No Kids, No Problem: 40 Hilariously Spot-On Memes And Jokes About The Childfree Life (New Pics)
InterviewKids aren't for everyone. Some people simply have different priorities and goals that do not align with raising children. To be specific, a 2022 Michigan State University study found that 21.64% of American adults are choosing to be childfree.
Instead of condemning them, like many like to do, and saying that they will regret this after some time, let's try to understand this group instead. For that, the subreddit 'Childfree' is the perfect resource.
Created back in 2009, it now unites 1.5 million members whose posts provide a better understanding of what happens after you make this life decision.
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So the big question is: do people later regret not having children? They might not.
"[We] found no evidence that older childfree adults experience any more life regret than older parents,” Jennifer Watling Neal, the co-author of the aforementioned Michigan State University study, said.
“In fact, older parents were slightly more likely to want to change something about their life.”
I've seen some tradwife post something like "I feel bad for girls in their 20s who are single and childless while I'm married with two kids at 21" and the whole Tumblr agreed her life sounds like hell.
Sometimes the other party might doubt their course, too. YouGov data from 2021 found that 1 in 12 British parents (8%) currently regret having kids.
Younger parents aged 25 to 34 (one imagines the most sleep-deprived group) were the most likely to feel his way, while those aged 55 and over were the least regretful.
Similarly, a 2013 Gallup survey found that around 7% of American parents older than 45 wouldn’t have any kids if they “had to do it over again.”
Parents in Germany seem exceptionally unhappy: a study discovered that 19% of German mothers and 20% of fathers say that if they could decide again, they would not want to have any more children.
Omg yes, I hate that! I'm single and have no kids and I still have a family! Just because they don't live with me doesn't mean they are not my family.
We reached out to the moderators of the subreddit, and one of them, Mel, agreed to tell us more about it.
They explained to Bored Panda that it's important to understand that "we're not the right community for parents to wax lyrical about their kids, and we're not here to provide an emotional labor 'village' for parents."
"We see limited interactions between parents and childfree people on our subreddit, and we lock comments should they become uncivil," Mel added. "We acknowledge that we are one of the bigger online childfree-centered communities, and one of our primary aims is to maintain a safe space for childfree people."
The ultimate takeaway from all the research and people's activity on the subreddit could be that having kids isn't good or bad per se. It may sound cliché but there is more than one way to live a happy and fulfilling life.
Parenthood should be a choice. Not an inevitable duty.
As my colleague Jonas wrote in our earlier publication on the subreddit 'Childfree', the grown-up thing to do is to respect each other, even if we might do things differently.
As for the future of 'Childfree,' Mel said the moderators anticipate the subreddit will "hold steady" for some time, and continue to see slow but consistent growth.
"We do every so often see trends and changes in posted content and we expect these ebbs and flows to continue. For example, some weeks I'll have 20 new submissions for the childfree-friendly doctors list and others I'll have 3," they explained.
So very true. I hate all the screeching and screaming for no reason.
Well... My best friend is irritated by the pandemic. She got married then and had time to travel, but she had to stay at home. After the pandemic, she HAD TO have children because she was that old. She regrets that she can't travel and have fun because she has to make babies. And she's damn serious. Btw, she's only 29 and doesn't have any medical condition that would prevent her from having children later, she just thinks she has to have a child now, even though she would prefer to travel. She also regrets very much that she did not have time alone with her husband after their wedding, because unfortunately they had to have children immediately. She tells me this often, and I always make a disgusted Gordon Ramsey face. WTF?
Sometimes, when my boyfriend and I have our Familyday on Sundays, I look at him, sitting in front of his playstation in cozy clothes and me, laptop on my legs and no pants, both of us munching on snacks, our cats peacefully sleeping around us, and think: "A kid would really ruin this"
I read that wrong. I read it as -SEX WHENEVER YOU WANT (DOES NOT INCLUDE S****Y F*****G KIDS), one sentence.
Since my hysterectomy, I laugh when going past the baby needs, family planning, and pad/tampon aisles.
Every once in a while I look around and I just can't believe people are still having children.
I call them glue kids if the parents try to fix their broken relationship by having a baby. They seldom work. I know some one who is trying for glue kid #2 ... at this point I am taking bets.
PARKS AND RECREATION <3333333333333 (also same, kids make things Gross with a capital G)
I live in a small close of 12 houses. About half have children. Yet they're the ones driving in fast without worrying about what might be in the road. Wonder if it's because they know where their kids are and don't care about anyone elses.
