The recruiter is kind of like a gatekeeper for the company. Their task is to ensure that any job candidate that gets hired deserves to be there. This is often easier said than done since people can present an image that's quite different from who they truly are. But every now and then, someone comes by who makes the decision a no-brainer.

There's a post on Reddit that asked hiring managers what are some of the biggest red flags they've spotted in a resume or during an interview. From lying about experience to oversharing about personal life, turns out, we folks can get really creative when facing unemployment. A bit too creative. Sure, hunting for a job can be really difficult, and the struggle can leave us feeling rejected, stressed, anxious, and overall pessimistic about our future outlook which might make us do things we normally wouldn't, but these stories prove that we have to at least try to keep it together.


Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) We were interviewing for a higher level management position in a small company, in a very small rural area. The candidate was from a large city pretty far away. One of the panel asks a general question of how he sees himself fitting in with the community (position involved some community outreach) given that we're very rural. The candidate says 'oh I can be redneck!' and then proceeds to tell a joke using the n-word multiple times. He then laughed at his own joke and acted like nothing was wrong.

It was so f*****g crazy I had no idea how to react.

jamminatorr , MART PRODUCTION Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I was hiring for a field technician position and brought three equally qualified candidates in for interviews. They all had sufficient experience with other contractors so all I really cared about was how they presented themselves and how they spoke to someone in a position of authority.

    First two candidates were excellent. I figured it was going to be a super tough choice between the two of them at least. Then the third candidate completely blows away the other two in how he presents himself. He’s clearly very gifted and is super ambitious and I’m about ten seconds away from telling him he’ll receive and offer before the end of the week.

    He starts telling me he’s excited for this opportunity because he feels his current employer is going under because of some poor business decisions over the last year. Signing contracts that they can’t complete and things like that. I ask an open ended question like “how would you do it better?” And this fella tells me something to the effect of “well, I don’t know much about business but one time I was working on interac (credit card) machines and found a way to add my personal bank account information to the machine. So I did that to help boost my personal income because I figured it wouldn’t be easy to trace. But don’t worry I cleared it all up with the cops and had to pay all the money back. Oh and that’s what the company should have done - find a way to generate passive income until something more profitable came along.”

    I was floored. I just stared at him. I couldn’t even respond.

    He asked me straight up how that story would affect his chances. I told him I had other candidates that probably fit the role a little better but would keep him in consideration for future opportunities.

    anonymat , Mike Mozart Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Telling your potential boss you're a bad criminal is never a good thing!!

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) The building was key card access so everyone else had to sign in with security and because we work with special needs populations certain things are simply not allowed in the building. All of this is explained when they get the interview. Security asks me to come talk to this guy because he has a chain wallet and a key ring with a pill holder and a pepper spray bottle all of which is is refusing to leave at security to come in for his interview. I tell him those are the rules. Interview goes acceptably until I ask how he would handle a client offering him money or favors in return for privileges or contraband. He laughed and asked how cute they were. The job he was applying for would have had him on a ward with teenagers. I literally had a meeting about how we were not hiring this person ever later that day with others just in case.

    Polyfuckery , TheStandingDesk Report

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    Random Anon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude has the integrity of unknown gooey objects found in the sewer.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) A woman that was 40 minutes late walk in on us interviewing the next applicant and demanding we see her first. Screamed at me that she had wasted her time when I refused to interview her.

    debdeman , Polina Zimmerman Report

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    Fancy that
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was in high school we had to take a class that taught us how to fill out an application and how to conduct ourselves in an interview. Did they stop teaching that?

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Mental health field

    A guy told me he would have to try to convert gay clients to his religion and tell them how he felt about them. Again, this was what he chose to the question of how he works with diversity.

    lovelywavies , Alex Green Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whatever religion that dude has, may he rot in its hell

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) We interviewed a guy once for an engineering position. We Asked the typical, “ what do you like to do in your free time?” He said he really enjoyed taking his dog with him on a long run to decompress (so far so good)—then he went into excruciating detail of how his dog likes to lick every last drop of sweat off his body as he undresses for the shower. It was cringey!

