The world is full of all kinds of designers, from the inspired and creative to the lazy and derivative. What sets truly great designs apart from all the rest of the ‘competition’ is a focus on empathy while balancing function and form.

When a creative professional truly cares about the person who ends up using their product, it shows. The members of the r/GoodDesign online community showcase some of the finest examples of user-friendly design, and we’ve collected some of their freshest posts to share with you. Scroll down for some inspiration!

Bored Panda reached out to world-famous pie artist and published author Jessica Leigh Clark-Bojin, @thepieous, for her thoughts on truly great product, tool, and packaging designs. She was kind enough to share some great insights with us that should help anyone who bakes or cooks. Check out our interview with her below!


Design For Roommates Or Siblings

Design For Roommates Or Siblings

Brent_Fox Report

According to pie artist Jessica, your creativity is a powerful asset. You can get a lot done even if you don't have a lot of tools and gadgets at your disposal. "When I started my career as a pie artist, the only baking tools I had at my disposal were my own two hands and a toothpick… And I am a firm believer that creativity in the kitchen is not gadget-dependant — you can make wonderful things, and have a blast doing it, with a very limited tool kit! Indeed, sometimes not having access to the right tools for the job is precisely what spurs on those wonderful discoveries, new techniques, and new baking formats," she told Bored Panda in an email.

"All that said, as I grew in my practice and started to become more efficient as a kitchen denizen, there were a few tools and gadgets that became indispensable to me. Not because they helped me develop my creativity necessarily, but because they cut down on time, frustration, and mistakes."


    Wildlife Overpass, Trans-Canada Highway, Banff National Park, Canada. The 38 Passes And Fencing Have Reduced Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions By More Than 80%

    Wildlife Overpass, Trans-Canada Highway, Banff National Park, Canada. The 38 Passes And Fencing Have Reduced Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions By More Than 80%



    This Furniture Hardware Is Sorted By Step Rather Than By Type

    This Furniture Hardware Is Sorted By Step Rather Than By Type

    artemekiiaht Report

    Jessica shared her top 3 kitchen tools and gadgets with us:

    1. "A really excellent, and properly sharpened knife. Volumes have been written on the subject for anyone looking to go down the 'good knife' rabbit hole online, but suffice it to say, no single tool will have a greater impact on your speed, precision, safety, and—if you’re a food artist like me the level of fine detail you can achieve in your work!
    2. A decent food processor. If you make a lot of dough or batter and you really care about consistency between batches, a food processor is an indispensable tool. It allows you to precisely measure how much you are blending certain ingredients, and with certain fussy culinary chemical reactions, that is a critical variable to know. It also helps you keep your ingredients cold, and cuts down the time it takes to combine them, which is very handy with recipes like pie dough where the clock is ticking on the fat melting and making your dough tough.
    3. An oven thermometer. Knowing what temperature your oven actually is, and if it has 'hot spots' (if the temperature is higher in some areas of the oven than in other parts) may just be the final piece of the puzzle for anyone wondering why their bakes always turn out different from the recipe. It is rare for ovens, especially older ones, to heat precisely to the temperature on the dial in every part of the oven. If you find your dishes turn out over or underdone on occasion and you don’t know why, invest in a cheap oven thermometer! Then you can adjust the temperature up or down, or rotate your baking sheets during the bake to ensure the proper doneness."

    The Wine Box Is Designed To Be Reused As A Birdhouse:)

    The Wine Box Is Designed To Be Reused As A Birdhouse:)

    midrandom Report

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    Bill Swallow
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Friend of mine was enrolled in an online subscription that sent her three bottles of wine each month. The bottles were shipped in a lightweight wooden 'crate' with two slats that divided it up into space for three bottles. She turned two of these crates sideways, added labels, and they became a very nice, sort of rustic-looking spice rack. Genius, and not unattractive.

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    Traffic Signals With LED Lights On The Pole Itself

    Traffic Signals With LED Lights On The Pole Itself

    DrFetusRN Report


    My Son’s Onesie Has A Different Color Button In The Middle So It’s Easier To Line Them Up Properly

    My Son’s Onesie Has A Different Color Button In The Middle So It’s Easier To Line Them Up Properly

    bagood1 Report

    Bored Panda was interested to hear the pie artist's thoughts on what kinds of baking tools and food packaging she'd wish were designed better. She was happy to share her thoughts on this.

