Facts might be our bread and butter, but separating the wheat from the chaff is no easy feat. When you’ve got so much fake news, different ideological narratives, and fictional stories for the sake of attention floating about, sometimes even real, genuine facts can sound completely made up because they sound absolutely ridiculous. But fact is often stranger than fiction.

And that’s what this post is all about. Reddit user Youfellforityoufool asked their fellow redditors to share real history facts that sound so stupid, they don’t even seem real. Check some of the best ones out below and upvote the ones that impressed you the most (and, let’s face it, made you laugh while asking ‘how is this real?’).

Oh, and to pre-empt any confusion: the thing about people eating mummies? That’s actually true! Honest! Read on to find out why (spoiler warning: it's not as dumb as it sounds on paper).


44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In the 2015-2016 New Zealand Flag referendums, where New Zealand voted on a new flag for the country, one of the highest voted results was an image of a kiwi firing lasers from it's eyes. Google "New Zealand laser kiwi flag" if you don't believe me.

CrazyComedyKid , Lucy Gray Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous During 1774 Frederick the Great of Prussia had a free potato policy to help the people through the famine. A lot of people initially rejected the potatoes and so he had guards feign patrol of the potato fields so they looked more valuable and people would steal them in the night.

    Even though they were totally free.

    bobakittens , public domain Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous How the Berlin Wall fell. In order to calm mounting protests, German Democratic Republic (GDR) officials decided on loosening travel restrictions between East and West, but not opening the border completely.

    Notes of the new rules had been handed to a spokesman who hadn't had time to read them before the press conference. "Private travel outside the country can now be applied for without prerequisites," he said. Surprised journalists clamoured for more details. Shuffling through his notes, he said that as far as he was aware, it was effective immediately. In fact, it had been planned to start the next day, with details on applying for a visa. But the news was all over television - and East Germans flocked to the border in huge numbers.

    As the border became inundated with East Berliners wishing to reunite with family and/or escape the GDR, border guards became overwhelmed and with no orders to either shoot upon the crowd or open the gate, only a handful of guards facing hundreds and thousands of citizens, rather than fire and create a stampede and potentially kill hundreds, the head of the guards decided to give the order "Open the barrier!" What came next was a spontaneous chain reaction with Berliners on both sides arriving at Checkpoint Charlie to celebrate this momentous event and to demolish the wall.

    So, basically, an ill-prepared functionary made a flippant remark and a border guard captain, unable to get orders on how to proceed, led to one of the most defining moments of the late 20th Century in Europe.

    Farkenoathm8-E , Lear 21 Report


    Bored Panda spoke about separating facts from fiction, as well as how some conspiracy theories can turn out to be close to the truth (and might not all be bad!) with Joseph M. Pierre, a professor of psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

    According to the professor, most recent conspiracy theories—from what happened to JFK and Princess Diana to 9/11 or the Flat Earth theory—”have been fairly inconsequential without any largescale behavioral ramifications.”

    In other words, they haven’t had many negative real-life consequences for the vast majority of society, even if they’re full of lies and make a mockery of the truth. However, there is one exception to this. Climate change. And that’s a real pickle!


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In WWII, the Russians trained dogs to run under tanks with time bombs on their backs - "anti-tank dogs." But, the Russians trained the dogs on Russian tanks, so when they set them free on the battlefield, the dogs turned around and started blowing up the Russian tanks instead of the German tanks.

    Archayvic , Public Domain Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, WW2 was a rather brutal and disgusting period in human history. Using such tactics probably seemed perfectly fine to everyone involved...

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They deserved that to happen, training dog to be suicide bombers that is disgusting and horrible. I am still pissed about Laika.

    Katya Myers
    Community Member
    3 years ago

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    Seriously? Dog’s life vs saving people’s life? I guess you don’t know much about the history of the events and what really was happening in Russia.

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    Rod Egret
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Usage of animals for warfare is absolutely horrific, it makes me sick. The Dresden war museum (it's meant to educate by showing the horrors of war, not glorify it) is really great and has a section dedicated to what mankind has made animals endure. It's very hard and not suitable for children but very educative.

    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Karma. Don’t use a poor dog as your weapon of choice.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's what you get for using poor unwitting dogs as suicide bombers. >:(

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    F*****s blew up dogs! They deserved everything they got.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They tried to train them to pull a release and drop the bomb but were unsuccessful. So they instead became suicide bombers. The dog was killed when the bomb detonated.

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    Kyra Swanson
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Are the doggos ok?!?! (edit: I apologize for not being sensible enough to think that the dogs went with the bombs. This is so incredibly cruel and I sincerely apologize for my insensitivity.)

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Although the worst that could have happened would be germany winning that war - this serves them right! Abusing animals who don't even care about nations, borders, ideologies as cheap carriage devices, sacrificing them - is just wrong. No exceptions possible ... not even thinkable.

    Mickey T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also they got their own people drunk and made them run over mine fields to clear a path.

    Brandi VanSteenwyk
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The DOG GOD had to do something to display condemnation of the process.

    Matthew Beardsley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It serves them right. They wanted to send the dogs with bombs on their backs to blow up the tanks (and themselves). the dogs must have been terrified with all the loud noises, and dying people.

