“What I Ordered Versus What I Got”: 50 Hilarious Online Shopping Fails (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertIf something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. We recognize that when we come across catfish on dating apps and when we receive text messages promising a “free iPhone if you click this link in the next 5 minutes!” But apparently, many of us need a reminder to be wary of what we're buying when we shop online too.
Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find the most hilarious examples of “what I ordered versus what I received.” From outfits that look nothing like the photos featured on the website to products that are much larger or smaller than anticipated, we hope you get a kick out of this list, pandas. Keep reading to also find a conversation with Courtney Carver, creator of Be More With Less, and remember, always read the reviews before making a purchase!
This post may include affiliate links.
My Dad Was Enthralled By The Size Of The Aluminum Foil He Purchased Online
Well This Is Awkward
It Looked Like What It Was Supposed To Be: A Nicely Made Knit Tee Shirt
Ah, online shopping. It’s extremely convenient when you need something specific in a pinch, and you don’t have time to go searching through ten different shops. But there are certainly risks involved as well. What if your typical size doesn’t actually fit? What if the object arrives broken after a long journey in transit? And what if what you receive looks absolutely nothing like what you saw in the photo?
When it comes to the pros and cons of ordering items online, The Balance says there are many. But let’s start off on a positive note: it’s convenient, there’s a much larger selection than in stores, and it’s easy to access product information. You can online shop at night if you can’t make it to the store before they close, and you can read dozens of reviews to ensure you make an informed purchase.
What I Ordered vs. What I Got
Ordered A New Pair Of 8083s That Came In The Wrong Size. Should I Return Them?
Will they stretch over time?
So I Bought A Ruler Off Of Temu… Cabin Door For Scale
On the flip side, however, there are definitely some aspects of online shopping that aren’t great. First things first, it can be more expensive. You will likely have to pay for shipping, and you might even get hit with an internet sales tax, depending on where you live.
And as we’ve seen from this list, there’s an increased risk of fraud when buying online. You can’t see exactly what you’re getting until it arrives, and it’s a lot easier for scammers to get your credit card information through a fake website than through a suspicious link in an email. Consumers have to be vigilant when determining whether or not a website is safe.
This Is Exactly Why You Don’t Buy Off Shein
Submitted Photo To Get Customized Keychain Of My Cat…
Submitted a photo to get a customized keychain made of my cat. This is what I received from Temu. I don’t know whose pet this is.
Ordered A Beautiful Chrome Doberman Statue, Description Said 3ft Tall
I do find these fake products weird. Like, if you're going to steal customers' money, why not just do it? It's obviously not a mistake. And I can't imagine anyone is either more or less protected from complaints, penalties etc if they send fake s**t rather than nothing at all. I don't get the point.
To find out more about the realities of online shopping and whether or not we should be doing it at all, we got in touch with Courtney Carver, creator of Be More With Less and author of Gentle. Courtney was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share her thoughts on shopping online.
"It is a nice convenience and an accessibility factor you may not see shopping otherwise. For some though, it can be a little too convenient," she noted. "There's no friction, no pause required before buying something you may not even really want or need."
"Because online shopping can be so immediate, some people add to cart when they are trying to self-soothe. You might try to shop away pain, like the pain of boredom, frustration or insomnia. Usually, none of these ailments are relieved in the end, and now you own one more thing and may have a little more debt, which leads to more pain."
Ordered Radishes For A Dish For Dinner... Supermarket Sent These Instead. Guess I'll Be Making That Dish In 4-8 Weeks
I Ordered A Pair Of Dc Shoes And They Messed Up Giving Me A 9.5 And A 9 And They Are Both For The Right Foot
Always Check The Size Before You Order
We needed a good spoon to stir jam making and I accidentally ordered this spoon that can double as a short sword. lol
Going to give it to a friend that has a giant wok.
Didn’t know where else to post this haha.
There are also some risks that come along with shopping online. "Online shopping is pretty reliable, but you may not get the right size or the thing you order may not show up as it appeared online," Courtney warns. "Often online shopping comes with returns, so you end up spending the time and energy you had planned to save by shopping online in the first place."