    Speakinmymind96 , RODNAE Productions Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love my dogs and they are family....but eeeuuuuwwww that's just NO

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Not during an interview, but in checking up on references. Called this girl's previous employer. This girl had called out 3 times over a 6 month period to attend her grandmother's funeral. She had called out to 3 different managers with the same excuse, and aparantly didn't think the managers communicated with each other. The fourth time her grandmother died, she was let go.

    EidolonMom Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) The interviewee that found my private personal social media accounts and initiated contact to thank me for the interview, even though they had my professional contact information. This was a young, inexperienced mistake not malicious or a power move. They had been told by their guidance counsellor that it was important to follow up after the interview. I know this because I actually had them come in for a second interview just so could explain why this was unprofessional. Gave them some other tips on how to interview properly, but didn't hire them. Did send them to a place I knew was hiring and a better fit.

    Richbeyondmeasure , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you could just have called/mailed & told them instead of dragging them back in with no intention of hiring them.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Two people get up and leave upon the mention of a [toxicology] test, which we specifically stated did not include [weed].

    xandrenia , Curtis Adams Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Well believe it or not I set up an interview with a mid to late twenties chemist with a masters degree from a good school. She ticked all the right boxes, interviewed well by phone. When she showed up for her on-site interview, she brought her mother. Yes, you read that correctly. When I learned of this, I told my boss that I was no longer interested in interviewing her and that I was no longer considering her for the position. My boss ended up conducting the interview and then they went on a facility tour with mommy in tow. She didn't get the job. Guys, don't bring one of your parents to your job interview. This isn't high school and it's not a parent-teacher conference.

    Linux4ever_Leo , Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've noticed that in these situations, the mother is at fault. Feel sorry for the kid. Additional note: Some people in my comments never had overbearing, manipulative mothers and it shows

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) My boss was interviewing a lady who asked what the dress code was. My boss told her business causal. The lady then puts her feet up on my boss’s desk and says “good because these are the only pair of shoes I am ever going to own”

    OrangeTree81 , cottonbro Report

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    Weim Central
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Totally true - won't get many jobs and will have to use those shoes forever.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) This one kid was very proud of the fact that he got so mad one time, he punched a couple windows on a bus and broke them. Somehow he thought this was a good story to tell us in the interview.

    chrisberman410 , Bruno Pires Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) A mom called asking why I hadn’t called back their 18 year old son, then mocked me for sounding young and asked how old I was while still trying to get them an interview.

    yromeM_yggoF , Karolina Grabowska Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Guy came in reeking of booze. Decided this would be a quick interview and then move him out. After coup,e questions he said let’s forget about my questions as he’s got questions for me, then proceeded to hit on me hard and heavy. Luckily I’d learned the trick to a,ways sit them towards back of the room and me close to the door so I made my excuses and left the room. Got security. Confiscated his keys as he’d driven and got him a cab home. Receptionist warned me the next day when he was in picking his keys up so I wouldn’t bump into him by accident.

    TlN4C , Ketut Subiyanto Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) During the oral interview with a hiring panel, he had long, drawn out pauses between the question being asked and him answering. The answers themselves were often not related to the question asked or he would go off on tangents.

    As one of the panel members said once he left "Guess he shouldn't have smoked that second joint in the parking lot ".

    MILF_Man , charlesdeluvio Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I worked in an organization focused on social justice and in the interview we asked the candidate their experience working in a diverse environment and he said “well, I won’t get you sued if that’s what you are asking, I already learned that lesson the hard way.”

    Future-Good , Sora Shimazaki Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I asked a man, recent PhD grad, to give an example of a time when he had a conflict or different opinion from a coworker (standard question). He said "oh I've never had a conflict with anyone, I'm super chill." When I asked for him to elaborate he basically said he would pretend to agree with whatever his PI or supervisor said and then as soon as that person wasn't around he would just continue on doing whatever he wanted. So basically, 30 year old man had never learned dialogue and discussion and openly admitted to deception to get what he wants. Obviously, we did not hire him.

    JebamTiSve , Sora Shimazaki Report

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    Sapphire Dragon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just hiding some stupid political post. Keep scrolling, and have a nice day.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I was interviewing a candidate for a technical position ( electronic design )

    I handed them a dry erase marker and asked them to draw ( this particular easy circuit) on the white board and explain how it works.