    Lee Kerr
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Americans had similar problems with suicide bats; burned down an airforce base in New Mexico

    Just me
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had to read that twice...for some reason my brain didn't catch it the first time 🙈

    Kelly Johnson
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did they use German Shepard's? Might explain the little fluffy four-legged turncoats

    Katya Myers
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Partially true. But the dogs did some good stuff as well as damage. For example, at the front of the 160th Infantry Division near Hlukhiv, six dogs had damaged five German tanks; near the airport of Stalingrad, anti-tank dogs destroyed 13 tanks. At the Battle of Kursk, 16 dogs disabled 12 German tanks which had broken through the Soviet lines of defence near Tamarovka, Bykovo

    Tame panda
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Russians deserved this and I hope no other animals are trained to die.

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, if the dogs were gonna die, they might as well take the Russian tanks down with them. Honestly though, this is horrible.

    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yeah I knew this. Maybe think about it a bit more next time

    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG I’m actually genuinely sad that they blew up dogs. But that would look so coool

    Russian Otaku
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of the few times aside from food dogs were overly useful and they f****d it up.... still funny tho

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Alright I don't remember the specifics. But there was a king (I believe a sumerian king) who was told by an oracle that "Disaster would befall the king." So he had a gardener crowned as king for a day, and that night the gardener would be executed, thus fulfilling the prophecy and saving the real king.

    Soon after the gardener's coronation, the real king choked on soup and died. The gardener ruled for 24 years

    Moses_The_Wise , photophnatic Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 and

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Canada and Denmark have been at war since 1984.

    Sort of.

    Hans island: disputed since the 1930's, but since 1984 each country's military visits and erects their flag taking down the other flag. With it a note welcoming the next visitor to Canada or Denmark.

    Canadians leave whiskey, Danes leave schnapps.

    And the cycle continues.

    bswiftly , Wikimedia Commons Report

    Professor Pierre suggested that there are some conspiracy theories about climate change that might be close to the truth and actually encourage people to act for the sake of the planet, not just deny global warming in the first place.


    “Not all of the debate around that topic involves a conspiracy theory,” the professor pointed out. “In fact, the most conspiratorial claim about climate change may be that ‘big oil’ companies, like ‘big tobacco’ decades before, know that climate change is real and is caused by human CO2 production, but that they’re purposely claiming otherwise and putting out misinformation to the contrary that refutes what the vast majority of climate change scientists have stated in order to protect profits from the industry.”

    The professor continued: “Those of us who believe that conspiracy theory (remembering that some conspiracy theories are true!) argue that real-life physical actions—moreso on the part of industry than individuals per se—are necessary now.”


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The Great Pig War (aka the San Juan Boundary Dispute) between the US and UK/Canada lasted seven whole years. At maximum belligerence, the order of battle included 2,600 ground troops, five powerful ships of the line, and nearly a hundred cannon.

    But fortunately, the combatants never actually got around to doing much combatting. In fact, the only recorded injury was a Royal Marine who got hit in the eye by a rock thrown from the American trenches. He was shipped to a nearby militry hospital, recuperated, and eventually rejoined his unit.

    Most of the opposing troops' energies were spent sneaking across the lines to each other's outposts - to play cards, swap stories, and to trade American tobacco and fresh food for navy rum swiped from the British quartermaster's stores.

    Generally acknowledged as The Best War Ever.

    theartfulcodger , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    Sum Guy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When your government is stupid but the troops won't follow orders blindly

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous A Finnish sniper named Simo Häyhä was able to kill around 500 Soviet soldiers in the Winter War of 1939 by literally hiding in the snow and taking random shots every couple hours. In March 1940 he was struck in the jaw by an explosive bullet and seriously wounded. He was very disfigured, unconcious, and presumed dead when he was found, and later he was thrown onto a pile of bodies. A fellow soldier noticed a leg twitching in the pile and they brought him home alive. He lived to be 96.

    BruhCoinInvestor , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Not one but two kings of France perished by smashing their heads on the top part of a door, or lintel.

    Charles VIII in 1498 (the shock probably caused something else but still).

    Louis III was pursuing a fair lady (who was actually trying to escape him) on his horse on August 5, 882, when she passed a door. The horse went through, but not the king, who broke his skull and died instantly.

    Ramtalok , public domain Report


    There’s no doubt that there are plenty of people who believe false facts, fake news, and tinfoil conspiracy theories. Others, however, profit off of those beliefs and use them to create a platform for themselves, leading to potential financial gain. Separating the true believers from the con artists is no easy feat, however.

    Professor Pierre said that figuring out whether somebody genuinely believes a conspiracy theory or is cashing in on the gullible is a complex issue. “Determining if someone is lying isn’t easy and is complicated by the fact that we don’t really have clear agreement of what it means to ‘believe’ something, much less genuinely.’”

    The professor highlighted how people like Alex Jones and his lawyers have been called to answer about “belief conviction in various lawsuits against him.” However, he’s always been able to get away from stating outright whether his beliefs are real or just for show. “[He] has been able to skirt a firm account of whether he’s a huckster or true conspiracy theory believer.”


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous William the Conqueror exploded at his funeral.The short of it, the intestinal infection that killed him ended up eating up his body from the inside. All the gas from the decomposition was trapped in there, but as some people tried to fit him back into his coffin, his body exploded from the pressure. Guess he had to go out with a bang.

    nergigante-is-best , Man vyi Report

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    River Webb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel bad for the person that was putting him in the coffin

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous A Skylab satellite's guidance system was failing and ended up crash landing in Australia. Instead of giving the satellite back, Skylab was charged with a $500 littering fine.

