What's nice about having a dog, cat or even a raccoon in your house? You can photograph them and meme them, of course! Animals of all kinds are one of the most popular content categories on the Internet. A 2015 survey revealed cats drive 15% of all Internet traffic. And according to an Instagram spokesperson, 22 of the 50 most followed pet accounts are dog-related, while 18 are cat-related. And that's not counting the hamsters, the piggies and all the birds.

One of such accounts on Instagram is Animal Memes. They feature memes not only of dogs and cats. You can find gerbils, raccoons and even red pandas on there. What's the common thread? The memes are funny, relatable and loved by the page's audience.

This time Bored Panda reached out to the animal welfare experts from Pets Are Family. The pet industry experts Tricia Montgomery and Jessica Abernathy told us more about how to care for our favorite furry friends. Scroll down and find their lively insights below!

More info: Pets Are Family | Pets Are Family Podcast | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook

The duo behind Pets Are Family wholeheartedly believes our furry companions should get the VIP treatment they deserve. "Time to dish out some paw-some care, from nutritious meals to exercise and healthcare," they begin their advice for all the pet-owning pandas.

"Remember, different pets have different requirements based on their species, breed, and even their furry little personalities. Dogs need those tail-wagging walks and socializing, while cats thrive in a safe, stimulating indoor wonderland. Being in tune with their needs is key to their well-being!" the pet experts say.

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Bored Panda asked Tricia and Jessica what are the most important factors so that pets and their owners can have a happy and healthy relationship. They say consistent and positive training is a must. "Time to teach those paw-sitive manners and forge an unbreakable bond!" the experts proclaim.


"Positive reinforcement is the name of the game – treats and praise are the magical secret sauce. With this approach, we'll build trust and mutual respect with our fluffy friends. Boundaries? Of course, we'll set them! Plus, we'll keep those minds sharp with exciting mental challenges to keep behavioral issues at bay."



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Sergy Yeltsen
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love this photo, just hilarious. And she is a beautiful cat. I always wonder if her whiskers "unwrinkled" after a while. And how long it took.

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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Give him what he wants. A house? A billion dollars? A unicorn? Work your a** off & get it for him.

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Also, consider regular interaction and bonding. "Our cuddly pals crave our attention and it's the best feeling ever! Quality time is essential for that unbreakable connection," Tricia and Jessica reiterate. 

"Get ready for some fur-tastic playtime, grooming sessions, and blissful moments of pure relaxation together. These interactions not only strengthen our bond, but also help us decipher their meows, tail wags, and purrs. Plus, it boosts their social skills, making them the life of the pet party!"


"Remember, each pet is a unique ball of fur, so what works for one might not work for another. Stay observant, patient, and flexible in catering to their individual quirks and needs. Let's make their journey a tail-wagging adventure!"


There are a lot of commonly known things about our pets that might not be all that true. For example, that cats always land on their feet, or that dogs should eat like wolves. We asked Tricia and Jessica what are the most common misconceptions about pet care.

"You know, if we had the opportunity to debunk one myth about pet care, we would go straight for the infamous belief that 'cats are low maintenance and can thrive with minimal interaction or care.' Oh, the horror!" the pet experts exclaim. "This misconception has paved the way for neglecting our feline friends' physical, emotional, and social needs.


However, the Pets Are Family duo also have some information to support the previous argument. "Yeah, cats might seem all independent and cool," Tricia and Jessica say, "but they still need regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, parasite control, and a tailored diet. Sorry, can't swipe left on this responsibility!"

Owners also shouldn't neglect their kitty's emotional and mental well-being. "Picture this: cats need mental stimulation and enrichment to keep their little kitty brains sharp. Interactive play, scratching posts, and outdoor access are their jam. Boredom and stress? Not in this furry kingdom!"



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Miss Tinker
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's the face down that does it for me. This is a cat that just doesn't give a f***.

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And let's not forget you need to socialize your cat. "Contrary to what you might've heard, cats can be social butterflies too. They love bonding with their hoomans and, if they feel like it, even with other pets. So, keep the snuggles and quality time flowing to keep their kitty hearts purring."

Cats also have behavioral needs. "Quick lesson," the pet experts explain. "Cats have a whole language of their own. Their quirky behaviors and body language do have meaning beyond simply 'being a cat.' So, if Mittens is being a couch potato or hiding in obscure corners, it might be worth deciphering their message."



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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Now no humans at the table. How the tables have turned......

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"If we could share one vital message with all pet owners, it would be this: always stay tuned in to your furry friend's behavior and health," the Pets Are Family duo says. "Even the smallest changes can be meaningful clues about their well-being."

Why is this message so important? Well, the pet experts tell us right away. First, it might help us to detect their health issues earlier. "Our pets are masters of hiding pain and illness. But by paying attention to subtle changes in their behavior, appetite, activity level, or bathroom habits, we can catch potential health problems early on. And trust us, early diagnosis and treatment can make a significant difference in their outcomes," the pet experts add.



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Jeff White
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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This remains one of my favorites. I wish I had the gumption to build my cat a tank (frowny face).

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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's the "I might be sitting in a cute/weird position, but I'm still judging you" pose.

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Paying close attention to your pet will also help you understand their emotional needs better. "Did you know that changes in behavior can also be signs of emotional distress?" the pet experts ask.

"Stress, anxiety, and depression are real for our furry buddies too. Changes in their environment, loss of a companion, or lack of mental stimulation can trigger these emotions. Recognizing and addressing their emotional needs is vital for their overall mental wellness."



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Jane No Dough
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9 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Poor little munchkin looks like he's too chonky to roll over with his tiny T. Rex arms.

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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah it's all fun and laughs until you accidentally invoke antichrist.

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Being in tune with your furry friend's health and behavior would also help you to build a stronger bond. "By being attentive to your pet's needs and changes, you're showing them that you genuinely care and understand them. This strengthens the bond between you and your pet, fostering trust and affection."


Being attentive can also prevent behavioral issues. "Many behavioral problems in pets have underlying causes that often go unnoticed. For example, a dog that suddenly starts chewing on furniture might be experiencing separation anxiety or a lack of exercise. By addressing the root cause, we can prevent these issues from escalating."

See Also on Bored Panda

"At the end of the day, attentive care is what makes a real difference in our pets' lives," pet experts Tricia and Jessica say. "By ensuring they are healthy, emotionally satisfied, and well- integrated into our families, we contribute to their happiness and longevity.

"So, let's always keep an eye out for our precious pets and give them the love and care they deserve. Pets Are Family after all!"

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