I (63F) have no regrets. And btw, none of my 3 sibs have kids either. After what we put our parents through why would we want to do that to ourselves?
its just personal opinions. i love children and babies, but i dont want any of my own. do what you want, thats all
I love a good non children joke even though I have them. However, I think threatening to to ‘throw rocks’ at a being making noise should be considered offensive. The ‘joke’ specifically singles out a being as less than another (‘I would throw rocks but I don’t want to hit the dog [who is also making noise]). This joke is currently #2 on the list so it’s a popular sentiment. Is it really okay to joke about child violence just because someone is ‘child free’? There can be some funny non children jokes - having more money, more sleep, etc. Even better if those telling the jokes understand those are just stereotypes. However, looking at the comments of these articles can be quite scary. The sentiment boils down to intolerance and even violence towards a subgroup of vulnerable people.
Load More Replies...I won’t be having kids when I get older (asexual), but I think at some point, when I’m really mature and have taken care of a dog, I’d like to adopt. Or foster kids. So I can give them a happy life for the time we have together
I think it's the ones joking about harming OTHER PEOPLE'S children that cross the line. "I'd throw a rock or something but I might hit the dog," "speed up so we might run over a child," etc.... disgusting.
"You will regret it later if you don't have kids." Well, maybe. But what is if I have kids and I regret that? I love kids and I love my niece and nephew. But I am also happy to leave them with their parents and being back in my childfree, quiet home.
I guess it all comes down to some people wanting kids and some not wanting kids. I praise the luck that let me be born in a time and in a society, where I could choose to not have any. I am 70 years and stille happy to know, that I didn't have any. But then I always thought, that if the meaning of life was to procreate, it didn't seem like much of a meaning or much of a life.
Do you know how often childfree people get told they'll change their minds? Or that we are being selfish by not having children? Or who is going to take care of you when you're older? We get mean and condescending comments all the time. If you can't handle the childfree jokes don't look at them.
Load More Replies...I couldn't have children because of physical problems but I was secretly delighted. So many family members pushed this down our throats as being a sin and shame. Do you know how much c**p we have to listen to? Besides in the words of my late father children are sticky.
Then this thread isn't aimed at you, is it? People can laugh and make jokes about how they feel they've benefitted if they want. It doesn't impact you unless you choose to make it. If you're happy with your life choices, then let others say what they want about theirs. There are plenty of 'children say funny things' on BP and if people don't find that amusing they can avoid it. It's your choice what you read! Moaning that you've chosen to read stuff that you found depressing when you must have known after the first one what it would be like, is ridiculous.
Not really the point though, is it? Nate chose to read a 'hilarious childfree' list of memes. What exactly were they expecting? All cosy warmth about children? Of course it's not goign to be!! Dislike it by all means but why come here and whinge about not liking what you chose to read?
Well of course defintions of hilarious vary - that's the point people are making! If it's not something you'd find funny, why on earth then read it?! The heading is rather a clue as to what it's going to be. If I don't like the look of a post, I don't read it. Middle ground in humour... that doesn't tend to be what works.
If those comments were made in jest, were also just memes, then so what? They're just jokes.
If it's funny, then make that joke about cat people. It's only a fine line if you are sensitive to it. I go to a lot of comedy gigs and they do NOT hold back. Going to mind jokes about disabled people? Then don't go and see certain comedians! As a disabled person, I couldn't give a hoot. Sometimes something is just that funny, whether it's harsh or not. You can make a lot of comparisons but the reality is they're still just jokes and really not worth getting that bothered about.
There is a great deal of difference when saying 'they're just jokes' about a list of memes than 'it was just a joke' aimed at an individual that you've just offended personally. One you are choosing to read, the other is inflicted on you.
Which meme do you specifically find offensive? Most of them are jokes about having more money or more sleep, or not being into holding babies. Then there's one making fun of Pope Francis for leading an organization that hides child abusers and ones pointing out how annoying it is to pester others to have kids. Is there one in particular that you think is offensive? Did you even read the posts, or just get mad because it was about childfree people?
Maybe they'd be able to laugh it off and rise above it if there was zero truth in a lot of these memes. The outrage comes across as 'hit a nerve' (yet no doubt that would be denied vociferously). They moan (understandably enough) about how much hard work having children is. How tiring, how expensive. These things are all true but, no, you're not allowed to joke about it in case it upsets parents. Tad precious of them to think they're a group who are untouchable for some reason. Why exactly? Like others have said, no one forced anyone to look at these memes.
Perhaps cause you people always forcing to have kids down everyones throats. Especially Christian hypocrites
I don't remember seeing comments from any of these people offended by this post on the actual memes, so I'm curious about which ones they think are specifically offensive. I also question if he even read it. Every time there's a childfree post, there are people complaining about it. They act like this website never has content about parenting either, even though there was another tweets about parenting recently.
