge for renovation. After all, we all spent a shamelessly huge amount of time in the comfort of our homes that became the target of our idle hands.
Fast forward to today and we now have quite a solid collection of pics that document these home disasters. Thanks to the corner of Reddit known as “Well That Sucks” that has a whopping 2.6M members, we have a lot to learn from what not to do with our home, shelter, rented flat, Airbnb, roof, ‘cause… well, the pics speak for themselves.
Psst! Part 1 with more homeowners having a pretty bad day await right here.
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Man Arrives Home To Find Bear Eating His Bucket Of KFC
I know it's disastrous but look at it sitting there, eating its KFC. It's the cutest thing that could ever kill you.
The View Of My Balcony Before And After They Removed A Tree
Noooooo. That is tragic. I once had a landlord cut down all of the giant bushes in front of our windows without telling us. In theory, he was going to "paint the house." Front room felt like a fishbowl as everyone on the sidewalk could see straight in. I moved out two years later. House was never painted.
Raccoons Climbed In My Garage Window And Ate All My Raccoon Repellant
Bored Panda spoke with Philippa Main, the professional realtor from Tampa Bay who went viral for her brilliant and insanely funny listing description about “the worst house on the street” eight months ago. Philippa was happy to share some insights into home improvement and renovation projects, as well as shared some very useful advice with our readers.
“During the pandemic, people started a lot of smaller home improvement projects they could tackle themselves that may or may not have gone according to plan. Either way, now people are turning to hiring professionals whenever they can, because post-pandemic they either realized they don’t have the time—or the skills—to do the job right themselves,” Philippa said.
Went To The Gas Station Last Night For 5 Minutes To Get Beer And Came Back To This. My Room Is The Window To The Right. I Feel Insanely Lucky Right Now. Might Go Gambling Later
My Super Kicked A Hole Through The Ceiling This Morning, Then Poked His Head Through To Apologize. I Was Naked.
Great Way To Start The Morning
Unfortunately, a lot of people who waited to have work done on their homes (either for budget reasons or for fear of having people into their homes during the pandemic) are now finding that the cost of their projects has gone up 20% - 50% and that quoted estimates are only valid for a few days before price increases take effect.”
Philippa added that this is down to reduced supplies, reduced skilled laborers to perform the work (which was happening before the pandemic), and increased demand.
My Apartment Received A Shockwave From A Missile That Hit My Neighborhood
In Ten Seconds I'm Going To Discover The Value Of Lifejackets And Renter's Insurance
Bought A House Last Year And Wondered Why This Light Never Worked. Finally Took It Off To Have A Look At The Wiring...
The professional realtor urges anyone who's thinking of renovating to “not cut corners just because they think it will be ok or because it’s fine for them. They should look at it as if they were selling their home and a picky buyer was coming through to look at it,” she said and added: “Because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a client love a home, but ultimately not submit an offer on it because so many DIY projects were done so poorly that it made them question whether there would be actual major issues with the home.”
My Sunflower In The Front Of My House Finally Bloomed For The World To See
My Wall In My Apartment After Dating A Psycho
My 20 Year Old Tree Planted When I Was Born Got Uprooted In A Wind Storm Back Home Last Night
It is possible to replant uprooted trees, but they may need extra support to make them safe.
Philippa explained her thought process, which is like “if the seller cut corners on this, what else did they cut corners on?” She also shared one such case: “I recently showed a home where originally the refrigerator door couldn’t open all the way without the handle hitting the wall. Instead of buying a new refrigerator with a different style door (an easy, affordable fix), the homeowner cut open the wall into the adjoining bedroom.”
She continued: “He then built a floor-to-ceiling semi-circle-shaped alcove for the door to recess into that took away essentially a third of the usable space in the bedroom just so he could open his refrigerator.” It turns out, "it looked ridiculous, took away from the functionality of the house, and left me and my client extremely confused. So even though the rest of the home had a lot to offer, she passed on it.”
