Life can always find a way to surprise us, where the most simple, straightforward, and mundane task sometimes goes awry and you are left sitting there and wondering how exactly did this happen. The blessing and curse of the 21st century is that there will always be someone around to document it for posterity.
This online group documents the painful and sometimes inexplicable fails they have encountered “in the wild,” so be sure to upvote the posts where you really do not understand how someone failed at the single thing they needed to do and comment your own experiences if you aren’t afraid.
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Looks About Right 👍
Protecting Someones Privacy
Bright But Brief
Even in the smallest, most seemingly easy jobs there needs to be some level of quality assurance. If you disagree, scroll through this article a bit and see if it changes your mind. Consumer protections against questionable quality do go back to the Medieval ages when various guilds were responsible for making sure the things their members produced were up to scratch and wouldn’t discredit the entire profession. Now if a company messes up, its competitors are no doubt gleeful at the opportunity.
Modern companies do use more statistical methods and will generally have an idea of how many units per thousand or million will have some issue. Fixing every single one is generally not considered worth it, so an unlucky consumer down the line will just have to “eat” the company's mistake. On the bright side, if you do end up with a misprinted shirt or some other mistake, you at least get to stand out from the crowd.
Whoever Edited This Advertisement Never Saw A Human Foot
Don't see what's wrong - if their feet are like that they need all the help they can get.
Really, Frankenstein Is An Author Now?
Never Do Your Best, Quit!
Of course, some issues come down to human error, be it a typo, or misreading some instructions. In our private lives, these at most cost us some money and our dignity, as friends and family are likely to constantly bring up some mistake we happened to make. But in the “real world,” mistakes will inevitably cost as much as some lawyers can squeeze out of a jury or the legal system, as most places have a set of rules to define damages from negligence.
Yes. Effort Definitely Involves No Effort
Which Floor Was It Again?
Bill Nye Is More Evil Than You Think
As much as business owners and manufacturers may dislike it, these laws do protect us, consumers from them. Even a CEO is also a consumer at times, so it’s important not to be short-sighted here. The origins of the law involved Scotland, a ginger beer float, and a snail. A woman named May Donoghue ordered the aforementioned item and was shocked to discover a dead, decomposed snail in the liquid. This led her to sue the manufacturer of the ginger beer in 1932.
I Did Not Know There Were 11 World Wars
Made That Breaking News Banner, Boss
Mph? I Prefer Fahrenheit
In this case, judge, Lord MacMillan ended up creating a new sort of tort, which is just a legal term for a civil wrong, the sort that they can pursue legal action for. In Donoghue v Stevenson (the latter being the manufacturer of the ginger beer and snail combo,) Donoghue did not outright win the case, but it did create a shift in legal thought about the responsibilities of manufacturers, particularly for food and beverages.
Are Lizards Going To Start Falling From The Sky
Handle With Care
I see nothing wrong here. It says 'Ragile Handle Ith care'. I don't know what language it is, but clearly it means 'Sorry for damaging your box'.
So, Uh… Wanna Tell Me What Went Wrong With This One?
The result is that anyone who does not take “reasonable care” to protect a third party can be held liable. This started with food and drinks but quickly expanded. So a doctor giving bad advice can be sued just as effectively as someone selling you a defective drill. As with so many things in life, this basically comes down to money. If a company or person wrongs you, they are now compelled to compensate you financially.
Oh Costco, Are We Jewish, Or Pagan?
Ahhh Yes,the Nutritional Info I Needed. I R I S H
Julian Are You Ok?
Installed The Ac, Boss!
If Only There Were Something In The Nest That Started With The Letter E…
Looks Like #tacobell Couldn’t Find The Inside Of A Taco
‘Anti-Graffiti’, Huh? (Waterloo Bridge)
That's the paint guys, it makes people think it's already done
Since 14 Together 20 / Together Since 1420
Tell me you're a vampire without telling me you're a vampire
Ah Yes. Everything Is Fine Here
Yup That's How Acronyms Work. Job Well Done!
Champs stands for conversation, help, activity, movement, participation and success. The students would already know that, the words merely describe how the students should behave in relation to each concept.
Cuiet Conversation, Heacher/Hofficer on duty, Arriving to class on time, Miskly walking to class, Pake care of your business, success
C- can't hear myself think.. shut it H- He's watching.. big brother is ALWAYS watching A- Arrive M- move your a$& P- take care of business(I see nothing wrong with this one) S- SUCCESS
Wharton School sounds familiar, an ex-president maybe? I don't think it was a genius.
