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The sky was grey, the color I needed to make my heart, hard as stone and without fear. I thought I knew what what coming when it started, when they took her, with her beautiful hair and gleaming eyes. My own eyes fill with tears that I try to push back as I remember her horror struck face. It shouldn't have been her, she should be sitting next to me, we should be on my lawn gazing at the stars. We should be gossiping about our classmates, resting our heads on eachother. We should be together, we should be happy, and safe.But here I am, hiding in a log, damp, and chilled to the bone, not just from cold, but terror too. And who knows where she is, likely somewhere worse than I. I scan the land and the large figures of guards continue to march, patrolling the area. They might be looking for me, but that's unlikely, I'm just a speck of dust next to their vast empire.

That's about ten minutes, comment for more



    I used the Ernest Hemingway route -
    It was a sad day, an angel joined the heavens


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    Ok so this guy, he walked up so this fish and the fish was like “Wasup, welcome to Mr. Fish’s Wisdom! I’m here to give you WISDOM!!” Then a narrator said “Ketchup, we all know it’s tomatoes but how is it made?” Then a tomato popped up out of no where and a hand grabbed it “Well, you see, they take a tomato and squeeze it like this” the hand squeezed the tomato and juice came out and landed in a small bowl. “Now here’s the important part. UPS takes a plane and ships the tomato juice to the magical fairy who turns it into ketchup!”



    The fog swirled through the twisted and deformed trees, giving the forest an eerie, supernatural look. I steeled myself for what was to come and stepped into the woods. The trees seemed to stretch towards me and I started breathing quickly, trying to calm myself as claustrophobia was one of my greatest problems. An animal of some sort cried out nearby, a cold and raw sound that increased my heart rate.

    I wiped my brow and continued forward. I needed to find what I was looking for- no matter what I had to go through to get it. It was my only hope, the only way to saved the ones I loved.

    A dark figure stepped out from the shadows and placed a hand on my shoulder. I gasped but then leaned into him.

    "Kiru!" I breathed in relief.

    "You came," he replied. "I wasn't sure you would."

    "I- I almost didn't, but you know how much I need-"

    His face hardened and his voice assumed a cold edge. "Very well, if that's all."


    He turned away, taking his hand off of my shoulder, and began leading me through the tangle of trees. I followed mournfully. He didn't understand how much I needed what I was after. My heart could bear both him and it in mind, though, and I was sure I longed for both equally.

    "Kiru, I-" I try.

    "Quiet, now. There are things in these woods that would not hesitate to attack you." Then, after a pause, he added, "Though I would surely do my best to keep you from them."


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know, it's pretty bad. I don't usually write stuff like this but it was only 10 minutes and I didn't give myself any time to think. 😬

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    I was running through a field of pure gold. Right behind me, was him. He looked over at me and grinned. I grinned back. We were together. We would stay in the sunshine forever. But suddenly a dark form came and grabbed him, snatched him away from me. He was gone, he's now gone forever. I start screaming, and I wake up. I had that horrible nightmare again. He's not gone. He's right here with me. I look over on the other side of the bed. It's empty. I get up and go to the kitchen. My mom is there. When did she get here? That's when I remember. Today is the funeral. He died. He's really gone forever. I start crying, and my mom comes over to me, hugging me. My sobs shake my body. He's never coming back. He suddenly walks into the room. He's alive! I stop crying and run to him, smiling. I tell him not to scare me like that again. Behind my back, my mom just shakes her head and says to herself, "I feared this would happen. She's hallucinating. The poor girl, to suddenly lose her husband in war, and think he's still alive. Well, I should consult the doctor.." My mom walks away, leaving me with my husband, staring kindly at me. I grin at him. I knew he wouldn't leave me. He never will.

    Wow.....I didn't mean for that story to turn out that sad....


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    "Marky. Marky wake up. Wake up!" I shook his head vigorously, "It's sunrise; c'mon, we gotta go back to the Shed, or before they come out."

    Sure enough, the moon was setting. It was December 31rst, 3117. Nearly forty-seven years since it began. Nearly forty-seven years of torture. Perhaps next year... I mused, knowing full well it wouldn't happen.

    Marky groaned, stirring, "W-what time is it?"

    I rubbed the dirt off of my fading watch and squinted, "6:23 AM."

    "S**t!" he bolted up, "We gotta hurry!"

    "No kidding, sherlock" I replied. I've learned long ago that cracking jokes was a much better way to cope than breaking down in tears.

    "But..." he hesitated, "What about the supplies? We haven't managed to get any, and Ocean will be displeased."

