You’re going to encounter signs everywhere you go in this world. Driving down the highway, looking for the bathroom in a restaurant you’ve never dined at before, searching for a monument in a city you’re visiting for the first time and when visiting a shop just to find out they closed early for the day.
But just because we have to use signs everywhere we go doesn’t mean they have to be boring! And no one knows that better than the members of the Funny Signs subreddit. This community is dedicated to finding and sharing photos of the most brilliant and eye-catching signs that the world has ever seen, so we’ve gathered some of our favorite posts from the group down below. Enjoy scrolling through these signs that are effective and hilarious, and be sure to upvote the ones you’d like to encounter in person!
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There It Is The I In Team
Spotted In Essex
The Perfect Covid Sport
We all know that most of the signs we encounter are going to be pretty boring. Simple white signs with black text and not an ounce of humor or sarcasm to be found. Sure, these simple signs might get their messages across, and they might look professional. But what the people really want is an eye-catching sign with a hilarious message that they can share on r/funnysigns!
This subreddit is one of the largest on the entire platform, as it has amassed over 3 million members simply through sharing silly signs. From billboards to papers taped up in car windows, this group doesn’t discriminate. Members simply enjoy good quality messages that make them chuckle, and lucky for us, there are plenty of great posts to scroll through!
Work From Home Tip
Fair Enough
Whether you need signs to advertise your business or you’re looking for a sign to hang at your wedding, there’s no reason not to include a bit of humor in your message. Okay, maybe you don’t want jokes being tossed around at your wedding. But we won’t judge you if you do! The Funny Signs subreddit has taught us that hilarious messages can be posted by churches, family members at funerals, restaurants, college professors and more!
The most important factor when crafting a sign is that it gets your message across. And sometimes we have to make bold choices to ensure that our messages stand out. That might mean inserting a pun, sharing a joke about a hilarious Yelp review the business received or making a pop culture reference. In the US, some states even use humor when designing messages about road safety for highways. And those certainly get more attention than a simple “Stop Speeding” sign would.
The End Is Nigh!
"Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming."
Anyone Disagree?
It Had To Be Said
If you’re looking to design an out of the box sign, Target Print & Mail has some recommendations on their site that might help your message stand out. First, they note that the purpose of your sign must be clear. Are you trying to attract customers? Or do you want to inspire action from readers? Do you want customers to put their laptops away and have conversations with one another? Whatever you want them to do or understand, your message must be clear and concise. Nobody wants to spend time deciphering what a sign means or reading an essay worth of text.
Never Mistreat The Trees
Oh, Yeah!!!
Frequently Asked Question?
If you want your sign grabbing the attention of those passing by, you can’t be scared to stand out. A funny image, bright colors and bold fonts might immediately draw the eyes of people strolling by. This is also a great way to incorporate humor into your messaging. A wet floor sign featuring a person doing jazz hands could be perfect for a dance studio, while a sign featuring food or produce with personalities might be better for a grocery store. Don’t be scared to think outside of the box!
He Makes A Good Point
A Sign For The Idiots Out There
Maybe they need something like this for the Montague Street bridge in Melbourne which is *still* being hit
Good Question
Again again again ... It is NOT "money is the root of all evil." The correct quote is "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." So the obvious conclusion is: money = ok, love = evil. There, hope that clears it up.
It’s also wise to consider the location and what medium is best for your signs. One message might work brilliantly on a billboard, while it may not translate well to print advertising in a newspaper. Consider the best way to grab customers’ attention depending on where they’ll see the message. If you’re advertising on the door of a bathroom stall, you probably don’t want to put a serious message. But that can be the perfect place to utilize humor! Even a little potty humor can be done tastefully.
Skill Issue
This is incorrect. Fifty years ago was 1974. If you have access to an owners manual from 1974 please show me the page about "adjusting the valves". It doesn't exist because by '74 all engines had hydraulic lifters that didn't need adjusting. Whoever wrote this is one of those people who still thinks the 1950s were 50 years ago when they are in fact 70 years ago. Time is funny that way.
