No two generations are the same, which often leads to never-ending discussions or difficulties trying to walk a mile in the other person’s shoes. Quite often, the younger ones feel like their predecessors don’t really get them, which might be true—times are changing at a very fast pace, after all.
The problem is that their life experiences are typically far from what the younger generation is going through now. And that becomes the reason for quite a few fights, and arguably even more jokes, usually at the expense of one of the sides. Yet instead of pouring their frustrations face-to-face, some people share their thoughts online; in brutally honest Tweets, for example. We’ve gathered some of them, this time aimed at the Baby Boomer generation, on this list today. Scroll down to find the Tweets and see what situations usually cause a rift between the generations.
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I bring this up often, it's funny how the modern generation are sensitive snowflakes, but a whole generation of boomers have abandoned Bud Light because of a Trans Model. The amount of boomers I see on social media, complaining about sensitive issues and then add snowflake at the end amuses me so much.
I'll admit Boomers did some great things for society when they were younger. The problem is, they all now vote against the good of the people and instead vote to cut corporate taxes, cut taxes on the rich, restrict and take away women's rights, gay rights, immigrants, etc. This extreme right wing craziness is killing this country. And yes, GenX is to blame as well. I can't believe my generation is so right wing.
Representatives of every generation usually have some specific traits typical to that group. Despite growing up in different families and locations, they boast similarities due to living in the same time and under similar circumstances when it comes to the bigger picture.
For example, the Baby Boomer generation, born in between 1946 and 1964, was largely shaped by coming into this world in the years following World War II and the Great Depression, according to Investopedia. During that time people believed in a safe and prosperous future and were keen on creating a family they’d put off before.
Because most boomers were adults before Saint Reagan was in office. Not me, which is why my retirement plan involves a pine box.
No, global warming is not the fault of the Boomers. We were the first generation to have a growing movement to save the environment. We were in our 20s and 30s then. We reduced pollution and closed the hole in the ozone layer significantly.
The urge to create a family is where the name for the entire generation comes from. Investopedia pointed out that after World War II, there was a sudden increase in birth rates, also known as the baby boom. During that time, in the US alone, the boom brought about 76 million babies into this world.
Up until 2019, Baby Boomers held the title of the largest living adult generation in the US. They were dethroned by Millennials, who, according to Pew Research Center, outnumbered them that year by less than a million—72.1 million Millennials vs. 71.6 million Baby Boomers.
I don't think writing reviews about products and what is wrong with them r=equates to being sensitive.
"The modern generation is lazy" cried the absolute idiot who learned nothing when her parents' generation said the exact same thing about her
Load More Replies...If them being bothered by that bothers you, mabye YOU are too sensitive.
Load More Replies...A friend of mine saw a single video of a capybara, now she's eternally and happily stuck with a for you page full of capybaras
Insider pointed out that Baby Boomers have lived through quite a few significant moments in history. Civil rights movements, politics-related matters, even concerts and music all played an important role in shaping the face of an entire generation. For example, the movement started by Rosa Parks in 1955, Martin Luther King, Jr’s March in Washington in 1963, the election and assassination of John F. Kennedy, even the start of the craze over The Beatles all happened during the Boomer years.
Some men have always worn women's clothes (and vice versa). The problem isn't "boomers," it's political.
Historical context is not the only major influence when it comes to the formation of any generation. Technological advancement has also affected nearly every person there is, and when it comes to Boomers, they have been at the forefront of some of the novelties that we use to this day. Reuters listed some of the inventions by Baby Boomers that changed the world, which include things from DNA fingerprinting to the iconic Apple products, the automated external defibrillator, and even the World Wide Web, among many others.
This is very sad. I think the worst thing the Boomers did around the world was to have too many children. The biggest problem in the world today is, I think, overpopulation.
Hot topic, here. For boomers, including myself, therapy was reserved for serious cases of mental illness and not for conditions considered "minor" at the time. Today, we know very well that there are no cases of minor mental disorders and that we should not ignore them and no longer hesitate to talk about them to a specialist. But preconceived ideas die hard, and it's especially difficult to change your mind about something that has been imposed on you by society from an early age.
Data shows that Boomers and technology are likely a better pairing than some youngsters believe them to be. Pew Research Center revealed that nearly 70% of baby boomers have a smartphone, which they use for everything from connecting to friends and family to managing their finances.