This Is The Side Of My House
Have Cats They Said, It’ll Be Fun They Said (No Cats Were Harmed And No Plants Were Seriously Injured)
Tornado-Driven Murder-Branch Impales My House Directly Above My Kid’s Bed
Our Neighbor's 80' Locust Tree Gave Us Some Live Edge Sky Lights, A Great View Of The Stars, And That Rainforest Cafe Atmosphere That Our Living Room Had Just Always Been Missing. No Injuries, Dogs Pissed The Bed, Life Goes On...
it was not until my house burned down that I could see the clear starry sky - Buddhist saying
First Thought It Was Rice On My Garbage Can This Morning But A After Closer Look They Were Moving…
This Pillar Was Straight Last Week. This Is The First Floor Of A Seven-Floor Building
Got Home From Vacation Only To Find Out Our Fridge And Freezer Have Been Dead For 10 Days
My fridge went out for less than 48 hours back in June, with very little in it food wise...still took a week to completely remove the smell.
Load More Replies...File it with your homeowners insurance- a lot of people aren't aware that your insurance will cover the loss of food
I can relate. I emptied my MILs chest freezer that had been on and off frozen and defrosted for about 5 years. The lid wouldn't close and it was just a solid block of ice with food embedded in it (about 2 cubic metres). Too heavy to move, and if we had let it thaw it would have flooded the garage, so I "defrosted" it with a hammer and chisel! Finally got it empty and dragged it outside and let the last little bit of ice melt and it stank! Not a job I would like to repeat, thank you very much.
That's an asshole move from the fridge! Waiting for you to leave and then die
I once cleaned a fridge and freezer full of rotten meat after a house fire. 2 weeks before I could get to doing that. I know exactly how that picture smells.
This happened to us, we had a massive freezer dedicated to meats only. It was full to the brim, and we stored it in the garage. This was during lockdown so we didn’t need to use the garage often, but then we went in there and literally smelt like death. Like absolute and literal death. It took ages to clean and even longer to get rid of the smell. Thousand of dollars worth of meat, chicken and fish down the drain.
this happened to us and we had two upright freezers filled with meat in the garden flat. Smell never completely left and my dad couldn't eat chicken for like two months
That happened to my dad once. He was going on vacation and had a meat freezer in the garage. He instructed the housesitter not to open the door. When he got back the housesitter had unpluged the freezer and ruined about the thousand dollars worth of meat. The idiot also rebuilt an engine right in the middle of the living room and had gas and oil all over the carpet. Needless to say he didn’t get paid.
Wed bought 500 bucks of food and then wound up leaving for a weekend... My sister broke in and left my freezer open...
I was traveling for several weeks and came home to find that the power was off in the guest house I'd been renting. My landlord said the breaker just have tripped on it's own; but when I mentioned that I had about $400 worth of meat in my freezer, the look his wife gave him told me that he'd shut it off on purpose to save on the electric bill while I was gone. (The only things running had been the fridge and a small lamp on a timer.)
A friend was away 4 weeks. Before she left, she turned the oven off at the wall.... It was the fridge/freezer.
I feel your pain. We had that happen once too. Bunch of fresh caught fish in the freezer that thawed and made the whole house ABSOLUTELY REEEEEK!
OMG I can imagine the eww face when they opened the door getting home. Then the gag face when opening the fridge door.
Happened to a friend of mine. They were luckily out of town on vacation when a hurricane hit us(Hurricane Irma, she was a bad one). Our area was out of power for about two weeks. Not so lucky, he returned home to a fridge brimming with rotten food and a stinky house.
I had that happen to me when I was in uni. I just restocked the freezer, up to the brim, mostly meat. Then went to see the parents for a week. I lived in a 10 story apartment building and occasionally someone would trip the fuse for the whole floor. Then you'd have to go into the communal area and switch back a main fuse, plus one smaller one for each apartment. The a-hole who caused the issue was a petty, lazy piece of garbage who couldn't bother to flip the small ones back. The other two apartment's occupants eventually noticed they didn't have power and flipped theirs back - again, none of them could spare a moment to do it to the others'. So mine was left off, and it was the middle of hot-hot summer. Everything rotted, I had to trough out tons of food I couldn't afford to replace plus clean up some incredibly disgusting stuff. And they ask why I hate people.