Genius Indeed
Replies Optional
Another place you might not have considered putting up humorous signs is in your own home. But Tammy Huls, creator of Flippin Furniture, actually has some recommendations on her blog for incorporating funny signs into interior design. One example Tammy provides is a sign that says “Please excuse the mess,” then it has crossed out “My kids are making memories” and finishes with “I suck as a housewife” instead. It’s a bit different than the typical “Live Laugh Love” you might find in many homes, but it might make visitors chuckle!
Halloween Gravestone
When did the word "research" become to mean "read stupid s**t on the internet?"
Your Welcome Vegans
London, UK
I still have my certificate stating I’ve been trained in being an “Appropriate Adult”. I think I only got it as there wasn’t an exam at the end…. For context, if someone classed as vulnerable (mental health issues, learning disabilities etc) is being interviewed by the police, they need to have an appropriate adult present to ensure their rights are being protected and that they understand what is happening eg an appropriate adult has the right to insist the person has a solicitor present, even if the person says no. It’s supposed to be what any “normal” person off the street would know to do, but we had training as it was part of my job role at the time.
Another silly sign for a home that Tammy recommends says, “You drink too much. You cuss too much. You have questionable morals. You’re everything I have ever wanted in a friend.” This sweet sign might be a good gift to give a longtime friend with a similar sense of humor, or you can create a silly sign to hang outside your front door. Might I suggest one that says, “Doorbell broken, yell Ding Dong really loudly!”
An Apple A Day
Honest Advertising Is Best Advertising
There used to be a great Chinese restaurant/ fish-n-chips place in Tacoma back in the 80's. I'd take visitors there and warn them that there's no ambience but great Chinese food. They always agreed with me afterwards. (Star Trek name dropping alert!- I took John and Bjo Trimble there and they loved it)
Our Saviour
One silly sign that we actually had at my house growing up was one that stated, “On this site on September 5th, 1897, absolutely nothing happened.” It was a very regal looking plaque that demanded attention, but there was no point in reading it except to get a laugh. Sometimes, signs actually have no purpose but to be funny!
Go Figure:)
This Man Is A Genius
The Average Engineer:
Are you feeling inspired to use some humor in the next sign you have to create, pandas? We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through these hilarious signs, and please remember to keep upvoting all of your faves. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more brilliant and hilarious yet effective signs from Bored Panda, we recommend reading this list next!
Lost Rumba
I'm afraid he won't be able to survive in the wild. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Ooh, I had such an experience in Rome, some years ago. We got lost an entered a cafeteria to ask for directions. There were 4 people inside who all started talking loudly at the same time, with ample hands and arms gestures. I was fascinated looking at them. After some minutes, my friend thanked them and pulled me out. "What did they actually say?" "I didn't get a single word, but I loved their passion" :)))
I Think I Found A Good Job!
Hmmm, Tough Choice
I Mean That's Just Common Manners
Choices, Choices
Farm Fresh
I Can Grok This
Does the same apply for ... (please wait, thinking of some witty response) ... oh heck, the best I can do is aardvarks? Not terribly witty, bu aardvarks is a cool word.
Found In My School. Hopefully Satire
At a cafe: Unattended children will be given a coffee and a free puppy
Glad They Cleared That Up
Cake Up Here
Hope She Left Some Music For Him Too
Good Morning
His Bark Is Bigger Than His Bite
A Flowchart
This Sign Is Accurate!
Also True With Cake And Pie
Bah Humbug!
Cheers Everyone 🍺
Carrots being good for the eyes is practically a myth. They’re healthy, but it’s world war propaganda to cover up the invention of radar.
A Good Question
Before you do anything, spread them apart to see if they look right with what's in the middle.
Consider This A A Warning. 🧀
Thank You For Noticing
From now on, if I've seen it a hundred times before then I'm down voting 👎
From now on, if I've seen it a hundred times before then I'm down voting 👎