Google reported that over 80% of ‘digital seniors’ use their smartphones every day. In addition to that, 86% of them spend at least six hours a day online and own an average of five devices. Even though the younger generation is often deemed to be glued to their phones, these numbers show that Baby Boomers can be pretty focused on their devices as well.
As a "late Boomer" (meaning, I am not 80, yet) and an artist, I can guarantee that this attitude is transgenerational and plenty of older artists were told pretty much the same thing when they were young. What cracks me up is how many people disparage "artists" until they need something artistic themselves or, even worse, they try to do something having to do with the arts. They are often humbled and discover that being an artist doesn't mean wearing a beret and handlebar mustache while sipping coffee in sight of the Eiffel tower, but rather being able to turn on your creativity even when you don't feel the least bit creative. I do know artists that only work when inspired. They usually tend bar someplace and take medication for anxiety and manic behavior. Creativity is hard work.
I'm not sure about this one. My parents were born during Cold war in Germany which meant: torn country and threat to be in a war zone within minutes, if some politician went crazy. For my dad (and almost every other young man) this meant spending two years of mandatory military service. Also both my parents were brought up in living conditions that are almost unbelievable now but were normal back then for the vast majority: toilet in the backyard for the entire house, bathing once a week, wearing broken clothes of their older siblings, only one warm room in winter. This was the late 60s/ early 70s in Germany. My husband's parents experienced the same, just on the other side of the country in GDR. Maybe they didn't have to care about global warming that much (even though they experienced oil crisis and lived in an area where you could barely hang out your laundry due to coal dust) but I'm pretty sure they had their struggles as well and it wasn't easy-peasy at all.
According to Family Search, technological advancement is one of the reasons Baby Boomers are considered to be resourceful. In addition to that, representatives of this generation are known to value relationships and quality time spent with their family and friends. Family Research pointed out that they’re also goal-oriented and self-assured, showing confidence in themselves and their abilities.
I got my first tattoo in my 50s (I'm a boomer) and now have 6 of them and still plan for the next one and am now 71. A tatoo is art, and appreciate the ones that look good no matter the age of the person wearing the tattoo.
I sure as hell don't want to work. Pity I need food, clothes and a shelter...
The founder of ‘AmeriCulture’, Lawrence R. Samuel, PhD, also discussed Baby Boomer characteristics in an article for Psychology Today, where he revealed the 10 core values of their generation. The author pointed out that despite their age, Boomers are very much focused on youthfulness and gaining knowledge, as well as training the muscle of creativity. They are also not afraid of reinventing themselves and crossing items off of their bucket list.
I have been trying very hard to gently teach my boomer mother that we DO NOT use the same words that she did growing up in the 1950s. It is NOT acceptable to still call people certain racial slurs that were “acceptable” in the 1950s when she was young. It is agonizing work and she is being purposefully obstinate. It’s terrifying to go out in public with her because she may just decide to loudly talk about someone at the next table over and use a racist slur that no one has used since (what feels like) 1890.
Despite the positive qualities and strong values that the Baby Boomers possess, there’s often conflict between them and Millennials, for instance, nevertheless. In another article, Dr. Lawrence R. Samuel pointed out that every younger generation typically has issues with the older one; and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. He emphasized that conflicting views between the two allows us to put things into useful perspective.
Ha. I literally live this one. When I was a kid, my mom was always telling me how her abusive parents beat her for the smallest infractions. But did she break the cycle? Nope! She was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive to me. She still is to this day. Way to go, Mom! You hated your parents and you created the same situation with your child! (Ironically, I’m adopted, and my older sister is my mom’s biological child. My sister was never so much as spanked.)
Even though it leads to disagreements sometimes, communication between different generations can be beneficial in more ways than putting things into perspective. For example, older people who interact with children seemingly have better physical health and are less likely to suffer from depression. In addition to that, intergenerational relationships allow both sides to learn and teach new things, and form connections that make people feel valuable and included.
Its hypocritical to complain about the cost of healthcare when 1)you are the ones still running the show who keep insisting that for-profit is the way to go and 2) you get Medicare, which is socialized medicine forbidden anyone younger than a boomer.
