What do we consider good design? Packaging that's pleasing to the eye? A product that makes our lives easier? A structure that blends in seamlessly with nature? A design that's sustainable but practical all at once? Maybe it's something that fits the criteria for all of the above.

Here is a collection of examples that implement all of the above in design. The subreddit r/GoodDesign is for those who appreciate pleasing visuals and mindful execution. Check out these design innovations that prove not everything has to suck. Product and packaging design can be practical, original and beautiful at the same time.

Bored Panda also reached out to the mods of the subreddit. So scroll away to find the best of r/GoodDesign and read on for our interview with one of the moderators of the community.


This Should Be The Standard

This Should Be The Standard

AschoffTheTop Report

The community we're covering this time has a pretty straightforward name – r/GoodDesign. It's where people find and showcase great design. It's not particularly large in numbers. Although created in 2012, in more than 11 years it has amassed a modest 30k members.

And although that might not seem like a lot in these times of viral content, it's still in the top 5% of all Reddit communities. Bored Panda reached out to the moderator KingDrude of the subreddit. He was kind enough to tell us more about how the community is doing and what it's like moderating it.


Love The Design For The Spine Of These Books

Love The Design For The Spine Of These Books

Literallyasieve Report

The story of how KingDrude became the moderator is pretty straightforward. "They needed moderators and I applied," the Redditor simply says. "I had been following the sub for a while and I quite enjoy moderating."


Small numbers don't always mean less work. The mod tells us that the workload depends on the activity of the community members. "I have been [a] mod on other subreddits with the same amount of people and that was much more work because it was more active," KingDrude tells Bored Panda. "This sub isn't extremely active, so not a lot to do."


Crosswalk Projected On A Dirty Winter Road

Crosswalk Projected On A Dirty Winter Road

OGPhlapjax Report


Incorporating A Wheelchair Ramp Into Stairway Design

Incorporating A Wheelchair Ramp Into Stairway Design

mellowmonk Report

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spoot avatar
Nimues Child
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love the out-of-the-box thinking that went into the design. Thank you for name-checking the landscape architect!

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Never Crane My Neck Again!

Never Crane My Neck Again!

deepmindfulness Report

r/GoodDesign is not the only community that KingDrude moderates. He is the head moderator of r/AntiA-holeDesign. Or, more accurately, was. "It's no longer active because me and my team decided to join the protest against the API changes back in June," the Redditor admits.


This Is A 1954 Camper With A Boat As Its Top

This Is A 1954 Camper With A Boat As Its Top

Interesting-Current Report


Decathlon Now Sews The Labels Onto Small Scraps Of Fabric Instead Of The Actual Clothing Item, So It's Easier To Cut Them And They Don't Leave Any Itchy Residue Behind

Decathlon Now Sews The Labels Onto Small Scraps Of Fabric Instead Of The Actual Clothing Item, So It's Easier To Cut Them And They Don't Leave Any Itchy Residue Behind

TheFfrog Report

Since he's been moderator of two design communities, it's pretty obvious KingDrude enjoys interesting design solutions. "I am a fan of satisfying and innovative design," the Redditor says. "Although the main reason I moderate is because I love moderating. I do quite enjoy the content of the subs though," he adds.


(X-Post) "The Middle Snap On My Baby's Onesie Is A Different Color To Help Align The Buttons."

(X-Post) "The Middle Snap On My Baby's Onesie Is A Different Color To Help Align The Buttons."

CustomerComplaintDep Report


The Tear Offs On This Poster For Domestic Abuse Have The Phone Number Disguised As A Bar Code

The Tear Offs On This Poster For Domestic Abuse Have The Phone Number Disguised As A Bar Code

EuCleo Report

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juliuszuke avatar
Julius Zuke
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You will actually see these inside the male restrooms of senior centers in Baltimore County, Maryland.

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What makes a design good? This time, let's talk about the graphic design world. Whether it's a website, a book cover or a poster, there are seven main principles that designers should adhere to. The first one is emphasis. It's the first piece of information the designer wants the audience to see. It should stand out – either be the largest, in an eye-catching font or a contrasting color.


The Tiger Face On My Bag Of Nuts Spells Out Tiger Nuts

The Tiger Face On My Bag Of Nuts Spells Out Tiger Nuts

FiggyTheNewton Report


This Chair In The Food Court Of A Mall Has A Notch Cut Out For Your Bags

This Chair In The Food Court Of A Mall Has A Notch Cut Out For Your Bags

ursois Report


You Only Can See This At Night

You Only Can See This At Night

MaskedWiseman Report

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commonplace20-bd avatar
Bear Hall
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8 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Really smart. And now I know what I'll watch on the first day 2024. Edition: Oops, I've just checked, it came out in 2020. Maybe I'll watch it earlier.