Ordered An Apple Watch On Amazon, They Sent Me An Empty Box. Amazon Offered To Overnight A Replacement, And They Sent Another Empty Box. Happy Father's Day To Me
If it was from the actual Amazon store, most likely the delivery driver or a shipper took it
We Ordered My 12 Y/O Daughter A Taylor Swift Flag For Christmas. It Came From Amazon. This Is What She Opened
We Ordered An Air Fryer Through Amazon And It Arrived With A Companion. I Don't Know If It Was Amazon's Fault Or The Carrier's... Good Morning!
So if you're looking to cut down on your online purchases, Courtney recommends a 30-90 day shopping ban. "Make a list of the essentials you'll need to shop for during that time, and take everything else off the table. Unsubscribe from shopping sites, remove your cards from Amazon and other places that make it way too easy to shop. It gives you a little space to feel your feelings, mind your budget and to prioritize more meaningful self-care," she explained. "If shopping for clothing and wardrobe-related items is your problem area, try the Project 333 challenge."
What Is This? A Violin For Ants?
Now you really can play the world's smallest violin to show fake sympathy
I Ordered A Sexy Catsuit And Ended Up With A Terrifying Shadow Being
I was feeling a little frisky when I ordered this one piece catsuit. Turns out it was the creepiest looking thing I had ever seen, and there was no way to shrink myself into the dam thing. I kinda want to hang it in someone’s room at night and see what happens. The way the little fingers move is more than I can handle. Feet for size reference.
Bought A "Brand New" Jacket Online. Found This Inside The Pocket
Now a limited time offer includes a new identity! It is unfortunately common to order clothes and keep them for one night, for example for a party, and then return them "unworn". Some serially order clothes to take pictures of them on social media and then return them. People have reported clothes smelling of cigarettes or sweat, dirty, and a pacifier was found in the pocket of one of the new jackets. Some stores already have a limit on how many orders a single person can make per month, and if you return a lot, you will be banned from ordering.
Despite the fact that over a third of the world’s population shops online, the reality is that we should probably be doing it much, much less. In fact, according to TIME, these “harmless” little orders might be negatively impacting your mental health. Dr. Elias Aboujaoude, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford Medicine, says that both shopping and spending time on the internet are addictive. So doing both at the same time can be a dangerous combination.
Told The Seller I Was Missing The Ctrl Key And He Sent Me This
Tonight I discovered there is no ctrl key on the right side of my keyboard (new laptop). I use my mouse lefty so if I'm reaching for ctrl, it's usually on the right side. Instead it has a "Copilot" key, which has now been remapped to be the missing ctrl. Maybe I should get an extra C key for it?
He's Going Through Something
I ordered a lemur off Amazon, I got this guy. I'm going to help him through whatever he is going through. I love him anyway.
My Wife Ordered A Beading Pattern Book, But Instead Of Patterns It Only Contains AI Written Instructions On How To Make Such A Book
Shopping online can be an easy way to get a dopamine rush immediately, but it can also be overwhelming. You’re presented with endless options, and if you develop an addiction, you might find yourself stressing about your financial situation because of this.
However, there’s a clever trick that might help: fill your basket with items, but don’t actually order them. Thea Gallagher, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at NYU Langone Health, told TIME that this can still provide shoppers with the rush of dopamine they want without the subsequent guilt from spending money.
Expensive Lesson
What Is This? A Rice Cooker For Ants?!
The Lamp My Friend Ordered vs. What He Received
Naturally I found this hysterical, my friend is very upset about it, but personally I think it was worth it for the laugh!
If you’re personally struggling with the urge to shop, shop, shop, TIME has a few tips for cutting back. First, forget the idea that you need to be the best, most perfect version of yourself. You don’t need everything. If you have everything you need, that should be good enough! Then go through and remove your credit card information from your computer and any websites where it’s saved.
