“If You Need It Explained, You Won’t Understand”: 50 Posts From ‘Delusions Of Adequacy’ (New Pics)
There's a little bit of geekiness in all of us. Who doesn't have that one thing about which they strangely know a lot and pride themselves on being experts? Whether it’s gardening, the Harry Potter universe, or video games, it’s not such a bad thing to channel our inner Sheldon Cooper sometimes. Sure, he's a bit socially awkward, but that doesn’t take away from his charm.
The subreddit we’re looking at today is exactly that—nerdy and a little bit challenged in the adequacy department. Its 17.6k members, or as they call themselves, delusionists, are entitled to discuss everything from Sigmund Freud to Star Wars. So without further ado, we invite you to scroll through the best that the subreddit "Delusions of Adequacy” has to offer.
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Be Nice, Don't Be Like Me
I Hate All Reality TV On Principle, But I Would Watch The Hell Out Of This!
Also, Paddington 2 Is A Great Movie, In Case Anyone's Wondering
One must wonder what exactly "Delusions of Adequacy" means. Well, it’s an ironic variation of a previous term, “delusions of grandeur,” which is a person’s false belief about their own greatness and skills. When you think that someone has delusions of adequacy, you're actually insulting them by saying that they're incorrect to even think they could be competent enough to do or think of something. This definition is linked to the type of content the members of this page are sharing, like “feigned intelligentsia” and “blatant dumb-assery.”
Not All Who Meme Are Lost
Were We All The Monsters All Along? Short Answer: Yes
My mum's dog would chase tennis balls for half an hour or so, then run off and hide the ball when he'd had enough. Remembered the hiding place and go retrieve it next walk. Very smart dog
Sounds Fair To Me
Their About Community tab is also quite mysterious. It’s full of cryptic sayings like “the road to adequacy leads through the dark forest of your own inadequacy” and “if you need it explained, you won’t understand, if you understand you won’t need it explained.” When it comes to some of us with below-average brains, we really need to look twice before we can figure this one out.
Heckin' Gates Of Hell
I'm sorry but I can't help it when I see a picture of Cerberus (even one like this from when he was a puppy) but the origin of Cerberus is probably from a Proto-Indo-European word "k̑érberos" meaning "spotted". That's right, Hades called his giant three-headed dog, "Spot".
My First Word Was 'Actually'
Look At Those Fancy Dogs, Thinking They Can Snowboard!
However, in a previous interview for Bored Panda (which you can find here), the creator behind this subreddit explained that sometimes he’s confusing on purpose. Those who understand his kind of humor will get it, and those who don’t will never be able to, no matter how much he tries to explain. By being intentionally puzzling, he hopes to encourage people to try and think their way into adequacy (hence the name) and minimize the number of fellows who think they’re smarter than everyone but actually are quite dimwitted.
Come On, If You Don't Laugh, It Just Seems Mean
Thanks, I Hate Punctuation, And It Hates Me Too
Needs Vary, Some Say Pinterest Risotto, Others Say Pinterest O-Face, They're Both Good
Not so long ago, being a nerd like that wasn’t cool. Hobbies such as reading comic books, obsessing over Star Wars, and spending hours at the arcade could’ve gotten you easily teased or bullied, to the point that many kept them to themselves. Imagine it being lame to like Marvel or Call of Duty, especially now when the hidden aspects of nerd culture have made it into the mainstream for everyone to enjoy. Currently, science fiction shows are popular, people crowd comic conventions, and our new heroes are the Michael Ceras and Andrew Garfields.
When You Condition The Dog, Beware That You Do Not Also Condition Yourself!
I pavloved myself with Pavlov's name. My immediate thought is food and even if m not hungry I salivate a bit
If I Didn't Limit My Book-Buying By My Book-Reading, I'd Need A Bigger Apartment
Mr Mittens Is Hungry, Feed Mr Mittens Or Suffer The Conequences!
The question is, how and why now? The internet has been a game-changer and those who couldn’t keep up with it risked being left behind. Geeks, armed with in-depth knowledge, passions, and skills, were able to quickly adapt to the new technological advancements. In the 1990s, when Silicon Valley, a high-tech industry, started to bloom, faces like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs became huge successes. They changed the way nerds were seen in the media, with a quote floating around that encouraged people to be nice to them because chances are they’ll end up working for one.
Can't Argue With Flawless Logic
I Thought Maybe They Were Cold!
Thanks Buddha! I'm Going To Poison So Many People!
It was also a time of fantasy and science fiction, both previously labeled as nerd territory. Releases like Harry Potter, The Matrix, and The Lord of the Rings broke the geek culture wall. Before that, as a comic-loving moviegoer, the best you could expect was an action movie about The Blade or The Punisher. During the '90s, actors who played nerdy roles were now seen portraying more muscular and tough characters. As a result, the film stars started to flaunt their nerdiness rather than hide it. Now most of us wish we could be Iron Man - a superhero who started off as a geeky engineer.
The Key To Escaping Reality Isn't Corners, It's Books... But However You Do It, Just Kee Latibulating
More Specifically, It's The Greed And Stupidity Of Those Who Pretend To Be Leaders
I read it as "spetum piercing" and I was wondering why you need advice from somebody with medieval weapon injury.
That's The Dream! All I'm Good For Is Making Stuff Up That Sounds Credible
I think he meant "it's really hard to win". Getting into them is super easy, barely an inconvenience.
A rise in video game popularity also contributed to the nerdy shift. In the '80s, they were still pretty niche, with not a lot of people wanting to play. Not to mention the video game industry crashing down due to the oversaturation of low-quality gadgets. But Nintendo handled this by releasing a new video game console marketed as a children’s toy. The sales skyrocketed, and the success led to the creation of iconic franchises like Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda. Afterward, the appearance of online games and Millennials matured this hobby and proved gaming to be an enjoyable pastime for adults or even a career.
