While the “science” behind it is more a folk-art than anything, it’s quite well known that subverting expectations and unexpectedness are a core part of comedy. After all, if you can see the punch line coming a mile away, it won’t “hit” the same. This can even happen, entirely unintentionally, when you accidentally eavesdrop on someone's conversation.

We’ve gathered some of the funniest and most unhinged things netizens have overheard in public. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


Child clinging to adult's leg in a bright room, illustrating funny overheard conversations.

I work in retail, kid is being all bratty about to throw a tantrum and the father goes

"If you don't stop, we'll just go straight home with no shopping!"

The kid who was maybe about 4 or 5 hits back with


Dense_Phrase_5479 Report


    Interior of an empty cathedral with ornate columns and arches, evoking a sense of silent hilarious conversations.

    Was in church, during Confessions, and overheard the priest say to the person who was in the confessional: "You did WHAT?!"

    [deleted] Report


    Two people at a restaurant table sharing a moment, capturing a hilarious overheard conversation.

    Got to witness one of these. Dude spent about an hour and a half talking nonstop about Game of Thrones. Like dude went on a full on lecture about Game of Thrones. Girl did not speak the entire time, she tried but he would not pause... Then he ends it with this gem, "but you are a woman and so I don't expect you to understand the deepness of high fantasy" my husband and I looked at each other, when we hear "Did you forget I'm a librarian Paul, I've read the f*****g books!" Before she stormed out. Apparently dead Paul was giving his long winded theory based off just watching the show.

    CylonsInAPolicebox Report


    Passengers seated in an airplane cabin, possibly the setting for overheard conversations.

    This was about three years ago, and I was on a flight to Asheville. I speak Arabic. Man #1: Where is the woman with snacks? Man #2: She is in the back. What food do you want? Man #1: I would like the crunchy cheese snack. Man #2: What? Cheese is not crunchy. Cheese is soft and delicious, like your mother. Man #1: hits him playfully in the arm I lost my s**t laughing and when they realized I could understand them they were amazed and we had an enjoyable flight convo.

    minaivey Report


    Man with a phone lies on a bed, amused, next to a fluffy cat, likely overhearing a conversation.

    One time i was waiting at the dentist and i heard two women talking and it went like:

    "I just found out who was using my phone when i'm not around."


    "I download a security app that takes pictures when someone tries to unlock my phone."

    Then she made a pause.

    "Dude, my phone is now full of pictures of my cat"

    Ordinary_Team1247 Report


    Two dinosaur statues in a garden setting, appearing as though in a hilarious overheard conversation.

    Overheard 2 65 year old women in office talking. One said she was taking grandkids to dinosaur exhibit on weekend. Second Lady said “ I think dinosaurs really existed.” First Replies “ you do?” Second said “ but they couldn’t talk to God.” First says “ Sure, they could!” Second says “How?” First “roooooarrrs loudly!!!” I thought I’d fall off my chair laughing at insane discussion.

    Melodic-Head-2372 Report


    Man reading to a girl, both seated, engaging in a lighthearted moment.

    Was on the bus and a small girl and her father were sitting in front of me. The kid was misbehaving a bit and wouldn't sit still even though her father would tell her to settle down several times. Eventually he lets out an exasperated "Why won't you do what I tell you to?" and the little girl answers, matter-of-factly: "Mom always tells you to stop washing your balls in the sink but you still do it!" Needless to say they got off that bus very quickly as every single person around them was desperately trying not to laugh.

    lootapotta Report


    Empty movie theater with audience watching a scene, capturing hilarious overheard conversations ambiance.

    At the movie Paranormal Activity, a girl behind me was constantly blurting out "Did you see that?" Eventually the girl with her yelled fairly loud "B***h, we're watching the same f*****g movie!"

    bestsmithfam Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    3 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One time my sister loudly asks "but how do you email a sandwich?" After a preview that had a chick fila coupon promotion. Dumbest thing she ever said and it was in a packed and silent room.

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    Women seated, trying on shoes, sharing humorous overheard conversations in a cozy room setting.

    I was in a shoe store and a little girl was playing on the floor with her mom. The mom kept asking her to stand up but the little girl would continue rolling around the floor. Finally she rolled under her mom's legs and looked up and said loudly WHY DONT YOU HAVE ON ANY PANTIES? And the mom dragged her out of the store quickly.

    ladyambrosia999 Report


    Two people holding gaming controllers, playing a soccer video game, hinting at hilarious overheard conversations.

    I'm in a game store. A couple walks in and strt looking at games. The girl says "Do you really need more games?" The guy looks at her, nods toward the shopping bags she's carrying, says "Do you really need more shoes?" The girl points to a game and say "This one looks good!"

    ctruemane Report


    A hand in a suit holding a rolled-up document with a red ribbon, possibly during a conversation.

    It was in the bus.

    There were two guys, one of them had birthday that day. Their conversation was something like: "dude, you're 35, what do you want to do in life?" "well, I'm still at the university, I don't know" "bro, that's your seventh major, you need help".