    The candidate stood in front of the white board looking uncomfortable and I heard them say under their breath "I hate the truth"

    mdscientist61 , Ian Brown Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Was hiring an assistant for my business that required someone who worked well with people.

    The only experience she had working with people was applying cosmetics to corpses for their open coffin funeral.

    I asked about other jobs and her experiences with coworkers. She told me her favorite job was analyzing slides under a microscope- because she didn’t have to deal with people!

    meowhahaha , Public Domain Pictures Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) A dude told me one time he stole from his last job because “they deserved that s**t” I really appreciated the honesty but, had to pass on that guy.

    RatedArt , RODNAE Productions Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I 'had' to steal from a job once. I moved out of the country after my contract (summer position in a South European country) and boss decided not to pay me the last 2 months as I wouldn't likely go to a local court over it. Found out via coworkers he pulled this quite often and got the equivalent of my pay in goods. Never heard a word again...

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Refusing to take out an air pod during interview. I guess they took out one, that should be good enough right?

    Various-Commission-5 , cottonbro Report

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    River Webb
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    they're getting to the good bit in the song theyre listenig too

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) My boss had a zoom interview with a dude who didn't bother to put on a shirt. He didn't get the job...

    Edit: It was for a job as a baker in Ontario. Apparently he looked like he just rolled out of bed. No shirt. My boss barely remembered his interview answers because she spent the whole time thinking "why isn't he wearing a shirt? is it a flesh coloured tshirt. Nope...."

    Edit 2: He also wasn't jacked. At all.

    Rawrbekka , Mikhail Nilov Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My friend once googled a promising candidate and found lots of pictures of him and his sex doll just chilling

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Also, not the hiring manager but in the tech sector.. All questions I asked were directed to my male colleague. Our lead architect happened to be female so that wasn't going to fly very well..

    Truthfully, there were enough problems with some of the international teams that we didn't need this behavior on the local team as well.

    kestrelle Report


    Software dev manager here. Asked a potential Sr. Developer candidate how he felt about mentoring staff. His response was “well I don’t mind answering a question here and there, but I’m certainly not going to train my competition.”

    I did not hire this person.

    will6988 Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Had a guy come in wearing his HS wrestling medals... idr exactly how old he was but minimum age for the job was 21 so he was at least that

    boogboi89 , Duren Williams Report


    Resumes: All capitals - don’t shout at me man I’m just trying to hire someone. Jumping around jobs - staying somewhere for a couple of weeks/months over and over. When you have to put in the effort training someone it feels like a waste of time. Focusing on high school achievements when you’re over 30. (Straight out of school, this is fine)

    Interviews: showing up late and demanding to be seen. Not dressing appropriately. Stinking of weed (it’s not legal here). Talking to the male in the room and ignoring me (I was the boss) he’s here to take notes. Making inappropriate jokes. Showing up unclean (don’t be stinky it’s gross).

    KiwiChefnz Report

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    Big Chungus
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my mom worked as a director, she would usually overlook resumes that had job jumpers for the same exact reason

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) They asked to take a cigarette break in the middle of the interview.

    jaysname , cottonbro Report


    Canned answers, like ones you'd learn off the internet.

    When I sense that the candidate is just reciting that b******t, I throw in some wierd question. Such as, "If you could play only one sport for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

    It's not the answer, it's how they answer it.

    fromunda_cheeze Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me it would be riding bicycle, it has a low impact on your joints, it's both cardio and muscle build up if done right and since i use it to get from a to b it's my only option.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Not me, but my dad works in the oil and gas industry and the first thing his interviewee said was "I don't really wanna work in oil and gas"

    mismiami97 , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If this was in the US, my understanding is that some people on unemployment benefits like to keep it that way but to qualify for the benefits they have to be actively job hunting, so they purposefully ruin their interviews.

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    I interviewed someone who claimed to speak a foreign language that we'd been clear wasn't essential but would have been a bonus. A guy claimed to speak, read and write fluently so I gave him a pre prepared paragraph to translate. He asked me if we had the translation as well and when I said that I did, he stood up and said "well was worth a try, I don't really" and walked out.

    betaraybee Report

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Interviewed someone while his mom was with him and answering most of the questions on his behalf.

    cjdking , cottonbro Report

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    Nikki Sevven
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Simple. Ask mom if she's applying for the job. When she says "no," reply, "then I'm not interested in interviewing you. Please remain in the waiting room."

