The core of any meme is humor and relatability. This means that wherever there are two people, it’s possible for them to already start creating memes. Practically speaking, this means that basically every topic, from fandoms, geographic locations, and even certain jobs will often have its own dedicated meme pages.
The “Science Memes” online community is dedicated to amusing and clever content that does its best to teach you something through humor. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and be sure to comment your own ideas below.
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Kowalski, Report
My mom is a college bio teacher and has this on her office door :D
While we do tend to think of memes as a direct product of the internet age, in reality, they are actually older. You may already know the factoid that it was Richard Dawkins who may have coined the term in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, a quite fighting detail, given the content of this list. It would be over twenty more years before this term was used for internet content.
Setting the name aside, some researchers believe that images and ideas that we would identify as memes have actually been used for centuries. “Memetic communication,” as some researchers call it, is, indeed, very very common for humans in general. If you think about it, an inside joke is basically a verbal meme.
Laws R Meant To Be Broken!
So True
I Too Love Being Non Existent ✨✨✨
Similar: Someone once told me he doesn't eat anything with genes in it!
Now that we have significantly better ways to make “content,” memes have moved from specific references we share with our friends and family and have become digital. Now, with just a little bit of effort, nearly anyone can make images, videos, gifs, and much more as long as they have a computer and internet connection.
He Makes A Good Point
Wouldn't anything involving the history of Ancient Egypt be a "Pyramid Scheme" on some level.
Given the fact that many online memes follow certain templates, it’s no surprise to see that stock images show up in them all the time. In general, under US law at least, most memes fall under fair use laws, as long as you aren’t trying to sell them. However, there are cases where famous memes have been taken from copyrighted images and then used by a company or organization in a way that is very clearly not fair use.
Teacher: The Exam Won't Be That Hard! The Exam:
Nobel Prize Meme
Rocks Are Neat Though :)
It's Much Easier To Remember With A Good Visualisation
Completely Crazy!!
Perception Is Never Reality
Proof That Earth Is Round
Small Scientists
And Bang
Too Soon?
Safety First
Engineers Be Like:
Society In A Nutshell
Sharks Are Cute
We Reap What We Sow
If you think businesses aren’t already doing that to humans in the third world, I’ve got an iPhone to sell you.
Seems Like A Good Self-Burn
This Really Puts Things Into Perspective
Darwin Trying To Unlock All Achievements
If Anyone Can Explain How Time Travellers Account For This That'll Be Swell
Space is probably full of time travellers who forgot to take that into account!
That Escalated Quickly
Ethics Matter
Cheating The Matrix
Rocket Science
Can you imagine trying to cram a room sized computer into a box small enough to fit on an Apollo spacecraft?
Stupid 😅😂
Did You Get It? Lol
Why You Try To Analysis All Probability Possible
If the moon is visible, it'll be 8 minutes and around 2-3 extra seconds, so he's not wrong
I'll Take It As Both Yes And No
It's Normal
Run? 😣
Can Someone Explain?
He is CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow! The laws of physics don't apply to him! Surely everyone knows that!
They're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.
Load More Replies...Jack Sparrow may be the worst physicist you've ever heard of, but ...
It works perfectly in the bath! try with an empty glass, immersing it upside down from the surface of the water and holding it upright!
That boat probably has an internal volume of several hundreds of litters. According to Archimedes' principle it would create a buoyant force of several hundreds of kilos, and according to Newton's law, that would require a weight of several hundreds of kilos to outbalance that and keep it down. As humans are about the same density of water, the buoyant force on those two would cause them to be very close to virtually neutrally buoyant, and hence they will be nearly weightless when the majority of their bodies are submerged in water. The same goes for the boat, except that it is presumably made of wood that is a little less dense than the water, and hence it should float even if it was full of water. So to put it short, there isn't really anything that can keep that boat down there and it ought to float to the surface and not stay submerged. Infact when constructing a submarine, one of the challenges you face, is to get it heavy enough to sink with all that air inside it.
Load More Replies...Also broke the laws of physics when he used his hand-cuffed hands to zip line down a rope
No, he was hand-cuffed with a chain as well, and you can see him toss the looped chain over and grab it with one hand. No physics broken.
Load More Replies...I mean, there are also other small issues of curses and immortality and zombies walking and what not but OK
If this is breaking the laws of physics wouldn't a submarine also be breaking the laws of physics?
No. Submarines can submerge due to things called ballast tanks. When the submarine wants to submerge it fill these thanks with water, becomes negatively bouyant and sinks. When it wants to surface it fills those tanks with compressed air, forcing the water out and it floats.
Load More Replies...Normal Distribution
Rule #1 Of Time Traveling, Don't Go To The Party
For anyone not in the know, Stephen Hawking advertised a time traveller party. He only did it however after it had happened, so nobody came
Brain In Not Braining
well sometimes it is, but most of the time it isn't. Infinities comes in different sizes.