    I'm still laughing about it.

    noitallihina Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did you hear about the man who spent his whole life at University and earned 360 degrees? His education went full circle.

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    Elderly couple grocery shopping, possibly discussing funny overheard conversations, holding a list and basket in a store aisle.

    In a Wal-Mart. Older gentleman shopping with his wife says “I’m hungry”. She never looks up from her grocery list; just says “No, you’re not” and walks away looking for the next item. The gentleman realizes that I’ve witnessed the entire exchange and says to me “Well, I thought I was”. He just looks down dejectedly at the floor and shuffles off after his missus. I was wheezing.

    GaryD-58 Report


    Bottles of ketchup and mayonnaise in a fridge, fitting for hilarious overheard conversations at a picnic.

    All I heard as I was walking by the lunchroom was " mayonnaise is not a beverage Sharon"!

    highly_caffinated Report


    A man carrying a crying child, capturing a moment of a likely hilarious overheard conversation on a city street.

    Heard on bus: Girl: well I'm gonna get my daughters ears pierced soon, if you do it when they're really young they don't really know what pain is
    Guy: I'm pretty sure they can still feel pain
    Girl: Well what about boys when they get circumcised, cause they're babies they can do it earlier and it won't hurt as much when they're that young
    Guy: I'm pretty sure if I go and punch a baby in the face he's going to cry because he knows what pain is.

    azzurri10 Report


    Hands shaping clay on a pottery wheel, creating art inspired by hilarious conversations.

    It was back in my high school art class while we were working with clay. Overheard some kids at another table asking each other if they would eat clay in a survival situation. Then they had an hour long discussion on the nutritional value of clay and if it was even edible. Which then lead into a discussion on the nutritional value of other art materials. Not gonna lie they were making some interesting points.

    mintulia Report


    Doctors and nurses in a delivery room celebrate a newborn, highlighting a moment of joy in overheard conversations.

    Working maintenance in a hospital, shared an elevator with a new grandmother on her way out of the birthing wing and overheard her part of a cell phone call: “She’s doing fine. Had a little boy. Baby’s good- she’s going to name him a jr when she figures out who the father is”

    Taxitaxitaxi33 Report


    Starbucks coffee cup on a wooden table, symbolizing overheard conversations in a cafe setting.

    Overheard two employees talking at Starbucks: "It's like all we do here is make coffee."

    wishiwasyou333 Report


    Three men laughing together, capturing a moment of hilarious overheard conversations outdoors.

    Turkish store. 3 Turkish men having a loud discussion in Turkish. suddenly they all go quiet. one says "Michael Jackson" they all burst out laughing and kiss each other on the cheeks then leave the store. and i will never know what that was about.

    koko_jambo Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are so many jokes that could have 'Michael Jackson as the punchline.....but I don't want to be banned from BP.

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    A person overhearing conversations on a bench, while writing in a notepad, others whisper behind.

    I was sitting in the break room eating lunch when out of the blue my table is commandeered by my Hispanic coworkers gossiping about other coworkers to themselves in Spanish. After 15 minutes of awkwardly listening to them sling dirt I get up to leave, and they ask (still in Spanish) 'how awkward would it be if the gringo could understand what we've been saying?' I responded (also in spanish) 'you don't know I speak spanish?' They were mortified, and one of them let out a really high pitched cackle of a laugh. I felt more respect from all the latinos at that job after word got out that I was a hispanohablante.

    1994bmw Report


    Two women in a kitchen sharing a funny conversation over red cups, capturing hilarious overheard conversations.

    On the shuttle bus to campus:

    "He keeps saying he loves me more than I love him, it's ridiculous." "Well, you are cheating on him." "He doesn't know that, though, so it's not fair."

    Naweezy Report


    Person writing on a chalkboard filled with math equations, embodying a scene of overheard conversations in an academic setting.

    Girl 1: Are you [Name]?

    Girl 2: Yeah.

    Girl 1: Hi! I'm your math tutor.

    Girl 2: Oh! You're cute! I'd totally date you, but I'm not a lesbian.

    Girl 1: Thanks! I'd date you, too, but I'm straight, and I have a boyfriend.

    Tsunoba Report


    A person driving a car on a sunny day with a smartphone mounted on the dashboard, possibly overhearing conversations.

    Two teenage girls sitting across the aisle from me.

    Girl 1: "I love trips. We should take a road trip to Hawaii this summer!"

    Girl 2: "You are such an idiot. You don't even have your driver's license yet!"

    Yakdaddy Report

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    GhostlySnail (she/her)
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Conversation overheard in my math class: “what state is Washington DC in?” “It IS a state, stupid.” “You idiots it’s in Washington, obviously”

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    Two friends laughing on steps, capturing a moment of hilarious overheard conversations, with a skateboard beside them.

    I was at a graduation party for my best friend when she graduated high school in '07, and a boy she was hanging out with at the time was there. He had to use my friend's house phone to call his mom and the last thing he said to her before hanging up was "I'm a grown a** man, mom, I'll skateboard home!" We still use that to this day.

    generaldisarray420 Report


    Roller skates with pink laces on a sidewalk, evoking hilarious conversations during a fun day out.

