I will rate the scary stories on a spooky scale of 1-10 spooky ratio! 1 meaning not scary at all, 10 meaning I pooped my pants!


I aimed the gun at the sicko who killed my wife. If only he could say something I wouldve spared him. But a newborn cant talk.



    My mother might be the best children serial killer out there, she only has to say one thing to the parents when they asked where their child is
    " im sorry we did everything we could"👩🏻‍⚕️



    Once upon a time in a deep forest, there stood a small cottage. Inside this old cottage, there lived a old woman. Every year during the summer she would go out to gather red berries, medium-sized sticks, and leaves. When she went back into her home, she would set down the items. She went over to her boiling cauldron and drank a bitter substance that smelled of burnt oil, and strong acid. She lit a fire, then encountered a spell. She then crushed the red berries in her hand into the fire, they represented human blood. Then she tossed the sticks in that represented the human bones. The leaves she threw in the leaves. They represented the skin of humans. After she finished the potion, her skin smoothed, her hair softened, her back straitened, her bones were stronger. Her hair turned from grey to dark black, and the wrinkles in her eyes vanished. She had become a young woman.



    Heres a buster! Now its time for YOU to rate ME!!!

    There was 3 girls at a sleepover, they decided to play a scary game called "the window" what they had to do was open a window and invite a spirit in... Baad idea..

    Later that night, they heard scratching at the window. One friend told the others to lay still... She cant know your awake..

    Earlier that morning, when they woke up, the window was wide OPEN!!! And one of the girls had disappeared...

    It was morning, but pitch black in the hallway, they ran to the bathroom in terror... Later that night, one of the girls peeked through the door of the bathroom, and at the end was the silhouette of a woman who shrieked, "NOW I KNOW YOUR AWAKE" and started chasing them until they hid in the basement and locked it..

    Right away they knew she was gone..

    But then the womans boney hands wrapped around both their necks and said "go to sleep now..."



    my mom went through my search history



    A girl, young and pretty, walked down a dark road on her way home from work. She only lived about two blocks from her work place and thought, "why use a car when it's such a short distance?" The girl felt that someone or something was watching her, but when she turned around, she didn't see anything. She picked up the pace a little, wanting to get home quickly. The girl didn't see the man standing not even five feet from her, because he was a phantom. He walks to her and touches her face, which makes her break out in goosebumps. The man then hits her in the head with a rock. When the girl wakes up, she's in a dark room. No windows, one door, and a single bed. No source of light, she uses the light from her phone to light her way, but the darkness is too overwhelming for the tiny light on her phone. The darkness swallows it up. Her breathing is heavy and quick and she's sweating. Using the wall to guide her way to the door, she moves slowly, as to not trip over her own feet. Only pausing when she hears noises. Just as the girl reaches her escape route, the door slowly swings open. It thuds against the wall and the same man walks through the doorway. Although she can only see the silhouette of the man, she can hear his smile as he speaks, "don't worry, daughter, you will be very safe here..."


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    sam puckett
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *spooky moosic* OOH spooky!!! I rate it a 8/10 spooky phantom dads!!

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    Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His name was Derek. Derek always wen't to the well and sit there to read his favorite book. Next Wednesday, Derek wen't by the well again to read his favorite book when a man approached him. "Hello there, little man," the man said. Without any words, Derek ran to his home, into his room, and shut his door, making sure it was locked. He goes to draw the man and place the picture with the other pictures of the man. The next day, hismom callled him down for breakfast. But when he reached the kitchen where his parents were, he was shocked. His mother's head was on the burning hot stove with an ax in her head and his father grabbed the ax and said, "Hello there, little man. Ready to be served?" Part 2 will be in the comments...


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    sam puckett
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When i read the words "ready to be served", i started humming, "be our guest be our guest put our service to the test tie your napkin round your neck cherí and we'll provide the rest"

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    POEM: Is That Too Much To Ask?

    All we want is to have leaders like us. Women, with POWER.
    Is that too much too ask?
    All we want is equal pay, equal opportunities to get dinner on the table.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want are women we can look up to and teach our daughters to look up too.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is half and half, not a “fair” 99-1 representation.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is to walk home safely.
    Is that too much to ask?
    A all we want is not being laughed at for having a weight and shamed after we are pressured into skin and bones.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is to walk home without glancing around and praying we can walk faster.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is no more tsk, tsks when we wear suits or cropped clothes because they make us confident about our bodies.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is to not have to grow a fear of bars before we even go because of the dangers they might bring.
    Is that too much to ask?
    All we want is for that little girl not to be scolded and told “boys will be boys!” After she is shoved to the ground during recess.

