“Cats Who Share One Braincell”: 50 Times Cats Acted So Dorky, Their Pics Ended Up On This Twitter Page
There’s something about cats that makes this world purrfect. Their indescribable cuteness, the fur, the attitude, the quirkiness, the jumpiness, the sixth sense, the cat logic. Speaking of which, I suspect felines have a life motto that basically reads “why do things hooman way when I can do them my own way?”
What is the cat way, people who have never had one may wonder. And since pictures speak more than thousands of words, Bored Panda presents you this miscellaneous Twitter page that features a vast collection of some of the silliest and funniest cats caught on camera.
Titled “Cat Brain Cell,” the account is a real treat for anyone eager to find out more about the quirky nature of our beloved furballs. Their description states “All cats here share the same brain cell,” so you may agree or argue, but thing one is clear: that cell, whatever it is, is absolutely hilarious.
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To find out more about the “Cat Brain Cell” Twitter page, we reached out to its creator who was happy to share some insights. “I'm a self-employed artist! I was taking a break from work for a couple of months and decided to make a Twitter page celebrating cats because they are such an inspiration to me.”
The creator said that they love all the different sides we get to see of cats thanks to the pictures people share online. “So I wanted to create something related to that. I also take a TON of pictures of my roommate's cat, Fiona. She's the best cat I've ever known and I simply HAD to find a way to show her off to the world!” they said.
According to the creator behind “Cat Brain Cell,” “cats would like us to believe they are proper and majestic, but even the most serious of them can often do something to make us laugh. They're total goofballs.” The author explained further: “Like they have one little brain cell bouncing around in their heads. I started to imagine that they even share just one single brain cell with EVERY other cat. I think sometimes we share that brain cell with them too.”
The author said that they like to pick images that capture little moments of cats looking funny. “Whether it's an undignified expression, an angle that makes them look strange, or maybe they're doing something that is just plain WEIRD. My favorites are probably when there are multiple cats doing the same thing as each other and are oddly in sync. I guess that's the embodiment of sharing a brain cell!”
Aside from that, the author of the account also shares other people's cat-related artwork that they find. “As an artist myself, I know how hard it can be to get noticed, so helping bring attention to artists is very important to me.”
“I get a lot of submissions from people of their own cats. It's tough because I wish I could post them all, but there are simply too many of them.” So the author just picks whichever ones grab them in the moment or maybe ones where they can think of a funny caption to go with it.
“I also make themed posts where I encourage people to add pictures of their cats in the thread. For example, the other day I made one where people could add pictures of their cats with their tongues sticking out. People submitted over 200 pictures and there are some truly amazing ones in there,” they told Bored Panda.
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Cat.exe has stopped responding... would you like to boop it in it's weakest state...?
My little Tommy Cat did this when he was little. He didn't like any of the litter I brought home. When I finally found a brand he liked, he jumped in and went potty as soon as I opened the container. Not a dumb cat action. That would be if they went potty on the floor or furniture.
Cat: you want to use the toilet? You have to finish a side quest first!
The fact that the cat sitting down knows that this is the inevitable fate...
Cats are either the sweetest things or literally the devil. There is no in between.
Cats are either the sweetest things or literally the devil. There is no in between.