    I once walked by a group of girls in the mall and overheard one girl say, "...and that's why I don't roller skate and read anymore."

    mcbooties Report


    Empty lecture hall with wooden chairs, setting for hilarious overheard conversations.

    I was just on an international flight and the dude sitting behind me was talking to another woman. She asked him why he was in Europe and he said it was for a UN summit (or something). Then she asked him if there was any good news that came out of that, he just sighed and said "No".

    Fla5hP0int Report


    Sign on rock reads "Dad joke loading, please wait," related to hilarious overheard conversations.

    This happened the other day at my restaurant. Not really weird just a hilarious dad moment. Young kid: "I heard today that one of the members of One Direction left the band" Dad: "Does that now make them Two Directions?" Classic dad joke right there.

    clockworkchaos1 Report

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    Dog sitting among birthday gifts and party hats, underneath a festive banner.

    A woman was planning her dog’s birthday party, and was debating which dogs to invite since some of the dogs didn’t get along with her dog.

    dumbnew10 Report


    Hand holding a crab outdoors, symbolizing a humorous moment in an overheard conversation scenario.

    In Costco and they had giant crab for sale Little girl: dad what do they eat Dad: Little girls called Megan.

    Breadbaker93 Report


    Whale tail above ocean surface, a humorous scene resembling overheard conversations in nature.

    At the Museum of Natural History, looking up at the Blue Whale hanging from the ceiling:

    "Wow! How does that whale fit in the ocean?!"

    gelmaster189 Report


    Person gaming on a computer, wearing headphones, possibly listening to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Not mine, but my friend's story.

    She was playing PUBG with a bunch of random people and one of the dude's mom goes "ARE YOU TALKING TO A GIRL?" in the most dramatic voice and then he disappeared. The other dude went like "Oh man, let's pray for his soul".

    TurquiseBird Report


    Panda eating bamboo, looking curious as if listening to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Little girl next to me at the zoo looking at the Pandas: "Mom, when I grow up I want to be bamboo."

    xxeeb Report


    Person holding glasses, seated in a striped blue skirt, possibly recalling hilarious conversations.

    2 girls on the bus sitting in front of me start talking about a date that one of them had recently been on, one of them says "and then he stuck his hand up my skirt" and her friend says "the one with the stripes on it?"

    Sue_Ridge_Here Report


    Overheard conversations at a local store with a variety of snacks and drinks displayed.

    Dude 1: "What time does the beer store close?"
    Dude 2: "10:00"
    Dude 1: "What time is it now?"
    Dude 2: "10:15"
    Dude 1: "We'll never make it."

    fattycarmello Report


    Glass of milk on a stone ledge with greenery in the background, related to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Years ago, I worked in the dairy department of a grocery store. From time to time, we would have sales in which the price of a half gallon of milk was less than half the price of a gallon of milk. I was never quite sure why we sold any gallon jugs during those periods, until one day while restocking, I overheard this gem:

    Lady 1: Oh look, a sale on half gallons!

    Lady 2: Hmm... how many half gallons are in a gallon?

    Lady 1: (without missing a single beat) Four.

    Lady 2: F***ing (store name)!

    I can overstate neither the speed with which Lady 1 replied to her friend, the confidence in her own answer, nor the immediacy with which the second lady both believed her and cursed my workplace. It was a thing of beauty.

    Drudgeon Report


    Police helicopter flying over grassy field, possibly involving hilarious overheard conversations.

    I’ve bartended but my favorite conversation was overhead while I was on the other side of the bar. “Look all I’m saying is Grand Theft Auto severely ruined our generations perception of how many police helicopters exist” Sounded like they were getting really heated over the matter haha.

    vierawarrior Report


    Couple by grocery cart, sharing hilarious overheard conversations while shopping for produce.

    "Should we take a shopping cart?"

    With complete seriousness, the person responds,

    "You never know how much a 10 pound turkey is going to weigh"

    EpsilonSigma Report


    Person at an airport with luggage, standing near large windows, symbolizing travel and overheard conversations.

    Three years ago I was walking through the international terminal at the airport towards the gate. A man walking quickly with his luggage and talking on his phone (in a serious tone) said into the phone, "Yeah man, I did it. I quit my job and I'm running away to Thailand!"

    passionpink0123 Report


    Person stepping into a bathtub with water, wrapped in a towel, capturing a relatable moment for hilarious overheard conversations.

    'Ah man I smell today. You know you get those days where you jump in the shower but just forget to wash?'

    'No. I don't. what the hell?!' Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A couple times I forgot to shave one leg but I always remember to wash. Today I was befuddled as to why my shampoo wouldn't suds up and after 3 reapplications realized I was scrubbing conditioner into my scalp.

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    Crowded bar scene with people chatting, creating a lively atmosphere perfect for hilarious overheard conversations.

    A customer is on the phone in the middle of the bar, not too crowded but a long bar. Guy couldn't have been more than 25. I go to help someone at the end of the bar and on my way back I overhear:
    "No, I don't care! She's my sister, she is THIRTEEN and there is no reason she should be doing c*****e! At all!"
    Gave him a few drinks on the house that night.

