30 Of The Wittiest Dad Jokes That May Help You Finally One-Up Your Own Dad
We love our dads endlessly. Dads have certain behavior stereotypes, like how they act at the airport while watching football or teaching us to drive. Though a very precious one is dad jokes. Do not confuse them with regular jokes, as dad jokes fall into a completely different category. They are often in the wrong place at the wrong time, sometimes annoying, and almost always cringe-worthy. Yet, they have become an internet phenomenon with a devoted following.
The ‘Dad Says Jokes’ Instagram page is a portal to a parallel dimension where fathers reign as the unofficial kings of comedy. Get ready for a mix of emotions as we share a new collection of posts from the page full of hilarious misfires, heartwarming wordplay, and moments that will make you wonder, "Did he really just say that?"
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"Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" Do you get it? Me neither... My dad told me this joke when I was eight years old and fell on the couch laughing. I guess dad jokes fall into a niche category, often best understood and appreciated by dads themselves. Nevertheless, the Instagram page 'Dad Says Jokes' has a whopping 4 million members who seem to appreciate the art of cheesy humor and pun-filled wit. It's a world where groans and eye-rolls are met with proud chuckles from dads all over the internet. The page has become a digital gathering place for dads to unite, sharing their best jokes and creating a bond over their unique sense of humor.
You should have one of them claim the vote was rigged to make it seem more realistic 🤣
The term "dad joke" was first recorded in a 1987 Gettysburg Times column penned by Jim Kalbaugh. On Father's Day that year, Kalbaugh introduced the term "dad joke" to the public and passionately advocated for keeping the genre alive: "As we approach Father’s Day, I would like to propose that ‘Dad’ Jokes not be banned. They should be revered, preserved."
And falling, tripping, things jumping out in front of you out of nowhere, like people, cars,houses,trolls, purple elephants...
Dad jokes strike a perfect balance between being neutral and punchy, which is where their beauty lies. “What’s brown and sounds like a bell? Dung dung,” comedian Paul Seven told the National Post his dad's favorite joke. "It’s so stupid. There is no social commentary in there, there is no agenda, no political material, its neutral."
They're texting someone with the name "dad" yet the person also refers to them as "dad" Sorry this bothered me really badly
Seven considers dad jokes to be true works of comedy, often drawing their humor from puns, which he believes is a lost art. He thinks that dad jokes are a genre that kids from all backgrounds can relate to, requiring no cultural or social knowledge to appreciate.
I read a recent government study that said three out of four people make up 75% of the population. Not sure if I believe that.
Dad jokes never go out of style because they don't even try to stay in style, unlike stage comedians who constantly update themselves to stay relevant. "Dad jokes take the audience away from everything awful to something so neutral and inoffensive, without even trying," says Seven. "You don’t have to think and no one gets hurt."
The KY truck crashed a little further up the road, but everyone was able to slide through without too much trouble.
That's what makes dad jokes even more appealing in today's world. "I think we’re tired of turning on CNN and watching the absolute nightmare that is the reality around the world," says Seven. "And then you go on Twitter and you read about dad puns."
In today's online world, dad jokes offer a brief and innocent escape from the harsh humor found on social media. "You look at old-school comedy, somebody is the victim of some joke somewhere," says Seven. "In my mind, comedy should heal, make you feel good about yourself." A good dad joke offers a quick laugh, often accompanied by a slight cringe, delivering exactly what you need.
Dad jokes, in their own quirky way, can sometimes lead to unexpected honors. For example, the dad who invented knock-knock jokes won the no-bell prize. Keep scrolling down, and you'll find plenty more jokes like that waiting for you below. And remember, the next time you hear a dad joke, embrace the groans and laughter that follow, knowing that these pun-filled gems have the power to brighten our days.
My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down.
Am I just getting older, or are Dad jokes actually getting better?
I am slightly embarrassed that I thought they were really funny
Load More Replies...Did BP just recycle this 2 month article and change the date on it to 4 days ago?
My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down.
Am I just getting older, or are Dad jokes actually getting better?
I am slightly embarrassed that I thought they were really funny
Load More Replies...Did BP just recycle this 2 month article and change the date on it to 4 days ago?