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    A guy stood over me and threatened to beat the s**t out of me. I am a female 5 foot 6 and he was at least 6 foot 6. Obviously on drugs. It’s scared the heck out of me. It came out of nowhere.

    debdeman Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Brought in her toddler with her.

    Wore sweat pants, slippers, and shower cap.

    Smelled strongly of cats.

    Didn't know how many quarters were in a dollar.

    Hand written resume.

    Marilliana Report


    Used to manage a busy successful restaurant, during an interview applicant told me that he didn't really need to work for money but that he was hoping to land a job because he wanted to nail some of the waitresses.

    doingthehumptydance Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Girl showed up to an interview in fuzzy slippers and flannel pajama bottoms. She then proceeded to talk c**p about her current employer in at least 3 of the interview questions.

    jeadv2012 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some of these just sound like the interviewee lost a bet or was doing a dare.

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    I had a resume submitted for a line cook job with "microwave experience" listed as a skill.

    Hughjammer Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Mental health field

    A guy went on a tirade about how most people don't like him because he speaks the truth, hinting he was some political sage. The job was outreach/marketing.

    lovelywavies , Scott Graham Report

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I work in a bar as a manager and I've seen some doozys:

    - I can't even count the number people who approach me while hammered off their asses drinking in the bar who want me to hire them. Many of them brag how they just got out of jail and could kick all the bouncers asses or even mine. One guy that stands out told me how he went to jail for armed robbery and aggravated assault ,was recently released, and "needed a job where he could be allowed to drink and fight whomever he wanted". I declined to hire him to which he said was my loss. Later that night he got arrested for something outside the fast food restaurant next door.

    - some lady came in and applied for her son. She had a resume for him and even filled out an application and requested an interview. I asked why he didn't come in himself and she flat out said he had no drive to work and had to have everything done for him. I thanked her for her time, wished her well and promptly 110'd that resume. Yikes.

    - had a person that was barred for life for being a huge piece of s**t and a thief come in looking for a job. The only reason he wasn't in jail or dead was that we didn't have a lot of info on him. He filled out an application in full. We immediately forwarded the info to police. I've only seen him walkby once since, but never come in.

    Island_Maximum , Edgar Chaparro Report


    I’m not a hiring manager but I helped interview applicants to residency when I was in training. I mainly asked questions applicable to residency but I always threw in one slightly off the wall question to see how they would handle it. My go to’s were “high heels or flats and why?” or “debate the pros and cons of bow ties vs neck ties.” It didn’t matter what they said, but rather how they responded. If they laughed and then answered or even just thought for a minute before a response, it was fine. But sometimes they’d get flustered, angry, or start sweating because they weren’t sure how to answer or what I was looking for. Those were the red flags. Gotta be able to roll with the punches. If you’re getting stressed out about a question on shoes or ties, I don’t want to know how you’re gonna react when a patient starts hemorrhaging.

    crruss Report

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    Amy Johnson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's research showing these silly questions produce unreliable data. On top of that they're unprofessional. Interview me about my skills or GTFO.

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    Someone came in for an interview wearing cartoon character slippers.

    Email addresses on resumes that are not suitable for work. Reference to drug use and sex are not suitable for job searching - especially for a corporate office.

    Someone came in wearing jeans for an interview. The position was 100% suit and tie. When I scheduled interviews I always mentioned business professional attire.

    dogsandpeaceohmy Report

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    Sue User
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wore a simple black business dress ( no plunging neckline, just above knees, etc ) and was asked if I was always this overdressed. It was for a software company , and that was my first indication ( early 90s) that tech was different.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Had an applicant in for an interview for a pretty specialized role which requires a specific uni major. She was a foreign student getting her master in it in my country, with a bachelor in something else where she came from.

    On being asked what made her choose said major, she said something along the lines of "it sucked the least", meaning "it sucked the least for getting a visa".

    So far the interview has been so-so, but good enough to warrant a trial day. After that, it was over, though.

    pope1701 Report

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    Interviewer: "And what do you think the greatest asset you could bring to the company would be if we hired you?"

