30 Hidden Details That Only Observant People Noticed In ‘Home Alone’ Movies
InterviewQuick, if someone were to ask you what the most Christmas-y movies with the biggest concentration of holiday spirit were, what would you say? For me, it’s a draw between the ‘Home Alone’ and ‘Harry Potter’ series.
Seeing as a lot of us will be spending the Winter holidays stuck at home (possibly alone like Kevin McCallister), we thought we’d delight you by showing you some of the most interesting hidden details in the ‘Home Alone’ movies. Scroll down and upvote your fave sneaky tidbits, collected from the awesome r/MovieDetails subreddit, dear Readers. Oh, and don't forget to check out Bored Panda's interview with one of the moderators of the subreddit about this magical and intricately-made film series, which hidden detail might just be the very best, and what lies at the core of 'Home Alone's' popularity.
Did you manage to spot all of these Easter eggs the last time you watched the movies? Have we missed anything? Which ‘Home Alone’ film has a special place in your heart? We can’t wait to hear what you think!
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In Home Alone, Buzz's Girlfriend Is Actually A Boy In A Wig. The Director Thought The Joke Would Be Too Cruel For A Real Girl
I'm Home Alone (1990), Old Man Marley Has A Wound On His Hand, When He Meets With Kevin In The Church Revealing To Be A Sweet Gentle Man His Wound Only Has A Band Aid, When He Reunites With His Son And His Wife And Kid His Wound Is Healed, Symbolising Old Wounds Can Heal
Donald Trump Was In Home Alone 2 (1992) Because He Owned The Plaza They Wanted To Film In And Only Let Them If He Could Be In It
Redditor Niiue, a moderator at r/Movie Details, told Bored Panda that the hidden 'Home Alone' detail that stands out from the crowd for them can be found near the start of the very first movie. "The one that comes to mind is the scene in the first movie where Kevin's plane ticket is accidentally thrown away at the beginning. It's a simple detail, but it definitely adds to the movie, in my opinion," the mod said.
Like many of us, Niiue connects to 'Home Alone' because of their childhood. "It reminds me a lot of when I was a kid, and I'd daydream about saving my friends and family from bad guys," they said.
"There's just something fun about seeing what kinds of traps Kevin comes up with," the moderator explained the success of the 'Home Alone' franchise by pointing out that what lies at its core is simple, honest, childish fun. Niiue added that they'd personally enjoy another 'Home Alone' movie starring a grown-up Culkin only as a "black comedy parody instead of a regular sequel" and we love the idea.
The Pizza Place In 'Home Alone' Is Called Little Nero's Pizza And Their Slogan Is 'No Fiddlin' Around' And Since The Legend Is That Nero Fiddled While Rome Was Burning, The Slogan Is A Clever Way Of Saying "We Won't Burn Your Pizza"
Eyewitnesses debunked the myth that Nero played the violin when Rome was burning. They all said he couldn't fiddle but he played a mean electric guitar.
Ever Wonder What Happened To Kevin's Plane Ticket In Home Alone?
In Home Alone 2 (1992), Fuller Is Seen Wearing The Same Coat That Kevin Wore Throughout The First Home Alone (1990), Implying That Kevin Outgrew The Coat And Gave It To Fuller As A Hand-Me-Down
Fun fact: They are real life brothers. Probably was their coat from home.
The kind of depth that the ‘Home Alone’ series has makes us wonder what other movies had a whole bunch of intricate little details sprinkled throughout, but we were too distracted to notice. Some of these require you to have the eyes of a hawk while others need some behind-the-scenes knowledge that only a true McCallister mega-fan would have.
The thing that I love the most is something that I never noticed while watching the films in my childhood: the colors. The red and green themes can be found throughout and they create a very Christmas-y vibe by showing it to us, not just telling us.
I’ve Seen Home Alone A Countless Number Of Times And Only Tonight Noticed That Joe Pesci’s Character Is Wearing A Gun Shaped Tie Clip In The Beginning
Home Alone (1990). Old Man Marley Is Scored Using The Ancient "Dies Irae" Melody, Referencing A Coming Death. After Kevin Talks To Him, The Choir Begins Singing The "Carol Of The Bells", Which Uses The Same Melody Notes, Showing We The Audience Have Misjudged The Old Man The Same Way Kevin Has
In Home Alone (1990) When They Counted The People For The Trip They Say There's 17 People In Total. An Odd Number Between Two Vans Means They Will Be Split 8/9. Since Kevin Was Missing Both Vans Had 8 People Instead, Making Each Group Assume They Were On The 8-People Van, Not Suspecting A Thing
In the movie, a kid who lives across the street gets counted instead of Kevin while he's inside the van with his head turned away.
However, Reddit's explanation as to why nobody noticed Kevin missing on the way to the airport still makes sense because of the odd number of people.
Something else that really shocked me was that the tarantula crawling across Marv’s face was actually real! Props to Daniel Stern for having the courage to shoot a scene like that.
Most of us associate Macaulay Culkin with Kevin McCallister in the ‘Home Alone’ movies (you know, the good ones), and it’s said that director Chris Columbus wrote the part specifically with the child actor in mind. However, Columbus still auditioned around 200 people for Kevin’s part. But once Culkin showed up to the audition, it was game over for them. We’re glad Culkin got the part—Kevin’s just not Kevin without that cheeky grin of his!