    "I was in a foreign city baking for a client and had to pick up ingredients that were not my usual brand for the gig. The sugar I bought came in a cardboard milk carton-type of package with a spout for pouring. I had never seen anything like that before and after easily pouring out precisely the amount of sugar I needed directly from the carton without spilling a grain, and then simply sealing it up with no bag clip or elastics or fumbling mess needed, I was gob-smacked," she opened up to us.


    "Why isn’t every edible powder ingredient sold in a milk carton? It’s wonderful! And such a simple concept to make pouring and sealing your ingredients simple. Now I can’t open a bag of flour or a jar of baking soda without wistfully thinking about that strange and wonderful 'sugar in a milk carton' packaging."


    These Reversible Benches Allow You To Decide Which Direction You Prefer To Face While You Sit On Them

    These Reversible Benches Allow You To Decide Which Direction You Prefer To Face While You Sit On Them

    qwertysac Report


    The Spoons In This Japanese Restaurant Have A Little Nudge On Their End So They Don’t Fall Into The Bowl

    The Spoons In This Japanese Restaurant Have A Little Nudge On Their End So They Don’t Fall Into The Bowl

    Awsisazeen Report


    Meanwhile, Jessica said she often wishes that it were easier to open cans of pumpkin filling and jars of olives. "Can openers are a pain in the butt, and glass jars with metal lids are often incredibly difficult to get open. Perhaps one day some genius will come up with an idea for a form of packaging that is air-tight and hygienic, robust and compact for shipping, environmentally friendly and economical, but that pops right open with a simple touch/twist/command. The person who can develop the patent for such a package will be very rich indeed. And people with motor function challenges will no doubt label them a hero!"


    If you're interested in learning about baking, you can take a peek at Jessica's book 'Pies Are Awesome' and her online baking courses at 'PieSavvy.' In the meantime, check out her latest pie art posts on Instagram!


    My 3 Tacos Came In A Container That Was Made To Hold 3 Tacos Upright 🌮

    My 3 Tacos Came In A Container That Was Made To Hold 3 Tacos Upright 🌮

    auguestalfieri Report


    This Pill Can Be Split Into 5mg Doses Or 7.5mg Doses Depending On Which Side You Break It

    This Pill Can Be Split Into 5mg Doses Or 7.5mg Doses Depending On Which Side You Break It

    Vennom Report


    This Cat Tree Comes With Instructions For Building A Cat House Out Of The Box It Came In

    This Cat Tree Comes With Instructions For Building A Cat House Out Of The Box It Came In

    RuthTheGoose Report

    If you want to be a successful designer who creates quality products, then you really do need to put your customers first. You can’t get around the fact that you need to know your target audience extremely well.

    What are their wants and needs? Their hopes and dreams? Their potential pain–points while using your competitors’ products?

    When you start identifying what makes your customers tick, you can avoid some (though probably not all) potential design pitfalls.


    You can conduct focus groups and show people various iterations of your product to see what they (dis)like and prefer. You can ask your colleagues, family, and friends for their input. And then sift through all the advice to see what’s actually good criticism and what’s just a matter of taste.


    I Ordered Some Sample Colors For New Blinds, And They Sent Me Actual Tiny Little Blinds

    I Ordered Some Sample Colors For New Blinds, And They Sent Me Actual Tiny Little Blinds

    vilebubbles Report


    A Simple Easy-Open Tab On This Computer Mouse Package Was A Welcome Surprise After A Long Day Of Moving Into A New Apartment

    A Simple Easy-Open Tab On This Computer Mouse Package Was A Welcome Surprise After A Long Day Of Moving Into A New Apartment

    kmooch289 Report


    My Puzzle Came With A Stand For The Box

    My Puzzle Came With A Stand For The Box

    Tushar-- Report

    No matter how great an expert someone is, it’s so easy to get lost in your work that you no longer see the forest for the trees. An outsider’s perspective can really help you see some aspects you need to improve on that you might have missed.

    However, that requires a measure of humility. It’s one thing to be confident in your skills and vision. It’s another thing entirely to be so arrogant as to assume that you can make no mistakes.


    When your customers get their hands on a product that is miles better than anything else on the market, they’re more likely to be loyal to your brand. If you make their lives better, why shouldn’t they return for more quality products and services?