    ThelWhitelWolf Report


    Child in white shirt looking up, while an adult's hand points. Scenario hints at hilarious overheard conversations.

    I lived in a working class area and the 7-11 on the weekends would produce hours of entertainment…. Mom to kids: “stop acting low income”.

    XROOR Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was raised (and still live) in a rural area. When my sister and I would act up our father would say "Y'all need to act like you're in town."

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    Classroom setting with students and a teacher, capturing a funny overheard conversation moment.

    On a family vacation to Spain:

    “Dad? If there’s rainclouds in Spain does it rain?”

    “No. Everyone knows hot sunny places don’t get rain”

    “John. You’re an AP geography and biology teacher in a high school. You really should know how wrong you are”

    “I have the degree so I know I’m right. None of you can tell me otherwise until you have my level of certification”

    Those poor poor students.

    Stock-Ferret-6692 Report


    Close-up of a bear looking inquisitive, reminiscent of overheard conversations in nature.

    Overheard on an elevator in a freshman dorm at college:

    Girl 1: "How do you spell "bear"?"

    Girl 2: "Like the animal?"

    Girl 1: "Yes."

    Girl 2: "B-A-R-E."

    Girl 1: "Oh good I spelled it right. Thanks!"

    herhighnessvictoria Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "My grandfather fought in one of the world wars." "You don't know which one?" "Which was the one against the Germans?"

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    A person holds an Irish flag during a parade, with people conversing humorously in the foreground.

    I live in Ireland, I had a guy from England (a little tipsy) apologizing to all the Irish people in the bar for the 800years of occupation by England in our country and for the invasion of Oliver Cromwell. Kinda awkward. Report

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    Peter Bear
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Give the bloke some credit, at least, for having his heart in the right place.

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    Blue spellbook next to a glass bottle, related to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Walking through a market that is known to sell santeria and witchcraft stuff I overheard an old man asking someone to put a curse on someone who took his car by tricking him in to signing some papers.

    Being tricked one time wasn't enough for him.

    Dead_Halloween , Report


    Hands grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza from a box, representing a lighthearted moment like hilarious overheard conversations.

    I overheard a passenger passionately arguing with their seatmate about the correct way to eat a slice of pizza with chopsticks.

    zaramarley07 Report


    Cheese slices with bread, humorously resembling characters in overheard conversations.

    As a schoolboy I heard this one on the train: Boy: So why is he so afraid of cheese? Girl: Because his dad is a cheese technician and as a young boy he fell into a vat of liquid cheese and I guess he just never recovered from that.

    manziejay Report

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    Analyn Lahr
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A villain origin story! He has vowed to rid the world of all cheese everywhere. Even vegan cheese. No cheese is safe from the Cheese Grater!

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    Child tying shoelaces outdoors, wearing a patterned sweater, capturing a candid moment of focus and humor in overheard conversations.

    A mom yelling at her daughter from across the park saying:

    “Olivia! Do not throw away your shoes!”

    At the exact same moment, Olivia pushed both of her shoes into the trash can and then ran to the swing set as if nothing had happened, while her mom was like:

    “Olivia!! No!!”

    prairiemountainzen Report


    Two men happily holding a Brazilian flag outdoors, illustrating hilarious overheard conversations.

    "Do you think Brazilians celebrate Christmas?" "Yeah probably, but it's probably on a different day" "Yeah that makes sense."

    ocktick Report


    Hands washing with bar soap under a faucet, capturing a moment of hygiene.

    I overheard a terrible first date. He only used hand soap. In the shower and to wash the dishes. I understand not needing 15 different cleaners but wow. He said he figured out how much he needed for his laundry.

    spreadme0pen Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hand soap? If you are going to use one soap universally for body, dishes and clothes, I would at least choose dawn. It's safe on baby ducks and great at stain removal

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    Teens in a school hallway, chatting and walking, possibly sharing hilarious overheard conversations.

    Happened In secondary school, "if you were a triangle I'd measure your surface area".

    Onion27 Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What do you call a regular shape with four straight sides that's feeling horny? Erectangle.

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    Two people in a store, humorously discussing chairs in an amusing overheard conversation.

    Exasperated Couple @ Ikea

    Woman: "Hey babe, what do you think of this couch, wouldn't it look great in our living room?"

    Man: "I have no idea why you're asking me, I got my shirt for free out of a beer box."

    katie_bric0lage Report


    Restroom sign on tiled wall, reminiscent of hilarious overheard conversations in casual settings.

    My parents speak Malayalam, a Dravidian language that nobody speaks outside of the state it's from or gatherings specifically for it. I was on a vacation in Prague and out of the blue I hear "Oh my god there is so much s**t in my a**, how did I miss this, is there a bathroom nearby?" I turn around and look at the guy, he looks at me, it gets awkward, I point around the corner, he lowers his head and goes. Report

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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK, so how many people know what Dravidian is without recognizing what Malayalam is?