Weirdly enough, Culkin’s younger brother, Kieran, also popped up in the movies as Kevin’s cousin, Fuller. Now if knowing that kind of fact doesn’t make you a die-hard ‘Home Alone’ fan, I don’t know what will.
In 'Home Alone,' The Airport Gate Agent Is Specifically Shown Counting Family Members. Since Kevin Is In The Attic And His Ticket Is In The Trash, The Number Of Passengers Indeed Matches The Number Of Plane Tickets
In Home Alone, The Gangster Movie "Angels With Filthy Souls" Featuring The Infamous Line "Keep The Change, Ya Filthy Animal" Was Created Solely For Home Alone And Does Not Exist In Reality. It Was Based On A Gangster Movie Of A Similar Title, "Angels With Dirty Faces"
In Home Alone (1990), Marv Is Wearing Fake Feet
In Home Alone 2 (1992) When We First See Kevin At The Rockefeller Center Tree The Camera Pans Up To Show It In Its Entirety. Every Light On The Building Behind The Tree Are Off Except For Two. The Lights That Are On Combined With The Star On Top Of The Tree Mirror The Hughes Entertainment Logo
In Home Alone (1990), The Mccallister Family Did Indeed Have A Dog; Explaining The Doggie Door In The Kitchen Used Later In The Movie. (Quote Appears At Approx 2min22sec)
In Home Alone (1990), Not Only Did Kevin Wake Up To An Empty House On Christmas Day, But Be Also Probably Realised That Santa Isn't Real. The Milk And Cookies He Left Out Weren't Consumed
Wait a minute, so the family leaves for holiday and leaves that milk out? That would be one disgusting home coming.
In The Christmas Chronicles 2 [2020], There's A Lady Who Desperately Needs A Flight Back To Chicago Around Christmas 1990, Which Is A Homage To Home Alone [1990], Which Features A Scene Where Kate Mccallister Is Trying To Do The Exact Thing
In Home Alone 2, Harry Still Has The Burn Mark On His Hand From The First Movie
At The Beginning Of Home Alone (1990) Kevin’s Dad Tells Him To Pick Up His Micro Machines Because “Aunt Leslie Almost Broke Her Neck.” Kevin Remembers This And Includes It As A Trap For The Wet Bandits
Smart kid, ultra smart. Like Slytherin or Ravenclaw level smart.
In Home Alone (1990), The Mcallister Family Watches A French Version Of It's A Wonderful Life (1946) While In Paris. In This Film, George Bailey Experiences An Alternate Reality When He Wishes He Was Never Born, Similarly To Kevin When He Wishes His Family Away
You Never Learn The Name Of The Pigeon Lady In Home Alone 2
Home Alone. Harry Is Married! When The Tarantula Lands On Him Towards The End Of The Movie A Wedding Ring Is Clearly Visible On His Left Hand
In Home Alone (1990), There Is A Running Joke That Everyone Hits The Statue In Front Of The House With Their Car. It's Acknowledged Three Times, Twice By The Pizza Boy And Once By The Airport Shuttle. However, There Is Also A Less Obvious Instance: The Police Officer That Is Sent To Check On Kevin
Every Scene In Home Alone The Colors Red And Green Are Prevalent
In Home Alone Old Man Marley Injury Resembles The Kind Of Injury As A Crucified Person Would Have, Symbolizing (From Christian Perspective) False Judgement And Being Misunderstood
This is a bit of a stretch. Home Alone is not that rife with symbolism.
In Home Alone 2, They Chose Sounds That Don't Entirely Fit The Object. For Example When Marc Hits The Concrete They Chose A Sound In Which Depicted Him Hardwood, To Lessen The Pain In Our Mind. Similar, When A Metal Pole Hits Their Faces It's Gives Off A Hollow Thin Metal Pole Hitting The Floor
Kevin's Uncle Rob And Aunt Georgette, Who Own The New York Townhouse In Home Alone 2, Only Appear On Screen For A Couple Of Seconds In The First Movie (And Not At All In The Second)... Also, They're Loaded
In Home Alone (1990), Marv Has A Collection Of Stolen Snow Globes From Each House He Robs. He Can Be Seen Adding To It In One Scene
In Home Alone 2, Marv Thinks He's Caught Kevin Because It's His Hat From The First Film!
In This Scene From Home Alone (1990), Both Macaulay Culkin And The Van Were Going Backwards And The Scene Was Played Back In Reverse. This Is Can Be Seen By The Smoke On The Right Going Towards The Van Rather Than Away From It
I don't think we appreaciate that Macaulay Culkin was a 9 year old when they shot this movie and he basically carried the movie.
Home Alone (1990) And Adventures In Babysitting (1987) Have A Lawn Jockey Getting Hit By A Car/Truck, Both Are Chris Columbus Directed Movies
I always wonder. What job does Kevin's dad have since he can afford a house like that and pay for a 8 person trip to Paris 2 seats on first class included.
I always wonder. What job does Kevin's dad have since he can afford a house like that and pay for a 8 person trip to Paris 2 seats on first class included.