    After the fine was paid, the company wanted to put the satellite in a museum but was refused on the basis that since the satellite fell from space, its legally Australia's now. So now, Skylab pays a monthly rent to Australia to display its own satellite in a museum.

    spyraxian , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous A man from New York missed his friends who were fighting in Vietnam. So he traveled thousands of miles to track them down in a combat zone to personally give them beer and letters from home. He even wrote a book about it called The Greatest Beer Run Ever

    bakedmaga2020 , John (Chick) Donohue and J. T. Molloy Report

    Meanwhile, let’s jump back to some of the weirdest real history facts. Or rather one particular fact about how people have been munching on mummies. The Science History Institute explains that aside from artists using mummies for paint pigments, Europeans have been eating Egyptian mummies as medicine since the 12th century.


    “In later centuries unmummified corpses were passed off as mummy medicine, and eventually some Europeans no longer cared whether the bodies they were ingesting had been mummified or not,” the SHI writes. “The eating of Egyptian mummies reached its peak in Europe by the 16th century. Mummies could be found on apothecary shelves in the form of bodies broken into pieces or ground into powder. Why did Europeans believe in the medicinal value of the mummy? The answer probably comes down to a string of misunderstandings.”


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The way the world is today and an immense portion of its problems can be traced back to one 19 year old kid shooting an archduke in 1914.

    jsar16 , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    Truth Monster
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. It was a significant event, but genocide, xenophobia, racism and fanaticism have existed as long as humans were numerous enough to have 2 tribes.

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Jack Daniel (yeah, that Jack Daniel) died from an infected stubbed toe caused by him kicking a safe containing money to which he had forgotten the combination.

    Fact-Crab , Firstinduty Report

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    Johnny Rodriguez
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't hide money when you're drunk! You might think it's 'tHe BeStEst iDeA eVEr' is not!

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The second person to go down Niagara Falls in a barrel and live later perished by slipping on an orange peel.

    lucif_woods , public domain Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a saying in Greece "he who's fate is to drown, never dies".

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    In brief, when Europeans first saw the black stuff coating ancient Egyptian mummies, they assumed it was bitumen (aka mumia, which has been used as an ingredient in some embalming processes, has antimicrobial and biocidal properties, and has been recommended as a cure for many things since the times of the ancient Romans).

    “Eating mummies for their reserves of medicinal bitumen may seem extreme, but this behavior still has a hint of rationality. As with a game of telephone, where meaning changes with each transference, people eventually came to believe that the mummies themselves (not the sticky stuff used to embalm them) possessed the power to heal,” the Science History Institute explains.


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Everything Olga of Kiev did after her husband was killed by an opposing tribe (the opposing tribe killed him by tying his legs to trees they'd bent down and then releasing the trees)

    Cliffs: -Buried 20 men alive -Burning another 20 alive after she'd lured then into a bath house

    Slaughtered 5000 of the opposing tribes solders after she'd gotten them piss drunk. -Telling the opposing tribe she'd end the assaults if each house gave her "3 pigeons and 3 sparrows". She then had her soldiers tie sulfur to each of the birds and set them free so that they would return home to nest in their original villages. Eventually the villagers bedtime fires would ignite the sulfur and burn the town to the ground.

    Also she's a "saint" in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic church.

    awebbC-132 , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous There was a real plan to spike Hitler's food with estrogen to try to turn him into a woman and make him give up on war.

    Alistair_TheAlvarian , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    River Webb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't get what him becoming a woman has to do with him giving up on war

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous People used to think women's uteruses would go flying if they rode the train.

    uthglow , public domain Report

    “Scholars long debated whether bitumen was an actual ingredient in the Egyptian embalming process. For a long time they believed that what looked like bitumen slathered on mummies was actually resin, moistened and blackened with age. More recent studies have shown that bitumen was used at some point but not on the royal mummies many early modern Europeans might have thought they were ingesting. Ironically, Westerners may have believed themselves to be reaping medicinal benefits by eating Egyptian royalty, but any such healing power came from the remains of commoners, not long-dead pharaohs.”


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous President Andrew Jackson had a pet parrot. Jackson was also a very vulgar man and his parrot learned a lot of curse words from him. At Jackson’s funeral they had to remove the parrot from the funeral because it wouldn’t stop cursing.

    Silence-Dogreat , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    Gaya K
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can just picturing a parrot sitting on a pole by the coffin and during a moment of silence going "Waah! F**k this s**t!"

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous A Greek philosopher called Chrysippus died from laughing too much at a drunken donkey eating rotting (therefore fermented) figs.

    -Glitter-Herpes- , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Honduras and El Salvador had a 3-day war over a football game.

    theycallmemomo , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous A quote from Winston Churchill when he was visiting the White house and the president walked in on him buck naked: "The prime minister of the UK has nothing to hide from the president of the US."

    Mr-Pringlz-and-Carl , BiblioArchives Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In 1956 a man named Tommy Fitzpatrick stole a small plane from New Jersey for a bet and then landed it perfectly on the narrow street in front of the bar he had been drinking at in Manhattan. Two years later, he did it again after someone didn't believe he had done it the first time.

    What's also crazy is that the punishment for the first time ended up being only a $100 fine, since the charges were dropped by the owner of the plane, and the second resulted in only 6 months in jail.