Ah, To Be Young And Filthy In War-Time! Also, Don't Read Other People's Mail!
"Read this Edna. I think it's about the time when you were conceived." "Please don't tell me what this means." "I never thought Mom was so acrobatic." "Or Dad so well endowed." "And who is this Jack guy? Or the Lawrence twins?" "They told me it was an exotic butter churner. No wonder it didn't work when I tried it."
I Was Never The Child Reader, But I'm Definitely The Adult Version
Not Everything Is Bad All The Time, Just Most Things
There’s no need for modern-day nerds to be hiding in the shadows anymore. Now they’re represented as intelligent, interesting, respectful, and very successful people. Don’t get us wrong; they’re still seen as a bit socially awkward, but in a positive and adorable way. Don’t get us wrong; they’re still seen as a bit socially awkward but in a positive and adorable way. People passionate about their hobbies proudly label themselves as all types of nerds - book nerds, food nerds, gaming nerds, science nerds, etc.
Thanks, I Hate How Accurate This Is
Bohemian Rhapsody May Be The Greatest Song Ever, I Will Keep Saying So As It Lures Me Ever Closer To My Death
I Promise, I'm Not Getting A Snack, And If I Do, I'll Bring You One Too!
It’s quite troubling that it took us so long to accept dorky culture, but all that matters is that we’re here. We’re finally at a place where we can share our excessive hobbies and passions with the rest of the world. For more on all things dweeb, make sure to check out our earlier publication here.
I Ate'nt Dead
"I still can't believe he's gone." "I'm not dead." "Sometimes I can still hear his voice." "I'm right here!"
I Refuse To Answer On The Grounds That I Will Make Me Seem Dumb!
Better Question: Does The Washing Machine Need A Gender?
From Now On I Will Only Answer To Northern Thicc Chonkasaurus!
It's Finally The Season Of X-Mas Dissing, A.k.a December
The Only Correct Response To Golf, Mini Or Otherwise, Is 'Eww, Golf!'
If I Could Be Anything, I'd Like To Be A Clown Bastard!
I Like To Think Of Actually Cleaning As Something That Only Applies To Others
I Don't Remember Any Of These, But I Figured Out Nr. 6 On My Own
If You Gaze Long Enough Into An Abyss, The Abyss Completely Ignores You
A Quick Guide To How Monopolies Work, They Don't, But You Don't Have Any Other Choice!
That's What Vacations Are For!
I Was There 3000 Years Ago, When The Simpsons Was Considered Funny
If I Was The Interviewer, I'd Definitely Hire Him, Everyone Needs A Good Boy On The Team!
I Wish I Could Laugh In Completed Story
Mind The Slip 'N Slide
Pyjamas, The Best Part Of Working From Home, And If You're Brave Enough, The Best Part Of Not Working From Home
I Could Listen To Kids Dinosplaining All Day, I Don't Give A Shit About Your Sensibilities
Yes Please, I Too Would Like To Try Feeling Like A Brand New Woman!
It's funny--I didn't notice a man wrote this and as a woman who uses the most basic soap and shampoo and lotion, I absolutely identified.
And That Kids Is Why You Should Write What You'd Want To Read!
Thanks Fortune Cookie, I Needed To Hear That Today!
If You're A Motivational Speaker Our Policy Is We Hate You!
You Should At Least Give Him A Kiss After He Cleans, It's Only Polite
I Don't Want To Brag, But The Things I Do Are All Useless
Tell Me I'm Pretty!
Good Times Were Had By All!
These Are Not The Heroes You're Looking For
I Can't Say It's Not Tempting Xd
I Hate You So Much I'm Going To Write A Poem About You? Sounds Like Love To Me
If You're Looking For A New Christmas Classic, Death Plays The Ultimate Version Of Santa
I Never Claimed I Was Good At Acting Nice!
That cat is looking at his boss, fantasising about eating unmentionable parts of their anatomy after clawing their eyes out and totally enjoying the mental picture.
Yup, I Always Knew There Was Something About Dune That Bugged Me!
Will The Real Trolley Problem Please Stand Up
Whatever Your Reason, I Support You. Personally, I'm A Non-Practising Vegetarian
Unsure If This Is Real, Or If Asparagus Is Trying To Prank Me Again, I've Been Burned Before
Everything Sucks And Then You Die
I Have Found The Only Acceptable Use For A.i And Only Because Taking Babies Skydiving Is Frowned Upon
Yeah Yeah, Come On Universe, Tell Me Something I Don't Know!
I'm The Best At Interrupting, They Call Me Interrupty The Interruptor
Then you just to do the same thing with the same story and see how long they’ll go on interrupting you
Swords Are Too Easy, That's Why I Prefer An Axe!
That would be "dual wielding", try again. Polyarmoury is the 'belts-and-braces' approach on defence.
Having Money Makes Poison Less Poisonous, Final Answer!
Or You Can Do What I Do, Go Home And Cry, Which Coincidentally Is What Boromir Should Have Done
remember: why kick dirt...when you can kick...um...you know what f**k it i'm not good at this stuff.
Load More Replies...Rewember the days when you cold justice tell a jock and you didn't halve to worry about creeple correcting your grammor, or having deeple gifting you a science or mystory lecture. No? We either!
remember: why kick dirt...when you can kick...um...you know what f**k it i'm not good at this stuff.
Load More Replies...Rewember the days when you cold justice tell a jock and you didn't halve to worry about creeple correcting your grammor, or having deeple gifting you a science or mystory lecture. No? We either!