What a load of c**p. There are a******s in every generation, and to label an entire generation like this is just ageist. So it´s not ok to be racist, misogynist or anti-LGBTQ, but it´s fine to hate older people? Yes, I am technically a boomer, on the cusp, and I deeply resent being lumped in with the above PREDJUDICES!
Came to say the same thing.... Absolute BS!! People forget that boomers were hippies, anti war protesters, gay rights activists, fkn Greenpeace was started by boomers..... At least these kids can't generalise Gen Xers..... My generation generally don't give a fk!!!
Load More Replies...Boomers are the true lost generation. Too young for ww2 but just in time for the embarrassing Vietnam War. Just in time for all modern comforts and privileges. Boomers to me as a generation are more entitled than millennials.
I love the way how X Gen is excluded of this whole absurdity of generational confrontations.
Gen X is always just off to the side eating popcorn and enjoying the shitshow!
Load More Replies...Yeah there are a lot of cranky confused old people I. here
Load More Replies...I just love when people assume us "boomers" are all the same. You know, like black people all look alike and eat certain foods, and asians the same way. Really, you are just as racist and ageist as anyone, perhaps more so. I treat ALL people with respect, and don't eat out because I never had the disposable income to do so.
I love the way this post calls out Boomers for their sheer unmitigated gall, and your response is "that's as bad as racism!" It's like you're completely adrift in a world where the most powerful voting block in the Western world is somehow the victim, unable to see reality through a periscope.
Load More Replies...As an American on BP, I get that people dislike being dumped on. As a GenX, I have to stand up for the younger generations. Even now, Boomers (age 59-77) make up 45% of the US House and 66% of the Senate. There has never been a GenX president. We had 4 Boomers, then you handed it over to an even older generation. It's long past time to hand over the reins to the younger generations, who actually have a dog in the fight. Y'all are voting on stuff you won't live to see carried out. But we will. I'm sorry, but you need to open your eyes and see the horrors the youngest generations are facing...which you largely created. You benefitted from the highest tax rates in history, then pushed through multiple tax cuts...and benefit cuts. Every generation has contributed positive things, but we each need to be accountable for the negative things. Maybe y'all were groundbreaking protesters when you were younger, but the late '60s was more than 50y ago. What are you doing NOW?
What's the point of making a post with content you can't disagree with because you'll be downvoted and censored? I guess some people here are not as open to different ideas as they think they are
I've never seen more "This comment is hidden" entries in a single post. Seems like a bunch of people downvoted any comments saying that this is a hateful and negative anti-whatever generation BP post.
I missed being a Boomer by one year and I'm so freaking happy about that
I suspect we Gen Xers are being massively included in the Boomer category.
Load More Replies...Many of these complaints are BS. Many Millennials and all of Gen Z grew up with the Internet and have a distorted view of the world and stupidly worship the rich and famous. Many/most of them completely crumble under even the slightest adversity. And the idiotic comment blaming Boomers for not being able to cook because Home Ec got pulled from school curriculum is just ridiculous. Us Gen X'ers learned one hugely important lesson that these generations refuse to learn, which is that nobody gives AF about you so if you want something you better go out and get it or learn it yourself. Stop whining about how victimized you are when you grew up with absolutely everything. But maybe that's the problem. We spoiled you because we were so neglected and now you think you're entitled to everything without putting in any real effort.
Alot of the posts seem to be completely unaware or at least misinformed as to what a baby boomer is.
Sometimes it feels as if the only thing we can agree on is the cat pictures.
This is mean-spirited even by Bored Panda standards. Seldom have I seen so much hatred, resentment, ignorance, arrogance and just plain bullshït crammed into a single article.
I have never seen so much hatred in a single BP article. Comments truly reflect that and how intolerant many of us are.
Ugh. Stupid and lazy BP nonsense. So much of this isn't about boomers, it's about arseholes. The cultural stuff is almost all about MAGA, conservative, grievance talking points. There are dipsh*ts in every generation, including the BP people who put these divisive lists together....
Wow, that's f*****g wrong. You don't get to redefine a term for an exceptionally politically powerful group and call it the same as a racial slur. Kindly slam your head in the fridge
Load More Replies..."Boomers aren't oversensitive and saying we are is basically racism!"