And force yourself to have a waiting period before buying anything online. Give it some time and really consider if you actually need that item. Better yet, assign yourself a no-buy month, like Courtney suggested. This can be like a little detox from shopping, and it will help you realize just how often you have the impulse to buy something new.
The "A4 Size Paper" File Cabinet That I Had Ordered From Shein
All Of These Post-Its Are Pages Ripped Out Of This Copy Of Dune I Got Off Ebay
I bought this somewhat vintage hardcover off eBay over a year ago, so can't return it, but only bought it to upgrade my paperback copy. I went to read Dune again and realized there were a ton of pages missing. Who does something like this!?
So Actually What You Do Is Buy A Different One
Are these photos making you think twice about your next online purchase, pandas? Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly hilarious, and let us know in the comments if you’ve ever received an item that was drastically different than what you expected. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda piece featuring products that catfished shoppers, look no further than right here!
What I Ordered vs. What I Got
Sent my friend a positive potato to make her smile since she works so hard. This is what she got…
We Ordered A One Time Tablecloth. It Says Bame Day Instead Of Game Day
The Flowers My Mil Ordered For Me vs. What We Got
Got A New Bra From Online. When It Arrived This Thing Was Still Attached
I Ordered A Custom Plush From A Store And It Turned Out Like This…
Oh no I would have wanted a cuddly chinchilla pillow too, this is sad
Then They Add A Mouse The Size Of A Advil Like
Cute Plant Plush I Ordered For My Nursery And What Was Actually Received
My Friend Bought A Tablet From The (Official) Samsung Store On Amazon And Received This. (Also She Needed It Urgently)
This happens a lot. In the distribution center, goods are swapped for much cheaper or worthless goods. It's basically theft.
And exactly how did a piece of board THAT thick fit inside that box? Obviously BS.
Why would it have to fit in the box? Usually there's package around the box, so nobody would notice. It's just about the weight.
Load More Replies...Weird. I guess I'm lucky but I've never had anything stolen or substituted from Amazon. And I'm a frequent flyer. :)
I needed a replacement Samsung tablet urgently. I went to the nearest electronics store 10 min. drive and got one within the hour. Honestly even if it took half a day (and it has for previous iphone) I would still do that rather than order online and keep my fingers crossed. I know, not always easily accessible, but those inaccessible places have lower populations and less likely to get away with this type of theft through limited chain of responsibility.
You don't know about OP's friend's situation => you keep schtum
Load More Replies...There's nothing wrong with buying expensive stuff online, depending on where you buy from. I've bought thousands of pounds of stuff over the years and never had a problem. The reason these posts are noteworthy is because they're the exception, not the rule.
Load More Replies...I do not understand why Amazon even exists. You can go to the samsung.com website and get the genuine product for the genuine price. Wake up people.
If it's on Amazon, it's not the official store. Samsung has their own website. Whomever thinks Amazon is the official site for any internationally known brands is an idiot.
Bought a mystery package from a place that sell Amazon returns. For my $49, I got an Ipod box with a ceramic tile enclosed. My attempt to return stated the package was still in it's factory packaging and was refused. Attempted a chargeback on my credit card and got $15 back.
At least you now own something to beat the courier with...
What I Ordered vs. What I Got
Bought This Dress And Finally Received It Three Months Later Just To Be Ripped Off 🫠
What I Ordered vs. What I Got
Ordered this mask almost a month ago hoping to get a good deal. Believe people when they say if it’s to good it’s probably not true. Where do I even begin with this monstrosity. The material looks nothing like advertised. It’s not stretchy whatsoever it feels like it came from the dollar store. The hair is very clearly fake there’s stains on the back half of the mask there’s NO mouth hole and it’s three sizes to big for any normal persons head. Not to mention it smells like battery acid. They removed the ability to review the products shortly after people started receiving them for obvious reasons. And I will 1000% be using the 30 day return policy. I just can’t see why anyone would think this looks even remotely similar. Maybe if I was blind and had never seen a human I might fall for this mask but I refuse to let this thing rot in the closet it can go right back where it came from. A month wasted and I still have to ship it back. Safe to say I’ll never be ordering from this group again.