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    Freshly baked challah bread on a wooden board, humorous dinner context possibly overheard.

    I once overheard a woman at a coffee shop say, "I don't eat bread because it has yeast in it, and yeast is a living organism. I don't want to eat things that are alive." The guy she was with just nodded like this made perfect sense, and I had to physically restrain myself from explaining how food works.

    peferddacosta Report


    Chef working in a Chinese restaurant, framed through a window, capturing an overheard conversation moment.

    I was the only customer in a Chinese restaurant and witnessed one of the waiters giving an English lesson to his coworkers. "May I have a glass of tea please, may I have a napkin, what is this s**t?"

    Grillparzer47 Report

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    Robert Trebor
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nearly fell out of my chair at this. So I got up and now am in bed. Safer.

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    A curious alpaca with fluffy hair, reminiscent of hilarious overheard conversations.

    My personal favorite was between two sorority girls on the bus "So you know how Becca was talking about getting a llama?" "Yeah..." "Well she actually did it! I went to her parents place to see it, and that f****r spit on me!!!"

    Moistlederhosen Report


    Close-up of a hand pressing an elevator button, sparking thoughts of hilarious overheard conversations.

    Standing in an elevator, headed to the ground floor of a Atlantic City hotel.

    Two guys get on dragging their bags and looking very hungover.


    One guy says to his friend: Things will go back to normal once we get home.

    His friend says back: Not after that.

    StLouisOrdinal Report

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    Analyn Lahr
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So many could be what I'm thinking or it could be completely different.

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    2020 October calendar page showing bilingual weekdays; evokes Hilarious-Overheard-Conversations about date settings.

    I heard two girls arguing over what year it was. They decided, eventually, that it was 2007.

    It was 2010.

    Hokipokiloki Report

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    Squirrel on a rock, eating a nut, captured in a moment of hilarity.

    I heard a girl talking on the phone and the conversation went something like this: "So I was sitting outside on a park bench, talking on the phone, when suddenly a chipmunk fell right into my hand. Like it fell directly into my hand and I got so freaked out that I threw it as far as I could. I literally launched a chipmunk across the park"

    rniland Report


    A soccer player in mid-action on a green field, soccer ball in motion, reflecting a shadow.

    About a month ago in Wal-mart in the sporting goods section I was standing by a big bin of Nerf footballs. Approaching is a woman and a boy about 7 or 8 years old.

    Boy: Can I have a football?

    Woman: No.

    Boy: Whyyyyyyy?

    Woman: Because you've already eaten five of them this year.

    Me: ಠ_ಠ Report


    Man in a coat standing on a subway platform with a blurred train passing by, reminiscent of hilarious overheard conversations.

    Setting: NYC Subway Younger black man with suitcase: I just want you all to know that I am getting on the train with a suspicious package. Older black man, not looking up from his newspaper: N***a, that is the stupidest thing you could have said.

    thebeefytaco Report


    Smartphone screen showing a sleeping child, concept of hilarious overheard conversations through technology.

    Yes, I'm serious about this. I was at Target and overheard a lady talking on the phone in the car next to me (her phone was connected via Bluetooth, so even with her windows up, the conversation was crystal clear). She was trying to explain to the other woman on the phone that she doesn't think baby monitors are ethical because they are an invasion of her toddler's privacy. I am still blown away at this. Report


    Crowd at a lively concert with colorful laser lights, capturing the vibe of hilarious overheard conversations.

    Couple walking towards me one night while I was heading to a club. Guy was mid-rant: "I can deal with s****y art! I can put up with lousy music. I can even handle d**g users and pushers! But I WILL NOT tolerate FLUORESCENT LIGHTING!!!" Had me howling all the way and into the club.

    frostygnosis Report


    Four women laughing and holding drinks at a party, possibly sharing hilarious overheard conversations.

    Drunk college girls walking down the street when one says "Sarah, remember when you were jessica and I peed on you?!"

    joe13326 Report


    Two women in a café smiling and chatting, sharing a funny overheard conversation over coffee.

    A friend of mine, while working as a waiter, once overheard a conversation between two women which went something like this: WOMAN 1: 'I just don't know what to do about it' WOMAN ": 'I know. It's the worst of two bads THE WORST OF TWO BADS. Report


    Man and teen having a hilarious overheard conversation by the stairs, one standing and the other sitting.

    I was sat next to a teenage boy and his dad. The kid was telling his dad how much he loved the song “s****l healing” by Marvin Gaye, when the kid was finally done talking the dad just looked at him and said “you’re a virgin”.

    itsrae2you Report


    Woman in a white coat talking on phone, reacting to hilarious overheard conversations.

    A coworker on the phone talking about shooting someone and g**g activities. Then she says “alright grandma, I’ll talk to you later”.

    ilmaaftb Report


    A couple sitting quietly on a park bench, capturing a moment of hilarious overheard conversations.

