I think it’s explained in the title!


AITA for biting that kid down the street? Full story: He had bacon.



Am horse. Hooman took me for ride with my sister and her dad in a new pasture, i no liked it. I threw her off and her dad got on me to see if i would be good boy. Was not. Threw mean dad into tree and his arms no work good no more and his head hurt. AITA?



From my guinea pigs perspective: I squeak and wheek and squeal and chirp until I get food. Then I eat the food, then I scream some more. Life is food. Food is life.



Aita because I locked my fostermommy and brother out when they didn't let me go outside with them? My fostermommy had to call a glazier who broke the window for her to ler her in costing her 100 euros. I believe you have to train your humans (I'm a cat) but my mom says I'm a little ahole for doing it. She still adopted me though, so I think it worked.


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(Pyrenees mix) sat on human lap, got a scratch then p*ss*ed on human lap. Aita?



not rlly good with this but here it goes...

AITA? am (10F) a cat named Moo who loves food. am scream in my roommates (14F , 18M ) ears until they gimme food. They do not like it and finally give into giving me food. I waste a lot of energy and time and I think they should respect that and gimme food faster.


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I am Ulysses (5NM), a tri-point ragdoll cat. I try to keep my older brother, Gambit (8NM) (black domestic shorthair), away from mama always because I'm worried I won't be loved even though I get *tons* of affirmation. Also I don't understand when my brother doesn't want to play, even though he hisses and swipes at me when he isn't in the mood. Mama says I need to pay attention to Gambit more, but I think he just needs to learn to play with me when I want to. Also, mama belongs to me. AITA?


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Im a small doggo, i used to pee on my human’s leg to claim them as mine but for some reason the human didn’t like it! AITA?



AITA? am a cat lemme show you ma agenda for tonight
-climb up da cuwtains
-scweam coz i cant get down fwom da cuwtains
-keep scweaming until ma hooman wakes up to hewp me down
-sit and stawe cweepily at hooman
-oh noes hooman eyes cwosed, must walk all over deir face to make sure hooman is awake
-hooman open eyes and talk woudwy at me
-hooman eyes cwosed, must get revenge for hooman talk woudwy at me so I attack deir feet toes
-oh wook its 5 am, must become a pewsonall awarm cwock
-hooman awake, now gimme da foodz
-im sweepy, I go to sweep in ma bowl wifout eating


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I am HENRI!! I am exuberant kitten of 0 years yet. At night when my mom moves in sleep, I take one big bite out of her knee. As one does! She gets mad but started it ! ! AITA?


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am most beautiful cat in the world.
eat mice on a regular basis and than come home, cry for expensive food anyway, then throw up mouse+food all over the kitchen. then am hungry again and hooman seems unhappy. AITA?


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AITA for waiting until I was on the Zoom call with the vet to s**t down my owners hands/the laptop keyboard?


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Lil' doggo here. I'm a territorial and protective breed and I don't like it when people or other dogs go near my hooman family. One time, a stranger came into the house and hugged my hoomans and ate dinner with them. I barked and growled as much as I could but my hoomans kept telling me to 'stop that, it's just Uncle George' and to 'leave him alone'. AITA for disobeying my hoomans?


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AITA for always shoving my brother (Boo) out of the way when I want attention?

(from my dog's perspective)


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(Cat) Aita for scratching my human to the point that they had to put ice on it because they picked me up to help me catch a bug?


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AITA? i waz a spoted, twelv yer old boi named Zoden. My hoomans had bot a huge bag of expensiv bred rols, and i et them all and my hoomans told me i had a dishtended bewwey, watever that mens



I am dog. I just thunk it time to chew up hooman stuff instead of toys.


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Am Sam (4y, m, guinea pig). Am loving my water bottle with ball init. Also have drinking trough right next to it but like to inform hooman that I love water from water bottle with loud rattling noises. Informing hooman every midday recently between chewing a few bites of hay. Hooman this month always looking at me middays, saying weird things in hooman language like "Really? Always when I try to concentrate on that stupid assignment?"


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AITA for ripping my moms new bag for treats???


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If human no let me eat from kitty litter why taste good
- Leonardo, 6 1/2 yrs, Dog


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My humans are always serving me, as I am God (Yes, shes a cat). But sometimes when they are eating they're servant food, it smells really good, and I want to have some. Please forgive me for wanting to eat peasant food. I will walk over to them and demand a taste of their food by slinking around their legs. They often trip a lot because of this and they laugh and call me "the tripper" and such names. How dare they call their God names! Anyhow, AITA?



Whenever my hooman opens his door at night I run inside his room. But he always hates it because he likes to sleep with the door closed. So he shoos me to his girlfriends room. AITA I just want a quick peek inside.


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Hello. My name is Oliver. I am a 25 lb. black mutt. I have a little brother named Vinnie. He is a 100 lb. gray chow mix. I love my little brother, but is is important to make sure he knows that I am the top dog around here. I remind him of this by frequently peeing on him - usually on his head when he is sniffing something on the ground. When my mom catches me doing this she gets frustrated and scolds me. But I really like peeing on Vinnie's head, and he doesn't seem to mind. AITA? I don't think I am.


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I (6yrs old/M) am a black cat named Remy.

I constantly steal food from others that is clearly theirs and do this even when they are tired and frustrated. AITA?


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backround: I (6f beagle mix) have a reputation of tearing apart rabbits much to the annoyance and disgust of the peasants (50f, 46m, 17m, 14f) that live in my house I also share the house with Boomer (10m GSP). Recently I caught a robin, and went to MY room (the peasants claim it's the 14 yo peasants room but whatever, I threw up the robin, and a pool of congealed blood, 14yo peasant walks into the room after a shower and steps in it. Boomer says that I was TA here that the pesant started crying, (she's autistic). So tell me AITA


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AITA for bringing two dead mice and 1 alive one into the house, the alive one slowly bleeding out on the nice carpet?
Full story: It was running and smelled good. I brought it inside and started eating it, the blood on the carpet and my owners saw it and I ran. I then ran past them, upstairs to pretend that I was never there. AITA?


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AITA for biting my owner's finger because she refused to give me millet today? I didn't have millet for the last two years even though flair said I had some yesterday. AITA?


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I am a cat, an intelligent cat. I've always been very serious, even as a kitten, when I played very seriously. My humans played with me then but once I grew up and put away my childish toys, they never even spoke to me. And so I stopped meowing. What's the point, if no one's listening?
There's also a dog living here. When they come home, the humans make a big fuss over him and of course he loves it. But they never even look at me. I sleep most of the day because I'm suffering from depression.
But they don't ignore me anymore. They finally discovered youtube and have begun making videos. They like to tease me to get me to do things that they think are amusing. They love putting paper bags over my head to watch me try to get free. Once they put me in a box, with holes cut into the bottom, pulling my legs out of them. They shut up the box and watched me try to get out, try to walk around, banging my head on the wall.
What am I to do? Discuss the problem and try to reach a solution? In what language?
Not being able to do anything, I finally started being passive/aggressive. I started knocking their things off tables and shelves. They're just little inexpensive knickknacks. Half the time they don't even break. And they make videos of that, too, calling me a jerk for doing it.


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