    -eDgAR- , MilborneOne Report

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    Deborah B
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did he die as a result of some drunk guy saying something starting "Naw mate, ye effing couldn't ... "?

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous King George II Was so constipated while he was taking a poop his heart actually physically burst.

    Potato_Bees , National Portrait Gallery Report

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    Leo Domitrix
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thoracic aortic dissection, and he was found on the floor between the desk and the "facilities", which led to the conclusion. He was, however, 77 years old ------ and at that age, your aortae can pop on you for all kinds of reasons. Just a medical FYI. You can also experience increased risk of stroke from straining to defecate. Straining to poop raises blood pressure. Please eat a high-fiber diet but HYDRATE! Thank you.

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Benjamin Hornigold was a pirate in the late 1600s and early 1700s who once robbed a merchant vessel purely for the crew's hats - because he and his crew got so drunk the night before that they all threw their own hats overboard for no good reason.

    JohnSmith2217 Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous "Gorilla gorilla gorilla" This is the scientific name of the western lowland gorilla

    metal_gearmen , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Not only did Australia lose its 17th Prime Minister at the beach (he drowned) but we named a public swimming pool after him.

    KingBlackers , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You think they would have been more careful after losing the first 16.

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous It is said that Greek tragedian Aeschylus died because an eagle dropped a tortoise on his bald head, mistaken for a rock, in order to break the shell of the tortoise.

    fbkjj , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Australia lost a war against emu’s

    Equivalent-Concept-5 , JJ Harrison Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In 1518 in Strasbourg, a woman started dancing for no reason. Over the course of a month, 400 other people joined her. Soon close to 50 people would dance themselves to death in what became known as the Dancing Plague of 1518. Realistically, people were probably caught up in a case of mass hysteria. Another theory is that the grain they grew locally was poisoned by ergot fungi. Whatever caused it, I can’t imagine the feeling knowing a family member died because they danced until their heart exploded.

    SWW111 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Realistically - a fungi poisoning is a lot more logical than mass hysteria..

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Carrots don’t actually help improve eyesight. It was a lie made up by the British during WWII to hide their radar technology and explain how British pilots always knew where the Germans were coming from.

    Nimitz117 , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The Titanic look-outs did not have binoculars. It was believed they had accidentally been left in Southhampton, but they were locked in a safe on board.

    Gumpy57 , uwants Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    how expensive was binoculars back then that it needed to be kept in a safe?

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In 1184, a number of nobles from across the Holy Roman Empire were meeting in a room at the Church of St. Peter, when their combined weight caused the floor to collapse into the latrine beneath the cellar and led to dozens of nobles drowning in liquid excrement.

    It is referred to as the "Erfurt latrine disaster."

    FenrirIII , Volkan Hatem Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Fidel Castro loved milk so much that when his cow who holds the world record for most milk produced in a day died, he had her taxidermied, had a marble statue of her built and a full eulogy and obituary written for her in his state newspaper, and Cuban scientists have repeatedly tried (and failed) to clone her. Her name was Ubre Blanca, which means White Udder.

    DankNastyAssMaster , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another fact about him apparently he slept with over 30,000 women

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Corn flakes were originally marketed as an anti masturbation cereal and the man who made them, John Harvey Kellogg, adopted all 8 of his kids and didn't even sleep in the same room as his wife

    Ms_Superhero1939 , Bill Smith Report

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    Johnny Rodriguez
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It works! Every time I eat Cornflakes, I don't masturbate..

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel but turned it down.

    moinatx , Public Domain Report

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    Linus Nilsson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never understood why people think Einstein would be smart outside his own field? What made people think that he could run a government?

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The US and the UK scrapped plots to assassinate Hitler as they believed his poor judgement would bring an end to the war quicker.

    Ozymandias-97 , Wikimedia Commons Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The reason there [aren't] a lot of mummies around anymore? It's because we ate them.

    FredrickTheWriter69 , Biswarup Ganguly Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous In Hartlepool, England a monkey was hanged because they thought the monkey was a french spy, they had never seen a monkey or a french person before so they thought that the monkey was speaking french, the monkey was hanged on a beach and there is a statue remembering the monkey

    reddit-is-my-sleep , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    chi-wei shen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a rather dubious story and it allegedly happened during the Napoleonic wars.

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous As WW2 revved up, the US realized that fast and cheap was the way to go with manufacturing ships (ex Liberty Ships). But there was a line of escort carriers made with so little armor that some Japanese armor-piercing shells went through the hull and out the other side without exploding, a nice surprise.

    RealisticDelusions77 , Wikimedia Commons Report


    During WWI, Germany converted and armed a passenger cruise liner, the SMS Cap Trafalgar, into a cruiser, and sent to the Atlantic Ocean to disrupt British shipping. Off the coast of Brazil though, when they received word that a British ship was coming to flush out German ships disrupting British shipping, the SMS Cap Trafalgar decided to disguise itself as another ocean liner-turned-cruiser, the HMS Carmania, so that they wouldn't be shot at.

    The British ship that came to deal with the SMS Cap Trafalgar was... the HMS Carmania.

    Which promptly sunk the fake one.