    All we want is human decency- for us and our sisters in this never-ending battle which is denied every day.
    Is that too much to ask?



    This story isn’t fiction, but before I was born, my family was doing a tour of our house before we moved in and the front door was locked. They walked around, praying and blessing everything. Right as they got to the part of the prayer where it said to ward off evil spirits, the door opened and closed. The door was locked the whole time.


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    sam puckett
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would like a part 2!! But its pretty spooky!!! I rate it a 6/10 spooky doors!!

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    A girl heard her mom tell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to them stairs, her mom pulled her into a room and said in a quiet voice, "I heard that too"



    Heres another one!!! Since you like my stories!

    My dad always told me to eat whatever i killed. One day i accidentally killed him by knocking him down the stairs. I cried as i went to fetch the axe and warm the stove.



    Once upon a time, a straight boy told a lesbian he could change her mind.

    *shudder* i get chills reading that. scariest thing ever amiright.



    Mines kinda long so here is the link



    Once Rick Riordan... killed Leo Valdez. So the fangirls killed him.



    I farted, and my crushed heard it.



    I was washing dishes when I heard my daughter crying and as I walked towards her room it got more clear. It was only when I stepped into her room that I realized the cries were on a loop.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams.

    I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream. But as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard a knocking sound. At first I thought it was at the window, but I looked in horror as she tapped on the mirror, her whispers calling me to let her in


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    sam puckett
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, these seem like the ones from the 2 sentance scary stories posts...

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    It's a poem but I hope you don't mind.
    Father has been buried,
    Mother's on deathbed.
    Dark memories and angst-filled thoughts mess with my head.
    But listen close, dear reader
    For the darkest thing is this
    The meat in my soup last night
    Was absolutely his.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I never beleived my sister who said her mirror image threatened to replace her. This was only until my right handed sister came home from school and used her left hand to do her homework


    See Also on Bored Panda

    True story

    Bieng abused by your dad for 3 years despite loving him with all your heart. And then finding out your never see him again.

    Im a teen I found this out yesterday



    (plz don't eat me alive, I'm sorry if it's long)

    she walks through the forest angry with herself, "I'm 20 and I'm single, have a minimum wage, AND am a complete disappoint to my family!" maria shouts, "sometimes I just wan-" she gets cut off by rustling in a bush. "aww...only been watching her for over a year...and I think she will be my lovely lover" he thinks while in the bush. "I'm not gonna check out that bush" maria thinks as she runs away "I ain't dumb like people in horror movies," she says. she runs as fast as she can...seconds turn to minutes to hours then maria just walks, exhausted and she falls on the ground and looks around her, then that's when she realized she was running in a loop "im-impossible" she thinks "there's a city over there right?" she walks over with her energy draining from her and as soon as she walks past a red tree she appears back at another red tree.."n-no...i-" maria falls on the floor, then soon starts crying "and this is where it ends" she thinks. just then a man with weapons on him shows up, picks up maria, and hugs her tightly "don't worry...zero's got you." maria then wakes up in a room consumed by darkness, she gets off the bed and with her hand on the walls walks out. she also finds a flashlight and turns it on "better" she thinks, then she feels someone breathing on her neck before anything something grabs her hips "hi maria, don't worry the poison doesn't hurt you but you may feel dizzy. and sooner or later, you are mine."


    See Also on Bored Panda

    people finally got rid of covid but covid's ghost came back a-and murdered the people and the earth got burned to ashes



