“Your Daily Dose Of Funniest Memes”: 50 Hilarious Posts From This Dedicated Online Group
Memes have remained relevant in this fast-moving digital world. Many other trends have come and gone, but these easily crafted images with funny one-liner texts continue to be a mode of communication and expression for people online.
It’s likely why online communities like the Funny Memes subreddit continue to thrive. With 1.1 million members and counting, these people are so far living up to the page’s profile that says, “Where Laughter Lives.”
We’ve picked out the best memes that touch on almost every facet of life, from being a kid in the ‘90s to the disparities in a romantic relationship. As you scroll through, you may find at least one or two to relate with.
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I Know. I Should Get Over This Delusion
One possible reason memes remain relevant today is because they have become an effective form of self-expression. As psychology professor Dr. Constance de Saint Laurent explains, memes allow us to express our imperfections.
“Memes are often an invitation to stop taking ourselves so seriously,” Dr. de Saint Laurent wrote in an article for the Maynooth University website, adding that a meme’s shareability makes it a communal experience.
Funny, Not Funny
Another reason memes haven’t gone out of style is their ability to draw on the current cultural schema. People create memes to construct narratives about current events.
According to media psychology expert Dr. Pam Rutledge, memes can digest complex ideas and translate them into “short-form cultural commentaries.” They can also “humanize and simplify conflict.”
So It Was All A .... Lie??
Just So We're Clear
Memes perfectly fit the era of short-form content and visual content consumption. They can encapsulate an entire issue into one image, making them a preferred method of news delivery. Author and educator Kyla Scanlon summed it up perfectly: “Memes are visual. News articles are not.”
“Memes bring levity to the intensity of what we are experiencing,” Scanlon wrote in an article for Medium, adding that these images also hold enough power to “take a step back and reconsider.”
That’s Smart Ngl
I imagine he’ll probably very happy to accept plenty of extra treats and perhaps a new toy as payment for his work!
The Pain Is Real
I once babysat a very bright and inquisitive toddler. He asked "What are these?" (pointing at teeth). We covered all aspects of human development, nutrition, herbivores/omnivores/carnivores, and evolution. After about an hour of "Why?", I gave up and told him "Because God said so."
How Many Of Us Have Similar Stories
When I was 21 I paid $700/mo while earning $8.95/hr for a unit that consumed $300/mo in utilities (very poor insulation and Canada). Now that I'm 40 and that place is listed for $2,100 after they put in a new stove and fridge, but they did not fix the insulation issues. And the property company still isn't including utilities. We need a Luigi for Landlords
Because they are presented in a lighthearted and often humorous way, educators have used memes to deliver information to their students. A 2024 paper published in the Journal of Science & Justice concluded that memes not only boost a student’s interest in taught content but also help them retain knowledge better.
Ahh Yes, The Ol' Landlord Special
Do They Really Exist
Greatest Dragonslayer
Now, it’s your turn to give insights. Why do you think memes have remained relevant in the last decade since they entered the mainstream? Are they really an effective form of expression? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Financial Trick
Thanks Google
Saving Up
What would those two possibly have in common? Oh, yeah, they're both convicted felons, aren't they?
In 1990 he was convicted of felony d**g possession and possession for sale (cocaine) and a member of Los Angeles gang the Crips.
Put him in one of those overcrowded Brazilian prison, let's see how he copes with rape there
Casualties Of War
No Food? No Photos!
$800 Car
Oh Hell Yeah... Windows Xp
I still use my hotmail email account, waiting on it to become cool and retro
Best Way To Fix This Problem
“We Haven’t Overthrew A Government Since 1954”
Printers Are A-Holes
I am out of ink and my printer is flashing nasty lights at me. I wish it looked as cute as this one.
Wait....weed Smokers?
Hand Him His P H O N E !
did that when I still had my motorcycle, used to be a thingy on a motorcylce forum : 'lucky sevens', iow all numbers, incl the daytripper, showing sevens
Do You Agree?
Listen To Her
Gotta Play To Win
You Know What? I Never Thought Of It That Way
What A Time To Be Alive
Something To Think About
That the health of the economy is important. That all our problems are caused by the jobless and not by people who earn huge amounts of money at jobs that destroying our environment and our societies. That newsrooms should ask business leaders for their opinion on anything.
Caught In The Act
And I'm Only 25
Really Americans Do This?
Electric kettle is the way to go, I was a late adopter but they really are a great tool
Professionals Have Standard
True Story
That Meme
How Good Is Your Math?
One Of The Best Arguments For Capitalism I’ve Ever Seen
Poll Question
Why do you think the Funny Memes subreddit is thriving?
Memes resonate with many people
People love to laugh
It's a strong community
Trends come and go, memes stay
Almost all repeats, but honestly I don’t mind, as my so-called president just embarrassed the U.S. on the international stage today and I need a distraction.
Awful wasn't it? He wasn't alone though - Vance and that weird numpty asking about Zelenskyy's clothes (what the eff? Go cover fashion shows mate) joined him. Trump needs to be reminded about the Budapest Memorandum.
Load More Replies...Clearly all people who have never really suffered or had to actually face a literal existential threat or they wouldn't have been such idiotic pr!cks!
Almost all repeats, but honestly I don’t mind, as my so-called president just embarrassed the U.S. on the international stage today and I need a distraction.
Awful wasn't it? He wasn't alone though - Vance and that weird numpty asking about Zelenskyy's clothes (what the eff? Go cover fashion shows mate) joined him. Trump needs to be reminded about the Budapest Memorandum.
Load More Replies...Clearly all people who have never really suffered or had to actually face a literal existential threat or they wouldn't have been such idiotic pr!cks!