They say, practice makes perfect, and professionals know it to be true after spending years trying to master their craft. That’s why there's usually a clear distinction between an end result provided by a professional—or at least with the help from one—and an amateur, be it making desserts or building houses.
When it comes to the latter, it’s worth remembering that architecture-related decisions require knowledge in different areas, from engineering to design, and beyond. That’s why hiring a professional is usually the sensible thing to do, as they typically have years of experience, not to mention the value of education they go through.
Be that as it may, not all people opt for professional help when building something, which often results in disasters, such as the ones shared on ‘You Should Have Hired an Architect’ Facebook group. It is home to the best worst architectural ‘gems’, some of which you can find on the list below. Browse the pictures and see for yourself that they really could have benefited from some help from a professional.
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We Made A Trip To Bad Schandau, Germany. The Roof Is Just Awesome!
I Don’t Understand How This Happens. I Think The Fireplace Is Trying To Run Away
You Should Have Hired An Architect
A person doesn’t simply wake up and start working as an architect, as becoming one is typically a long and arduous process. The New School Of Architecture And Design pointed out that it can take an average of 11 years to become a licensed architect with independent or contracted practices within the industry.
It usually includes five years allotted to getting a professional undergraduate architecture degree, and a few more years of professional internships in order to complete the Architecture Experience Program requirements.
Someone Really Loves Mantles
Architects Looking At Bad Architecture…
“Architects have gone through years of college and passed rigorous exams to create safe and (hopefully) enjoyable environments,” reads the description of the ‘You Should Have Hired an Architect’ Facebook group, emphasizing the long path aspiring architects have to take to become professionals in their field.
Started just a couple of years ago, in 2021, the group has gathered nearly 53 thousand members in its short existence. It’s dedicated to showing what architects do and what it means to be one, in addition to sharing examples of why it’s not great that, as was mentioned in the description as well, “Much of the built environment in the US, though, is not designed by architects”.
Maybe It's Just Supposed To Be "Art"?
Failing At Tetris
No Notes
In a previous interview with Bored Panda, the group’s administrator, Allison Beer McKenzie, said there are two main reasons people refrain from turning to professionals for help. “One is definitely that they are cost-conscious or think they can’t afford an architect,” she said. “The other, I believe, is they don’t know about or appreciate the value that an architect can bring to their house design.
“This value can certainly include beautiful design but can also include things like a house that fits seamlessly onto the site it is on and is ideally designed for the climate it’s being built on,” Allison added.
No Words
Whe You’re A Structural Engineer, But Your Side Hustle Is Being A Magician…
Sure, Why Not
Those kind of extensions are not unusual in Eastern Europe to add more space to ex-Soviet housing, I’m Bulgarian, I know, this has the added benefit of announcing to the neighbours you have more money than them 🙄 the planning/building licence was also probably obtained by bribery in case anyone wonders how it gets approved
The administrator of the Facebook group also pointed out that without proper training, people typically have trouble thinking in three dimensions, which is something architects must know how to do. “This often leads to houses with weird proportions or awkward connections between materials and elements,” she told Bored Panda. And there’s more than enough proof on this list showing exactly what she means.
You Should Have Hired An Architect
Fine Until There’s An Overpass, I Guess
I’ll Take Awkward Tub Placements For 300 Please, Alex
The ability to visualize the space that Allison Beer McKenzie emphasized is just one of the numerous skills architects have to possess in order to provide excellent results. Indeed suggested that in addition to that, they also have to be able to combine creativity with knowledge in design and construction, as well as be attentive to details. Moreover, architects have to have great numerical and communication skills, as both can be necessary in their day-to-day activities.
My Interior Designer Came Up With The Most Awesome Idea...
I Mean, What Could Go Wrong?
You Should Have Hired An Architect
Professional architects can help avoid such unfortunate situations as those in the pictures shared on the Facebook group. According to the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, their number increased slightly over the last decade, reaching 116,242 licensed architects in the US in 2019. As for the global statistics, Architizer pointed out that the International Union of Architects, comprising the national architectural associations of 124 countries, claims a membership of 1.3 million professionals.
Safety First! No-One Falls Off Our Balconies! Although We Have Lost A Few Tenants Who Were Trying To Get From Their Windows To The Balconies. Building Codes And Architectural Plans Are For Sissies!!!
You just know your cat would get out on that then "forget" how to come back in, meowling and meowling for help.
When The House Lights Go Down, Good Luck
Studio For Rent. Haifa, Israel
When it comes to what’s considered good architecture itself, there are three main things professionals have to bear in mind—the building has to be structurally sound, functional, and visually appealing. It is believed that the Roman architect Vitruvius Pollio was the first one to set these basic principles back in the first century B.C.E, by using three Latin words—firmitas (strength), utilitas (utility), and venustas (beauty)—to describe them.
Privacy Guaranteed!
I’m actually genuinely confused. Who in their right mind ACTUALLY CONSIDERED, LET ALONE COMPLETED THESE DESIGNS?
I Don't Even Know What To Say
Ouch. My Eyes
Now for insanity you just to have one square ever so slightly out of alignment,
None of the buildings in these pictures seem to follow all three of the requirements comprising exemplary architectural work. And they’re far from the only disastrous examples out there. If you’ve enjoyed browsing this list, check out Bored Panda’s previous collections of similar work here, here, or here.
Help Me Out, Experts: Is It Doric Or Corinthian Columns For Dropped Basement Ceilings? I Always Get This Mixed Up!
Client: I’d Like A Quarter Circle Window Over Each Garage Door. Architect: Say No More…
Found On Linkedin With A Caption That Roughly Translate To "Open Staircase Custom Made For A Client. Classy And Stark In Its Simple Design." I Mean...
However, if you feel like you need to recover from the atrocities you’ve just witnessed, check out the architectural eye-candy on this list right here or browse these examples of architects simply outdoing themselves.
This Hurts My Sense Of Balance
Send Help
You Should Have Hired Anyone That Understands Gravity
The person sleeping on the futon/mattress had better make sure the bunk above is well secured!
You Should Have Hired An Architect
Yet again, in one of BP's posts about Architecture, half the posts are about Interior Design, and repeated from their last "Architecture" post.
Sitting here with my left foot elevated because just yesterday I, yet again, trip and fell on the very normal stairs and sprained my ankle for the ilostthecounth time, I winced a lot scrolling down!
I hope you soon mend and feel better, Ample Aardvark. Must say I love 'ilostthecounth time', hope you don't mind if I use that.
Yet again, in one of BP's posts about Architecture, half the posts are about Interior Design, and repeated from their last "Architecture" post.
Sitting here with my left foot elevated because just yesterday I, yet again, trip and fell on the very normal stairs and sprained my ankle for the ilostthecounth time, I winced a lot scrolling down!
I hope you soon mend and feel better, Ample Aardvark. Must say I love 'ilostthecounth time', hope you don't mind if I use that.