    You basically risk alienating your customer base if you lean too much into either function or form. On the one hand, if what you’re offering isn’t at all practical or ergonomic but just a monument to your artistic vision, many people likely won’t buy your product. If the needs of your customers aren’t met, you’ve failed as a designer (even if you might succeed as an artist).


    Guitar Store

    Guitar Store

    Sirbananabee Report


    This Tub Of Toothpaste Tells You Where Its Ingredients Come From And What They're Used For

    This Tub Of Toothpaste Tells You Where Its Ingredients Come From And What They're Used For

    harofax Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like this approach but wish they didn’t use palm oil, as it is associated with deforestation and human rights issues.

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    Good Design Is Right Where You Need It

    Good Design Is Right Where You Need It

    deepmindfulness Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Next they will have Sat nav. "Turn left at the toilet roll, you have reached your destination."

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    On the other hand, aesthetics are also important. If your product is extremely functional but god-awful to look at, you’ll have a hard time when it comes to marketing, advertising, and getting consumers to even glance at the item on the store shelf.

    Sure, iterating your designs to be more appealing can be costly. But if you save too much at the cost of appearances, the awesome functionality of your product might never get the chance to be used in the end.


    This Airplane Seat Has A Step To Help Short People Reach The Overhead Locker

    This Airplane Seat Has A Step To Help Short People Reach The Overhead Locker

    midrandom Report


    This Rooftop For Bicycles So The Saddle Won't Get Wet

    This Rooftop For Bicycles So The Saddle Won't Get Wet

    Vinceconvince Report


    Wildlife Refuge Has Diagonal Windows In Their Bird Watching Blind As A Simple Solution To Allow People With Diverse Heights And Observation Needs To See Birds And Wildlife In The Nearby Bay

    Wildlife Refuge Has Diagonal Windows In Their Bird Watching Blind As A Simple Solution To Allow People With Diverse Heights And Observation Needs To See Birds And Wildlife In The Nearby Bay

    midrandom Report

    The r/GoodDesign online group is fairly niche. It’s a tight-knit community, currently standing at 33k members strong. Their main goal is to bring people’s attention to examples of truly great design, no matter where it’s found.

    “Be it web-based or not, if the design is good, then post it,” the moderator team running the subreddit urges everyone.


    Everything and anything you end up posting on the group should, in some way, be related to high-quality designs. If you go off-topic too much, you might end up getting banned. Sometimes, even permanently. It makes sense: it’s a design-focused community, after all.

    In the meantime, all the members are encouraged to put in a bit more effort and post more or less original content. If you end up reposting images that were shared within the last month, they’ll be removed. Furthermore, you shouldn’t repost pics that are in r/GoodDesigins’s Top 100 of All Time.


    Bathroom Stall Door With No Crack In Between

    Bathroom Stall Door With No Crack In Between

    midrandom Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guessing the person posting it is American given other threads I have seen on this site. This is normal.

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    They Put Rails Under The Benches In This Park So You Can Always Be In The Shadow

    They Put Rails Under The Benches In This Park So You Can Always Be In The Shadow

    shewalkinglikea Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've got a feeling that when me and my mates are walking back from whatever gathering that involved alcohol would use this slightly outside of the range from what it was intended for

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    My Empanada Says What Meat Is Inside

    My Empanada Says What Meat Is Inside

    MartyRacer Report

    Originally, r/GoodDesign was created all the way back in 2012, which was an entirely different era on the internet.


    One of the moderators helping keep the community functioning properly, u/KingDrude, previously opened up to Bored Panda about his experience. He told us that he’d been following the group for a while before applying as a mod.


    Green And Red Lights To Indicate Which Stalls Are Open

    Green And Red Lights To Indicate Which Stalls Are Open

    Informal-Ad-3705 Report


    Solar Park Bench With USB Charging Ports

    Solar Park Bench With USB Charging Ports

    ruskayaprincessa Report


    This Track To Help People Bring Their Bikes Up Or Down Stairs

    This Track To Help People Bring Their Bikes Up Or Down Stairs

    real_dea Report

    According to the mod, who has experience working with other communities, the workload isn’t all that huge because r/GoodDesign is a smaller group. He shared with us that he’s a big fan of “satisfying and innovative design.”