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The second principle is to balance and align the elements of the piece so that the visual weight is distributed equally. Think about designing a piece as a room. You wouldn't want to cram all your furniture in one corner, would you? The same applies here. That doesn't mean good design can't be asymmetrical, but it still has to have a balance.


Love That!

Love That!

cvalda27 Report


These Public Benches Are Reversible, So You Can Choose To Look At People, Or Boats

These Public Benches Are Reversible, So You Can Choose To Look At People, Or Boats

phut- Report


My Puzzle Came With A Stand For The Box

My Puzzle Came With A Stand For The Box

Tushar-- Report

The third principle has to do with contrast. It's how well a designer arranges opposing elements to entice the viewer visually. Designers do this either with color, texture, shape and size. Graphic designer Meg Reid refers to this as what people mean when they say that a design "pops!" Examples can be a bright background with dark colors or small objects positioned next to a large one.


This Toilet Paper With A Mini Roll Of Toilet Paper Inside Instead Of An Hollow Cardboard Roll!

This Toilet Paper With A Mini Roll Of Toilet Paper Inside Instead Of An Hollow Cardboard Roll!

Dearisneth Report

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jameskramer avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

We have started buying toilet paper that does not have a cardboard roll. Nothing to dispose of once the paper is finished.

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Really Appreciated The Removable Sticker Brand Name For A Reusable Canister

Really Appreciated The Removable Sticker Brand Name For A Reusable Canister Report

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billswallow_1 avatar
Bill Swallow
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hmmm. Reuse, so 'Good'. Throwaway plastic, so 'Bad'. Decisions, decisions...

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I Possibly Found The Best Ever Pencils. After Using Them You Can Plant Them In The Soil And Then A Sapling Will Grow From The Green Bottom!

I Possibly Found The Best Ever Pencils. After Using Them You Can Plant Them In The Soil And Then A Sapling Will Grow From The Green Bottom! Report

Repetition is the fourth principle of good design. Repeating a font, a group of colors or a text can create a motif. That in turn helps brands create an identity. If something appears only once, it can be simply an error. If it appears more than once – that's already a pattern.


This Remote Has A Headphone Plug In It To Listen To TV Quietly

This Remote Has A Headphone Plug In It To Listen To TV Quietly

pintong Report

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elizabeth-mendolo avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OMG this could have saved me from getting scolded by my parents at 2 am trying to watch tv

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This Is Exactly What Makes Good Design! Oklahoma Manhole Covers Have A City Map On It With A White Dot Showing Where In The City You Are

This Is Exactly What Makes Good Design! Oklahoma Manhole Covers Have A City Map On It With A White Dot Showing Where In The City You Are

deepmindfulness Report

The fifth principle of good design is proportion. There can be bright colors and differently sized elements in a design, yet it still can be pleasing to the eye. What's the secret to that? Looking at a design in sections rather than as a whole.

Designers can group small elements together to establish their relationship with the parts around them. Ticket information on a concert poster, for example, is in a small box at the bottom of the poster.


My Shirt Has A Cloth For Cleaning Glasses Sewn Into It

My Shirt Has A Cloth For Cleaning Glasses Sewn Into It

whynotboth_ Report


4 Handles So That More People Can Hold It + These The Handles Don’t Connect To The Floor So That The Floor Can Be Cleaned Easily

4 Handles So That More People Can Hold It + These The Handles Don’t Connect To The Floor So That The Floor Can Be Cleaned Easily

savvy707 Report

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My Empanada Says What Meat Is Inside

My Empanada Says What Meat Is Inside

MartyRacer Report

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anne-karina avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not me looking at the spots forever trying to see what kind of meat it was depicting..

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A good design should lead the eye from the most important information to the least important. That's where movement comes in. If there's one element that draws the eye as if it's in the wrong place – it might need adjusting. The viewer's gaze should move organically from one design element to the other.