    Sitting next to a young woman and her boyfriend on a flight about to depart to San Diego. They were going for a romantic getaway, and apparently she decided to “find God” on the way to the airport. What did that mean? Well, she decided that they weren’t having anymore s*x until he married her, but kissing, hand holding and other PG rated intimacy were perfectly ok. Boyfriend tried his best not to flip out, but you could tell he was very agitated. An hour later we’re in the air and they’re both awkwardly sitting there without saying a word. She gasps and starts crying rather loudly. Apparently he logged into the planes WiFi, canceled the hotel and booked himself a turnaround flight home. Pretty sure they were done as well.

    KidPowered17 Report

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    Hands holding acorns, outdoors in a forest setting, related to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Overheard one of my friends mom while gaming and on skype and she told him "PICK UP ALL THESE D**N ACORNS IN THE BACKYARD! I DONT WANT ANOTHER TREE GROWING IN MY YARD". She literally made him spend 3 hours outside picking up every single acorn in his backyard....

    C9Insane Report

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    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was very surprised to see in my parents home, where I grew up, that one spring there must've been the perfect conditions because thousands of tiny little oaks were sprouting at once.

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    Chinchilla resting on a table, whiskers spread, resembling a funny moment from overheard conversations.

    On a plane, sitting near a traveling baseball team of boys about 14-16ish.

    “No dude, you don’t understand, he’s like the best chinchilla breeder in the country!”

    BeebMommy Report


    Person on one knee proposing in a park, capturing a hilarious-overheard-conversations moment with surprised reaction.

    At a religious college towards the beginning of the semester, I overheard a girl addressing her friends. "It's so wonderful, he proposed to me and I was still able to get all my tuition back!"

    Rominator Report


    Pregnant woman in a lace dress standing outside, gently holding her belly, nature background.

    A teenager on the bus once said that if your hair is dyed when you get pregant you can pass that colour on to your child.

    TheKnightsTippler Report

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    Isabel Galvez
    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, a grown man told me that if I drunk a lot of juice while MAKING a baby, they baby would get my eye colour.

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    A dimly lit street with a glowing entrance, setting for hilarious overheard conversations, and a parked scooter nearby.

    A great moment over heard while on honeymoon, American couple walking just behind us on Dubrovnik city walls.

    The man begins "It's crazy how they've managed to avoid Starbuck's or McDonald's setting up here."

    "That would be like opening a strip club in a national park" the lady replies with righteous indignation.

    With absolute sincerity her partner responds "But what if it were a really nice strip club?"

    azlana Report


    Two men shaking hands at a desk, overhearing a conversation in a bright office setting.

    Two businessmen having after work drinks on a Friday, where the conversation built up to one of the sweetest sentiments I've heard. At first the usual "Lemme tell ya, you're a good person. I love you man." Later on (still fairly basic): "F**k the wives! Hey, you and me, we buy motorcycles!"

    To finally this gem: "If a tornado were to blow you away... I would fly after you."

    IndiEstructibleProd Report

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    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Analyn, men can have strong friendships without wanting to put any part of themselves in any part of the other person. Just as a kind act towards a woman can often wrongly be seen as a flirtation, this instant jump to homosexuality when a strong friendship is hinted at restricts men from being open and honest. Let guys just be themselves without it being a sex thing.

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    Black and gold Batman emblem on a car grille, humorously symbolizing overheard conversations about superheroes.

    I once listened to three people have an in depth discussion about how they were going to kill the "local vampire" and the steps to take to protect themselves from the coven that said vampire is surely from.

    My favorite though what a heated debate over whether the first Robin would be a crime fighter if Batman hadn't picked him up and trained him.

    djbeesle Report

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    Peter Bear
    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Richard Grayson (Because BP will censor his name) would have been a murderer if Batman hadn't taken him in. In-canon, when he did find the man responsible for his parents' death, he almost killed the guy anyway.

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    Person pouring chocolate sauce onto ice cream cone at Mama Mia Party Hire, related to overheard conversations theme.

    It wasn't really a conversation between two people, per se. More like one person conversing with an ice cream making machine.

    I was eating at Old Country Buffet (yummm) and got up for dessert. Wanted a cone. I stood in line behind a guy getting himself a chocolate ice cream treat, and as he pressed down on the machine he was talking dirty to it. "Oh yeah? You like that? Yesss...mmmm...that's sooo good...oh wait, wait, slow...slower...yeah that's like that, don't you?"

    I decided to have the jell-o instead.

    swordandstorm Report


    Man in checkered blazer standing by a window, engaged in a phone call, illustrating hilarious overheard conversations.

    My freshman roommate in college would talk on the phone 24/7, to anyone and everyone. His gf, the girl he was cheating on his gf with, and my personal favorite, some random conversation that I was barely paying attention to when suddenly: "Oh! I forgot to tell you...your daughter broke up with me yesterday!"

    To this day I kick myself for not paying attention from the beginning Report

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    Woman outdoors wearing a coat and adjusting a face mask, capturing a moment of a hilarious overheard conversation.

    On a plane back from Poland. Just before covid arrived. Two guys discussing why they were putting masks on. I was thinking at the time that’s a bit much! Little did I know at the time! Wow! I was so dumb. Here we are though!