    Interviewee: "Hire me and find out."

    He was drastically under qualified for an entry position and only being interviewed as a favor to a higher up. When the interviewer ended the interview there and informed him we wouldn't be taking it further as he wasn't a good fit, he lodged three formal complaints he'd been discriminated against.

    ZeeLadyMusketeer Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That higher up probably guaranteed him the job so he didn't bother taking the interview seriously. He probably thought he could get the interviewer fired because of his connections


    Mental health field

    A woman shared a story where she described her utter disgust at having to stop to let a transgender kid use a bathroom, misgendering the kid the whole time. When asked if she felt comfortable using the person's preferred pronouns, she said derisively, "You have to now!" This was the story she chose to the question of how she works with diverse populations.

    lovelywavies Report

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    Pumpkin Spice
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Poor kid. F in the chat for the child. Lady, I p**s on your grave.


    When they can't answer basic questions on subjects they say they're experts in.

    SilasDeane76 Report

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    Mora Chilis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on how you phrase the questions/use certain company specific terminology and how well someone interviews.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) Corporate job.

    Candidate admitted to making up data.

    Not_Tom_Brady , cottonbro Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a feeling this happens fairly often... especially in statistics.

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    Had someone come in late for the interview. One of the questions was why they left their last job. Answer was ran over my supervisor in the parking lot. It was and accident. Honest. Job was to drive the company truck.

    momtoschmoo Report

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    Not the hiring manager but was one of the input on a hiring decision.

    Context for those of you who don't know, for software engineer, part of the interview is to give you a coding challenge to solve.

    We gave one that we didn't necessarily expect you to solve in the allotted time but rather we were interested in seeing how you approach difficult problems and what concepts from computer science you would draw from.

    This one person we had really high hopes for straight up cheated on it and made it super obvious she did.

    She just typed the code as if she was reading it off of another screen. The code just happens to compile and be 100 percent correct on the first try(we didn't have a compiler and we weren't gonna hold it against you if you gave us syntax errors).

    And when we asked her to explain it, she obviously didn't know how it worked. She would fake numbers and fake the results of each step and didn't understand the fundamental reason why the code solution she ripped off of leetcode worked. Couldn't describe the run time and space time properly.

    And funny enough after the interview, we ran it to a compiler and it did work as previously stated. We then googled the leet code solution and found it was the exact same minus a handful of variable name changes.

    LimitTheoris Report

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    Craig Becker
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s not necessarily bad that she searched the web for a solution (unless you explicitly started out saying “no searching”). But she could have been honest, said “I found what might be a partial solution” and then analyzed the code and learned how it worked. The interviewer could have countered with “okay, but we need a change …” and seen how she handled it. Honestly, the interviewer should have searched for solutions before the interview.

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    Applicant was a senior in college. Front and center on his resume was his major, expected graduation date, and the line "GPA: 2.0."

    I get that grades aren't everything, but if you're getting C's, at least have the common sense to not advertise it so prominently.

    Edit: To clarify, I was not the hiring manager - I was the technical advisor helping to sift resumes and do interviews. We were recruiting at a college campus and doing callbacks for interviews on-site.

    Your GPA (and frankly, your college degree) are only one point of reference to use when measuring competency. I have worked with skilled people who were self-taught, and I have worked with master's graduates that couldn't their way out of a paper bag.

    But a resume is about selling yourself, especially when you are applying for an entry-level position with little to no work experience. Don't give a hiring manager a reason to toss your resume after reading the first bullet point!

    nintendojunkie17 Report

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    Elwood Schwartz (it/that)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is an old joke. What do you call a person that got all C's in medical school? Doctor.

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    They bring someone with them to the interview.

    They won't take the job unless you hire their friend too.

    danidandeliger Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, had one guy who said he would take the job but I had to also hire his cousin and brother. Next!

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    I once had a guy bring along his wife. I thought she was just going to wait on him until the interview was over, but no she wanted to be apart of the interview just as much as he was.

    Colony38 Report

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    SAF saf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would have brought it up for his sake, no ones going to hire you. I mean i wouldn't hire him unless it was to be his wife's assistant or something....