Found Out My Neighbor Sleeps With A Loaded Firearm Today. (Corner Of My Computer Desk Right Behind My Monitor)
The Mirror In My Hotel Bathroom Has An Antifog Section. Unfortunately, I'm 5'2"
My Friend Fell Down The Stairs In Our Airbnb
Ordered A New Chlorinator For The Pool, The Instructions Came On Vhs
Just hold it up to the light. (I used to be a videographer...I know how tape is constructed)
Nothing Better To Start Your Morning Than Dropping A Full Jar Of Glitter
Flooded Basement Quickly Becomes An Ocean
Tempered Glass Lid Shattered, Giving Me Schrodinger's Stir-Fry
Anyone Else Have To Remove Their Washer Agitator Because They Washed A New Box Of Staples, Or Is It Just Me?
Bird Shat On My Window While It Was Open And It Got Splattered On My Bed
Yesterday My Pen Exploded In My Dryer. Today, This When I Get Home After Another 13 Hour Work Day. Take A Shot For Me Today Please
Unlucky Day
First Night Of Vacation And We Go To Pull Out The Sofa Bed For The Kids, Hear A Loud Crunching Sound... Son’s iPhone Fell Between The Cushions And Got Caught In Hinges Of Bed Frame...
Thought I Bought Forks
My House Just Fell On My Car
When they say "bundle your home and auto insurance," this isn't what they meant.
Get A Basement Apartment In New York They Said. It'll Be Fun They Said
Never!! If Nanny Fines and Val taught us anything, it's never to get a basement apartment in NYC.
Got To My Apartment From Work During A Rainy Day To Find A Roof Leak Right Over My Laptop...
It might actually be okay if they don't turn it on or plug it in for a few days. The cover looks like it might have protected the electronics.
And Now My Bedroom Smells Like A Night Club
I Decided To Try Deep Frying Oreos But I Forgot That Oil And Water Don’t Behave The Same Way, Let It Get Too Hot And Melted Part Of My Kitchen. Always Keep An Eye On Your Oil And Use A Thermometer
Always Remember To Turn Off Your Iron
Neighbor's 12yo Grandkid Decided To Sneak In The Car And Take A Joyride. Freaked Out, Hit The Gas, And Crossed Their Lawn And Mine To Hit The Front Of My House
Believe it or not, my two brothers managed to do this when they were 4 and 2 years old. 4 year old (very observant and too smart for his own good) watches how my mom drives, takes the keys, gets into a locked car, starts it gets it into drive (was an automatic) has my 2 year brother sit on the floor of the car and push the gas. They drive out of the driveway, across the street, through the neighbors lawn, up seven steps, across a very nicely appointed front patio and pretty much accomplished the same kind of damage as in OP's pic. No one was hurt. Everyone was astonished.
Mould Killer In My Bathroom Is Itself Mouldy... I Hate This Flat So Much...
I Guess You Shouldn’t Put Glass Windows Over Grass When It’s 22 Degrees Celsius
This Is One Gallon Of Vegetable Oil. Help Me
When You Let Your Ex Keep The Second Key
My Chips Fell Off My Desk In The Worst Way Possible
Anyone Know How To Jailbreak A TV?
Just Bought Gallon Of Chocolate Milk For The Kids. Bumped It Trying To Put It In To The Fridge And It Noped Right Out Of My Hand. A Gallon Really Doesn't Seem Like Much, Until You Have To Clean It Off The Floor. The Splatter Zone Behind Me Was Pretty Impressive Too
The Glass In My Lizards Tank Randomly Exploded In The Middle Of A Thunder Storm
I followed the source link and the person says yes, lizard just sat there looking bemused!
Company Sent Mismatched Pieces Of My New Couch Today. They Don't Make The Couch Anymore
My Father Had To Be Freed From The Locked Toilet This Morning
Don’t Wash A Blanket With A Fitted Sheet. Still Suffering From Ptsd From The Sound
I fail to see how any of these were inspired by home renovations due to the pandemic.
I fail to see how any of these were inspired by home renovations due to the pandemic.