    I'd forgotten about that. No supplies meant no food. No food meant hunger. Hunger meant weak wills. And weak will meant... I shuddered. Better not think about that.

    I mustered a brave smile, "No worries; we can handle one night without supplies."

    It was true- it's happened before. But this was going to be the third day in a row where the teams came back empty-handed.

    Marky was quiet for a moment, "Remember our talk last night? It wouldn't be so bad if we-"

    "No." I interrupted forcefully, "I refuse to give in to... to them."

    "But..." he trailed off.

    "No. End of discussion."


    As we neared the Shed, the sun started rising. I cursed myself internally. We should've woken up earlier. Hopefully, they wouldn't come out this early today. Hopefully.

    A piercing howl echoed off of the deserted buildings. An answering howl came- much closer. Marky froze.

    "Did you hear that?"

    I nodded, then motioned for him to be silent. Peeking out of the corner, I saw a horde of them. They seemed to be pretty sluggish since it was still so early.

    I rotated my fist at Marky. That was the signal for a sighting. He paled.

    Dropping my fist, I began the traditional countdown. Three fingers... two fingers... one finger...

    We shot off towards the shed. Barely getting past them before they noticed. The entire horde turned around and started to chase us. They "ran" at a jogging speed now, but as the sun rose, they got faster. We sprinted with all our might, hoping to reach the Shed before they speed up too much. Then we'll be safe.


    We've been running for what seemed like hours but must've been only minutes when they started gaining. Knowing that we weren't anywhere near the Shed, I curved off towards an abandoned building. Hopefully, we'll buy some time there and hold them off until a plan is formed.

    We reached the stairwell just in time. As the door slammed, the first... things smashed into it. They were close enough to taunt now. Their faces twisted into cruel smirks, and they crooned to us:

    "Why not join us... there will be no more starvation... no more pain... no more fighting. Give in, and have eternal peace."

    A familiar face turned to Marky, "Your mother wouldn't be drunk, your father wouldn't have died. Your sister's already with us... and she's so happy now... We wouldn't hurt you, I promise. After all, you can trust your old babysitter... right?"

    Marky froze, sweating.

    "No Marky," I said, "They're lying!"

    Another face turned to me, "And you, my dear... you would be happy too, you know. You could join your precious-"

    I grabbed Marky's hand and ran up the stairs, ignoring the sweet nothings emanating from the door.

    "What do we do?" asked Marky.

    I bit my lip, "I don't know"

    AN: 10 minutes is up- it's not really finished, if you want more you can comment I guess.


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    I never thought it would end this way.
    I stared at the blank space behind their eyes as they turned to me, void swirling behind their vision and engulfing their entire mind. I knew they could never come back from this - I SHOULD have known a while ago - but the gutwrenching feeling of pure terror and utter heartbreak shocked me to my soul's core.
    They let out a laugh, one of manic wildness and surprise and delight and complete unhinged insanity. So loud and raw that the air dropped to a deathly chill, so cold my bones were frozen in place.
    So much power.
    Not just any power, thiers.
    I knew then that as they had claimed it, there was no going back.

    I wrote this at 4am after reading The Song Of Achillies and my energy is running on adrenaline, knowledge of the inevidable death of space time, and exactly one lollipop, so please excuse any errors!


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    The voice echoes in my head.
    There's no time.
    It's coming soon.
    There's no-
    "We've..." started Dr. Vinsacter, wearily.
    "We've...I'm afraid we've lost them..."


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    The man ran blindly through the forest. He had no time to rest. They were after him. He didn’t know where to go, but he knew he needed to hide. He finally found a small clearing surrounded by trees. He climbed up the closest one and concealed himself as much as possible. After a few minutes, he heard footsteps coming closer and closer. They were looking for him. He tried to stay as still as possible, hoping that would be enough to make them lose interest.


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    So there it was. Right there, embedded in the tree, waiting for him to grab it, right then, right there. He didn’t dare reach up for it — he would fall. On that notion, he looked down anxiously. He was faced with 50 feet full of thick, firm branches perfect for climbing up. No one knew that the most valuable objects in magical history were right above him, embedded in the dark, rough bark. But that was exactly the problem. They were embedded in the bark. There was literally no other way to extract them other than to cut them out. The objects themselves weren’t embedded, but they were in a pouch that was. He could barely make out the shape of the ring toward the bottom. He decided he’d have to camp up in the tree for the night. If he camped at the base of the tree, he could be easily spotted and killed by his enemies. Assuming they're smart enough to figure out that these items are hidden in the forest. But he couldn’t take any unnecessary risks.

    comment for more and i'll post what i have so far ;)


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