    Arcaeca Report

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    Dave P
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also the German ship was built in the UK and the British one built in Germany, both converted passenger ships

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Whilst on his death bed, George Washington was drained of almost half his blood and given treatments that caused him to violently vomit and [poop] himself. He perished anyway.

    sarcasmisart , public domain Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Bill Clinton, who hasn't been president in 20 years is 4 years younger than Joe Biden

    scott60561 , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    Kelly Tinker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm pretty sure Clinton will always be 4 years younger than Biden.... considering how time works....

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Adolf Hitler had many physical ailments, many of which are known. He had in particular severe stomach cramps and also bouts of insomnia, so his quack doctor (Theodor Morell), in his infinite wisdom, gave Hitler sleeping pills and laxative, resulting in very severe gas problems.

    llcucf80 , Stock Catalog Report

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    Ty Stratton-Quirk
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sleeping pills: $15. Laxatives: $6. Finding out that a doctor convinced one of the worst dictators of the 20th century to take both at the same time: F***ing priceless!

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    Georgy Zhukov had Coke make him 50 cases of Coke that was clear and came in vodka bottles with the red Soviet star on the cap because he would’ve been punished if he had been seen drinking a bottle of Coke which many would consider the ultimate symbol of American capitalism.

    RedditerOfThings Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "the empire's poison" was the phrase a communist friend uses to refer to coke/pepsi. It always makes me laugh. Well, all communists, socialists, or whatever political/religius-ist do, actually.

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    Americans/British used inflatable vehicles that looked like jeeps and tanks to fool the Germans before D Day.

    letithail1 Report

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    chi-wei shen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The so-called ghost army, also known as the 23rd special troops.

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    Since JFK, every US president carries with him a credit card sized plastic card with the nuclear launch codes, called “the biscuit”. Jimmy Carter accidentally left it in his costume when he sent it to the dry cleaners. Reagan lost his when he was hospitalized after he was shot. When the doctors had to cut open his clothing, the card was stil in his vest. It was later found in a trashbag. Bill Clinton simply misplaced it and couldn’t find it for months.

    TheBelgianGovernment Report

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    Steve Barnett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Leaving White House. Keys, check. Wallet, check. Nuclear Launch codes which could cause the end to civilisation as we know it. Check. Hang on, no wait, “Honey? Do you know where I put the list of nuclear codes?”. “They’re in your other jacket”.

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Teddy Roosevelt invented the forward pass in American football

    High_Noon21 , Georgia Tech Library Report

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    Linus Nilsson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "score!" "Sir, you are not allowed to pass forward" "yes I am, I just invented it. I'll call it 'the forward pass'"

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    There was an instance in the 18th century when the 8th French hussar and the 15th line infantry regiment captured a Dutch fleet of ships because the water froze over while they were docked. The French just rode up and told them to surrender and this is the only example of a calvary and infantry regiment defeating a naval fleet out in the water

    Flight2000 Report

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    Smart Boi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    also the only example where the french weren't the ones to surrender

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    In the mid-1800’s Europe was hit by a huge blight of aphids that were destroying the grape vines so French wine makers sent vines over to the US cause the aphids in the US wouldn’t hurt them thus saving the French wine industry.

    In WWII the UK sent the Manga Carta and other documents to be stored in Fort Knox with the US gold reserves, France sent a huge portion of the Louvres Art there as well

    Wildcat_twister12 Report


    Frederick I Holy Roman Emperor drowned because he went for a swim with his armour on

    Eyrlis Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Then American Vice President Andrew Johnson was so drunk at his vice presidential inauguration that he could not swear the new congress in and rambled incoherently during his acceptance speech.

    TheNewGirl76 , Library of Congress Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And then he became the President after Lincoln got shot. In my opinion, he's the worst ever. Just an awful man all around

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    Tycho Brahe, an astronomer, had a pet moose.

    That moose later died from a fall down the stairs. Because it was drunk.

    ziggy_starlord144 Report


    There is at least one person, Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who survived both Atomic bombs. I don't know if this is incredibly good luck or incredibly bad luck.

    According to some sources, he was in the middle of describing the Hiroshima bombing when the Nagasaki bomb went off only a few KM away.

    SayNoToStim Report

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    Grumble O'Pug
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Last time he was on her someone said he he then “retired to Fukushima.” I still giggle.

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    The guy that my username was named after, King Alfred, pushed back the invading Viking armies and then revolutionized the educational system, social system, legal system and like a dozen other things - there's a reason he's called Alfred the Great. He was also very famously yelled at by an old lady because he was too busy plotting a military campaign to watch the cakes that she had in the oven. I just find it silly that one of the greatest monarchs in English history was yelled at by an old lady for the same kinds of trivial things that people have been angry at eachother over forever - it's an odd juxtaposition.

    KingAlfredOfEngland Report

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    Alexis St. Martin was a voyageur during the fur trading days. He was shot in the stomach and not only lived, he lived with a hole that was open to his stomach.

    Dr. William Beaumont was the doctor who saved him, but also the one to perform experiments on Alexis.

    This is how we know so much about digestion. Because a doctor would drop food on a string in this man's fistula and record what happened.

    All those Beaumont hospitals? Yep. Same Doctor William Beaumont. Named after a doctor who, yes, did exploit a patient.

    Lady_Scruffington Report


    When more people began started switching to skim milk dairy farmers had tons of milk fat left over so they stored it all in some caves in Missouri. This lead the USDA to open a department on Dairy Management to figure out what to do with it.

    Want to know why almost every fast food item comes with so much cheese? That’s why.