Where Are These When I Forget My Sunglasses. They Put Rails Under The Benches In This Park So You Can Always Be In The Shadow

Where Are These When I Forget My Sunglasses. They Put Rails Under The Benches In This Park So You Can Always Be In The Shadow

jadedcloud Report


This Pill Can Be Split Into 5mg Doses Or 7.5mg Doses Depending On Which Side You Break It

This Pill Can Be Split Into 5mg Doses Or 7.5mg Doses Depending On Which Side You Break It

Vennom Report


These Posters

These Posters

O4fuxsayk Report

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ninettet avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They should've used these from the start and world-wide, powerful message

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The last principle of good design might be the trickiest. It's not about what a designer does, but more about what they choose to leave out. It's white space, also referred to as negative space. Particularly perilous to beginner designers, it's the unmarked area that lets the viewer's eyes rest. 


A Drum Pedal Was Repurposed To Provide A Zero-Contact Hand Sanitizer Station

A Drum Pedal Was Repurposed To Provide A Zero-Contact Hand Sanitizer Station

ilikecarz2much Report


Good Design Is Right Where You Need It

Good Design Is Right Where You Need It

deepmindfulness Report

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jameskramer avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This would not work in the UK as they are constantly moving things around.

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I Would Apply

I Would Apply

Alpha_Shmeat69 Report


The Door Handles Turn Red If You Lock The Door

The Door Handles Turn Red If You Lock The Door

TheOnlyTails Report


Nail Polish Bottle Has A Swatch Of The Colour Attached To The Bottle So You Can See How The Colour Looks On You

Nail Polish Bottle Has A Swatch Of The Colour Attached To The Bottle So You Can See How The Colour Looks On You

OddKng Report

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Tesla Cars Have A Feature That Lets Bystanders Know That The Car Is Air-Conditioned And The Pen Inside Is Safe

Tesla Cars Have A Feature That Lets Bystanders Know That The Car Is Air-Conditioned And The Pen Inside Is Safe

arigon1 Report

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Thought This Would Belong Here

Thought This Would Belong Here

MactavishRoseneath Report

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lesliebudge avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

its a pity most saucepan/pot designers have forgotten what the holes on the pot handles are for. originlly they were for putting your utensil handles in so they dripped back into the pot but now the designers seem to think they are hanging them up to catch dirt. if you look at your grandparents old pots and utensils you will find the utensils handle fits nicely in the holes and the untensil end drips into the pot. now everything has a slick modern look but nothing fits as it should.

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The "One A Day Banana" Pack, Containing Several Bananas Of Different Ripeness So That You Can Eat Them Over Several Days (Korea)

The "One A Day Banana" Pack, Containing Several Bananas Of Different Ripeness So That You Can Eat Them Over Several Days (Korea)

milieux Report


Genius Ad For A Funeral Company

Genius Ad For A Funeral Company

VenomXsX Report

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lilliemean avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've seen a funeral flower services van with a roughly translated message on the back: drive over the speed limit and pass us, we'll be happy to deliver flowers to your funeral.

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Shades By Design Logo Is Correct When Read Up And Down And When Read Left To Right!

Shades By Design Logo Is Correct When Read Up And Down And When Read Left To Right!

YaBoiLox Report


My School Mascot Is The Bulldogs, This Is The Logo They Came Up With For Their Esports Team

My School Mascot Is The Bulldogs, This Is The Logo They Came Up With For Their Esports Team

supersophisticated Report


My 3 Tacos Came In A Container That Was Made To Hold 3 Tacos Upright 🌮

My 3 Tacos Came In A Container That Was Made To Hold 3 Tacos Upright 🌮

auguestalfieri Report


This Track To Help People Bring Their Bikes Up Or Down Stairs

This Track To Help People Bring Their Bikes Up Or Down Stairs

real_dea Report

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My TV Mount Has A Spirit Level In It

My TV Mount Has A Spirit Level In It Report


Integrated Storage For Chocks In Space Above Fender

Integrated Storage For Chocks In Space Above Fender Report

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sarah_a_tate avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's really cool. I hate having to carry around log wedges for when I park the trailer.

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Amazon Has Reflective Panels In The Top Of Their Lockers So You Don't Have To Jump Around Like A Maniac To Make Sure You Got All Your Stuff

Amazon Has Reflective Panels In The Top Of Their Lockers So You Don't Have To Jump Around Like A Maniac To Make Sure You Got All Your Stuff

Potato23860 Report

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laura_ketteridge avatar
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a short-a*s, I approve. Do they also provide little step-stools too?

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A Trash Can For Cyclists To Toss Things While They Bike

A Trash Can For Cyclists To Toss Things While They Bike

feeling_minty Report

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Gandalf the Pink
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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just imagine all the small pieces of trash falling through the net and ending up in that body of water. They could have had some sort of bin underneath?

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Note: this post originally had 93 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.