35 Of The Funniest Mom Jokes And Memes Shared By This Dedicated Instagram Page
Since we're celebrating Mother's Day this weekend and thanking them for keeping the world spinning, why don't we take a look at all the things they deal with while taking care of us?
After all, there's a perfect Instagram account for this noble task called 'Mommy Meme Jeans'. Run by a digital creator who goes online by the name Carly, it talks about everything from coping with toddler tantrums to balancing corporate meetings with playdates and pediatrician appointments.
I hope these funny mom memes will remind you of all the (little) things we sometimes forget to appreciate them for!
More info: Instagram
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Candice Roquemore Bonner, PsyD, who is a clinical psychology resident at Brigham and Women's Hospital, knows the parenting-while-working juggle really well.
She moved to Boston with her two kids to begin her residency in June 2020, functioning solo until her husband could join them. Managing her career and her family’s well-being—all during a global pandemic—often left her own self-interest neglected. As a result, she said perpetual exhaustion and high-level irritability became part of her daily routine.
"I've been a working student and parent for 5 years, so it's been a constant juggling act," Roquemore Bonner explained. "But this year elevated my sense of burnout because there was simply no escape."
And I always have on three layers of clothes and boots. Yeah, sure, write that down.
As the world is lifting pandemic restrictions, birthday parties are in full swing again, youth sports are back, and families are rushing from one activity to the next.
While this may be the light at the end of the tunnel people have been eagerly waiting for, parents never really had a chance to recover from pandemic burnout.
I'd pick it up, smell it, and throw it back at him and say sorry, changed my mind, I'm not getting near you!
Burnout is a result of chronic exposure to emotionally draining environments and is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a decrease in self-fulfillment.
In 2019, the World Health Organization recognized burnout syndrome in its International Classification of Diseases as an occupational condition linked to several health symptoms, including fatigue, changing sleep habits, and substance use. While burnout is most associated with helping occupations like health care or high-pressure professions like law or finance, an increasing number of studies suggest burnout also occurs in other roles, particularly with the strain of navigating post-pandemic life.
These do already exist. They are called heat detectors. Burning toast or bacon won't bother them - as long as you don't put it above the oven of course!!
As Lucy McBride, MD, a practicing internist in Washington, D.C., and author of a widely read COVID-19 newsletter described it in a text for The Atlantic, simply being human carries occupational risk, so now is the time to finally redefine burnout as the mental and physical fallout from accumulated stress in any sphere of life, whether that's work or parenting.
"To muster the energy for reentry into non-pandemic life, people need more than a vaccine and a vacation; they need validation of their experience, a broader reckoning with how they lived before March 2020, and tools to dig out from more than a year of trauma," McBride noted.
We've been flirting with burnout well before the pandemic, McBride said.
"The combination of hustle culture, toxic stress, and poor access to affordable health care conspired to make Americans among the least healthy populations in wealthy countries. Diseases of despair—including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction—were already rampant."
The pets that cuddle up to you and the human who genuinely loves you
Belgian researchers including Isabelle Roskam, PhD, and Moïra Mikolajczak, PhD, both professors of psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, theorized that while severe situations such as a sick child can contribute to burnout, any parent can experience it.
In 2018, after surveying more than 900 parents, Roskam and her colleagues developed a measurement called the Parental Burnout Assessment. From their subjects' testimonies, the researchers extracted four dimensions of parental burnout: exhaustion in one's parental role, contrast with previous parental self, feelings of being fed up with one’s parental role, and emotional distancing from one’s children.
Not sure what this has to do with Moms, and the one one the right looks like a cool as heck chick.
To learn more about what causes burnout, the researchers later studied more than 17,000 parents in 42 countries around the world and discovered burnout varied drastically by country, based on the differences in Eastern and Western cultural values.
According to Roskam, all parents who reported burnout before and during the pandemic had one thing in common. "Burnout is the result of too much stress and the absence of resources to cope with it," she said. "You will burn out only if there is an imbalance between stress and resources."
So the next time you ask your mom for a favor, try to stop for a second and think if you really need her help. Just because she can squeeze it into her day doesn't mean that she should!
My mom would get me a Mexican pizza....not to sound like a Taco Bell commercial, but I am expecting that same high when they bring it back this month. Will I find that high? Likely no. Is the idea of that happiness giving me the will to live right now? Yes. Will I probably lose my will to live after experiencing what Taco Bell does to the stomach of someone in their 40s? Also yes.
I don't know how every time I wash the dishes I end up with water on my sleeves... even if the shirt has no sleeves.
Most of these are not mom jokes or having nothing to do with being a mom. :(
True, but that's often the way with Bored Panda. They pick a title, then get sidetracked
Load More Replies...Why is it sometimes the show more doesn't work ? It happens on a lot of posts
Most of these are not mom jokes or having nothing to do with being a mom. :(
True, but that's often the way with Bored Panda. They pick a title, then get sidetracked
Load More Replies...Why is it sometimes the show more doesn't work ? It happens on a lot of posts