    Toby_O_Notoby Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm here to tell you that you're going to end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a van down by the river!!!!

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    William Lyon Mackenzie King was Canada's longest serving Prime Minister with a total of 21 years in office. He held seances to talk to his dead mother and ask former (dead) Prime Ministers for advice. He also had 3 dogs of the same breed...all named Pat (he also asked them for advice). None of this was known until after he died and people read his diaries

    informalfabric Report

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    Mark Schilling
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And as Wikipedia puts it, "King lacked a commanding presence or oratorical skills; he did not shine on the radio or in newsreels. There was scant charisma. Cold and tactless in human relations, he had allies but very few close personal friends; he never married and lacked a hostess whose charm could substitute for his chill."

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    In WW2 the Polish military officially had a bear join. The bear named Wojtek rose to the rank of Corporal for bravery in combat and killed several nazis. Wojtek was rewarded with cigarettes and beer after fighting and after helping set up camps. After the war, Wojtek lived in a zoo in England. To the zookeeper's dismay soldiers would jump into his enclosure and wrestle with him.

    BurgerManV Report

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    Indra Servo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    btw, the bear joins Artillery unit. His duty on the war is carrying artillery shell across battlefield and guarding encampment against Nazi spies

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous 40 dudes held off the German invasion in Belgium for 18 days. They surrendered when they ran out of ammo.

    reddit , Wikimedia Commons Report

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    Ross Keim
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    40 dudes.... way to disrespect their tremendous sacrifice and willingness to lie down their lives for their fellow man

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    The inventor of lobotomy got a Nobel Prize for it.

    Kmin78 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Given the amount of information they had at the time, plus the way society worked, it must have been a breakthrough. Today we know it was not, and it was basically torture, but back then.... That's the problem with people who usd today's views/knowledge to judge the past.

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    The guy who invented the tube for Pringles had his ashes buried in one

    24jdu05 Report


    In 1793, the new United States needed a common measure system. So T. Jefferson wrote to France and they sent some continental measurements to establish new system in the States. Unfortunately, a big storm forced the ship way south and it was intercepted by British pirates. And that is a reason why the USA has imperial and not metric units

    Der_genealogist Report

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    J. F.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And the other time they tried the ship also was intercepted by pirates

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    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous Michigan and Ohio had a war over Toledo.

    LadyLightTravel , Drdpw Report


    General Santa Anna got captured during the Battle of San Jacinto by the Texians while he was taking a poop. They literally caught him with his pants down.

    arn_fx Report

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    El muerto
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    excuse the expression, but that was a "shitty" story...i'll se myself out

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    Shortly before the U.S. Civil War, abolition was such a heated topic that due to it on one occasion a congressman brought a cane to congress and beat another politician with it.

    Some_Random_Android Report


    The giant tortoise didn't have a proper scientific name for over 300 years after it was discovered. This was because no samples were brought back to the Royal Society in London. The reason none made it to London is they were too delicious. The sailors always ate them.

    sharrrper Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This reminds me of the story of the ship the Essex, where stranded sailors essentially ate all the tortoises from the Galapagos and destroyed multiple ecosystems (fun fact: the Essex ship disaster was the inspiration for Moby D**k) EDIT: Jeez BP, I didn't mean d i c k in a bad way.

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    In my country some politicians literally got yeeted out of a window and survived because they fell into some manure. They started a war with the ones who yeeted them after.

    Sky_dp Report

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    Suzanne Griscom
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Defenestrated is the word you're looking for. It means thrown out a window.

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    The fax machine predates the American Civil War.

    I_might_be_weasel Report


    Anne Frank’s diary was full of masturbation that was later cut out

    KarlPoppa314 Report


    44 People Share True History Facts That Sound Made Up Because They’re Ridiculous The 6th president had a pet alligator and Ryan Reynolds failed drama class

    A_zuma2007 , public domain Report


    John Quincy Adams, Former US President, Would start every day by drinking some whiskey and swimming naked in the Potomac river.

    KannaKamuiFSN Report

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    Linus Nilsson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do that today, and people will join you. People in uniform, that is

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    William Henry Harrison was elected president. The day of his inauguration it was rainy and cold and he didn’t wear a hat or a coat, thereby thumbing his nose at moms everywhere. Then later he died of pneumonia. 31 days in office.

    franticsloth Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, he died of pneumonia but it was NOT caused by not wearing a hat or a coat. It might have been made worse, but it was bacterial pneumonia that caused his death.

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    Early humans use to bore massive holes in each others skulls to cure a myriad of ailments.......... without anesthesia........... and with stone tools.

    yegir Report

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    Ty Stratton-Quirk
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I've got a sharp pain in my foot from accidentally kicking a large rock!" "Let me get my tools, and make sure you hold your head still."

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    Julius Caesar's finest hour in the conquest of Gaul came at the Battle of Alesia, where the leader of the Gauls, Vercingetorix, held a fortified position. The Roman response was to put it under siege, building a wall around it and ensuring that they would starve the Gauls out. However, reinforcements were on their way, so the Romans built a wall around their wall so the incoming Gauls would have to besiege them besieging the original Gauls. It worked, and made Caesar a superstar.

    Thebiginfinity Report


    A prominent Roman politician, Publius Clodius Pulcher, dressed as a woman to infiltrate a womans-only religious ceremony in a futile effort to seduce Julius Caesar's wife.

