30 Beautiful Creations Inspired by Nature That People Were Excited to Share Online
Whether you're making jewelry, dabbling in pottery, or trying out grandma's old sewing machine, part of what makes DIY projects so special is walking away with something tangible in your hands—a piece of your own creativity brought to life.
The Facebook group 'Wild Green Crafts' invites people to share the fruits of their labor and celebrate their proudest achievements as a community. Many do. Since its inception in 2020, the group has grown to 116K members, so we decided to give them a shoutout and highlight some of their best works.
Continue scrolling to see how these folks express themselves.
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Introducing My Barn Owl Shelf! Featuring A Cosmic / Botanical / Ethereal Theme, With Blues, Purples, Golds And Just A Touch Of Red
I Did A Drawing Of A Duck Butt
To some, arts and crafts might seem inconsequential. However, they do wonders to our mental health, and according to a new study, can improve it as much as having a job.
“Engaging with arts and crafts is accessible and affordable. Options such as knitting and drawing require very few tools and can be engaging and creatively fulfilling activities,” says Dr. Helen Keyes, cognitive psychologist and head of the school of psychology and sport science at Anglia Ruskin University.
Preserved Plants That I Grow Myself Turned Into A Backgammon Board
There Is A Door Decorating Contest Going On At My Company. I Crafted A Giant Amanita Muscaria From Papier-Maché!
Just Finished This Little Guy. That's My Favorite Kind Of Parrot, Green Cheek Conure. Material: Eva Foam And Acrylic Paint
A new study by Keyes and her fellow researchers has discovered that engaging in creative activities can significantly boost well-being by providing meaningful spaces for expression and achievement.
Even though previous studies have shown that creating arts and crafting is therapeutic for people with mental health conditions, the general population has been understudied, according to the team, who published their paper in Frontiers in Public Health in August.
I Forage For Bark In The Woods Around Where I Live (Only Off Dead Trees) So I Process The Bark Myself To Use As My Canvas
Real Snowflakes Captured And Preserved
Handmade Pomegranate With The Slice. Made Of Polymer Clay, Epoxy Resin, Paint, And My Nerve Cells
Ooh Christmas Bugs (Well Why Not 🤣🤣)
Because of that, the researchers sampled people without diagnosed illnesses to see how arts and crafts might contribute to their well-being in everyday life.
The team used data from a major national survey in the UK between 2019-2020 to investigate how creative activities could impact life satisfaction, controlling for variables known to affect wellbeing, including gender, age group, health, employment status, and deprivation. In total, the researchers analyzed 7,182 participants living in England (age 16 and over) from the annual Taking Part survey conducted by the UK’s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport, which explores how the public engages with these activities.
Hammered Solid Copper Mushroom Bookmark
Betta Fish And Flowers. All In Acrylics, Acrylic Pens And Gold Leaf On A Large Canvas
Beaded Jellyfish Earrings
Just Wanted To Share Some Paintings I’ve Been Doing For Children’s Rooms
“We kept our analysis to arts and crafting at a broad level, rather than focusing on specific hobbies, as we know that people’s preferences vary and they will find the craft or creative activity that works best for them,” Keyes explains.
More than 37% of respondents confirmed they had taken part in at least one craft activity over the last year.
People's reported happiness, life satisfaction and sense of lives being worthwhile were positively correlated to participating in arts and crafts. (However, arts and crafts were not associated with decreased anxiety or loneliness which might require further investigation. The researchers noted that additional studies are needed to examine the social aspects of creative activities.)
I Started Making These Door Corvids A While Ago Cos I Wanted That Feeling Of Being Spied On By A Crow
I Crochet Miniature Animals And Dolls. I Need An Advice Who Else Can Be Crocheted In Green To Complement My Green Creations
Blue Jay On Sakura. Stained Glass Mosaic
I Wanted To Share With You Animals I Make, Trying To Capture Their Cuteness And Feelings Of Comfort And Sweetnes They Give Us
"Governments and national health services might consider funding and promoting crafting, or even socially prescribing these activities for at-risk populations as part of a promotion and prevention approach to wellbeing and mental health," Keyes says.
"Engaging with crafting is something that is relatively easy to introduce into your life."
My Embroidered Web Was So Well-Received That I Made Another!
It Is Accented With Amethyst & Quartz And Reveals A Rainbow Of Different Opal Colors Depending On The Angle. Made With Resin / Mixed Media
My Watercolor Of Today
Psilocybin Mushrooms Cast In Bronze
The projects that we see in the pictures provide opportunities for free expression and a sense of achievement, which "is important for wellbeing," Keyes adds, "that is, people can see their progress and be proud of what they are producing."
This Little Jerboa Was An Interesting Challenge, But I’m Proud Of How This Little One Turned Out
His Is An Imaginary Stratigraphy (Archaeological Diagram) Of A Dear Friend’s Family Garden In The Highlands
My Hand Sculpted Arctic Fox Sculptures
Some Hyper Realistic Fungi Ornaments
I Work With Zinnias That I Grow In My Garden. I Coat Them With Liquid Porcelain And Attach Them To Porcelain Bottles
I love zinnias and I grow hundreds of them every year, I wonder how you coat them with liquid porcelain? That's interesting.
My Art And Crafts Are One Of The Few Things I Can Still Do
I Make These Beetle-Shaped Bags With Interchangeable Elytra
A Guitar I Made From Some Scrap Local Maple Tree
I Present To You, My Latest Handbag. As With All My Work, This Bag Is Handstiched From Full Grain Leather, With A Hand Tooled And Painted Leather Flap
Poll Question
What kind of nature-inspired craft would you like to try?
Jewelry making with gemstones
Yarn and wool creations
Hand embroidery
It really pisses me off that I can't see the rest of these because I won't subscribe to a premium membership. :( Boo on you Bored Panda!
Oh my goodness, a post that's actually showcasing talented individuals creativity? This isn't about "AITH" or "let's complain about politics" or showcase some horrible celebrity trend? My goodness. An enjoyable post. Lovely. Gorgeous.
I'm AMAZED at how creative and talented these individuals are!
Load More Replies...Those were all wonderful crafts by some very talented people, more please!
It really pisses me off that I can't see the rest of these because I won't subscribe to a premium membership. :( Boo on you Bored Panda!
Oh my goodness, a post that's actually showcasing talented individuals creativity? This isn't about "AITH" or "let's complain about politics" or showcase some horrible celebrity trend? My goodness. An enjoyable post. Lovely. Gorgeous.
I'm AMAZED at how creative and talented these individuals are!
Load More Replies...Those were all wonderful crafts by some very talented people, more please!