    His father threw the ax at him, cutting his hand off. As Derek looked at the bone from his arm then looked at his twitching hand, his father turned into a shadow, then, into.... the man. Derek found a clotch to cover it up so his blood marks wont reveal where his locaton is as he was in pain and ran to his neighbor's house, crying. His friends, Mark and Elmo, saw his arm and ran to Mark's parents with Derek. Mark asked, "Who did this to you?" Derek explained how the man in his pictures was his dad and what the man did to his mom. Mark, his parents, and Elmo were in fear as they heard a knock. Mark's mom went and opened the door. As the rest saw Mark's mom. Mark and his dad and grew into tears as Mark's mom got dragged outside, screaming. With the door closing, soon the screams were over. They stayed there until the door opened, where Mark's mom was thrown in, but her organs removed and her eye sockets filled with tiny glass shards. Mark and his father rushed and hugged Mark's mom, but soon, the man threw a hatchet at Mark's dad and stabbed Mark in the right lung. Derek and Elmo already escaped using Mark's secret zipline before the man made it upstairs. Soon, they were in the woods, right where the zipline ended. as they walked, they found two flashlights, press flashlights where you have to squeeze a button in order to charge the flashlight. as they charged the flashlight, they heard a whistling noise. It was the man, and he grabbed Elmo and cut his arm off, as Elmo was in pain. Elmo sooned passed out. As Derek started running, the man caught up to him, picked him up, and threw him to the ground. He picked up his pistol, cocked the gun... then there was a bang. The man dropped the gun.The man had a hole in his head. Derek got up and looked in suprise. It was Mark and he was holding a pistol. Mark looked at Elmo and rushed to him. He picked up Elmo and called 911. the police arrived and saw Mark's parents. The police saw Mark and Derek with Elmo enter the house. The police pointed the gun at Mark. Mark realized and set the gun down. He told them that he called them and that they need to send him and Elmo to the hospitial. With the police, Derek explained everything. One of the officers told him how that was his dad and how he was wanted for murdering 22 people, 2 kids, 7 women, and 13 men. Derek's dad was wanted for nearly 2 years. Mark, and Elmo were at the hospitial. 4 months later, Derek was hanging out with Mark and Elmo when they ran and told Derek to follow them. Derek was confused until he felt a sharp sting in his chest. He looked and saw a long knife stick out of his chest. Then he heard a whisper saying, "Welcome home, Derek."


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    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg this took me 42 minutes to complete. Also secrets, In real life, I was actually stabbed in my right lung. I used my bored panda account name which is easy to see. Btw this is part two of the story. One more secret is from Elmo. I forgot who but one of my siblings wanted to do surgery on Elmo's arm and removed it. Luckly I was able to reattach his arm back :) I also forgot that Derek had his hand cut off and his arm was bandaged by Mark's

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    The day was dark and shrouded in thick clouds, blocking the beams of sunlight.
    A woman watched as her young son, Henry, was playing on the grass in the backyard. She paced inside and started making dinner. The woman cracked open the window to peer at Henry. But he was gone. She ran outside and called, “Henry! Henry!”
    An eerie laugh ring through her ears. The woman looked some more but her son was gone. A tear dripped down her cheek as she turned around to go back inside. But, a rustling in the hedge caught her attention. The sorrowful mother ran and parted the leaves, “oh Henry, you scared me so mu-“
    She blinked, her son turned around. Henry sat in the bushes. He smiled a creepy grin as he turned towards her. His eyes were filled with black. “Hello mommy,” he giggled. Henry got to his feet and grabbed his mother lovingly by the neck. The woman chuckled and swung him around.
    “Oh Henry, you worried me. Stay in my sight next time.”

    Then he squeezed his mother and choked her to death.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    the pain was too much. I screamed and tried o escape his grasp but it was too late the knife went into my stomach. When i woke up there was a bandage on me and i was in my bed, at first I thought it was a dream but then i saw the bandage, in the exact Sam place i had been stabbed, with horror i realized this wasn’t even my bedroom!! The man walked in and began to laugh, teleporting me form room to room, all the the while,scratching and tearing apart my Brain. Within seconds I was dead. I breatehed a sigh of relief as my spirt escaped my writihing body, I was finally dead. I teleported to the man, and gave him my money. ‘’ thank you Lucifer. ‘’ i said ‘’ I couldn’t do it myself. ‘’ my pleasure he said, and dissapeared.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    "HELP!" she cried, but there was no one there. Dead corpses littered the floor, and the air smelled like death. Roaches, spiders, rats, all sorts of creatures stirred. Distant screams echoed through the walls. This place is creepy, she thought. She heard steps, and she cowered in the corner. A hooded character stood at the doorway. Death? she wondered, or saviors? She felt something hit her head, and the world went black. She sits up, and she was now in a bedroom with moth-eaten curtains and dusty furniture. A figure stood in the corner.
    "So. You've woken up." he says in an even voice. Red eyes glowed under the black hood. Weapons were attached to his belt. "Now. Do me a favor and tell me about yourself."
    "I-I'm Y/N. I-I like archery and hunting. I don't know why I'm here." you manage to get out.
    "So. Y/N. Allow me to introduce myself. But you might recognize me the second I take off my hood." he says, and pulls down his hood.
    "Zack Valverde." you breathe. He's been on the news for the past two months.
    "Yes." he says, his red eyes meeting your (eye color) ones.
    "W-Why am I here?" you say, bracing yourself for pain.
    "Welcome to the Mafia, Y/N." he says with an evil smile.


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