    Not surprisingly, his plan didn't work. Charges were pressed and caused a very public legal battle for the next 2 years.

    At the insistence of his wife, none other than the famous Cicero came to prosecute the case. Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Crassus (yes, the same Crassus of the first triumvirate and richest person in Rome at this point) bribed the jury and Pulcher was acquitted.

    In the meantime, Caesar divorced his wife over the affair.

    Surprisingly, though, this didn't tank Pulcher's career. Instead, it strengthened his alliance and he became a rather prominent politician. Once he gained more power, he was able to pass a law l, which retroactively applied to Cicero, banishing him from Rome and allowing the state to confiscate or destroy his property. While political inemity was present, much of it was also revenge.

    This isn't all. He also employed street gangs to dobhis bidding. Theyd gather at opposing politicians speeches and heckle them. They'd blockade roads so politicians couldn't make it to an important vote. They'd rough up people they didn't like.

    Another opposing politician, Milo, didn't care for this up and brought up his own street gangs. The difference was that Milo's gangs were trained by gladiators. General street violence erupted in the streets of Rome.

    The street violence caused two delays to important elections and eventually Milo caused the death of Pulcher in scuffle.

    When placed on trial, Milo had none other than Cicero, now returned from exile, be his defense lawyer. Despite his best efforts, Milo was exiled.

    DeOfficiis Report

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    J. F.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    History repeats itself, 2.000 years later and the second half of the post is still a common methode

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    That the war between Zanzibar and Britain lasted for only 38 mins. Its the shortest recorded war in history

    Random_User_133 Report

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    In WWII, the US spent 14 million dollars on an ice cream ship

    JustNobodyTheEchidna Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "We don't have ice cream trucks anymore. People, give me ideas" "I know it souns stupid but, hear me out... Ice cream ships" "Perfect. How much does it cost to build?" "14million" "Well, you know what, it's for the sake of ice cream"

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    A woman named Violet Jessop survived not only the sinking of the Titanic, but also the destruction of BOTH of the Titanic's sister ships.

    Back2Bach Report

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    J. F.
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She loved to tease fate, or? Surviving the sinking of one ship, getting on the sister ship that also gets destroyed and THEN proceed on a cruise with the third one?

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    John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4th 1826

    WF6i Report


    Sylvester graham invented graham crackers to prevent masturbation

    Turbulent-Speech-119 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    one hand on the hand holding cup of milk for dunking.... Well played Mr. Graham

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    The world’s first submarine attack took place September 6, 1776 during the American Revolution. The craft was called the Turtle and was essentially a giant oak and metal Christmas ornament powered by two hand-cranked propellers. It was designed to attach waterproofed explosives to the hulls of British warships. However, the pilot kept hitting metal plating when trying to attach the bomb and abandoned the mission due to dwindling air supply all subsequent missions were failures as well, and eventually the ship transporting the Turtle was sunk with the vessel onboard.

    Also, during WW2, Americans tried to develop pigeon-guided missiles. The idea was that they would be guided by a pigeon inside the missile, pecking at the target, visible through a windshield in the missile. All the simulation tests proved it could be done, but sadly Project Pigeon, as it was called, was never given the funding it needed to become a reality.

    Strongbow219 Report


    Two of Napoleon's Marshalls secured a critical bridge crossing in the war against Austria by casually strolling up to it and insisting to the Austrian sappers that an armistice had been signed. They delayed the destruction of the bridge for long enough for French soldiers to get in position to seize it properly.

    Grayseff Report

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    Fred L.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In totally different news at the Battle of Leipzig at least two of Napoleon's Marshalls had to swim the Elster river as the French had blown up the bridges before they could cross. One of them, Prince Poniatowski, drowned.

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    The Roman emperor Nero fell in love with Poppaea Sabina, the wife of his good friend Otho (a future emperor himself). Poppaea Sabina and Otho divorced (Otho was conveniently sent away to be governor of Lusitania), and Poppaea Sabina and Nero were married. Poppaea Sabina died while pregnant with their second child— some claim that her death was the result of Nero kicking her in the stomach.

    Nero was devastated by her death. He thought a young freedman, Sporus, looked like Poppaea Sabina, so he had Sporus castrated, married him, and called him Poppaea.

    When Nero was forced to flee from Rome, Sporus/Poppaea was one of his only companions. Nero committed ritual suicide when it became clear his turn as emperor was over, and Sporus/Poppaea was with him at the end.

    After Nero’s death, Sporus/Poppaea briefly fell into the care of the Praetorian prefect who had betrayed Nero and had tried, unsuccessfully, to make himself emperor. He also called Sporus/Poppaea Poppaea, and referred to him as his wife. The prefect didn’t last long.

    In the end, Sporus/Poppaea ended up with Otho, the original husband of the original Poppaea Sabina. They lived the rest of their (very short) lives together. (Otho became emperor, lost a big battle, and committed suicide. Sporus/Poppaea killed himself shortly after.)

    _Darbus_ Report

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    Deborah B
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was even worse than it sounds from this description. Sporus, supposedly 'freed' by Nero, was still considered and treated as property, and didn't consent to any of it. Sporus's suicide was to avoid his violent humilation and rape which was being planned as part of a public gladitorial display thrown by the new emperor. He was still in his teens.

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    During the Spanish American War. The Spanish governor of Guam wasn’t told about the war. When a US warship showed up he was happy to see them, cause he thought they where just visiting. Boy was he wrong.