I waged war two Halloweens ago against scammy ads on Facebook. They were using Immortal Mask's pictures, but for like $50? you're never getting silicone (the mask on the left) for that. You'll get a s****y approximation in god knows what rubber.
Bought These Online On Sale The Other Day. When They Arrived I Found Out Why The Were On Sale
So I Thought I Was Ordering A Dress…
Oh.. 💀
That looks like the Greendale Human Being. I kind of love it
Where’s The Grape?
@ G A, I understand what you meant, but in something that's mass produced, often the "natural" wood pieces are cut using a pattern. The rings in the wood would vary, but not the shape. Unless this was a OOAK or small batch item like on Etsy, the product itself should be pretty uniform. This is just...idk what this is.
Ordered My Daughter A MacBook Air For Christmas And This Is What FedEx Delivered
My Friend’s Order Got Messed Up
How is something like this even possible? lol
How Fast Do I Need To Walk?
Bought A Ps5 For My Son’s Birthday. Someone At UPS Swapped It Out With A Rock
Bought A New iPhone From Amazon. This Is What I Got
What I Ordered vs. What I Got, LOL, Lesson Learned!!
I Was Cracking Up. It’s Hysterica
I Got This From Temu. Is It Real?
If you order from Temu, Shein, or Wish, you kinda get what you deserve.
I am good with removing the “kinda.” The problem is that “deserve” really has nothing to do with the matter because those of us who theoretically don’t deserve it can’t just go to another planet. The cheap plastic junk people who shop on those sites will not stop buying is something we all have to live with.
Load More Replies...If you can buy it from a shop. Do it. Especially stuff that looks too good to be true. 😊
An alternate title for this list: 86 Reasons to Shop at Brick-and-Mortar Places. When you shop in-person, a) what you see is what you get, b) don't have to pay shipping, c) no worries about breakage or theft en route - or porch pirates.
Load More Replies...I saw this "The North Face" jacket on a Chinese shopping website. jacket-673...66261d.jpg
this is 1/4th idiots who cannot read a listing for dollhouse furniture, 1/4th people who are rage baiting or karma farming, 1/4th people too gullible to properly shop online, 1/4th people who stole stuff
i get a lot of stuff from shein and they are actually good quality and not bad considering the low prices
Load More Replies...Obviously some people forgot to check size specs when ordering. As for those who got empty boxes possibly dishonest delivery staff. No ideas on the rest other than dodgy sellers .
"Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium Unlimited content - Ad-free browsing - Dark mode" What fresh hell is this? Just when I thought BP was at the suck limit, it keeps expanding those boundaries.
I ordered a 35 mm camera once and I got a camera a day for two weeks. Gave to people for x-mas and birthdays. Great hit though.
People are buying c**p from temu, shein, alibaba or whatever the names are and are surprised for the c**p they got. A bit boring list after few such entries from moroans.
i've only had two or three items out of dozens from temu that didn't work well or weren't quite as pictured.
Load More Replies...Really don't get why people keep buying off Temu and the like. "Shop like a Billionaire" it says. No billioniare would buy that knock-off sh*te
it's good prices on things that would otherwise be at a markup from amazon or somewhere else, and apart from a couple of electronics items, everything i've ever gotten from temu has been the same quality i'd find anywhere else.
Load More Replies...Wait, now they're cutting off the end of the article, unless we have BP Premium?? Fúck that, and fúck YOU, BP. That is fúcked up.
My wife received a pair of slippers from Amazon as a gift from our niece. When they arrived, they were soaking wet. I dried them out with my boot dryer, got them bone dry. The next morning, they were soaking wet again, apparently drawing water out of the air, just weird. Just threw them out. Never seen anything like it.
Wait , continue reading with bored panda premium.,are we now stopping people from reading articles without premium
so you don't buy anything from amazon, right? or walmart? or target? you know a lot of common electronics brands are based in asia too, right?
Load More Replies...Stop buying from shady sites , 3rd party resellers and drop shippers Use established shops only and you will not get screwed And the old adage still goes, "if it looks too good to be true, it usually is"
and what is an "established shop"? i've only had a couple of items out of dozens from temu that just didn't work well.