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    I had a girl misspell her own name (spelled two different ways on same resume) She also clearly used a free resume builder and then copied and pasted into notepad. There were a ton of other problems. I tried to convince my coworkers to bring her in and we would fix her a resume. They said it would be too embarrassing and mean. I just wanted to help someone get a job.

    nevetscx1 Report

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    Mora Chilis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some people don't have access to home computers or even word documents. They do their best with basic programs. :-(


    I've had to hire two positions in my department (IT in a hospital system) in the past several months. Some highlights:

    - Guy couldn't get WebEx to work on his end. Not a good look for a systems analyst position.
    - Woman lived over an hour away for a PC tech position that would require on-call duties. When I asked how they would deal with after-hours calls living so far away (often require physically coming back in), she said she had family she could stay with that were still 30+ miles away.
    - Guy gets on WebEx for a virtual interview. His camera is on, but all I see is an orange square. The voice on the other end sounds like a woman. Afterward, he emailed me every two days asking for an update about the position. I ended up finding him on social media. He was a furry that did not have a single picture of his human face posted anywhere.

    Ormriss Report

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    Alma Muminovic
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Weird. I wonder if he was in his furry outfit during the interview and if the orange square was a close up of his costume?

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    Was interviewing for a web developer job and the told me he'd hacked the local community College site while he was there. He wasn't hired.

    TinyDinosaurKeeper Report

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    I always like to ask about strengths & weaknesses, but I frame it as “What’s one area you feel like you could improve at?”

    Had a guy think for a few minutes before telling me “none”

    Ok Superman

    quantipede Report

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    Smell. Bad body odor and Tequila are the only two I can think of right now that I experienced.

    danidandeliger Report

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    Hit on the receptionist

    rattymcratface Report

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    Had a guy come in that I swore I had met before but I just couldnt put my finger on how. He began to brag about suing a former employer. All of a sudden I remembered who he was: dude was a customer of the business who sued one of my co-workers over some custom requested work. I ended the interview and tossed his resume in the trash.

    tubbytits Report

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    They are more concerned about the harassment policies than the actual job

    Solai_S Report

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    James G. Currie
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    50/50... As in what can they do and not be burned? Or, what is the probability of the Company protecting them in an Harassment situation? For the first, definite red flag. For the latter, I can see why a previous victim might want to know.

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    I’ve interviewed / worked with multiple people who asked in their interview “what’s the fastest anyone has been promoted here? I want to break that record”. I’m not the ultimate decision maker on these things but all those people turned out to be complete duds so that’s now a kiss of death in any interview I’m a part of.

    ComprehensivePanda52 Report

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) **Take these seriously, hiring managers do:**


    •Tons of misspellings and awful grammar. Not just 2 or 3. I'm talking 3rd grade level grammar that basically says "I haven't bothered to pay attention in school for most of my life, but gimme money yo."

    •More than 3 jobs in 2 or 3 years. This means one or more of these: you aren't serious about a career or getting your life together; you're impossible to work with and the problems you bring to the table *far* outweigh any positive qualities you might bring to the team; you have a serious issue with authority.


    •You don't have reliable transportation. I know this seems trite, but it isn't. You can't work if you won't get your a*s to work.

    •You're applying for a position that is so far beyond your qualifications that you literally had no idea it was beyond your qualifications when you applied. You might have high aspirations and that rocks, but many bosses now can't afford to take huge risks on underqualified applicants.

    •You're constantly looking around, say UMM a lot, shrug all the time, don't take things seriously. If that's just you, okay. But you might not get hired. Be a more attentive you for ten minutes, chief.

    plague681 , cottonbro Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uh ... some of these sound more like a flaw in hiring than like an actually justified red flag. Many jobs, not so many years? Have you seen the amount of toxic companies, exhausting work culture and generally abusive and exploiting environments? The entire economy is infested with these. Getting to leave said work culture may not always work at the first job swap, but takes more and more effort, and that heavily is made worse by the assumption that many job changes ALWAYS indicate a wrong in the candidate. At least on any level requiring higher education, companies can and should take the time to find out who they're dealing with, instead of jumping to conclusions. After all, you ALWAYS deal with an individual, in any field, in any position, and said individual is not just some stacked up flags of different colours. There's some backstory to leaving or changing a job, and neither the candidate nor the former or current employers are always in the wrong here, but each is sometimes.