I (63F) have no regrets. And btw, none of my 3 sibs have kids either. After what we put our parents through why would we want to do that to ourselves?
its just personal opinions. i love children and babies, but i dont want any of my own. do what you want, thats all
I love a good non children joke even though I have them. However, I think threatening to to ‘throw rocks’ at a being making noise should be considered offensive. The ‘joke’ specifically singles out a being as less than another (‘I would throw rocks but I don’t want to hit the dog [who is also making noise]). This joke is currently #2 on the list so it’s a popular sentiment. Is it really okay to joke about child violence just because someone is ‘child free’? There can be some funny non children jokes - having more money, more sleep, etc. Even better if those telling the jokes understand those are just stereotypes. However, looking at the comments of these articles can be quite scary. The sentiment boils down to intolerance and even violence towards a subgroup of vulnerable people.
Load More Replies...I won’t be having kids when I get older (asexual), but I think at some point, when I’m really mature and have taken care of a dog, I’d like to adopt. Or foster kids. So I can give them a happy life for the time we have together
I think it's the ones joking about harming OTHER PEOPLE'S children that cross the line. "I'd throw a rock or something but I might hit the dog," "speed up so we might run over a child," etc.... disgusting.
"You will regret it later if you don't have kids." Well, maybe. But what is if I have kids and I regret that? I love kids and I love my niece and nephew. But I am also happy to leave them with their parents and being back in my childfree, quiet home.
I guess it all comes down to some people wanting kids and some not wanting kids. I praise the luck that let me be born in a time and in a society, where I could choose to not have any. I am 70 years and stille happy to know, that I didn't have any. But then I always thought, that if the meaning of life was to procreate, it didn't seem like much of a meaning or much of a life.
Do you know how often childfree people get told they'll change their minds? Or that we are being selfish by not having children? Or who is going to take care of you when you're older? We get mean and condescending comments all the time. If you can't handle the childfree jokes don't look at them.
Load More Replies...I couldn't have children because of physical problems but I was secretly delighted. So many family members pushed this down our throats as being a sin and shame. Do you know how much c**p we have to listen to? Besides in the words of my late father children are sticky.
Then this thread isn't aimed at you, is it? People can laugh and make jokes about how they feel they've benefitted if they want. It doesn't impact you unless you choose to make it. If you're happy with your life choices, then let others say what they want about theirs. There are plenty of 'children say funny things' on BP and if people don't find that amusing they can avoid it. It's your choice what you read! Moaning that you've chosen to read stuff that you found depressing when you must have known after the first one what it would be like, is ridiculous.
Not really the point though, is it? Nate chose to read a 'hilarious childfree' list of memes. What exactly were they expecting? All cosy warmth about children? Of course it's not goign to be!! Dislike it by all means but why come here and whinge about not liking what you chose to read?
Well of course defintions of hilarious vary - that's the point people are making! If it's not something you'd find funny, why on earth then read it?! The heading is rather a clue as to what it's going to be. If I don't like the look of a post, I don't read it. Middle ground in humour... that doesn't tend to be what works.
If those comments were made in jest, were also just memes, then so what? They're just jokes.
If it's funny, then make that joke about cat people. It's only a fine line if you are sensitive to it. I go to a lot of comedy gigs and they do NOT hold back. Going to mind jokes about disabled people? Then don't go and see certain comedians! As a disabled person, I couldn't give a hoot. Sometimes something is just that funny, whether it's harsh or not. You can make a lot of comparisons but the reality is they're still just jokes and really not worth getting that bothered about.
There is a great deal of difference when saying 'they're just jokes' about a list of memes than 'it was just a joke' aimed at an individual that you've just offended personally. One you are choosing to read, the other is inflicted on you.
Which meme do you specifically find offensive? Most of them are jokes about having more money or more sleep, or not being into holding babies. Then there's one making fun of Pope Francis for leading an organization that hides child abusers and ones pointing out how annoying it is to pester others to have kids. Is there one in particular that you think is offensive? Did you even read the posts, or just get mad because it was about childfree people?
Maybe they'd be able to laugh it off and rise above it if there was zero truth in a lot of these memes. The outrage comes across as 'hit a nerve' (yet no doubt that would be denied vociferously). They moan (understandably enough) about how much hard work having children is. How tiring, how expensive. These things are all true but, no, you're not allowed to joke about it in case it upsets parents. Tad precious of them to think they're a group who are untouchable for some reason. Why exactly? Like others have said, no one forced anyone to look at these memes.
Perhaps cause you people always forcing to have kids down everyones throats. Especially Christian hypocrites
I don't remember seeing comments from any of these people offended by this post on the actual memes, so I'm curious about which ones they think are specifically offensive. I also question if he even read it. Every time there's a childfree post, there are people complaining about it. They act like this website never has content about parenting either, even though there was another tweets about parenting recently.