Load More Replies...where should i buy them instead? walmart's prices are often higher than amazon's for electronics, with a limited in-store selection, and the best buys within an hour from me in either direction are closed.
Load More Replies...I saw this "Nike" shoe on a Chinese shopping website. SHOE-67367...2becd1.jpg
This is one of he reasons I don't do online shopping. I am wondering if someone sees something online then make their own version than put it up for sale and people get this version than what they actually order?
New pics? With comments from 6 days ago? BP, you are failing in your job(s) and failing fast.
Every one of these people that bought cheap thinking they were getting something else, deserves what they got. And what is this "pay to see the rest of the article" bullshite??!!
Also - READ the description! I really doubt any of the "mini" versions listed didn't have dimensions.
I have good luck with Temu. The only time I wasn't happy was my own fault because I inadvertantly ordered the wrong size. A few things haven't looked like the photo, I ordered some pillows and a valance (which WOULD have matched the lovely bespoke rug in that area) but the colors were - what's the word? Garish? I got a full refund even though I didn't have to return them. I just gave them to St. Vinnie's.
Can we not see this “What I Ordered Versus What I Got” article any more, please? It's been appearing quite prominently for nearly a week, and it's beginning to smell.
I call BS on some of these. With the miniatures, knowing Temu's prices, surely the prices would reflect that you're not getting a full-sized desk or rice cooker.
Drives me nuts the people defending companies like TEMU and saying it's the same as buying from Amazon, no, it's not even close to the same. Companies in the U.S have to follow U.S Trade laws for importing the stuff. Buying directly from TEMU is bypassing those same laws. Look up U.S Import trade laws, there is a huge difference between buying from Amazon vs something like TEMU.
Temu, Shein, etc are such scams. Amazon, too has issues, though. I once received a bottle of bubble bath, that came FROM Amazon (not a 3rd party seller) and the package did have the bottle, but the package itself was full of fish oil. Like, WTF? I called and complained, for all the good it did, but I did get another bubble bath for free. The one that really made me mad though, was when I ordered something from a 3rd party seller, and all I got was an envelope with a note that said "Thank you for your order." A$$hole. Amazon refunded me, but still.
This annoys the c**p out of me. What do people expect?! You buy items nobody needs as cheaply as possible from a faceless entity on the other side of the globe. And you don't expect to get screwed over? But I guess we'll ust keep piling up waste until we're right at the brim of the atmosphere. Ridiculous.
your problem is with corporations, then, not the people who have to shop from them due to being poor or out in the boonies or disabled, or all three. take the corporations to task about their sources, their workers, and how much waste they generate with packaging, and stop shaming people who have no viable alternative for goods.
Load More Replies...Some of those were just the usual mistakes happening where people are involved (like wrong colour), some are theft by the warehouse / delivery service. But most are just...poor buyers. Disclosure: I bought quite a lot of stuff from Temu, mostly art supplies and stationary, and never had a bad experience.
Misread a description of an item I ordered on eBay this past week... Cancelled the order and got my money back hours later. Paid through PayPal... both eBay and PayPal have excellent money back guarantee set-ups, so I was 100% confident in buying. Bought a console game (new) off Amazon recently... £14.99 vs £44.99 digital version on the Official website. No brainer...
please, in the name of decency, take this 'What I Ordered Versus What I Got' article/thread to a vet or somewhere, and have it humanely destroyed. It's so old, it's so tired, it's so worn out...
Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere *near* Temu, or Shien, or Wish.com or *any* website of that nature.
So what's with the Amazon purchases?! Temp or Shein I can understand, but I would've stuff from Amazon would've been kosher, the REAL Amazon anyway. And if it the courier drivers doing it, wtf is goin on over there with your delivery systems?!! They be nasty doing that s**t!
Probably from third party sellers on Amazon. If it's from Amazon you can contact them and return the item. I've been with Amazon since it was a book store, never had a single problem returning an item.