    Mutantdogboy Report

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    Crissy Newbury
    Community Member
    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Liverpool before the pandemic we saw Chinese tourists with masks on. And chemists’ windows with big signs saying WE DO NOT SELL MASKS. How ironic.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Woman in a white blouse brushing her teeth in a bathroom, smiling after hilarious overheard conversations.

    My fiance and I were kayaking and a group of about 5 people ahead of us were talking. One man loudly says "I can't keep her out of the toilet, she brushes her teeth with toilet water!" A woman then said "what? You brush your teeth with toilet water?" and the accused woman responded with "yeah it-" and I couldn't make out what else she said. My fiance looked at me and asked if he had heard all of that correctly and I confirmed that he had. This was this past Summer and I think about it all the time

    SarahTellsStories2 Report

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    Kathy Brooke
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Various ancient cultures brushed with urine. The Romans bleached togas with it.

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    A penguin stands on snowy terrain, capturing a moment of quiet in nature; a fun metaphor for hilarious overheard conversations.

    Dude 1: "Hey man...what do you think a penguin would taste like? Like, would it taste like chicken but cold?" Dude 2: "Curtis are you ok? Like, did you hit your head or something?" Dude 1: "No I'm fine, it's just something that keeps me up at night" This happened last year in my school's lunch line. I was standing in front of the two guys and it really got me thinking about what penguins might taste like.

    Probably-a-Orangatun Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm more concerned about the person thinking penguin meat is cold because penguins come from a cold climate.

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    Person in hospital bed looking thoughtful, possibly overheard conversations, in a sunlit room.

    A man walking his wife to the car from the hospital: "Are you ok, honey?"

    Wife: "You don't understand. They TOOK MY BLOOD!"

    Something tells me she was given some happy meds that did NOT make her happy.

    JenJensWriting Report


    Person holding passport near leather travel bag, possibly after hilarious overheard conversations at the airport.

    Ohh. I got this one...

    Passenger W is struggling to get his luggage into the overhead compartment and passenger E seated next to me starts getting upset. W's carry-on clearly doesn't fit.

    E speaks up saying to be careful because his luggage is there. Flight attendant comes over and says passenger W needs to check his bag. W grows increasingly disturbed, but it works out.

    Then W says to the flight attendant "I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't taken my medication. I get so nervous with all these body bags on board. You know I have body parts in my luggage."

    Passenger E turns to me and says, "did you hear that? I just have a laptop in my luggage!"

    clever_whitty_name Report


    A person applying lip balm, smiling slightly, representing the theme of hilarious conversations.

    My husband and I were in a booth at a restaurant and the booth behind us sat a young man, his girlfriend, and her parents. The boyfriend said “I don’t know if my lips are dry because I lick them too much or not enough.”

    starkpaella Report


    Finger pointing at a globe, possibly illustrating hilarious overheard conversations about geography.

    Just yesterday I heard a woman at my work ask 'Whats the capital of Amsterdam'? Her friend followed up with 'Pretty sure its Copenhagen'. She wrote 'answer' down on something with a confident look on her face.

    tartpumper Report


    Spoon over a glass bowl of yogurt, surrounded by decorative tableware, capturing a humorous overheard kitchen conversation ambiance.

    Girl 1: Why'd you eat my mayonnaise? You have your own.

    Girl 2: I like the combination.

    1: so you ate half a jar of mine without asking?

    2: yes, I like the combination.

    1: that stills doesn't explain why you used mine.


    mariabutterfly Report


    A collection of assorted coins scattered on a beige surface, related to overheard conversations.

    My high school had a lot of s*****s. One day in class I overheard the following, Dude 1: Hey, so man, you got my stuff in your car? Dude 2: Yeah, man, I got it. You got the money? Dude 1: Well, I do, but it's all in quarters. Dude 2: Quarters? What the hell am I supposed to do with $100 worth of quarters? Dude 1: Hey man, you just said I needed to bring you $100, you didn't say it had to be in bills. Dude 2: What... Where the hell did you even get $100 worth of quarters? Dude 1: Hey, look, do you want it or not? Dude 2: What the f**k ever man. Meet me in the xxx parking lot after 4th period. FYI I don't remember the actual amount, but it was somewhere in the $50-$150 range. Report


    Showerhead spraying water droplets, related to hilarious overheard conversations.

    Can’t remember it exactly word for word (this was overheard on my college campus - I’ve since graduated.

    “He took a shower. I have photographic evidence.” Report

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    Two boys engaged in a playful argument over a teddy bear, reminiscent of hilarious overheard conversations.

    In my Ceramics class a few weeks ago, a few kids were talking about what happens to a single child when the parents divorce. They mentioned splitting the child (like in half) and got the whole class's attention right fast, teacher included.

    StarWarsCrazy1 Report

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    KFC restaurant at night, potential setting for hilarious overheard conversations, with bright lights and signage.

    At KFC an overweight woman walked up to the counter and ordered a bucket of chicken. "Is that for here or to go?" "You think I can eat a whole bucket of chicken all by myself?" "I don't know your life.... b***h." (It's funnier to tell than to type because inflection is key on this one)

    macbubs Report

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    Sky Render
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Didn't Danny from Game Grumps tell that story originally? Or is this just a common enough occurrence that it happened twice?