Load More Replies...Conversations quiet please Helpers trying to teach here Àsses in your seats at the ding Move along so you make it there on time Please put your nose in your own business SUCCESS
Uhmmm, should be ctawbs as I read it. Suppose to match letter with activity.
It IS High School, after all - let's not have unreasonable expectations.
Well, the nightly news has been saying that education has suffered due to the pandemic. . .I think we should be a lot more concerned than most of us are. . .!
Sad to see that the threat of law officers being the second item on this silly list.. Kinda sends the message of fear from reprisals if you don’t toe the line… #freedom
Wharton high school - Only one rule counts - Arrive to class on time. The rest of them, you can if you want.
We are proud of our gradumating seniors. They got a A+ edumacation here at Wharton.
Well, it did get us to read it though. So maybe not so dumb after all hmmm.
As a veteran of the US military I can say we come up with some crazy a*s acronyms, but at least the first letters match up!
That would have had all kinds of red correction marks on it at my high school
Converse quietly Have respect for the teacher on duty Always take care of your business Move quickly between classes Punctuality Spelling is not part of the CHAMPS agenda
I deeply fear this is the Wharton HS up the street from me. The colors are right.
I would definitely pull my child out of this school if I saw that sign!
And according to this same school L - laughing G - gods B - don't T - hate Q - anyone
I'm guessing the Admin who made this is still at Wharton HS because they never graduated...
Only applies if your business is#1. Otherwise, it drops down to the S line.
Load More Replies...Besides the obvious flaw, imagine putting this up in a high school. 🙄
Fork That Wasn't Cut
When It's Close To The End Of The Shift
Whoever did this should be forced to complete a 1000 piece jigsaw every day for the rest of their life.
How To Stay Awake
Laid The Pipe Down, Boss
Filled The Bins, Boss
I Can’t Believe My Dad Bought This!
Make Sure You Use The Left Lane Cause Left Lane Closed
The People Who Thought That This Bathroom Was Ethical
Just Saw This Jem On My Jobsite Friday !!!
It Would Be Easier To Get The Right Flag
Bought A Chocolate Milk But They Forgot To Add Chocolate I Guess?
Photoshoping Can Be Hard
Labeled The Fruitables Boss
To Paint A Sign
Mcdonalds, You Know That Chicken Is Not A Drink. Right?
Vegan Noodles “Contains Pork”
New Security Cameras After A Sa At Work! 🙃
While Shopping At Costco-This Caught My Eye. Well, I Guess It Looks Nice
Child Car Seat Installation Instructions
Wait I Remember That Character, It's Super-Man!
How Not To Install A Metal Roof
All Of The Bar Stools At Our Air Bnb Were Assembled Backwards
How would you even be able to put your feet on the footrest with that ridiculously extended seat?! And there is almost NO back - design flaws galore!
Scammer Talking To Herself
This House Costs $2m+ And They Think This New Driveway Is Fine
My house isn't worth that much and I'm not going to be happy with that drive either.
Installed The Explenation Boss
They shorten the initial lists after several hours, possibly to make it look more curated. It's based on popular votes. You can still see the rest, there's a link below the last image (where it says "the post originally had 95 images". Just click on 95 images and it'll reload with all images).
Load More Replies...Why can't we have titles that tell us what we're looking at? Not everyone is American, not everyone has seen a certain film series or played a certain on-line game, etc. If I'm not sure I always read the comments, because if the question has already been asked, there are sometimes loads of replies, almost identical.
I guess I'm old. I just can't stand this level of complete imbecility.
When did BP start putting more than one article per page? I used to click on an article, and then if I wanted to, I could scroll to the bottom and see the comments. Now, I have to be more careful scrolling because there are other articles belong these. Don't really like this new format.
They shorten the initial lists after several hours, possibly to make it look more curated. It's based on popular votes. You can still see the rest, there's a link below the last image (where it says "the post originally had 95 images". Just click on 95 images and it'll reload with all images).
Load More Replies...Why can't we have titles that tell us what we're looking at? Not everyone is American, not everyone has seen a certain film series or played a certain on-line game, etc. If I'm not sure I always read the comments, because if the question has already been asked, there are sometimes loads of replies, almost identical.
I guess I'm old. I just can't stand this level of complete imbecility.
When did BP start putting more than one article per page? I used to click on an article, and then if I wanted to, I could scroll to the bottom and see the comments. Now, I have to be more careful scrolling because there are other articles belong these. Don't really like this new format.