Load More Replies...From theives who steal orders from your porch, to theives who steal during delivery, and companies who scam you, the online ordering business is going to be history.
I doubt it, but maybe these problems will prompt people to shop in-person.
Load More Replies...I dont know what everyone's bitching on Temu for - read descriptions/reviews, look at reviewed pics. I've never had a bad order from Temu, sizes are a little variable lol, but the reviews will tell you to order up/down. And if you think you're getting top quality for a couple £/$ then you shouldn't even be allowed money let alone be able to spend it
I ordered a Harris-Walz car magnet from Amazon and they sent me a Trump-Vance.
If you order from Temu, Shein, or Wish, you kinda get what you deserve.
I am good with removing the “kinda.” The problem is that “deserve” really has nothing to do with the matter because those of us who theoretically don’t deserve it can’t just go to another planet. The cheap plastic junk people who shop on those sites will not stop buying is something we all have to live with.
Load More Replies...If you can buy it from a shop. Do it. Especially stuff that looks too good to be true. 😊
An alternate title for this list: 86 Reasons to Shop at Brick-and-Mortar Places. When you shop in-person, a) what you see is what you get, b) don't have to pay shipping, c) no worries about breakage or theft en route - or porch pirates.
Load More Replies...I saw this "The North Face" jacket on a Chinese shopping website. jacket-673...66261d.jpg
this is 1/4th idiots who cannot read a listing for dollhouse furniture, 1/4th people who are rage baiting or karma farming, 1/4th people too gullible to properly shop online, 1/4th people who stole stuff
i get a lot of stuff from shein and they are actually good quality and not bad considering the low prices
Load More Replies...Obviously some people forgot to check size specs when ordering. As for those who got empty boxes possibly dishonest delivery staff. No ideas on the rest other than dodgy sellers .
"Continue reading with Bored Panda Premium Unlimited content - Ad-free browsing - Dark mode" What fresh hell is this? Just when I thought BP was at the suck limit, it keeps expanding those boundaries.
I ordered a 35 mm camera once and I got a camera a day for two weeks. Gave to people for x-mas and birthdays. Great hit though.
People are buying c**p from temu, shein, alibaba or whatever the names are and are surprised for the c**p they got. A bit boring list after few such entries from moroans.
i've only had two or three items out of dozens from temu that didn't work well or weren't quite as pictured.
Load More Replies...Really don't get why people keep buying off Temu and the like. "Shop like a Billionaire" it says. No billioniare would buy that knock-off sh*te
it's good prices on things that would otherwise be at a markup from amazon or somewhere else, and apart from a couple of electronics items, everything i've ever gotten from temu has been the same quality i'd find anywhere else.
Load More Replies...Wait, now they're cutting off the end of the article, unless we have BP Premium?? Fúck that, and fúck YOU, BP. That is fúcked up.
My wife received a pair of slippers from Amazon as a gift from our niece. When they arrived, they were soaking wet. I dried them out with my boot dryer, got them bone dry. The next morning, they were soaking wet again, apparently drawing water out of the air, just weird. Just threw them out. Never seen anything like it.
Wait , continue reading with bored panda premium.,are we now stopping people from reading articles without premium
so you don't buy anything from amazon, right? or walmart? or target? you know a lot of common electronics brands are based in asia too, right?
Load More Replies...Stop buying from shady sites , 3rd party resellers and drop shippers Use established shops only and you will not get screwed And the old adage still goes, "if it looks too good to be true, it usually is"
and what is an "established shop"? i've only had a couple of items out of dozens from temu that just didn't work well.
Load More Replies...where should i buy them instead? walmart's prices are often higher than amazon's for electronics, with a limited in-store selection, and the best buys within an hour from me in either direction are closed.
Load More Replies...I saw this "Nike" shoe on a Chinese shopping website. SHOE-67367...2becd1.jpg
This is one of he reasons I don't do online shopping. I am wondering if someone sees something online then make their own version than put it up for sale and people get this version than what they actually order?
New pics? With comments from 6 days ago? BP, you are failing in your job(s) and failing fast.