    On top of enjoying the design-related content, he primarily loves working as a moderator in general, no matter the community.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    On My Bedsheets

    On My Bedsheets Report


    This Flannel Button Up Has An Orange Thread On The Bottom Button Hole So That You Don’t Misalign The Buttons

    This Flannel Button Up Has An Orange Thread On The Bottom Button Hole So That You Don’t Misalign The Buttons

    MissPizza Report

    Which of these awesome designs impressed you the most? Which of the things featured in this list would you actually consider purchasing? Do you prioritize function, form, or a bit of both when picking products?

    What, to you personally, are the hallmarks of truly great design, dear Pandas? Let us know what you think in the comments.


    There Are Bins Along Cycle Paths In The Netherlands Which Allow You To Throw Out Rubbish Without Slowing Down

    There Are Bins Along Cycle Paths In The Netherlands Which Allow You To Throw Out Rubbish Without Slowing Down

    TheTitaniumWalrus Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you’re a good shot. How many people miss and don’t bother to stop to pick it up?

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    These Dog Poop Bags Lets You Know When There's Only Three Left On The Roll

    These Dog Poop Bags Lets You Know When There's Only Three Left On The Roll

    Letsbedragonflies Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Switzerland there are free poop bags everywhere! Now that is an even better design!

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    Tells You That You Won’t Finish The Movie (Oc)

    Tells You That You Won’t Finish The Movie (Oc)

    Grayboot_ Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’d click OK, then get angry when the plane lands before the movie finishes

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    This Clever Idea To Make The Material Reusable!

    This Clever Idea To Make The Material Reusable!

    S_Shadow77 Report

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    Nota Robot
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately though, the clothing they sell are anything but durable and last but a season or two. But it's cheap and on trend, I guess...

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    Depending On The Colour Tape That’s What In The Box

    Depending On The Colour Tape That’s What In The Box

    mastersmiley03 Report


    My Whey Has A Little Hook To Put The Scoop On

    My Whey Has A Little Hook To Put The Scoop On

    Roboman_67 Report


    Family Size Cereal Comes In Two Half-Sized Bags

    Family Size Cereal Comes In Two Half-Sized Bags

    sjamesc Report


    My New Wok Has Circles For Measuring Oil

    My New Wok Has Circles For Measuring Oil

    Den_the_God-King Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am not the best cook, but do people put oil in the middle of the pan? I just spread it around until I think I put enough

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    Packaging Communication At It’s Simplest

    Packaging Communication At It’s Simplest

    Sirbananabee Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Pop Up Store

    Pop Up Store

    Sirbananabee Report


    My Gas Bill Came With A Scratch And Sniff That Smells Like Natural Gas

    My Gas Bill Came With A Scratch And Sniff That Smells Like Natural Gas

    awesome_gamer15 Report


    This Restaurant Only Prints Their Very Short Menus On Business Cards

    This Restaurant Only Prints Their Very Short Menus On Business Cards

    midrandom Report

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    Justin Tyme
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I could eat cheeseburgers all weekend at home for the price of one of theirs.

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    Well, It Certainly Gets The Point Across, It Certainly Doesn't Fit. (About A Constipation Ad)

    Well, It Certainly Gets The Point Across, It Certainly Doesn't Fit. (About A Constipation Ad)

    -Octoling8- Report


    Cutout In The Packaging Allows Fitting Test

    Cutout In The Packaging Allows Fitting Test

    jimbolic Report

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    Chonky Panda
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought these were earplugs first and for a second I wondered how you're supposed to test out your ear hole size 💀

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    This Bus In Japan Has An Emergency Brake That Can Be Activated By Passengers If The Driver Becomes Incapacitated

    This Bus In Japan Has An Emergency Brake That Can Be Activated By Passengers If The Driver Becomes Incapacitated

    grinch337 Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This wouldn't work in ANY other country. Give people access to the brakes and they will f*****g use it rotfl. Edit: I'm being stupid. We have emergency brakes as well on trains here 🫣

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    Scam Alert Warning In A Grocery Store

    Scam Alert Warning In A Grocery Store

    tyw7 Report

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    Huddo's sister
    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We have these in all the big supermarkets in Australia, and they have audio ad warnings over the store radio because it's such a common scam.

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    Note: this post originally had 64 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

    See Also on Bored Panda