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    Two people having an animated discussion in a bright room, illustrating hilarious overheard conversations.

    You know how sometimes when you’re home alone, you’ll just kind of talk out loud about whatever, or pretend you’re doing an interview or something?

    My dad came out of his office to the living room and said “Yeah I’m working from home today, by the way.”

    TexanJenny Report

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    Father and son wearing masks, packing groceries into a car, illustrating overheard conversations during shopping.

    Somebody was talking on the phone on my way back to the car from the grocery store "No I didn't f*****g k**l him, why would you f*****g think that" Needless to say I probably broke a record for fastest car grocery loading ever.

    Cm0002 Report

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    Gloved hands using a wrench on a pipe, possibly part of a hilarious-overheard-conversations scenario with a repair theme.

    A few guys talking about getting jobs when a girl at the same table chimes in.

    Girl: I'm just gonna get a job as a plumber, work it for like a week, get fired and collect unemployment. It's what my dad does.

    AriaTheTransgressor Report


    Three friends in casual outfits animatedly discuss hilarious overheard conversations around a table.

    I was walking to a friends house and I overheard these two dudes angrily bickering "I LOVE YOU YOU C**T" "NO I LOVE YOU MORE" "YOU KNOW WHAT, F**K YOU" "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR BEING-" sound of furniture being thrown insues.

    fractiousaura Report


    Two scouts by a stream sharing hilarious overheard conversations, wearing green shirts and backpacks in a forest setting.

    After school I was sitting under a tree reading and these two little 3rd graders boys were chatting right next to me.. I didn't register what they were talking about until I heard "watery poo" and "it went in my mouth!". His friend then said "wow I wish that happened to me!".. And I had to put my book down and stare at them, they looked so excited and I'm still confused about WHY poo in your mouth would excite them so much.

    Purple_Unicorn_Poop Report


    Two women in coats smiling and chatting with a man in an office setting, illustrating hilarious overheard conversations.

    I used to drive Uber. I once picked up a guy and two girls from a house to drive to a restaurant. All of them were toasted. One girl appeared to be the guy’s (much much younger) girlfriend, the other girl was her friend. The girlfriend ask the other girl “Oh my god, you know what I’m really looking forward to?” The friend answered “The th*****e?” without missing a beat the girlfriend said “No the spring rolls they are SO good.” All I could do was laugh to myself.

    Jealous-Network-8852 Report


    Elderly couple sitting on a sofa, engaged in a conversation.

    Just last Friday I overheard an older couple quietly beginning to argue, but ultimately and absurdly agreed on heading down to the courthouse the following Monday to begin filing for divorce. Then the woman proceeded to say as they we're splitting the bill, "Fourteen years. Fourteen years wasted on your dumb a**."

    dactyloidae Report


    Airplane parked on tarmac at sunset, capturing a serene moment perfect for overheard conversations.

    In a hotel bar:

    Guy one says, "How do we sell more caskets?" Guy two responds, "Hope for a plane crash."

    RoundElevator9 Report

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    Michael Largey
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, with Trump's abolishment of the Air Safety Advisory Committee, things are looking up for them.

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    Dentist in purple scrubs using equipment during a procedure, possibly involving hilarious overheard conversations.

    Was chillin in my 1st floor apartment in Chicago, windows down, hear a girl softly sobbing while a man (ostensibly her boyfriend) shouts at her: "You're a f*****g dentist, Ashley, ok? A f*****g dentist." Can't quite put my finger on why, but I'll always love that one.

    FamilyEigenvalues Report

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    Woman covering face, sitting on bed while man in background uses phone. Hilarious overheard conversations theme.

    Two ladies are talking in the booth next to mine: Lady1: So how is it going with your man? [name forgotten] told me it was getting serious. Lady2: Well it has been serious for a while but we are getting to move in together finally. He had been telling me for months that he was going to leave his wife and he never did it, well, you remember that lady's car they pulled out of the Illinois a couple weeks ago? That was his wife, she lost control and the car fell into the river. But wait! it gets better. The life insurance payment came through from it and he is using it to take me to new York and put the down payment on a house. Lady1: How is he burying his wife? Lady2: I don't know, that's her family's problem. ^ Best part of this is that neither were fazed by the content of this conversation

    AriaTheTransgressor Report


    Man practicing boxing moves outdoors, wearing a gray shirt, related to hilarious conversations context.

    My girlfriend and I once overheard a guy say to his friends "I got pepper sprayed two nights in a row this weekend, so you know I was doing something right." Report


    Close-up of a minimalist watch on a person's wrist, with casual sneakers in the background.

    3:25 pm Girl: Excuse me sir, what time is it. Old man: 8:50 Girl: Thank you Old Man: Dumb b***h...

    stimbus Report

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    michael Chock
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    3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did he caller her dumb for not knowing the time, dumb for believing the wrong time or dumb for thinking he is senile old man who actually thought it was 8:50.

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