Every one of these people that bought cheap thinking they were getting something else, deserves what they got. And what is this "pay to see the rest of the article" bullshite??!!
Also - READ the description! I really doubt any of the "mini" versions listed didn't have dimensions.
I have good luck with Temu. The only time I wasn't happy was my own fault because I inadvertantly ordered the wrong size. A few things haven't looked like the photo, I ordered some pillows and a valance (which WOULD have matched the lovely bespoke rug in that area) but the colors were - what's the word? Garish? I got a full refund even though I didn't have to return them. I just gave them to St. Vinnie's.
Can we not see this “What I Ordered Versus What I Got” article any more, please? It's been appearing quite prominently for nearly a week, and it's beginning to smell.
I call BS on some of these. With the miniatures, knowing Temu's prices, surely the prices would reflect that you're not getting a full-sized desk or rice cooker.
Drives me nuts the people defending companies like TEMU and saying it's the same as buying from Amazon, no, it's not even close to the same. Companies in the U.S have to follow U.S Trade laws for importing the stuff. Buying directly from TEMU is bypassing those same laws. Look up U.S Import trade laws, there is a huge difference between buying from Amazon vs something like TEMU.
Temu, Shein, etc are such scams. Amazon, too has issues, though. I once received a bottle of bubble bath, that came FROM Amazon (not a 3rd party seller) and the package did have the bottle, but the package itself was full of fish oil. Like, WTF? I called and complained, for all the good it did, but I did get another bubble bath for free. The one that really made me mad though, was when I ordered something from a 3rd party seller, and all I got was an envelope with a note that said "Thank you for your order." A$$hole. Amazon refunded me, but still.
This annoys the c**p out of me. What do people expect?! You buy items nobody needs as cheaply as possible from a faceless entity on the other side of the globe. And you don't expect to get screwed over? But I guess we'll ust keep piling up waste until we're right at the brim of the atmosphere. Ridiculous.
your problem is with corporations, then, not the people who have to shop from them due to being poor or out in the boonies or disabled, or all three. take the corporations to task about their sources, their workers, and how much waste they generate with packaging, and stop shaming people who have no viable alternative for goods.
Load More Replies...Some of those were just the usual mistakes happening where people are involved (like wrong colour), some are theft by the warehouse / delivery service. But most are just...poor buyers. Disclosure: I bought quite a lot of stuff from Temu, mostly art supplies and stationary, and never had a bad experience.
Misread a description of an item I ordered on eBay this past week... Cancelled the order and got my money back hours later. Paid through PayPal... both eBay and PayPal have excellent money back guarantee set-ups, so I was 100% confident in buying. Bought a console game (new) off Amazon recently... £14.99 vs £44.99 digital version on the Official website. No brainer...
please, in the name of decency, take this 'What I Ordered Versus What I Got' article/thread to a vet or somewhere, and have it humanely destroyed. It's so old, it's so tired, it's so worn out...
Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere *near* Temu, or Shien, or Wish.com or *any* website of that nature.
So what's with the Amazon purchases?! Temp or Shein I can understand, but I would've stuff from Amazon would've been kosher, the REAL Amazon anyway. And if it the courier drivers doing it, wtf is goin on over there with your delivery systems?!! They be nasty doing that s**t!
Probably from third party sellers on Amazon. If it's from Amazon you can contact them and return the item. I've been with Amazon since it was a book store, never had a single problem returning an item.
Load More Replies...From theives who steal orders from your porch, to theives who steal during delivery, and companies who scam you, the online ordering business is going to be history.
I doubt it, but maybe these problems will prompt people to shop in-person.
Load More Replies...I dont know what everyone's bitching on Temu for - read descriptions/reviews, look at reviewed pics. I've never had a bad order from Temu, sizes are a little variable lol, but the reviews will tell you to order up/down. And if you think you're getting top quality for a couple £/$ then you shouldn't even be allowed money let alone be able to spend it
I ordered a Harris-Walz car magnet from Amazon and they sent me a Trump-Vance.