    Nfield87 Report

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    Aragorn II Elessar
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing happened in the war of 1812. The battle of New Orleans was fought after peace was declared, but the news was too slow to cross the pond.

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    Andrew Jackson’s 1400 lb block of cheese that just chilled at the White House for 1 1/2 years

    Lost_in-Austin Report

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    Kristin Ingersoll
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Big Block of Cheese Day!!

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    Turkmen Bashi, the former dictator of Turkmenistan, made owning a dog illegal due to him thinking they smelled bad.

    chinesesneeze Report

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    Tom Susala
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow? Sounds like a drunk guy trying to read "Jabberwocky" while riding a paint shaker.

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    France is currently on its 5th Republic. The history of how it happened is bizarre:

    Boubon Kingdom -> French Revolution with the guillotine -> 1st Republic -> Napoleon's Empire -> back to the Boubon Kingdom -> July Monarchy (different kingdom) -> 2nd Republic -> 2nd Empire -> 3rd Republic -> Nazi occupied France -> 4th Republic -> 5th Republic.

    Fun Facts: The 2nd Empire was led by Napoleon's nephew, Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, who was elected as President of the 2nd Republic. He changed his name to Napoleon III and declared himself Emperor after he was supposed to step down after his 1 term Presidency. Because of this, the 2nd French Republic only lasted 4 years since he was the only President of that particular Republic.

    LordRevanSnow Report


    That guy Buzz Aldrin punched for denying the moon landing.

    jeff_the_nurse Report

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    Ty Stratton-Quirk
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a bit more to the story: Then-37-year-old Bart Sibrel arranged a meeting with Colonel Aldrin, age 72, under the pretense of an interview on space for a children's TV show. He then attempted to coerce Aldrin into swearing on a Bible that the moon landing was not faked; Aldrin refused, and when he attempted to leave, Sibrel followed. Sibrel ignored requests from Aldrin to leave him alone, calling him a "thief, liar, and coward". It was only after Sibrel forced Aldrin against a wall and refused to let him leave that Aldrin responded with physical force. While Sibrel filed charges of assault against Aldrin, witness accounts stating that the former astronaut acted in defense of himself and his stepdaughter were successful in getting the charges dropped.

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    Astronaut poop is fine and dandy on the moon.

    Because bringing back as much moonrock as possible for research was vital, extra space was made in the LM by dumping as much stuff as possible that wasn't esencial for the return voyage, including tools, gear, manuals and of course, human waste containers.

    malgranda_azeno Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, did the last people to go to the moon just find a container full of poop?

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    Just off the top of my head,

    King Henry I died from eating a giant plate of lampreys (a type of small eel) too fast EDIT: As selacophile has pointed out, lampreys aren't eels, they're a type of jawless fish

    Then American Vice President Andrew Johnson was so drunk at his vice presidential inauguration that he could not swear the new congress in and rambled incoherently during his acceptance speech

    Pope Stephen VI put the months dead corpse of Pope Formosus on trial for crimes against the papacy, serving as a bishop without being appointed to the clergy, and a couple of other crimes, too. He was dug up, propped up in a chair, and a deacon was made to stand behind the body and speak for him. Formosus was found guilty and punished by having his fingers chopped off and buried in an unmarked grave, then he was dug up and thrown into the Tiber River but the conviction was annulled by a later pope, and reinstated by one of that pope's successors. I believe Formosus is still considered guilty. EDIT: No he isn't.

    The Roman Emperor Caligula once declared war on Poseidon Neptune, and had his soldiers fight with the waves and collect conch shells as proof of their victory

    TheNewGirl76 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Caligula was a mad man. In that same war, becase Poseidon is the god of the sea, all the troops would throw spears in the ocean. They went to war with the ocean.

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    There was a genuine plan, that was championed by its supporters for decades in the early 20th century, to create a colossal dam across the Strait of Gibraltar, in order to lower the sea level of the Mediterranean by roughly 200 metres.

    The plan was called Atlantropa, and those who believed in it thought it would lead to huge amounts of new land from the lowered coastline, unlimited energy from the hydroelectric dam, and improved relations throughout Europe and North Africa.

    These people apparently failed to realise that the new land would be salt pans, utterly useless for settling, and that there literally wasn't enough concrete on earth to build the dam.

    Shocksplicer Report

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    chi-wei shen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even if someone would have succeeded in building this dam, the salt water of the Atlantic would have destroyed the turbines rather quickly. By the way, such a (natural) dam existed about 5 or 6 million years ago and the tried-up Mediterranean Sea left huge salt deposits,

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    Castrato. Chop em off before puberty! Little boy voice forever with long arms and ribs. Good for opera roles, but pants roles and countertenors are there too.

    reddit Report

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    Eliška Hůlková
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Explanation: Back when opera was super popular in Europe, pre-teen singers were castrated so they retained their high-pitch voice for their whole lives. They sang the most demanding roles and were treated like pop stars, but I am not sure if it was worth the disfigurement.

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    Live pigs were hung from battlements as a defense against siege elephants.

    ppardee Report


    A guy from Nashville, William Walker, became the president of Nicaragua and later was murdered in Honduras bc he tried some more nonsense there.

    TheRenraw Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How is 'tried some more nonsense' a historical fact? What nonsense? When?

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    the allied powers decided to steal a tank in the middle of a battlefield

    Pleaze_Go_D1e Report