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    having a random 1.5 year break of doing nothing and not addressing it. apparently they went to prison for a year and a half and didn't mention it. (we later learned after the backround check)

    Wallet_Insp3ctor Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So I'm on an employment break right now because of health issues- any have advice on how much I need to mention when I start attending interviews again?

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    Copy and paste resume and cover letters, I don't mind them as they are, it's just most people don't proofread. I would interview someone that makes a resume/cover letter that isn't "right" than someone that uses a obvious copy and paste

    Another one was a guy I was interviewing looked good on paper but had to be one of the most negative people I've met. Be positive, anyone that has experience knows how much trouble a negative force can destroy in a good work place

    Psyco_diver Report

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    A resume with a lot of obvious spelling errors. There's no excused for not running it through grammarly or some other free spellcheck program. A lack of effort put into the resume signals to me the amount of effort likely to be put into the job.

    strawberrykiwibird Report


    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) I had a Zoom interview with a candidate who was rolling cigarettes.

    --WaitingForMyTime-- , cottonbro Report


    Not me but a friend got threatened during a phone interview and he flagged him, the General Manager stepped in and hired the guy anyway.

    anon Report


    This one applicant wrote a 4 page cover letter. Yes, that’s right...4 single spaced pages! He was not hired. Mostly for wasting the hiring committee’s time with that insane letter. Like what are you trying to overcompensate for?

    librariesandcake Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He's never learnt what a cover letter is, and probably wrote out all his qualifications and experience.

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    Recruiters Reveal How Job Candidates Instantly Lost Any Chances Of Getting The Job (30 Answers) For the question, can we contact your previous manager? A woman wrote in, it’s complicated.

    It’s not. The answer is no. But this was definitely a red flag.

    Ethan-Wakefield , NordWood Themes Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well. Maybe she left because of harassment/ abuse by that manager.

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    I once interviewed a girl for a part time job at a buy/sell/trade videogame store (independent, not Gamestop.)

    I'm a very laid back manager, I like to make sure people are comfortable. About half way through the interview this girl has a full on meltdown. Sweating, crying, can't string two words together. More than anything I just felt bad for her. She did not end up getting the job.

    PhaedrusMind Report


    Bait and switch on the job. It wasn't software development, it was about scanning rejected loans, figuring out why they were spit out, and getting them to work. I was told that employees usually worked 50 hours a week on a salary.

    Noped out of that one.

    DarrenEdwards Report

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    Alma Muminovic
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If the employer lied (which happens a lot) that’s understandable.


    I had a guy scheduled for a 5:00pm interview at a retail job. He called and said he was going to be running late because of his other job, understandable.

    I got a call that he arrived so I went to an area where we have some tables to get started. He wasn’t there. I asked my other employees where he went and they pointed towards the bathroom. Again, understandable.

    A good 10 minutes to by and he’s not out yet. I asked one of my coworkers to go into the bathroom and see if everything is ok.

    My coworker and the guy for the interview came walking out and met me at the table. He had about half a dozen pieces of TP on his face. He tried to rush in and shave and cut the hell out of his face.

    Nardelan Report

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    Not really a red flag but was interviewing a guy and he introduced himself than said before we start that he needed to use the bathroom. Like 25 minutes later comes back in and away we go - dude went for a dump! Epic.

    Casuallybrowsingcdn Report


    During an interview I said, " why don't you go a head and give me a quick run down of your career." Then the guy says "well don't you have my resume, it's on there." In a rude dismissive voice. I stood up right there and walked out. He was confused and continued to sit in the office I was interviewing him in for another 10 mins before he got the hint and left.

    Foreskins-R-Us Report

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    Yaz Cam
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What kind of interviewer are you if you can’t communicate that the interview is over?

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    If you have had a bunch of jobs for a couple months at a time, don’t list them. Not going to waste my time training folks to leave when they are trained. Exceptions are internships or seasonal work.

    Nevertrumper1978 Report

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    Mora Chilis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the situation. Is this person working temp/agency jobs while seeking a FT position? Then showing that is important. Geez.

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