Hiii Pandas :3 I Don’t Know Y’all Very Well So Introduce Urselves Here ^v^
I noticed that this site has a bit of a community recently, and I wanna get to know y'all
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Hiii so um im the person who made this post. Anyways, I'm a femboy, I love monsters n' creatures!! Specifically Godzilla, Ultraman, Gamera, and all the silly guys from the Monster Hunter franchise! I also rlly like silly things like Garfield and King of the Hill!
Omg hiiiiii. I'm missmushroom :) do you want to be friends? Sorry about all the downvotes btw, you'll get used to them after a while. Im an anime addict and will mercilessly spew nonsense related to anime. I like mushrooms (mostly because of their cute aesthetic) and my favorite singer is an utaite named Eve (who I will also spew nonsense about 😁👍)
Hello! I’m GhostlySnail, Snail for short. I sometimes go quiet for a while, but don’t worry, I’m still lurking around. :3 I like wildlife, birdwatching, drawing and playing the occasional video game. Have a good day awesome people!
Hi I’m Tyla! I’ve lived all over the country. I just found out I got into Sarah Lawrence which is super exciting mostly bc ik HS is almost over and I worked my a$$ off through some really hard stuff. A lot of ppl I go to school (military area) with, my dad is a higher rank than their parents or their “boss” in simple terms so friends irl are hard. Ppl are either overly nice to me or just ignore me. Can’t wait to go to NY, I’ll m gonna live the first year off campus with my cousin and his husband till I get used to NYC on my own but I lived around NJ/NYC from 5th to 7th grade so I’m not totally unfamiliar. I’m really excited!!!!
hii i’m shy dragon u could call me shy if u want :).
i use WAAAAY too many emoticons; too much for my own good :)
i possibly (probably) have a mental disorder or am neurodivergent or both.
i am nonbinary and my preferred pronouns are they/them/theirs but if you have a problem with that you can use she/her/hers :)
i’m supposed to be sleeping rn.
i love after eights, hp, httyd, SQUISHMALLOWS!!, plushies and cute stuff in general, music, posters, books, succulents, drawing and baked beans. and toast. i dislike avocado, mosquitoes, fire alarms (the one at my old school made me traumatised O-O), they grey part of fish, tomatoes, the lumps in strawberry jam (which ppl say are strawberries??) and pineapple curry sauce. i don’t like saying bad things about food, but, that stuff is NASTY.
i am having way too much fun writing this XD.
i’m ur local neighbour nerd :)
i like british voices for some reason 🤔
i’m british 🇬🇧
ducks are cute.
some (that i remember rn)of my favourite youtubers are Grian, CallmeKris (is it called that?? or with a k or in multiple words??), art stuff, Millie Mc something that i don’t remember 😭 💀 and her girlfriend Bluenbroke or something.
you see, i should go to bed so i’m kinda weird rn
my mind is messed up.
i like science and psychology but i don’t want to be a psychologist.
i want to be an author, illustrator or scientist or doctor.
bye people.
dam 🦫 this is longer than my bio maybe i should put this as my bio?