Load More Replies...What a load of c**p. There are a******s in every generation, and to label an entire generation like this is just ageist. So it´s not ok to be racist, misogynist or anti-LGBTQ, but it´s fine to hate older people? Yes, I am technically a boomer, on the cusp, and I deeply resent being lumped in with the above PREDJUDICES!
Came to say the same thing.... Absolute BS!! People forget that boomers were hippies, anti war protesters, gay rights activists, fkn Greenpeace was started by boomers..... At least these kids can't generalise Gen Xers..... My generation generally don't give a fk!!!
Load More Replies...Boomers are the true lost generation. Too young for ww2 but just in time for the embarrassing Vietnam War. Just in time for all modern comforts and privileges. Boomers to me as a generation are more entitled than millennials.
I love the way how X Gen is excluded of this whole absurdity of generational confrontations.
Gen X is always just off to the side eating popcorn and enjoying the shitshow!
Load More Replies...Yeah there are a lot of cranky confused old people I. here
Load More Replies...I just love when people assume us "boomers" are all the same. You know, like black people all look alike and eat certain foods, and asians the same way. Really, you are just as racist and ageist as anyone, perhaps more so. I treat ALL people with respect, and don't eat out because I never had the disposable income to do so.
I love the way this post calls out Boomers for their sheer unmitigated gall, and your response is "that's as bad as racism!" It's like you're completely adrift in a world where the most powerful voting block in the Western world is somehow the victim, unable to see reality through a periscope.
Load More Replies...As an American on BP, I get that people dislike being dumped on. As a GenX, I have to stand up for the younger generations. Even now, Boomers (age 59-77) make up 45% of the US House and 66% of the Senate. There has never been a GenX president. We had 4 Boomers, then you handed it over to an even older generation. It's long past time to hand over the reins to the younger generations, who actually have a dog in the fight. Y'all are voting on stuff you won't live to see carried out. But we will. I'm sorry, but you need to open your eyes and see the horrors the youngest generations are facing...which you largely created. You benefitted from the highest tax rates in history, then pushed through multiple tax cuts...and benefit cuts. Every generation has contributed positive things, but we each need to be accountable for the negative things. Maybe y'all were groundbreaking protesters when you were younger, but the late '60s was more than 50y ago. What are you doing NOW?
What's the point of making a post with content you can't disagree with because you'll be downvoted and censored? I guess some people here are not as open to different ideas as they think they are
I've never seen more "This comment is hidden" entries in a single post. Seems like a bunch of people downvoted any comments saying that this is a hateful and negative anti-whatever generation BP post.
I missed being a Boomer by one year and I'm so freaking happy about that
I suspect we Gen Xers are being massively included in the Boomer category.
Load More Replies...Many of these complaints are BS. Many Millennials and all of Gen Z grew up with the Internet and have a distorted view of the world and stupidly worship the rich and famous. Many/most of them completely crumble under even the slightest adversity. And the idiotic comment blaming Boomers for not being able to cook because Home Ec got pulled from school curriculum is just ridiculous. Us Gen X'ers learned one hugely important lesson that these generations refuse to learn, which is that nobody gives AF about you so if you want something you better go out and get it or learn it yourself. Stop whining about how victimized you are when you grew up with absolutely everything. But maybe that's the problem. We spoiled you because we were so neglected and now you think you're entitled to everything without putting in any real effort.
Alot of the posts seem to be completely unaware or at least misinformed as to what a baby boomer is.
Sometimes it feels as if the only thing we can agree on is the cat pictures.
This is mean-spirited even by Bored Panda standards. Seldom have I seen so much hatred, resentment, ignorance, arrogance and just plain bullshït crammed into a single article.
I have never seen so much hatred in a single BP article. Comments truly reflect that and how intolerant many of us are.
Ugh. Stupid and lazy BP nonsense. So much of this isn't about boomers, it's about arseholes. The cultural stuff is almost all about MAGA, conservative, grievance talking points. There are dipsh*ts in every generation, including the BP people who put these divisive lists together....
Wow, that's f*****g wrong. You don't get to redefine a term for an exceptionally politically powerful group and call it the same as a racial slur. Kindly slam your head in the fridge
Load More Replies..."Boomers aren't oversensitive and saying we are is basically racism!"
Load More Replies...